World of Cultivation

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Three – Another Transaction

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Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Three – Another Transaction

“From today onwards, I do not need earth energy.”

Pu Yao’s words were like a pardon. Zuo Mo felt a heavy weight had come off. The d.a.m.ned drawing out of earth energy finally ended! Thinking that he didn’t have to endure the pain of the earth energy being drawn out, he felt very good!

He suddenly thought about the scene in the sea of consciousness. Was it connected? He remembered that Pu Yao’s face had been very terrible then.

Then he noticed a rare hint of hesitation in Pu Yao’s voice. Zuo Mo did not speak, waiting for Pu Yao’s next words. Unexpectedly, Pu Yao did not immediately speak, but remained silent for a long time.

Just as Zuo Mo almost couldn’t bear it, Pu Yao finally spoke, “Let’s do a business.”

“What business?” Zuo Mo’s guard rose up, the shock in his heart growing stronger. Pu Yao’s voice was full of sternness. The more Pu Yao acted out of the ordinary, the more careful he was. He needed to be careful every time he talked business with Pu Yao.

“Help me a.n.a.lyze mo matrixes.” Pu Yao’s tone was light.

“Mo matrixes?”

“Yes,” Pu Yao looked at Zuo Mo, “I have a use for them.”

“What mo matrixes?” Zuo Mo asked in puzzlement.

Pu Yao thought and then said, “Higher level mo matrixes, I’ll provide you with specimens.”

This was too general. Zuo Mo warily shook his head. “You understand mo matrixes better than I do, I can’t help you.”

Even the mo matrix on his body had been carved by Pu Yao. In terms of understanding of mo matrixes, Zuo Mo thought that he couldn’t compare to Pu Yao. Zuo Mo found it strange that Pu Yao had turned and asked him to a.n.a.lyze mo matrixes.

Pu Yao was not angry. Glancing at Zuo Mo, he said, “You are not wrong, but this only shows that I’ve lived longer than you. Even though I do not want to admit it, but you are the most talented person I’ve seen with formations. Right now, you cannot overcome me, but you have the potential, this is heaven given talent.”

Seeing Zuo Mo keeping his silence, Pu Yao continued, “I am not in a rush. I have enough patience. This can only be good for you. I can supply countless types of mo matrixes. What you have to do is very simple, just study them. [Copper Rhinoceros Mo Matrix] is one of the lowest mo matrixes. The effects of those high level mo matrixes are not things you can imagine.”

Zuo Mo’s heart moved. Pu yao had not lied about this. Of the three formations he had gained from the [Copper Rhinoceros Mo Matrix], all of them were very useful, but were not high grade. Take for example the body tempering formation. No matter how strong the ling energy was, the effect of its tempering would have a limit.

If he could receive even higher level mo matrixes, he could find even higher grade formations that were more complete. Even more importantly, the process of a.n.a.lysis was a cultivation progress, and he could increase his understanding of formations.

Pu Yao had not finished his pitch. He understood Zuo Mo’s personality. To get this guy to agree to something, it was not hard. He only needed to give something that the other could not refuse!

That was what he was doing now.

“No matter if it is xiuzhe, or yaomo, I know at least a bit about all kinds of cultivation methods. I can guide you in your cultivation. Your cultivation is not pure. Ling power, spiritual power, body, you cultivate all of it. If you receive accurate guidance, you might be a miracle. However, if you keep going like this, it would only become more heterogeneous, and in the end, you will achieve nothing.”

Zuo Mo knew that Pu Yao’s words were not empty threats. Truthfully, he himself had already felt that his strength was too heterogeneous, yet he lacked true understanding of each kind of power.

“Or maybe I can help you solve the secret in your body.”

The last bomb that Pu Yao lightly threw down was like a bolt of lightning!

“Changing features and erasing the mind, not many yaomo use these. Only the cruelest of people would do such things.” He glanced at Zuo Mo. “Changing features and erasing the mind, it basically cannot be undone.”

Zuo Mo’s heart sunk. The temperature of the room was not low, but his body felt cold.

“Your body has something else.” Pu Yao’s words were shocking.

“What?” The words jumped out of Zuo Mo’s mouth.

“A very rare five element gla.s.s bead.” Pu Yao said, “Sealed inside it is another person’s power, or maybe something else. There may also be a clue.”

Pu Yao continued, “If there is no trace inside, then use Reverse Shadow Spirit Silkgra.s.s. It is very hard for memories to be completely erased. There would always be some fragments left. If you use Reverse Shadow Spirit Silkgra.s.s, you can find these pieces. I know of a place you can find Reverse Shadow Spirit Silkgra.s.s.”

Zuo Mo was silent.

Pu Yao looked at Zuo Mo and knew he needed time to digest this, closed his mouth and patiently waited.

A long time later, Zuo Mo felt his mind start to move. Staring at Pu Yao, his voice was raspy as he asked Pu Yao, “How do you break the jinzhi on the five element gla.s.s bead?”

“You to reach jindan, or for me to recover my power.”

“How long would it take me to reach jindan?”

Pu Yao had a careful expression. “I cannot guarantee this.”

“Okay,” Unexpected to Pu Yao, Zuo Mo agreed.

Originally, he had wanted to ask Pu Yao why the other wanted him to a.n.a.lyze mo matrixes, but thinking about it, that didn’t have anything to do with him.

“It seems that we will be in business in the long term.” Pu Yao’s b.l.o.o.d.y pupil was a patch of peace, his gaze holding none of the underestimation and arrogance he held previously. The three formations Zuo Mo had discovered from the [Copper Rhinoceros Mo Matrix] had been an enormous blow to him. What had blown Pu Yao away wasn’t how exquisite the three formations were but Zuo Mo’s efficiency.

The time that Pu Yao had spent on pondering mo matrixes was longer than Zuo Mo’s lifetime, but he found that his pace was that of a turtle climbing compared to Zuo Mo. The astounding talent that Zuo Mo displayed in formations shocked him, and allowed him to see a thread of hope.

The effect of the Nether Pool was not as good as he had imagined. His situation was not good at the moment. Even more, he didn’t have many choices.

A series of factors forced him into a position of cooperation.


Zuo Mo didn’t know these reasons. He didn’t need to know. Just the “secret in your body” that Pu Yao had said was enough for him to agree to this transaction. This matter had always been an illness plaguing his heart. Zuo Mo was very practical, and he did not have high ambitions. He liked a peaceful life. Even if he knew that his consciousness had been erased, in the depths of his heart, he unconsciously did not hope for himself to enter a life of revenge. Adding on that he had no clues, this matter had been deeply buried inside his heart.

His hard work and labors were not for revenge, but to survive. This was his reality.

Yet no one could disregard their past, especially when he was told that there was a five element gla.s.s bead inside his body. His heart was instantly struck.

Who put it there? What connection did the person have to him?

He wanted to know!


Pu Yao was very satisfied with the transaction this time. He was very clear to Zuo Mo’s situation. To an expert who was able to ma.s.sacre Gongsun Cha in the wargames, and having experienced the thousand year battle, Pu Yao’s line of thinking was more far-sighted than Zuo Mo.

What did Zuo Mo need most right now?


The troop that Gongsun Cha had made could only be considered distant water, and distant water could not resolve nearby thirst.

The growth of strength had its necessary patterns. Pu Yao knew this, but he naturally had his own reasons to dare to say such worlds. What he was relying on was not anything other than Zuo Mo himself. Zuo Mo’s cultivation, due to different reasons, had been constantly suppressed by Pu Yao, and it was this suppression that caused him to be on the precipice of a boundary.

His own situation made Pu Yao realize he had to change his strategy.

“You are at the doorway of a breakthrough,” Pu Yao said straightforwardly, “Your body cultivation is in Mountain Physique. Even though it is only one mountain, it is one step away from an abhinna.”

“One mountain? Abhinna?” Zuo Mo became alert.

“The mountain physique is divided into three strata, one mountain is the first stratum. You have cultivated to mountain physique, absorbed earth energy, your body cultivation has truly made it into the gate. Now that you have reached mountain physique, you are not far from an abhinna.” Pu Yao said a little lie right there. Originally, Zuo Mo should have been able to achieve an abhinna a long time ago. However, he had deliberately stopped it, and so, even now, he still hadn’t formed an abhinna.

Pu Yao’s face didn’t blush as he said, “Abhinna is the term used by dhyana xiu. When cultivation of the body reaches a certain level, the self becomes enlightened, and the abhinna forms from the self. The abhinna is born of the self, and so everyone’s abhinna is naturally different.”

Zuo Mo didn’t really understand.

“Oh, dhyana likes talking so mystically. You can understand it like this. What is body cultivation? It is to forge the body as though it is a talisman. When it reaches a certain stage, some abilities would naturally form. Each person’s blood and flesh is different, so the abilities are varied.”

After Pu Yao’s explanation, Zuo Mo felt he understood much more. Talismans, and flying swords, after they were tempered for a long time, they would naturally become more powerful.

“I can form an abhinna?” Zuo Mo was slightly excited. He was very curious what his own abhinna was.

“Oh, pretty much,” Pu Yao muddled, “absorb more earth energy these next days. That stuff is very useful.”

In order not to have his lie seen through, he quickly changed the topic. “Other than an abhinna, there is something else that can dramatically increase your strength.”

As expected, Zuo Mo was guided by his words. He was slightly shocked. “What is it?”

He never knew that he had anything on his body that could greatly increase his strength.

“That five element gla.s.s bead,” Pu Yao said. “Five element gla.s.s beads are somewhat rare talismans, it can store ling power, and turn ling power into five element base source.”

“Turn ling power to five element base source?” Zuo Mo was slightly shocked. He was reminded of Lil’ PaG.o.da. Lil’ PaG.o.da was able to deconstruct talismans and materials into five element energy, but compared to five element base source, five element energy was the lesser variant. Five element energy could form marrow, forming five element marrow. The little gourds hanging on Lil’ PaG.o.da’s eaves were five element marrow. Five element base source was the finest and best part of five element marrow.

“Yes, five element base source is something very good. When you were injured last time, it was this bead that repaired your body. Five element base source is very easy to absorb, and suitable for body cultivation. I wonder who put it in, they were really extravagant,” Pu Yao said with a smile.

Strangely, Zuo Mo suddenly felt his heart move.

This movement was very suddenly. He suddenly had a feeling this five element gla.s.s bead was very important to him!

He could not say why he would have this feeling, but this feeling was strong, so strong to the point that he could not disregard it. He did not know who this five element gla.s.s bead belonged to, but the person who put this five element gla.s.s bead in him, it must be one of his closest people.

Was it his parents?

He raised his head, his tone decisive. “Don’t use it. Let’s cultivate an abhinna.”

Translator Ramblings: Pu has plans within plans. Even if the gravestone had Zuo Mo take advantage, Pu still spun this to his advantage.

Pets in the real world usually are domesticated and do as they are told most of the time. However, when these “pets” have human-level intelligence, where is the line between treating them like they are individuals or as though they cannot decide for themselves? A lot of “pets” in fantasy novels are just as intelligent as other individuals but they are not acknowledged properly. Many times, they are just transportation, or a deus ex machina. What is frequently seen is the main character will spare the life of an animal, and this animal will follow them for the rest of their life. In fact, these animals seem to have better conduct than the humans frequently. They aren’t greedy and they are loyal and intelligent. But if they are so intelligent, why aren’t they allowed to have a personality? The “pet” doesn’t have to do what the main character or “owner” wants. If it is an exchange of services between individuals, why can’t the other side be selfish and look out for their own best interest? Think of Zuo Mo’s little zoo as individuals and you may find their actions more understandable.

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World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and One “Desperate Situation”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Six to Thirty???? World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred “Sacrifice”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Nine “The Great Formation and Sonic Lightning Walnut”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Eight “Insanity”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Seven “Hards.h.i.+p Guard Armor”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Six “Silver”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Five “Battle General!”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Four “The Return of Lil’ Miss”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Three “Great Unexpected Wealth”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Two “Little Mo Kill”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety One “Hong Jun Xuan”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety “The Guard Camp Steps Onto the Stage”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Nine “The Reappearance of the Sound Storm”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Eight “Fight!”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Seven “Cloud Formation Silk”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eight Six “Arrival!”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Five “Comprehensions Gained From Forging”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Four “Great Formation!”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Three “Lil’ Fire”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Two “Fire Sickle Rock”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty One “Gradual Advance”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty “Prelude”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Nine “Transaction”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Eight “The Insane Outer Hall”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Seven “Detection”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Six “An Unparalleled Good Bird”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Five “Circle Kill”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Four “You Eat Meat, We’ll Drink Soup”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Three “The Critical Sword Point”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Two “Huang Zhuo Guang”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy One “Opportunity”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy “Great Harvest!”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Nine “Who The Mother F***ing Are You”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Eight “Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Seven “Ambush”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Six “A Little Harvest”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Five “Silly Bird’s Shocking Change!”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty Four “The Rudimentary Form”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty Three “Zuo Mo’s Determination”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty Two “Unprofitable Business”Neophyte Stories “???”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty One “Ambus.h.!.+”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty “The Terrifying Female Xiu”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Nine “Meteor Void Fire”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Eight “Bao Yi Explaining”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Seven “One Small Step”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Six “Variable”???? World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Five “New Sky Gla.s.s Wave”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Four “The Metamorphosis of Jade Metal Head”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Three “Golden Crow Walls”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Two “Fire Paper Method”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty One “Crazy Zuo Mo”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty “Pu Yao’s Insane Suggestion”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Nine “A New Plan”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Eight “The Problem of Settlement”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Seven “Rainbow Mirage Light”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Six “Ambush”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Five “First Battle”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty One to Twenty Five???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Four “Consensus”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Three “Jade Scroll”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Two “Bao Yi”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty One “City Construction”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty “What Was Going On?”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Nine “Yao Visiting Wu Kong”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Eight “Sonic Lightning Walnut”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Seven “Reconstructing The Body”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Six “New Life?”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Five “The Butcher’s Three Section Wave Killing Charge”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Four “Fury and Killing Intent”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Three “b.l.o.o.d.y Horned Great Serpent”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thrity Two “Gongsun Cha’s Insane War Tactics”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Sixteen to Twenty???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty One “Warning”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty “Sky Gla.s.s Wave”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Nine “Formation Breakthrough”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Eight “Ma Fan’s Decisiveness”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Seven “Internal Orders”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Six “The Stage of Two Mountains”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Five “Breakthrough in Body Cultivation”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Four “Pu Yao’s Teaching”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Three “Another Transaction”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Two “Lil’ PaG.o.da’s Levelling Up”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty One “What Is Pu Yao Doing?”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty “The Fatal Rotten Metal Silver”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Nineteen “Rewards Conference”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen “Spoils of Victory”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Seventeen “Killing Moves and Ma Fan”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixteen “Gongsun Cha’s First Battle”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifteen “Sustain Battle Through Battle”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fourteen “A Mountain Of Problems”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirteen “Ma Fan Reaching Target”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twleve “Ge Is Pragmatic”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eleven “Trash and Poor Ghosts”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ten “Collapse of Order”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Nine “Ma Fan”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eight “Blood Void Movement”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Seven “Moon Eye Blackwater Beast”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Six “What Was That?”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Five “War Chess”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Four “Improvement”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Three “Date Seed s.h.i.+p”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Two “Territory Intrusion”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and One “Armed to the Teeth”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred “Peddling”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Nine “Beast Service Card”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Eight “What Is The Situation?”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Seven “Ningmai!”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Six “News”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Five “Two Transactions”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Four “Golden Armor Guards”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Three “Bountiful Harvest”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Two “Buddha Sound Hoop”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety One “The First Battle of the Yin Fire Bead”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety “Going All In”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Eleven to Fifteen???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Nine “Brewing”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Eight “Entering The Formation”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Seven “Two Hours”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Six “Sword Formation”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Five “The Power of the Golden Crow Fire!”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Four “Mantis and Oriole”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Three “Black Wind Bandits”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Two “Discovery!”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty One “Familiar Guests”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty “[Great Thousand Leaf Hands]”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Nine “Gravestone”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Eight “Void Pa.s.s”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Seven “Business”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Six “Brute Strength!”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Five “Fire!”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Four “Macro Golden Crow Formation”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Three “Pulling Into The Fold”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Two “Pu Yao Awakening”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy One “Micro Void Arrow”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy “Nan Ming Zi”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Nine “Wealth Coming From the Sky”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Eight “Desolate Wood Reef”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Seven “The Places Are The Same, The People Are Not”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Six “This Land Is Great”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Five “Wu Kong Expansion”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Four “Sword Essence Formation”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Three “People Don’t Do This”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Two “Reselling”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty One “Forging The Sword Billet”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty “Intense Fire Dan”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Nine “Gains”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Eight “Seclusion”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Seven “Unexpected”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Six “Brothers in Difficulty”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Five “Collision”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four “Moon Chime Sound Storm”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Three “Soul-Tethered Talisman”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Two “Stardust”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty One “Comprehension”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty “New Target”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Nine “Fire”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Eight “Seal Soldier”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Seven “Born to Battle”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Six “Zuo Mo’s Sorrowful Indignation”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Five “Nan Men Yang! A Real Man!”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Four “Strange”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Three “Heavyweight News”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Two “Seven Plum Sword”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty One “Zong Ming Yan VS Zuo Mo”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and and Forty “[Self Separation]”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine “Formation-Defense-Style”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eight “Aggravation and Pleasure”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven “Each Person’s Opponent”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Six “Heart Turn Sword Essence”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five “Great Pine Pavilion”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Four “Before The Battle”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Three “Pei Yuan Ran’s Bad Mood”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Two “Healing Wounds”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One “The Wondrous Abilities of The Five Colored PaG.o.da”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty “Seeing Lin Qian Again”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine “Five Colored PaG.o.da”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight “The Hundred Treasure Flying Pavilion”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven “Everyone Is Troubled”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six “Cross-Examination”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five “Final Kill”The Twelve Olympians Of Chinese Web Novels in 2015???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Four “Multiple Shadows and Intense Fire”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three “Battle Start”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two “Bet”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One “Wager”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty “An Irresistible Temptation!”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen “Intelligence”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen “Between Happiness and Grief”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen “What Happened”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen “Yin Splinter”???? World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen “Exploring the Sword Cave Again”???? 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World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Four “Nightmare”???? To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Two “The Curtain Drops on Qu and Liang”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Three “Inspiritation In An Emergency”???? To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty One “Inviting Humiliation”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Two “Seeing Guests”???? To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty “Don’t Dirty Ben w.a.n.g’s Place”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy One “A New Experiment”???? To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Nine???? World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy “The Yin Bead”???? To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Eight???? World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Nine “Zuo Mo Drooling”???? To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Seven???? World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Eight “A Rare Leisure”???? To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Six “Truth and Falsehood”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Seven “Questions and Answers”???? 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World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Eight “Terror”???? To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Six “Intentions?”???? World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Seven “Like Fire”???? To

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