Wolf's Love

Chapter 4

Milk and Dog Food

Qiao Qian found Xu Bei a house on the outskirts. It is said that he could see farmland within 20 minutes of walking. However, Xu Bei has not gone out to verify it. He has been lying in bed for a full half of a month, drinking milk when he is thirsty, he doesn"t even wash or bathe by himself, but if it were not for being unable to hold it in, he really wouldn"t even bother to go to the toilet either.

Qiao Qian originally intended to send some congee and whatnot over every day, but Xu Bei declined.

Ban Datong had long since well familiarized himself with the very few friends he had that could all be counted on his fingers. He is actually not afraid that Ban Datong would be able to follow after Qiao Qian and find him, his life is cheap. He will always find a way to escape. Being unable to run away is no more than being wordlessly put to death by Ban Datong who has been looking for a place to bury him. According to his d.a.m.n mother"s theory, he should have just ended his suffering by dying quickly and being reincarnated. He was only afraid that Ban Datong would do something to Qiao Qian.

Xu Bei doesn"t believe that there is anything good about himself. In reality, he can really be cold-blooded. He doesn"t care what someone will do because of him, however, there are several people that will from beginning to end be his weakness, such as Qiao Qian and Ye Minmin.

Thus, after Qiao Qian put down two boxes of milk and a bag of dog food, he no longer appeared in this inconspicuous and small single-story house in the outskirts, but left Xu Bei with a mobile phone and asked to receive a text message from Xu Bei every day.

"If I don"t receive it one day, I will come over right away. If I can"t see you, I will call the police."

The little wolf was settled in the back of the small single-story house in the so-called courtyard that was less than 2 square meters. Every day, like Xu Bei, he only drank milk.

Xu Bei drank milk every day to the point he wanted to throw up, his burps were suffused with a milky taste, even the water buffalo that occasionally pa.s.ses through the small pathway outside the window can sniff out the sickening milky smell through the cow dung.

The little wolf drank with unfettered happiness and could lower its head and drink dry a large case of it. When he first brought it back, it appeared to be less than twenty pounds. As this week pa.s.sed by, Xu Bei doesn"t know whether it was listless or fattened up, Xu Bei grabbed it by the back of its neck and he could unexpectedly carry it and move it around by its little scruff.

"Come and let your Dad take a look at your teeth." Xu Bei pried its mouth open and found that apart from the four canines, other teeth have also begun to emerge, it should be able to eat dog food.

He walked over to the room holding the dog food bag and the little wolf followed at his heels. Except for not wagging its tail, it also has never opened its mouth before to bark. The little wolf gave Xu Bei the feeling of it being a puppy. He sometimes even wondered whether or not that old villager made an error of judgment at that time.

This little thing is very sticky. As soon as Xu Bei blinks every morning. The first thing he sees is the gray-brown eyes of the little wolf.

It"s very cold today, there is no heating in this room and there also isn"t a heatable brick bed, so the electric blanket was used, and on top of that, his body still feels weak, so sometimes Xu Bei is unwilling to think about leaving the quilt. The little wolf can only stare at him like this, continuously and impatiently look at him until he gets out of bed.

"Eat," Xu Bei put the dog food soaked in milk in front of the wolf and looked at it as he crouched down on the ground. He wasn"t even crouching for more than a few seconds before it became a bit difficult to manage, his legs didn"t have any strength, and the wound was stretched taut as if it were going to split open again. He could only stand up once more and feel like an old man in his 70"s or 80"s who was about to go lay in a coffin in tears, "Well f.u.c.k me!"

The little wolf looked up and stared at Xu Bei for a moment, seemingly determining whether or not he would suddenly topple over.

"Eat yours, you look stupid." Xu Bei stretched his foot and gave a soft kick to its rear and went back to the side of his bed to lie down, staring blankly at the wallpaper across the roof already coming off as if there had never been wallpaper in the first place.

The little wolf lowered its head and began to eat like a newborn. No, like it was the first time in its life where it needed to use its teeth for food.

Xu Bei stayed still for a moment, touched the mobile phone placed under his pillow and sent a safe and sound text message to Qiao Qian, I am still alive.

Qiao Qian replied stated, proceed staying alive.

Xu Bei smiled and held the phone a little lost in thought. His fingers pressed down on a few numbers on the keyboard, yet thought it over and deleted them. After a while, he couldn"t help but take out the mobile phone again, press down on the same numbers. He listened to the ring-back tone that had never changed in his phone. He speculated about what Xu Ling would be doing at this time.

"h.e.l.lo." Xu Ling"s exhausted voice transmitted out

"You pull an all-nighter?" Xu Bei asked.

"Xu Bei?" Xu Ling has not once called him brother ever since he was in junior high school. He always called him by his name. The reason being that Xu Bei is not like a brother to him.


"Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing, how have you been doing as of late?"

"Why did you change your phone number again?"

"My old number was too bothersome." Xu Bei laughed.

"At what moment can you look at yourself like this and feel bothered?" Xu Ling"s voice sounds a bit cold.

"This is difficult, I..."

He still hadn"t finished speaking this sentence before Xu Ling had already hung up the phone.

Xu Bei listened to the busy signal on the phone and helplessly smiled. He didn"t want to properly talk to Xu Ling, but every time he faced Xu Ling, he always felt that something in his heart needed to be covered up, as a result, every conversation has such an ending.

But it doesn"t matter, the purpose of this call was just to fulfill his wish to hear Xu Ling"s voice.

"I say, son, come here." Xu Bei stared blankly for a moment, feeling the corner of his eyes are a bit itchy and patted the bed.

The little wolf is a male wolf. This was discovered when he was bored with nothing to do and flipped over the wolf on its back to tease and play with it. At that time he was even unscrupulously pinching its little buddy.

The little wolf was just happily eating when he heard the voice of Xu Bei, he stopped chewing right away and ran to his bedside and looked up at him.

"Is that all you got? Give your Dad an explosive display of your power." Xu Bei once again patted the bed.

This bed isn"t that high, but the little wolf"s hind legs are just able to support themselves to lean onto the bedside, Xu Bei is a bit mischievous and wants to tease it.

The wolf hesitated for a moment and seemed to judge the height of the bed. Xu Bei looked at him playfully: "Come up here and Dad will reward you with a kiss."

His voice began to fall into silence when he saw that the little wolf had just moved back two steps, as soon as the hind legs stepped down, and without even a running start, it jumped from where he stood and vaulted onto the bed.

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