Bruce and Falkland 50 2 years Berry 80 1 year May be continued for 2nd year. Arts or Science Grants(6) 20 1 year For students entering on Course of Training for Secondary Teachers

#Prizes.# Miller(2) 30 Arts and Science Arnott(2) 20 and 10 Chancellor"s 21 Essay


Duration of Course in Arts: Pa.s.s, 3 years; Honours, 4 years.

Duration of Course in Science: Pa.s.s or Honours: 3 years.

Cost of Tuition in Arts: 10, 10s. per annum.

Cost of Tuition in Science: 21 per annum.

Cost of Residence in Mayfield Hostel (optional): 1 per week.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

#Entrance.# Armitstead 20-15 1 year David Myles -- -- Entrance Scholarships(9) 15 1 year Educational Endowment 25 3 years

#Undergraduate.# Bursaries(11) 15 to 20 1 year For second and third year Bursaries(8) 15 to 20 1 year For fourth and subsequent years Bute Bursary Income of 1,000 3 years

#Post-Graduate.# William Strong(2 Income of 3,240 or more) 1 year

#Prizes.# Gladstone Memorial 20 (in books) Essay



Scholarships, etc., not connected exclusively with one College.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.


Price Davies 30 2 years Tenable at Aberystwyth or Scholarship(2) Bangor


University 125 2 years Fellowships(3) University 65 2 years Awarded on nomination by Studentships(6) the Colleges Eyton Williams 65 2 years Studentships(6) #Isaac Roberts# 150 1 year Open to graduates of any #Scholarship# (renewable) University in the United Kingdom. Science. Tenable at Cardiff 1851 Science Scholarship 150 2 years Tenable at any approved inst.i.tution Gilchrist Modern 80 1 year Open to graduates Language Studentship intending to teach Modern Languages.

Tenable abroad


Duration of Pa.s.s Course in Arts or Science: 3 years.

Duration of Honour Course in Arts or Science: 3 to 4 years.

Cost of Tuition in Arts: 12 per annum.

Cost of Tuition in Science: 16 per annum.

Cost of Residence in Alexandra Hall (optional): From 11,11s.

to 17, 17s. per annum.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

#Entrance and Undergraduate#.

David Davies 40 1 year Entrance (renewable) Open 40 1 year Entrance (renewable) Visitor"s 15 1 year Entrance (renewable)

Commercial Travellers of 20 1 year Entrance North Wales (renewable)

Scholarship(1) 20 1 year Confined to students (renewable) intending to proceed to the Degree of B.Sc. in Agriculture and Rural Economy Brereton 15 1 year Entrance (renewable) _Elizabeth Davies_ 20 1 year Entrance.

(renewable) Limited to women natives of Cardiganshire or Carmarthenshire Cynddelw Welsh 20 1 year For students undertaking Scholarship to pursue a course of Welsh study Humphreys Owen 20 1 year (renewable) For natives of Montgomeryshire

#Post-Graduate.# Keeling Resewell 40 1 year Scholarship

Thomas Davies 54 1 year For Research work in Chemistry or Agriculture


Cost of Tuition in Arts or Science: 12 per annum.

Cost of Residence in University Hall (optional): 25 to 42 per annum.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

#Entrance and Undergraduate.# Eyton Williams 40 3 years Eyton Williams 30 3 years Eyton Williams 20 3 years Exhibition Piercey 30 3 years Confined to candidates from Flintshire or Denbighshire Richard Hughes 50 1 year Isaac Roberts(2) 50 Not less than 1 yr.

#Post-Graduate.# Osborne Morgan 40 Not more Open to past and present than 3 years students


Cost of Tuition in Arts: 10 to 12 per annum.

Cost of Tuition in Science: 10 to 16 per annum.

Cost of Residence in Aberdare Hall (optional): 34 to 43, 10s. per annum.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

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