Arkansas--Legislature: Majority vote of one Legislature (biennial).

People: Majority of all voting at election. Only three amendments at once. No Const.i.tutional Convention.

Connecticut--Legislature: Majority vote of one Legislature; two-thirds vote a second Legislature (biennial). People: Majority votes of the people on the amendment. No Const.i.tutional Convention.

Kentucky--Legislature; three-fifths vote of one Legislature (biennial). People: Majority of people voting on the amendment. Not more than two amendments at once.

Ma.s.sachusetts--Legislature: Majority in Senate and two-thirds House in two Legislatures (annual). People: Majority voting on the amendment.

No Const.i.tutional Convention.

New Jersey--Legislature: Majority of two Legislatures (annual).

People: Majority voting on amendment. Same amendment can be submitted only once in five years. No Const.i.tutional Convention.

Mississippi--Legislature: Two-thirds vote of one Legislature; majority of a second, after the referendum vote (quadrennial). People: Majority voting at the election. No Const.i.tutional Convention.

Pennsylvania--Legislature: Majority of the two Legislatures (biennial). People: Majority of people voting at election. Same amendment can be submitted only once in five years. No Const.i.tutional Convention.

Rhode Island--Legislature: Majority of two Legislatures (annual).

People: Three-fifths of all voting at election. No Const.i.tutional Convention.

Tennessee--Legislature: Majority vote in one Legislature, and a two-thirds vote in a second (biennial). People: Majority of all voting for representatives. Same amendment can be submitted only once in six years.

G.--Most Difficult States:

Vermont--Legislature: Majority in House and two-thirds in Senate in one Legislature; majority of both houses in a second (biennial).

People: Majority voting on the amendment. No Const.i.tutional Convention. Const.i.tution can be amended only once in ten years.

New Hampshire--Const.i.tutional Convention alone can propose amendment.

This convention is held once in seven years. People: Two-thirds majority vote on amendment.

Illinois--Legislature: Two-thirds vote of one Legislature (biennial).

People: Majority voting at the election. Only one amendment at a time.

Same amendment only once in four years.

Indiana--Legislature: Majority vote of two Legislatures (biennial).

People: Majority of voters in state. While one amendment awaits action no other can be proposed. No Const.i.tutional Convention.

New Mexico--Legislature Three-fourths vote of one Legislature (biennial). People: Three-fourths of those voting at election; two-thirds from each county.

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