Wolf's Love

Chapter 8

Anti-tracking is a Life Skill

Xu Bei got up very early.

He really didn"t want to get up so early, even if he fixed a plan to leave today last night, he still should not have to get up when the frost on the window has yet to be melted by the sun. He hasn"t had to get up so early ever since he graduated from primary school.

He was awakened by his arms aching. In the middle of the night, he and the little wolf had embraced as they slept together in a codependent position and haven"t moved up until this point. His arm was pressed down to the point of being both sore and swollen.

"When we go out in a bit, we must find a food market to weigh your body weight," Xu Bei pushed the little wolf out of the quilt. "Get out, you"ve broken your Dad"s arm."

The little wolf hopped down the bed and shook out its fur. Its forelegs were stretched taut and it"s hind legs were also drawn tightly as it stuck up its rear in a stretch. After that, it opened the back door with its snout and jumped onto the backyard wall. Its tiny paws turned to go to the front yard.

"Fellow student Lang Huhu, I told you," Xu Bei opened the door and looked at the little wolf who was earnestly gnawing on the wooden post fence in the front yard. "We will be going out in a while, I can"t find anything to leash you, be well-behaved and follow right after me. Don"t scare people, do you understand? Samoyeds can"t grow out to be such a large size like yours, a big polar bear"s fur also looks a lot like yours, you better pretend to be like a big polar bear... "

The little wolf didn"t take care to look at Xu Bei. It stuck its head out between the fence. However, when it wanted to retract it, it found that its head was stuck in the two fences picks and wouldn"t come out. It was so anxious that it continuously whimpered.

"f.u.c.k me, ah. Are you really a wolf?" Xu Bei almost angrily laughed. He walked over and pulled the fence to push the wolf"s head back. "Really f.u.c.king losing face, it"s a d.a.m.n shame. It"s just your nature, if I didn"t want to bring you back at that time, you would have died no less than ten times over."

After walking straight along this pathway in front of the house for approximately half an hour, you can see the border of the city. Xu Bei did not bring along anything, there was nothing he could bring along either. He put the uneaten chocolate into his pockets and set off. Along the way, he verbosely reminded the little wolf to act like a dog. The little wolf may have understood it and from beginning to end obediently followed Xu Bei beside his feet.

Xu Bei unhurriedly walked away without looking back. He knows that someone is following after him. He has no other skills, but his hearing is first cla.s.s and the quiet sound of those almost inaudible footsteps has been behind him all along the way ever since he left that cabin.

In fact, even if he was a deaf man, he also could have guessed that Ban Datong"s people would definitely be watching his every move.

But he is not at all worried, this person that is following after him must have set about this task early-on. His only minor grievance is how he should make his escape. If he was by himself, he could have thought up of a method, but he now has such an eye-catching thing trailing at his side, not to mention that this is Ban Dantong"s subordinate, they would be a highly attentive person who could also pick the two of them out of a crowd with a glance.

After over half of an hour, Xu Bei and the little wolf stood on the side of the road, and a private minibus heading for the city stopped in front of him.

"Yo, I can"t do such a big dog, ah, it will bite people!" The conductor stretched his head out from the ticket-vending window and shouted.

"It doesn"t bite people, I"ll buy a ticket for it as well." Xu Bei quickly jumped into the vehicle before the conductor could make up his mind. The little wolf followed right after him and jumped up. When it got on the bus, it was very unscrupulously sniffing and looking at things left and right. The pa.s.sengers on both sides of the aisle were frightened into moving out of the way, Xu Bei gave it a kick to calm down.

"Aiyo." The ticket seller stared at the little wolf with a little fear. This vehicle has taken on chickens, ducks, and rabbits, and even pigs have been boarded, but this is still his first time seeing such a big dog.

Xu Bei did not talk much and followed the pa.s.sageway to the seats, and the conductor still hesitated to still his heart and follow after them to the rear and prepare himself to collect the money.

When the vehicle was set into motion, Xu Bei did not keep a stable stance and his body ran into the man sitting next to him. He held the back of the chair to support himself and smoothly slipped away from directly facing the glare of the man with sleekly combed hair, saying a word of apology. He put his hands back into his pockets

There is a wallet in his pocket, he squeezed it, it"s not bad, there"s a little money.

Xu Bei finally sat down in the deserted last row and the little wolf obediently laid down in the aisle, it rubbed against Xu Bei"s foot and shut its eyes.

The conductor followed right behind him to collect the money. He took the wallet out of his pocket and drew out a bill to hand over. In pa.s.sing, he swept a quick glance at the money inside. He estimated there to be three or four thousand. After the conductor turned to leave, he took the money out and stuffed it into his pocket, he then opened the window and threw the wallet out of the window.

Xu Bei chose to get off at the neighboring university town some distance from the city center. The foot traffic here is not very large. The appearance of the little wolf won"t attract too much attention. He had caught sight of the person following him all along the way driving a car, there are a lot of small streets and alleyways here, just threading his way through a few paths at random will give him the chance to throw him off his back.

But he was not in a hurry, he slowly circled about on the street along with the little wolf.

This is the first time that the little wolf has seen so many people. It was a little jumpy. From time to time, it would flinch from being scared by the sound of the loudspeakers placed in the doorways of stores. It also jumped from the sound of car horns, coming back to knock against Xu Bei"s leg.

"Can"t you calm down a bit," Xu Bei said, a little helplessly as he bought two Chinese hamburgers on the side of the road. He stood on the curbside to eat together with the little wolf and explained to it in whispers, "You do know that you make me look like a fellow villager who entered a large city for the first time with a big rural dog, don"t you?"

The little wolf didn"t look at him. It lowered its head to eat the Chinese hamburger in his hand. It didn"t take more than two or three mouthfuls before the entire bun was finished off. It was still trying to lick up the oil on Xu Bei"s hand clean and it produced a belch towards Xu Bei.

Xu Bei hasn"t eaten this well in an extremely long time. After eating less than half of this bun, his stomach soon felt a bit unwell and he gave the rest to the little wolf.

He used his peripheral vision to look at the car about 50 meters away from him. The person in the car was surprisingly very dedicated to his work. He hasn"t even eaten breakfast from the beginning of following him up until now. He supposes that they also haven"t eaten lunch. If he continues to walk about, he may be able to starve the person in the car to death.

Across the street, there was a China Mobile Business Hall. Xu Bei petted the little wolf"s head: "Son, I need to go in and do something for a moment, can you promise that you will be well-behaved and wait by the door?"

(TN: From my understanding, it"s just like a customer-service office for China Mobile users.)

The little wolf attentively gazed at his face for a moment, then bowed his head and sniffed at his opened hand.

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