Wolf's Love

Chapter 9

Are You Huhu?

After Xu Bei walked out of the small alleyway, he stood on the side of the road and hailed over a taxi and immediately gave the name of Happy Star Hotel.

(TN: 星悦大酒店 is the name of an actual hotel. The name in English (this is the official English name for the hotel) sounds a bit silly though... or am I just nitpicking?)

When the taxi stopped in front of the Happy Star Hotel"s entrance, the security guards did a small run all the way over to open up the car door. Xu Bei pointed to the trunk. The two security guards took his suitcase out and placed it on the trolley. The receptionist in the lobby came over to welcome him and very courteously guided Xu Bei to the front desk.

Going to the small inn on Guang"an Road your a.s.s, Xu Bei cursed in his heart. Ma San"er, did you think Laozi has just met you today? Laozi hasn"t thoughtlessly trusted others since the age of ten.

Xu Bei handed over his credentials to the front desk, paid the down payment for two days, and asked for a standard room. He originally wanted to splurge and ask for a presidential suite, but he did not care to find a job along the way and he didn"t have enough money. Besides, he is also worried about the little wolf locked in the suitcase. The wolf had quietly stayed in the suitcase from beginning to end, and Xu Bei speculates about whether or not it had been overly startled and pa.s.sed out.

As soon as he entered the room, he slammed the door shut and hurriedly opened the suitcase: "Son, you can come out."

The little wolf did not move, it was rolled into a ball and became a round lump in the suitcase, only showing one eye that was expressionlessly staring at him. It was still holding the chocolate in the corners of its mouth. It could be inferred that it had been scared into losing its appet.i.te.

"f.u.c.k off, come out!" Xu Bei swatted it, wrapped his arms around it in an attempt to pull it out, the little wolf struggled for a moment before it finally recovered and jumped out of the suitcase. The first thing was to bite down on the chocolate and swallow it. After that, it shook out its fur and vigilantly examined the situation inside the room.

"Don"t check it out, Ban Datong can"t be found here for the time being," Xu Bei shed his jacket and threw it down to the floor. He gnashed his teeth as he took off his trousers. The wound on his leg was a little red. "I have to take a shower, I might be in there for a relatively long time, you keep yourself occupied for a while."

Xu Bei took out a few pieces of chocolate, peeled them, and placed them on a small plate before pa.s.sing it to the little wolf: "Here, I"m giving you compensation. But eat slowly, I won"t care if you start choking on them..."

He had yet to be finished saying his words before the little wolf had already gobbled up two pieces.

"Choke to death!" Xu Bei swatted its head with the palm of his hand and turned around to enter the bathroom.

This was the first time he had taken a shower ever since sustaining these injuries. It was also the first time he clearly saw the wounds on his body in a mirror. Xu Bei distractedly stared at his naked body for a long time. He was happy. He pointed at the mirror and said, "You"re still f.u.c.king alive up to this point, you"ve made Ban Datong embarra.s.sed."

In reality, the only serious knife wound on his body is the one on his thigh. All of the others are surface wounds and some old injuries, plus the bruises from being hit with a rod made his body out to be a bit of a ghastly sight.

It doesn"t matter whether or not internal injuries come into contact with water, but the surface wounds still must be kept away from water. He stood under the showerhead nozzle and arranged himself in a variety of positions. He hadn"t found a way to take a shower to his heart"s content while also not getting the wound on his leg wet.

He ultimately stepped on the leg of the toilet bowl with one leg and posed like a tough gangster in a seventh-rate TV series. He turned on the spray-head.

Feeling the long-forgotten sensation of hot water spraying on the top of his head, Xu Bei let out a satisfied moan, it"s really f.u.c.king d.a.m.n good.

After taking a shower for a quick half an hour, he felt that if it wasn"t for this being a hotel, he would really like to loudly shout out a few times, feels great ah! And then shouting a few more times to give vent to the depression that he has acc.u.mulated in these two months of bitterness and suffering in his life.

Just then, a hair-raising howl sounded from inside the room through the door to the bathroom, it was drawn-out yet possessed an extremely ear-piercing force.

In that split second, Xu Bei was brought back to the mountains of Beiling by this howl. He seemed to be able to see a full moon hanging in the sky, the scene of the little wolf standing on a cliff with its head lifted towards the moon in a howl.

However, he quickly reacted, this is a f.u.c.king hotel! The foot he had placed on the toilet lid stalled his reaction time by half a beat and he slipped in his panic. His whole body slammed into the bathroom door and made a loud noise.

The howling outside screeched to a sudden stop and Xu Bei struggled to get up and placed a kick on the door: "Lang Huhu, what the f.u.c.k are you senselessly crying out for? Do you know what time it is now? You must be stupid to howl, ah! This is a hotel, not the mountains, do you want us to be driven out of the hotel!"

The little wolf did not respond, but it did not continue howling either.

Xu Bei stepped onto the toilet again and regained his previous frame of mind to continue taking a shower.

The little wolf had grown so big and this had still been the first time he had heard it crying out, but shouldn"t wolves howl at the moon? There even is a full moon. That is, it is currently in the afternoon. Is it truly possible that this little thing was so frightened that it got jet-lagged from being shut into that suitcase...

Xu Bei finally finished happily showering thoroughly. He didn"t wrap a towel around himself or whatnot and walked out right away. He planned to lie down on the bed and have a good night"s sleep. He liked the feeling of direct skin contact fitting snugly in a quilt.

"Huhu, I am not letting you howl, you have to take a look at your surroundings..." Xu Bei swung his hair back and forth and looked up to try and find the little wolf in the house, preparing to console it. After all, howling like this was in its nature, it wasn"t intentionally looking to make trouble.

But he only took a quick look into the room and his whole body immediately froze where he stood. He just stared blankly ahead in his birthday suit for two seconds  and a sentence burst out of his lips: "Motherf.u.c.king son of a b.i.t.c.h!!"

He then proceeded to turn around and immediately rushed back into the bathroom, but his head slammed against the already shut door.

This. .h.i.t managed to suddenly clear his head, and his following feeling was simply that of bafflement to the point of making him boil with anger.

There is a person in his room again.

There is a man again.

There is a man who isn"t wearing clothes again.

Again! That"s right! Again!

This is the second time!

Xu Bei slowly turned his head and looked at the person sitting in front of the curtains hugging his knees. He was very young and looked like he was sixteen or seventeen years old. He was not sure if this was the same person as the last time that fled from his room.

From the time he came out of the bathroom stark naked to the time he ran into the bathroom door, the man had been sitting quietly with his arms wrapped around his knees, never moving.

Xu Bei feels that he is a little disoriented. He"s been met with all kinds of devasting hardships for so many years and has never before been at such a loss for what to do like he is now. He is naked face to face with another naked man. You look at me and I look at you.

"You..." Xu Bei swallowed down his saliva with difficulty, he quickly opened the bathroom door, pulled out a towel from inside and wrapped it around his waist. He suddenly felt an abundance of confidence, "How did you come in?"

The man glanced at him and did not speak. This expression showing in his eyes makes Xu Bei feel that there is something that can"t be said, he constantly had the feeling that he had seen it somewhere before.

But he quickly returned to his senses. He held the bath towel and pointed at the man: "If you don"t talk, Laozi will open the door shout that you are an illegal intruder."

The man seemed to be frightened by his words and suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed over to him before Xu Bei had the time to think of any other ideas.

f.u.c.k me, what speed!

He then went on to look at the figure in front of him. The man instantly rushed into the bathroom, and in the blink of an eye, he shut the door with a bang.

"Motherf.u.c.ker!" Xu Bei pushed against the door, but the door was pushed back from the man inside. Xu Bei pushed a few times, it did not move a single inch.

He sees this running back as unthreatening, slamming doors? Or taking advantage of the moment to put on clothes and then run away? But if this is really someone who came from Ban Datong, how could they be so unreliable!

The key point is at what point did Ban Datong become so hardcore...

Xu Bei"s hand was braced against the door and he lowered his head to think back to the situation just now. This is surely the same person as the previous time, this kind of speed can"t be mistaken, both times he could not clearly see the state of the person, he simply made a rough approximation that this person is almost as tall as him.

There is also another key point that cannot be ignored... what about that little wolf!

Xu Bei"s hair quickly shot up. He swept a quick glance at the room and threw himself at a cabinet and pulled it open it for inspection.

Nowhere to be found, the little wolf is gone!

And yet again! This is the second time the little wolf has disappeared without rhyme or reason after the second appearance of a naked man in his room!

Xu Bei went completely still in the room, he felt a chill on his body, and his mind is throbbing with the familiar gleams of emotions in the eyes of the man who had been sitting in front of the window holding his knees. No no, it wasn"t only the expression in his eyes...

Both of his eyes, that pair of taupe irises.

Those are the little wolf"s eyes.

This astonishing indisputable conclusion forced him to have some kind of speculation beyond his comprehension.

At this moment, Xu Bei finally realized what it was like to lose strength throughout his whole body and what it was like to experience something unbelievable.

He slowly walked over to the outside of the bathroom door and pushed on the door that was still being unwaveringly pushed back against by the person inside. He knocked his fist on the door and his voice trembled a little: "I say, are you... Huhu?"

Xu Bei still didn"t get any response from the other side of the door. He sighed once again knocked on the door: "Whether it is you or not, come out, you have already successfully scared to death and back two times around, come out and have a chat about what the f.u.c.k you"re doing, let me close my eyes and die in peace."

Xu Bei still didn"t get any response. He sighed and walked over to the bedside and slowly began to put on his clothes: "I am putting on my clothes very slowly, it"s only enough for ten minutes. After I get all dressed, in the event that you still refuse to come out... You can try and see for yourself."

Immediately after he began to struggle with putting on his pants, he heard the sound of the bathroom door being slowly opened.

Xu Bei sat on the bed completely still, waiting quietly. His thoughts were churning terribly, he did not know who this person in front of him would turn out to be. If he is really was the little wolf, then what the f.u.c.k was this?

The man slowly made his way out of the bathroom, and his appearance differed to some extent than from a moment ago. He had already wrapped a towel around his waist. Xu Bei felt relieved, at least he didn"t need to face a naked man again.

"Sit down." Xu Bei pointed to the opposite bed with a feigned calmness, looking at this man"s eyes, they were certainly taupe, he has seen the little wolf"s eyes countless times. Regardless of whether it is the color of the eyes or the emotions that are shown in them, he is incomparably familiar with them both.

The man was quite obedient, he cooperatively sat on the opposite side of the bed, Xu Bei quickly gave him a once-over. He had a very young face, very smooth and tight lips, and a chin that gives the impression of being a bit stubborn...

"You can speak can"t you, answer Laozi"s questions." Xu Bei bit his lower lip and pulled out a cigarette from the box of cigarettes he had thrown on the bed and lit it up

"En." The man responded with a low voice with a slight hoa.r.s.eness.

"Who are you?" Xu Bei spits out a mouthful of smoke, and the fumes went straight towards that man"s face. He hid behind it and did not answer Xu Bei"s question.

Xu Bei waited for a while and determined that he did not intend to answer, and sighed: "You can"t speak and can only say "en"... then, in that case, I have to change the question, you only use "en" or just don"t speak alright."

"En." The man lifted up his gaze and looked at Xu Bei. The emotions in his eyes seemed to be perplexed and bewildered. Xu Bei"s heart inexplicably went soft.

"Are you Huhu?" When Xu Bei asked this sentence, his fingers were tightly pinching his cigarette, which helped control his state of mind.

But the man"s answer still made his hand abruptly fall into trembles, the cigarette ash fell down on the trousers.

He said: "Am."

"...you can say "am"," Xu Bei brushed the ash on his trousers. After the ash was brushed off, his hand was unconsciously swatted at his leg for quite a while, it was only until the wound began to dully ache from the pats that he stopped his hand. He was truly unable to continue exercising control over his state of mind any longer. He raised his voice and shouted with his whole throat, "But this is too much f.u.c.king bulls.h.i.t. You want to say that Laozi has picked up a wolf from the mountains and in the end, this wolf can f.u.c.king turn into a man?"

That man didn"t say anything, a trace of hurt flashed through his eyes, and he quickly lowered his gaze and looked at the carpet underneath his feet.

After Xu Bei finished shouting, he also grew silent. The expression of this person sitting across from him lightly pulled at his heartstrings. If this is true, what should he do now?

The room was awfully quiet, this kind of silence made Xu Bei feel suffocated, he re-lit a cigarette and looked at this man: "You... if you are Huhu, then can you also... change back?"

"Can." The man raised his head to glance at him.

"Then you change back first, my mind is awfully scrambled right now, your Dad... I mean I cannot come to accept this kind of plot only found in some kind of anime at the moment," Xu Bei makes his voice sound as gentle as possible, "Okay?"

"Not under my control." The man replied in a low voice.

"What?" This was the first time Xu Bei had heard him speak more than one word in a sentence, he wasn"t able to respond for a while.

"Not under my control." That man repeated it.

Xu Bei once again pinched the cigarette in astonishment, the voice he used to speak was actually quite pleasant to listen to. If I was a little girl, I may have been quite infatuated by it, but... I digress. Xu Bei flicked the cigarette ash to prevent himself from momentarily forgetting to flick it and have it fall onto his pants again.

"Then what does control it? What I mean is how you change into a person, and also what you do to change back?"

"Don"t know."

"What the f.u.c.k!" Xu Bei was aggrieved and indignant. He stood up and found that his pants zipper wasn"t zipped up yet. He hurriedly threw the cigarette into the ashtray and turned his body around and to pull the zipper up in a flurry.

He turned his head back to look at the man who was still sitting on the edge of the bed. He felt very helpless. He adjusted his state of mind and took in a breath and slowly turned his body around: "Okay, let"s solve it one by one. First of all, you are staying in the room, I am going out to help you buy clothes..."


Xu Bei fished out the money from his pocket and took a look at it. Today, after he was done buying things and finished paying the hotel deposit, there was basically nothing left. It seems that he also had to get some money when he went out: "I have to get some money first, it will probably take some time. You behave yourself for a bit. Do not go anywhere, if you are hungry... eat chocolate."

(TN: Below is an Author"s Note, I never really translate them because they never seem to say anything too important, like how many words it was, how late she stayed up, and just things like that. But, this time, I thought it was interesting enough to translate~)

Sorry to disappoint everyone, there was no naked man when Xu Bei opened the suitcase... Really, a suitcase can"t hold a big man, really...

As for the silver-haired beauty and whatnot, ah, you have to believe me, Huhu"s hair is really black, but... En, it won"t be this color forever, oh ho... Have you noticed that the number of words in each chapter is increasing? Now, this is too much...

(TN: I"ll be changing the cover and t.i.tle. I didn"t realize there was an English t.i.tle, it"s on a higher-quality cover too. Nothing too drastic. And look at this, I forgot this happened so soon... Good job for Xu Bei not freaking out. He"s also being rather trusting in these circ.u.mstances for someone so jaded lol~ How sweet! Anyways, Happy Halloween!)

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