Wolf's Love

Chapter 7

Lang Huhu and a Naked Man

A warm breath swept across Xu Bei"s face... This is not a f.u.c.king dream, he opened his eyes once again in horror.

The person opposite to him also opened his eyes, the pupils of his eyes faintly glowed under the moonlight. Xu Bei stared blankly for a few seconds before lifting up the quilt and jumping straight off the bed and onto the floor. He has never had such a fast speed and such amazing explosive power. After his bare feet gained solid ground on the floor, he took the time to praise himself.

Really cool.

"Your f.u.c.king mother is..." Just as Xu Bei was about to violently shout out, he turned his head and looked at the bed, but he couldn"t say anything.

He thought that his own speed was already lightning-quick. He didn"t expect that when he turned around, he only saw a figure disappearing from the bed to the rear of the backyard. He didn"t even clearly see that man was going over the wall or pa.s.sing right through the wall.

"...Who?" Xu Bei persisted on taking over the bellow of rage that had not been finished and then stood in the room.

Until he felt the coldness penetrating into his body, he didn"t want to think about what had happened. Sweeping his eyes over to the bed, his quilt was piled up in disorder, and then he proceeded to be a bit nervous to find that the little wolf was nowhere to be found.

He remembered that the little wolf was lying beside his pillow when he fell asleep, and now he has disappeared without a trace.

"Son!" Xu Bei felt his heart tighten up and called out. This little thing was always vigilant. It would go after any mouse that scurries through the walls. This time, a big living person came in and it surprisingly didn"t respond. It actually disappeared immediately!

Xu Bei didn"t think much, grabbed the clothes at hand and rushed to the backyard: "Huhu!"

The wolf"s nest is empty.

"f.u.c.k me!" Xu Bei"s voice shook, the little wolf who never left him in half a step was not in this room or house.

He had already refused to think about what happened to the man who had escaped from his bed and turned back around into the house.

There were two rooms in this house, and he lived in the outer room. There wasn"t anything else but a bed and a table, not even the cabinet. In the other room, it was full of junk from the owner of the house. He also wasn"t concerned about it being clean or dirty, he immediately turned over and went through the worn-out quilts in the hideous mess of rotted boxes.

Wasn"t there in the front yard he wasn"t inside the house. He ran into the woods again. He shouted out Huhu, good-for-nothing Wolf, Handsome Wolf, and whatnot until he lost his voice. There was only silence in the woods, there wasn"t even a single f.u.c.king echo.

Xu Bei is a bit dumbfounded, leaning on the tree trunk behind him, he doesn"t know what to do next.

Was it because he said that he wanted to sell the wolf that it ran away like this? It"s just a wolf. Even if it"s white, it"s still a wolf. Can a wolf actually choose to run away from home?

A northerly wind blew over, and Xu Bei, who was only wearing a coat, felt cold enough to shiver. He had run back first all the way back to the house, wondering where he had not looked for it.

As he had a foot in the door, he heard a small movement in the backyard, Xu Bei immediately turned his head and saw a white shadow hop from the backyard wall into the yard.

"Where are you running off to!" Xu Bei bellowed.

The wolf stood in the backyard and saw Xu Bei. It ran into the house and stuck itself to his leg, rubbing down it a few times.

Xu Bei grabbed it, checked it up and down, undamaged. He did let out a good, long breath, then right after his temper flared up, kicking on the little wolf"s b.u.t.tocks and scolded it: "You"re taking the wrong medicine, you foolishly scuttle about and whatnot you a.s.s, ah! Do you know how much time Laozi spent howling around those woods in under ten degrees to find you!

This kick was very heavy, and the little wolf"s body was reeled from it, but it was still tightly stuck to the side of Xu Bei"s leg, it hung it"s head and lowly whimpered. Xu Bei looked at this appearance, and his heart became a bit soft, but he didn"t want to reconcile with it just like that, so he stood there and looked at the little wolf who wraps around his leg like it had been wronged.

"You also made someone too worried about you," Xu Bei stood for a few minutes, feeling that his legs were getting a bit of a pins and needles sensation, he slowly walked over to the bedside and sat down.

The little wolf hopped up into bed, laying down beside him, resting its head on his lap, and snuck a sneak peek at him from time to time. Xu Bei slowly calmed down from the chaos and placed his hand on the little wolf"s head, this made him think of that man on the bed.

"Just when you were not here, I saw a f.u.c.king ghost. There was a person lying on the bed with me lying face to face. Even if that individual was a woman, they would still be the son of a b.i.t.c.h." Xu Bei recalled the previous matter, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was a bit unreasonable if he didn"t remember it incorrectly, "He didn"t appear to be wearing clothes!"

The little wolf eyes stared at him with glistening eyes, seeming to listen very earnestly.

"Now, it"s more than minus ten degrees, ah. He just ran out all buck-a.s.s naked like that... f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, what kind of physique..." Xu Bei has completely lost his will to sleep, leaning on the pillow, he pulls the quilt up to cover himself and the wolf"s body, "This is too ridiculous."

The little wolf slowly rubbed against his arm and put his chin on his chest and closed its eyes.

"Come lie down and sleep," Xu Bei held it in his arms. "Son, I"m telling you, ah. We have to beat it tomorrow. We can"t stay in this place. That naked man was probably sent by Ban Datong... The more imaginative one"s mind is the more susceptible it becomes, I can"t allow him to become suddenly inspired to simply scare me to death... I have to guard against it, ah..."

Ban Datong sat on his gla.s.s rooftop during the blossoming of spring and drank tea. The snowflakes that float down from the heavens and onto his shirt are very beautiful.

He places a single photograph down in front of him. The photos were very high quality and are arranged by date. Ban Datong gave orders to people to take sneak shots. He told them not to overlook the sense of aesthetic just because it was a sneak shot. If there isn"t any aesthetic, I will take you to feed to the wolves.

So the stalker took sneak shots outside of Xu Bei"s small backyard for more than half a month, their whole body was covered from top to body with frostbite, but the photos taken were indeed very professional-quality, and he wasn"t aware of being secretly photographed, Ban Datong is very satisfied.

He pa.s.sively picked up one and looked at the Arctic Wolf that was jumping down from the back wall in the photo. The strong posture and perfect build made him feel inexplicable excitement. The Arctic Wolf is much larger than an ordinary wolf, moreover, the one that Xu Bei raised seems to be extraordinarily large.

Ban Datong counted the time that pa.s.sed. The wolf was four or five months old. It looked like it was nearly a hundred pounds. Thinking of when it grows into adulthood, the corners of Ban Datong"s lips grow into a smile, and he is itching to get on with it. He wants to see this Arctic Wolf"s eyes viciously gleaming, looking bloodthirsty and cruel.

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