Cost of Course: 105 per annum, including tuition, examinations, and residence. For out-students the fees are 12 a term.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

_Jane Agnes Chessar_ Not less than 88 4 years Cla.s.sics _Russell Gurney_ 40 3 years History _Sir Francis Goldsmid_ 45 3 years _Mary Anne Leighton_ About 16 3 years _Barbara Leigh Smith_ About 44 3 years _Bodichon_ _Todd Memorial_ About 35 3 years _Higgins_ 40 3 years _Henry Tomkinson_ At least 20 3 years _Clothworkers_ 60 3 years _Skinners_ 50 3 years _Gilchrist_ 50 3 years Also tenable at Newnham _Queen"s School,_ 30 3 years _Chester_ _Dove_ 20 3 years For girls from St.

Leonard"s School, St.

Andrew"s. Cla.s.sics

#For Certified Students# _Gilchrist Studentship_ 100 1 year For Professionals. Open to Students at Newnham and Girton _Old Girtonians"_ Not less than _Studentship_ 48 1 year _John Elliot Cairnes_ Not less than 58 1 year For research in Political Economy or Economic History _Sir Arthur Arnold_ 30 1 year _Harkness_ About 70 1 year Geology. Also tenable at Newnham. Awarded biennially

#Fellowships.# _Pfeiffer_ 120 2 years #Girton College# 300 Various Open to students of all Universities

#Prizes.# _Gamble_ Interest on 500 _Therese Montifiore_ Interest on 1,700


Duration of Course in Arts or Science: 3 years (Pa.s.s candidates are not accepted).

Cost of Course: From 90 to 105 per annum, including tuition, examinations, and residence. For out-students the fees are 12 a term.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

_College_(2) 50 3 years _Clothworhers_ 50 3 years _College_(1 or more) 35 3 years _Cla.s.sical_ 50 3 years Also tenable at Girton _Modern Languages_ 50 3 years Also tenable at Girton _Liverpool Clough_ 50 2-3 years For those entering the teaching profession, only _Gilchrist_ 50 3 years Also tenable at Girton _Mary Ewart_ 100 3 years For students who have been in residence three terms _Harkness_ 70 1 year Geology. Also tenable at Girton. Awarded biennially

#Certificated Students# _Arthur Hugh Clough_ 40 1 year _Mary Ewart_ 150 1 year Travelling scholarship _Gilchrist_ 100 1 year Tenable only by those entering a profession.

Held alternate years at Newnham and Girton #Bathurst# 75 or under 1 year Awarded from time to time for proficiency in Natural Science. Not restricted to Newnham students _Marion Kennedy_ 80 1 year Holder eligible for 2nd _Studentship_ year

#Fellowships.# _a.s.sociates_(2) 100 1 year Awarded alternate years _Mary Bateson_ 100 1 year _"N"_ 100 1 year

#Prizes.# _Creighton_ 15 Awarded for an essay on _Memorial_ History or Archaeology



Duration of Course in Arts: Pa.s.s 2 years; Honours, 3 years.

Duration of Course in Science: Pa.s.s and Honours, 3 years.

Cost of Tuition, Arts and Science: 21 per annum.

Cost of Residence in Abbey House (optional): From 12 to 16 a term.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.


Foundation Scholarships 70 1 year May be renewed. Arts Foundation Scholarships 40 1 year May be renewed Foundation Scholarships 30 1 year May be renewed Entrance Exhibitions(2) 20 1 year May be renewed Pears Scholarship 50 3 years Arts _Scholarships_(2) 70 1 year _Scholarships_(2) 30 1 year Exhibitions(2) 20 2 years Persons of limited means

#Undergraduate.# Scholarships(2) 30 1 year 2nd year students Scholarships(2) 30 1 year 2nd year students Gisborne Scholarship 30 1 year 2nd year students University Cla.s.sical 30 1 year Scholarship University Mathematical 30 1 year Scholarship University Hebrew 20 1 year Scholarship Thorp Scholarship 20 1 year Newby Scholarship 18 2 or 3 yrs. Arts Scholarships(3) 20 1 year Modern B.A.

#Prizes.# Gibson 20 Essay


Duration of Pa.s.s Course in Arts or Science: 3 years.

Duration of Honour Course in Arts or Science: 3 to 4 years.

Cost of Tuition: 20 per annum.

There is no Hall of Residence.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

#Entrance.# Exhibition 20 1-2 years Science Exhibition 15 1-2 years Science Exhibitions(2) 15 1-2 years Arts Newcastle-upon-Tyne Free admission to a Open to candidates Corporation degree course resident in Newcastle.

Exhibitions(10) 2 years Arts (renewable) Newcastle-upon-Tyne Free admission to a Open to candidates Corporation degree course resident in Newcastle.

Exhibitions(10) 2 years Arts (renewable) Newcastle-upon-Tyne Free admission to a Open to candidates Corporation degree course resident in Newcastle.

Exhibitions(10) 2 years Science (renewable) Gateshead Corporation Free admission to a Open to candidates Exhibitions(10) degree course resident in Gateshead.

2 years (renewable)


Junior Pemberton 30 and remission of Awarded on the results of two-thirds of the the first B.Sc.

cla.s.s fees 1 year examination Thomas Young Hall 20 with remission of Awarded on the results two-thirds of the of the first B.Sc.

cla.s.s fees 3 years examination Nathaniel Clerk 15 1 year Awarded on the results of the first B.Sc.

examination Senior Pemberton 40 and fees 1 year Candidates must have pa.s.sed the first B.Sc.


#Post-Graduate.# Research Studentships(2) 62, 10s 1 year 1851 Exhibition 150 2 years Science 1851 Exhibition Probationary Bursaries 70 1 year Science Research

Johnston Chemical 60 1 year Open to Bachelors of Science of any British University of not more than 3 years" standing

#Fellowships.# College 125 1 year Pemberton 120 3 years Open to graduates in Science of Durham University of not more than 6 years" standing from their first degree


Duration of Pa.s.s Course, Arts or Science: 3 years.

Duration of Honour Course, Arts or Science: 3 to 4 years.

Cost of Tuition in Arts: 19 per annum.

Cost of Tuition in Science: 27 per annum.

Cost of Residence at University Hall (optional): From 32 to 41 per annum.

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