World Controlling God

Chapter 8 Excited Ling Zhan

Chapter 8 Excited Ling Zhan

A banquet of sumptuous delicacies is arranged on the dining table. The whole family sat around the table, but now with the addition of a bashful woman. All four people were making merry as they ate.

Ling Zhan’s family has not been so happy for a long time!

Even Ling Zhan who was typically melancholic all day long, is currently revealing a rare happy smile.

Ling Xiao raised his gla.s.s toward the whole family and joyously said, “From today onwards, Yu Xi is my mother’s adopted daughter, my father’s adopted daughter, and my adopted sister. The four of us is family now, so I toast in hope that everyone will be kind and love one another forever.”

When he finished, Ling Xiao tilted his head back and threw back the wine. Having such a beautiful sister, Ling Xiao felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

“Yes, that’s right. Xiao’er is right. Our whole family must be kind and love one another forever.” Meng Xi Yun glanced at her son, clearly touched by her son’s words, before raising her cup and drank without delay. She could hardly believe this is her son. Ever since her son’s meridians were terminated, he had become reticent. Burying all of his emotions deep in his heart, he became solely preoccupied with figuring out how to restore his xuan strength. But seeing her son becoming more cheerful these past few weeks, she felt happy inside.

Ling Zhan smiled and also drank a cup of wine.

Bai Yu Xi timidly raised her cup to drink, and then proceeded to refill the other’s cup from the wine pot. No one declined.

Bai Yu Xi picked up Men Xi Yun’s cup, and knelt with both knees in front of Men Xi Yun. “Adoptive, adoptive mother, Yu Xi gives you a toast.”

“Good. Good. Adoptive mother do not have anything to offer you. This gold brooch isn’t anything precious, but it’s an accessory that I have worn for many years. Now that it’s yours, you are my good daughter.” Meng Xi Yun had always wanted a daughter. Unfortunately, after Ling Zhan was crippled, he wasn’t even able to perform in that aspect. With her wish finally fulfilled, she is also quite happy.

Bai Yu Xi paid her respect and received the gold brooch. She then toasted to Ling Zhan and finally toasted to Ling Xiao.

After drinking a few cups, Bai Yu Xi’s face was already becoming red. She came in front of Ling Xiao and tried to kneel, but Ling Xiao actually took the initiative to stop her and said. “We are brothers and sisters; there’s no need to be over-courteous. Your brother will drink this cup for you. As for the gift, I’ll give it to you another day.” Having said his piece, Ling Xiao emptied the cup of wine.

Who would have thought that when Ling Xiao let go of Bai Yu Xi, she knelt down once again. “Young Master is this indentured servant benefactor, and although Madam has already accepted me as her adopted daughter, but Young Master will always be my master in my heart. My mother taught me, small favors deserves serious grat.i.tude. Please don’t reject this indentured servant; I will certainly serve Young Master to the best of my ability.”

“Quickly stand up. We are brother and sister now, how can I let you be my indentured servant?” Ling Xiao gestured for her to get up and said.

Who would have thought that Bai Yu Xi actually started crying.

“Let it be, Xiao’er. Since Yu Xi is so determined, just let her serve you. In any case, we ought to have a maid, but…” Meng Xi Yun persuaded.

Ling Xiao helplessly nodded his head. “Fine. Fine. Yu Xi quickly stand up. Don’t kneel down so casually from now on, or I’ll personally drive you away from our home and no one will be able to stop me.”

“Thank you Young Master.” Bai Yu Xi immediately said gratefully, and then stood up once more.

After the family finished dinner, Ling Zhan called Ling Xiao into his study.

“Did you beat Li Family’s Li Guang Yin a few days ago?” Ling Zhan got right to the point and asked.

Ling Xiao also did not conceal anything and immediately nodded. “Yes.”

Hearing Ling Xiao’s confirmation, Ling Zhan’s body shuddered. Emotions flooded his eyes as he looked at Ling Xiao and said. “You, You really can cultivate xuan strength again?”

Looking at Ling Zhan’s fiery expression, Ling Xiao did not know how to answer. It’s not that he doesn’t want to admit it, but that he doesn’t know how he should explain his own situation afterwards. He cannot say he is no longer his biological son, that he transmigrated, and that he’s exploiting the internal skill cultivation methods from his previous life to break through his meridians. And how would he explain if he denied beating Li Guang Yin and his gang? He couldn’t just say the opponents were all flash and were inferior to a cripple. This is obviously not going to be convincing.

“Xiao’er, is there reason why you can’t talk about?” Ling Zhan saw the hesitation in Ling Xiao’s eyes, and could not help asking nervously.

“Dad, to be quite honest, I can indeed restore my xuan strength, but…” Ling Xiao showed an awkward appearance and explained.

“Really…this…what’s the reason?” Ling Zhan was happy at first, but then seriously said, “Do you…you cultivate some sort of sinister skill?”

Ling Zhan had heard that there had once been a man with completely terminated meridians in Falling Stone City. He later cultivated some kind of sinister skill and turned into an extremely terrifying blood-sucking demon. Finally, it took a concerted effort from several major families’ experts to encircle and annihilate the demon. However, eight top experts were killed by the demon and the damages were disastrous.

“How can that be?” Ling Xiao immediately responded and then continued, “Dad, I had actually planned on informing you about this later. Since you already know, I’ll just tell you now, but you need to keep this between you and me.”

Ling Zhan heaved a sigh of relief and nodded his head. “Dad understands. You are my son. Even if I die, I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

At this time, Ling Xiao started weaving a white lie together and said, “Dad. You should know about the incident a few weeks ago where I was beaten half to death by Ling Rui. Afterwards, I slept for three days and three nights without waking up. Do you know why?”

Ling Zhan listened carefully and shook his head.

“That was because I was in a middle of an immortal dream.” Ling Xiao said earnestly.

“Immortal dream?” Ling Zhan asked in surprise.

Ling Xiao nodded and said, “Correct. I was in the middle of a long dream at that time. In the dream, there was an immortal named San Jue. Discerning that my skeletal structure and meridian channels were strange, he received me as a disciple. Besides imparting quite a few xuan skills, there was a xuan skill included among them that can open terminated meridians. I thought he was a con artist at the beginning, but I didn’t expect it to actually break through the meridians. I believe that it won’t be long before I will open all twelve primary meridians. At that time, I can become a xuan pract.i.tioneronce again. I was planning on waiting until I’ve opened all twelve meridians before telling you Dad.”

“There unexpectedly was such a miraculous event.” Ling Zhan said excitedly. He was already quite convinced seeing the serious expression on Ling Xiao’s face. The results of Ling Xiao’s cultivation only further supported his conviction. Besides, the continent is so vast, it isn’t unheard of for some areas to have powerhouses with extraordinary abilities. Maybe one of these powerhouses took a fancy to his son and accepted his son for a disciple. Having thought to this point, a fiery light appeared in Ling Zhan’s eyes.

“Yes, but the immortal told me that I cannot reveal this matter to other people.” Ling Xiao’s expression became somewhat timid. It appeared as if he was afraid he had said too much and the immortal will know.

“d.a.m.n it. This is all your dad’s fault. Alright, you can go out. Dad will not interfere with any of your affairs. Remember to cultivate well and live up to the immortal’s expectations.” Ling Zhan said as he patted the back of his head, apparently very upset.

Ling Xiao can see that this broken father really isn’t the kind to seek instant gratification and genuinely care about his well-being. In his heart, he felt that he really have wonderful parents.

“Dad, since I’ve already told you, I might as well pa.s.s on the meridian opening xuan skill to you right now so that you can break away from your current predicament as soon as possible. From now on, whoever dare to call us father and son as “cripples,” we can f.u.c.king send them to meet their maker.” Ling Xiao said seriously.

“Is, is this appropriate? What if the immortal finds out? Won’t he blame you?” Ling Zhan’s body shook as he tightly clenched his fists. His actions already betrayed what he felt inside.

He has been a cripple for twelve years; despised and ridiculed for twelve years. He’s constantly muddled and confused from drinking his days away. He had even entertained thoughts of suicide. Fortunately, he had a loving wife by his side to constantly console him and a son with amazing talent. This gave him the strength to persevere. Who would have known, his son would follow in his footsteps two years ago and be plotted against, never able to find out who the culprit was. Both father and son could quietly live out their days inside this small courtyard. He dreams of returning the center of the family. He dreams of going back and helping his patriarch father.

And now, all it takes is one word from his son and he will be able to stand up again. How can he not be excited? Who wouldn’t? But if he accepts his son’s instructions and the immortal finds out, wouldn’t he have harmed his son? He was very conflicted in his heart.

Ling Xiao could see through his father’s indecision and quickly said. “Don’t worry Dad. That immortal had once said that this xuan skill is very ordinary in his eyes and gave me permission to pa.s.s it on at my discretion and he would not blame me.”

“It’s true…It’s really true.” Two lines of tears slid down Ling Zhan’s cheeks. He did not cry when his meridians were ruined, but have now lost his composure in front of his son. It can clearly be seen how emotional he is at this moment.

Ling Xiao meant what he said about pa.s.sing on the xuan skill. In any case, he had already decided to forget the past and wholeheartedly devote himself to his parents, to start a new life for himself in this new world.

Unlike Ling Xiao, Ling Zhan has not already mastered the three internal skills Sky Frost Qi, Cloud Parting Strength, and Wind G.o.d Skill. As a result, memorizing these mnemonic was somewhate difficult; he only memorized it all after Ling Xiao said it five times. Afterwards, he imparted the Three Parts Return Yuan Qi to Ling Zhan. Everything else will depend on Ling Zhan’s cultivation.

Ling Xiao saw that Ling Zhan has already thrown himself into cultivating, so he silently left the study room.

When Ling Xiao returned to his own room, he saw Bai Yu Xi standing in front of him door. He can’t help but force out a smile; this girl is really determined to work as his maid.

“Young Master has returned. I have already prepared the bath and a change of clothes for Young Master.” Bai Yu Xi maintained propriety and said.

Ling Xiao

Ling Xiao nodded and opened the door. Sure enough, he saw a wooden tub already filled up with warm water.

“I’ll help Young Master undress.” Bai Yu Xi came forward clumsily to help Ling Xiao undress.

Ling Xiao saw a pink tinge develop on her lovable face. He had actually already made proper mental preparation; even if Ling Xiao wanted her, she will not resist. But Ling Xiao absolutely will not leverage his favor for s.e.x. Even if he wants Bai Yu Xi, both parties must be willing.

“It’s fine. You only need to prepare the water from now on. I’ll bathe myself. You go back and rest.” Ling Xiao took off his outer coat and said to Bai Yu Xi.

“This…This isn’t right. I…” Bai Yu Xi quickly refused.

Before she finished, Ling Xiao interrupted her and said, “Do you want to go against my orders?”

Bai Yu Xi was immediately frightened and said, “I wouldn’t dare!”

“Since you don’t dare then do as you were told.” Ling Xiao said with a deep voice.

“Yes Young Master.” Bai Yu Xi gave Ling Xiao a complex glance, curtsied, and left the room.

“This girl. It seems that she needs to get properly trained.” Ling Xiao said to himself as he stripped and jumped into the tub.

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