World of Immortals

Chapter 240

Part 1

The experts that were cut down were in unknown conditions. Bosch hastily ordered his men to the rescue. Only until he received a definite news did he finally heaved a sigh of relieve. It seemed like the other party knew when to hold back. He didn"t really want the Southern Wasteland and Yindu to be at odds with one another.

Bosch walked to the center of the battlefield with large strides. He knew that he had no other choice but to take up the challenge by himself. Sending more people would only result in more injuries and deaths.

"Come down and fight with me!" Bosch faced upwards and shouted loudly. He was not a Spiritual Master, so he had yet the ability to fly.

The shadow in the sky raised its sword and flew straight for Bosch. The sword left a long yet beautiful and magnificent light in the sky as it was dropped down in a straight line.

He didn"t waste time on any unnecessary words. The iron sword represented his will and intention.

"Clank! Clank!"

The ear-splitting noise spread across the entire place. Bosch"s fists were flickering with exquisite light as he bombarded the iron sword with countless of punches. The clash between the two caused sparks to scatter around. The powerful energy waves even forced everyone around the battlefield to fall back.

The showdown between two experts standing at the summit was indeed, too shocking for words.

Bosch was well known for his prowess in Yindu. Even if he was not number one, he was still one of the top ranked experts.

"Reveal your real body, you won"t best me in this state." Bosch shouted coldly. His entire body was glowing with endless light, it was as if he was the incarnation of a heavenly sword himself.

As if it was only natural, the shadow beside the iron sword slowly faded away, and a figure from among the crowd walked into the battlefield with large strides.

Everyone turned pale with fright. They never thought that the powerful master of the iron sword was just beside them. They hastily made way for him.

The new arrival had a tall and slender build, black long hair, and eyes as sharp as the sword. His expression was cold and seemed to possess an extremely peculiar aura. His entire person had the same aura as the iron sword floating in the sky, as he if had truly devoted his soul to the sword.

"You can call my Bosch, may I know who am I facing?"

"Dugu Jianmo of the Southern Wasteland." As he spoke, the iron sword flew towards his palm.

"So it was indeed someone from the Solitary clan!" Bosch nodded.

At a distant place, Yan Qingcheng and the others were really excited. Although they had long guessed it was him, they were still unable to remain calm. Regardless of their former relation, they were still from the same place after all. When Windfeathers suffered a crushing defeat before, the rich kids of Yindu ridiculed the experts of Southern Wasteland, it made them feel extremely humiliated and angry.

Part 2

But now, Dugu Jianmo had stood up for them and swept everything before him with his iron sword. They felt extremely moved and delighted.

Yan Qingcheng firmly grasped for fists. Lazio heaved a long sigh of relieve. And Windfeathers even laughed out loud. There was joy, there was zeal… but even more was the feeling of bitterness. Yindu had brought about too much disgrace and humiliation upon himself. He vowed that he would surely return to pay them back for this disgrace!

Far from the battlefield, the third princess of Shang Dynasty had already jumped up of her seat. It was obvious to all that she was extremely interested in Dugu Jianmo. And the young ladies beside her each had their own plans. Such an excellent youth, even the princess had to fight over him. If their family had one more friend like this, it meant that they would have one more top-level expert on their side in the future. It was impossible to hire him as a servant. After all, The Solitary clan of the South was not just any clan.

Xiao Chen saw everything with his eyes, yet he was very calm. Three years ago, Dugu Jianmo was equally matched with him, with his talent and nature, it would be strange if he had yet to reach this stage.

These past three years, because of degraded lifespan, his training progress was not very smooth. However, precisely because of this, his mental state had experienced a great change. It was really hard to say whether he gained more or lost more.

However, Xiao Chen had become more confident compared to three years ago. Even if facing Dugu Jianmo who made great progress.

How would the two fare against each other? It was hard to say…

Without any words, Dugu Jianmo and Bosch had already engaged in a fierce fight.

This was a showdown of the strongest!

Their power level as well as control over the divine abilities were crucial factors that would determine their victory or defeat.

In a certain sense, once a person had entered the Historia realm and unlocked their divine abilities, it could provide them with endless possibilities. It was no longer a dream. With a powerful divine ability, one could possibly defeat a warrior of higher realm.

The two powerful experts were evenly matched. It was a really intense battle.

Bosch emitted two rays of purple light from his eyes. His movements were as quick as lightning. Hazy purple clouds were lingering around him. The sword in his hand projected several light beams that raged on like a large sea wave, it was unstoppable.

And Dugu Jianmo seemed like the incarnation of the G.o.d of sword itself as he split the s.p.a.ce with his iron sword. The sword rays scattered in all directions. It was as if a comet had streaked across the sky, it was bright and gorgeous.

In the blink of an eye, they had already exchanged more than a hundred blow. However, it seemed like they were still evenly matched.

At a distant location, the peers were discussing among themselves.

"Indeed, the Solitary clan of the South can never be underestimated."

"Dugu Jianmo would be ranked in the foremost even in my Great Shang Dynasty."

"It seems like the stupid badly has improved again. His family"s Amethyst Cloud technique really lived up to its reputation."

Part 3

"It is hard to predict the outcome of this battle."

After two hundred exchanges, Bosch sneered and said, "Don"t you have any divine ability?"

Dugu Jianmo replied in a cold tone, "One iron sword can best every divine abilities that ever existed!"

"Haha…" Bosch laughed out loud and said coldly, "In that case, this battle ends here!"

All of a sudden, the purple clouds filled the entire sky. The endless Amethyst Clouds submerged the entire battlefield. Everyone could only hear the ice-cold voice of Bosch, "Amethyst Prison!"

It was as if the s.p.a.ce was frozen as the endless purple clouds trapped Dugu Jianmo within. Although Bosch was not proficient in the law of s.p.a.ce, this very divine ability possessed countless connections with the law. It could seal off an area of s.p.a.ce.

Dugu Jianmo had been trapped.

Many startled voice could be heard from beyond the battlefield.

"That is the stupid baldy"s original divine ability."

"There were already many experts who fell in the hands of the Amethyst Prison."

Yan Qingcheng, Lazio, and Windfeathers were most anxious. For Dugu Jianmo to be trapped like this. Was that not tantamount to a fish lying on a chopping board?

Even the third princess of the Great Shang Dynasty and those young ladies revealed anxiety on their beautiful faces. They didn"t wish for anything to happen to Dugu Jianmo. After all, he had already exhibited such an extraordinary strength. If he was defeated by Bosch and got killed in the process, that"d be such a pity.

Xiao Chen watched everything calmly, he already bent the middle finger of his right hand in preparation of launching the Telepathic Sword Wave. That was a mysterious skill pa.s.sed to him by Elder Rhino of the Pure Land. However, he quickly loosened up his finger.

"The sword is equivalent to your life, since it has already left your hand, Dugu Jianmo, it"s your loss!" Bosch"s callous voice transmitted outwards as he fiercely squeezed the Amethyst Prison.

Inside the Amethyst Prison, the purple radiance had almost liquified. The iron sword was forcefully shaken off and was sealed in the corner of the prison. And Dugu Jianmo was completely restrained. It was hard just to move a finger. Even his long black hair was standing on end. Blood already started to leak out from his nose and mouth as the purple force continued to squeeze him. The bones all over his body were giving off "creaking" noise.

At a glance, everyone was sure that it was already Dugu Jianmo"s defeat. No one thought he could get out of this alive. However, just at this time, Dugu Jianmo"s voice was like a sudden clap of thunder as he shouted, "Break!"

He ignored the iron sword floating at one side of the sky as he silhouette suddenly became faint. But instantly afterwards, his body burst forth with brilliant rays!

"Crack! Crack!"

And followed by the sound of violent collision between bones.

Part 4

Dugu Jianmo"s body was actually changing shape right before everyone"s eyes! His flesh and blood body actually became as thin as paper in that instant. Everyone was at a loss for words, they couldn"t find a word to describe the current situation.

Dugu Jianmo"s body was as thin as a piece paper. It shone with brilliant rays that were unpleasant to the eyes. He launched forward as if he was a divine sword himself!

A small crack appeared in the Amethyst Prison due to the raw power.

That"s right, he treated his own body like a sword and split open the Amethyst Prison. He rushed out from the prison and left a streak of light in his trail.

The swift and violent charge felt as if the meteorite was about to struck the earth!

He charged straight for Bosch. The divine rays pierced the sky, the entire area was instantly illuminated by the blazing rays.


Bosch was sent tumbling away in the sky by this shocking attack.


At the same time Bosch was sent tumbling away, he spat out vapours of blood and fell into the pool of blood.

Such an unforeseen event caused everyone to be dumbstruck.

The power Dugu Jianmo flaunted earlier, it was plainly unstoppable!

Soon after, the lakeside was completely filled with noise.

Today, at the Maritime Moon Garden, other than gifted scholars and beautiful ladies, many invitees were genuine pract.i.tioners. After witnessing that battle at close distance just now, none was more clear of just how terrifying was Dugu Jianmo.

Even the experts from some of the strongest clans revealed grave expressions without a single exception.

The stupid baldy was actually defeated, I don"t believe it…"

"The Amethyst Prison, n.o.body in Yindu actually dared to try and break free from it, but today…"

Bosch exerted himself to stand up slowly. He wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth and his white teeth were exposed. Due to the effect of the bloodstain, the scar on his face made him look somewhat frightening. He looked over his shoulder like an eagle watching its prey, and swept his eyes in all directions. The clamor immediately died down.

As the descendant of one of the strongest clans in Yindu, Bosch had ama.s.sed might and prestige among the youth generation. He was well known for his strength and ruthlessness. For the general populace, he was someone to be avoided at all cost.

"Dugu Jianmo, you are very strong. Is that your divine ability?"

Dugu Jianmo was very indifferent as he said, "Is it now? I do not know. All I know is that everything that composed the world, be it the blades of gra.s.s or the trees, everything is my sword. Of course, that includes me, and if necessary, you as well."

Part 5

It was seldom for the silent Dugu Jianmo to say this much.

"Cr-crack! Cr-crack!"

Dugu Jianmo"s flesh and bones moved accordingly and quickly reformed his original form. It was hard to imagine how did he manage to turn his body paper thin width earlier.

At the distant place, the third princess of Shang Dynasty already jumped up from her seats with glistening eyes and gave a few orders to the palace maids. And beside her, those young ladies each had their own plans. However, one thing was for sure, all of them had the intention to recruit Dugu Jianmo.

The palace maid ran towards Dugu Jianmo with a jade tray in hand. There was a cup atop the tray. The palace maid respectfully stood in front of Dugu Jianmo and said, "This fragrant tea is an offering from the third princess."

"Offering? I don"t need any offering from anyone!"

As he said these, an uproar broke out.

Everyone felt that this guy was really too full of himself. He actually dared to reject the tea offered to him by the third princess. For an ordinary person, this would have been the greatest honor, and yet he took up such an att.i.tude.

Dugu Jianmo was a lone wolf. He only lived for the sword. To him, there was no difference between a princess and the common people. If he went berserk, he wouldn"t even recognize between allies or foes. He hated this "offering" word. Other than the sword in his hands, he never respected anyone else.

The third princess frowned, but she smiled again soon after. Although her beautiful face was covered by a veil, it was easy to imagine just how charming her smile was.

The n.o.ble girls at the side gently covered their mouths as they looked at each other. Since Dugu Jianmo did not give any face to the princess, they smiled at the thought that they might still stand a chance.

Another palace girl ran over hurriedly and said respectfully, "The third princess ask of Lord Dugu to have a cup of fragrant tea first before you leave."

Without saying anything, Dugu Jianmo lifted the cup and gulped it down with one breath. Then he carried the sword on his back and left with large strides.

How could they let him leave so easily? Many people were enticed by his impressive martial prowess.

Before the third princess could order someone to pa.s.s on her message, Bosch had spoken out,

"Wait, please stay for a bit longer."

Dugu Jianmo did not say a word, he halted his steps and faced Bosch with his back.

"Brother Dugu is indeed a towering figure. I highly respect you. How about we become friends?"

Dugu Jianmo remained as silent as ever. However, Windfeathers shouted from far off, "Didn"t you call us the Southern Barbarian?!"

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