Worth It: Worth The Scandal

Chapter Twelve.

"Has there been any unusual activity on your computer?" Hunter asked.

"Has anyone ever asked to use your computer? Have you ever given your pa.s.sword to anyone?"

"No, never. Of course not." It was against strict company policy to share login information. She wasn"t about to break the rules. She valued her job too much.

"Have you seen someone enter Alex"s office without permission? Ever caught anyone lurking about? Even a stranger?" Hunter"s questions were rapid fire.

Tessa shook her head. "I"ve seen no strange behavior."

"What about you?"

"Hunter," Becky chastised, sending Tessa a sympathetic smile.

"I need to ask this, Becky." He turned to Tessa, his gaze direct, his mouth a thin, tight line. Looking so much like his older brother but not nearly as 140 handsome-at least in Tessa"s eyes. "We need to make sure we can trust you.

You work extremely close with Alex, and you"re privy to certain information that would-damage the company greatly if it would ever get out." Tessa stood, indignation coursing through her so strong her entire body shook. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing?" He remained calm, gazing up at her with cool eyes. "I never accused you of anything, Tessa."

"No, he didn"t," Becky added quickly. To cover their b.u.t.ts, no doubt.

"I"ve worked for Worth Luxury for over three years, seven months of it here at the corporate headquarters. I just came back from a.s.sisting Alexander Worth while he was in Europe touring the remodeled stores. If you can"t trust me, if you have even an ounce of doubt in my loyalty to Worth, then you may as well just fire me now." She was so angry she was fuming.

"We don"t want to fire you. We never said that. That is, unless you"ve been engaged in-questionable activities?" Hunter goaded her. She knew it.

And it worked.

Infuriated, she turned on her heel and exited the office, ignoring Becky"s calls for her to stop so they can explain. Hunter said nothing. He probably believed her reaction was too over the top, proving that she must be at fault, hiding some sort of deep, dark secret.

The only secret she had to hide were her feelings for Alex. Which were silly considering he probably put his brother up to this so he wouldn"t look like the bad guy.

Her entire body ached with pain at his betrayal, especially her heart. How could he do this to her?


A sob caught in her throat and she fought it off, trying her best to remain composed while in the elevator with five other people. The minute the doors slid open at her floor she slipped out, walking briskly toward her desk.

Toward Alex"s closed office door.

Without knocking, without even a hint of warning she slammed the door open and stalked into his office, her breath coming in irregular spurts, a hard knot of sorrow lingering in her throat. She stopped just before his desk and swallowed hard. Couldn"t miss the look of surprise mixed with irritation that crossed his handsome face.

"Let me call you back," he said into the phone, his gaze narrowed as he studied her. "It appears I have an urgent matter to attend to." He quietly hung up the phone and rested his clasped hands on top of his desk. The consummate picture of cool, calm and collected, it irritated her further.

"What"s the problem, Tessa?"

"You think I"m a spy." Her voice shook. She sounded on the verge of tears but she didn"t care. "You believe I"m disloyal enough to sell out Worth Luxury and all its secrets. How dare you!"

"Sit down and calm yourself," he ordered and she did so without thought, immediately angry at her easy capitulation. "What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I"m talking about." She breathed deep, trying to calm her racing mind and heart. "I was just called into the human resources manager"s office. Your brother was there. They questioned me. Hunter basically accused me of being some sort of leak of Worth information. Why didn"t you tell me this was happening? Do you think I"m some sort of traitor? Do you not know me that well?"


No, he really didn"t know her that well, but he wanted to. His desire for her grew every minute that she wasn"t near him. The weekend had been a torturous act, one he"d put upon himself. He"d wanted to prove he didn"t need her, was immune to her.

Those long two days without her had been some of the worst of his life. He"d been eager to return to work. Had arrived early to get a lead on everything he knew would be waiting for him. He hadn"t expected the overwhelming workload and regretfully had no chance to really talk to her. Look at her.

Touch her.

Now she sat in his office practically vibrating with anger. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes blazed. He couldn"t help but think just how glorious she was, even in her fury.

"Well?" she asked when the silence stretched between them far too long.

Dread filled him. He"d asked Hunter to inform him when he was ready to talk to Tessa, but he"d been distracted. On the phone all morning discussing the London location, straightening out the final details for the paperwork.

Even spitting mad, she was gorgeous. Tessa looked ready to both chew him up and fall onto her knees sobbing, all at the same time. He wanted to comfort her, tell her it was just a routine procedure that Hunter insisted on carrying out.

Maybe he could discreetly pull her into his arms and kiss her. Hug her and hold her close, stroke her slender back with his fingers, press a soft kiss to her forehead...

His phone rang and he picked it up, growling when he realized it was his brother on the other end. "I told you to call me prior to your questioning Tessa."

"I take it she"s already in your office?" Hunter chuckled though he sounded more frustrated than anything.

"I don"t find this matter amusing."


The chuckling stopped. "Trust me, I don"t either but your girlfriend is a little spitfire. No wonder you"re f.u.c.king her. I imagine she"s quite the wildcat in bed."

"That"s enough." If he could reach through the receiver, wrap his hands around Hunter"s neck and throttle him, he would do it, he was that p.i.s.sed. "I"m not going to tolerate your bulls.h.i.t any longer." Tessa"s eyes widened at his choice words but he ignored her, focusing instead on letting his brother know just how furious he was.

"My apologies," Hunter said curtly. "If you want to believe some random woman you"re fooling around with over me, fine. Bring the demise of the company down upon our heads. I don"t give a d.a.m.n." Before Alex could utter another angry word the line went dead.

His b.a.s.t.a.r.d brother had hung up on him.

"I have never spilled a word of private information about Worth, Alex. You must know this." She paused and released a shuddering breath. "You trust me, don"t you?"

"Of course I trust you," he murmured. He did.

But her reaction, how angry she was...did it have everything to do with embarra.s.sment and indignation over being accused of such a thing? Or was it fear at potentially being caught?

His mind spun with the possibilities. He hated the doubt that lingered.

Hated even more that he couldn"t be rational about any of it, too distracted by the length of her legs, the s.e.xy shoes she wore. Her skirt was short, her legs bare and the urge to run his hands up their silky length was so strong he clenched his hands into fists to control himself.

"I don"t know why Hunter had to say such things." She shook her head, wiping at the corner of her eye with the tips of her fingers. If she started to cry, 144 he"d lose it. He didn"t know how to deal with a crying woman. "He was just so- mean."

"He"s notorious for being a killer in the boardroom." Alex paused, his tone softening when she looked at him with liquid brown eyes. "I think you might be overacting just a bit. Don"t take it so personal."

"It felt terribly personal." Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly. "If you don"t trust me enough to work for you, Alex, tell me now and I"ll leave." Panic filled him. He couldn"t imagine Worth without her. "I don"t want you to leave, Tessa."

She lifted her chin, staring off into the distance. "You"ve ignored me all morning."

The hurt in her voice was too much for him to withstand. He stood and went to her, kneeling before her and gripping the arms of the chair. "I"ve never ignored you. It"s been a busy morning. You"ve been swamped as well." Her gaze met his and held. "This is all too confusing. I don"t know how to act toward you," she whispered.

That made two of them. "I"ll take you to lunch. We can catch up."

"You don"t have a luncheon meeting with anyone?"

"You tell me. You"re the one who keeps track of my schedule," he chided gently.

Tessa smiled. "I"m behaving like a silly little girl, aren"t I?"

"No. You"re fine." Leaning in he kissed her forehead. The moment his lips made contact with her soft skin, he wanted more. So much more.

But they were in the middle of his office. Anyone could be lurking by his door.

Such as his brother Rhett, who stood in the doorway, watching everything unfold between them.


His brother had always been too observant for his own good.

"Rhett." Alex rose to his full height and stepped away from Tessa"s chair.

"What are you doing here?"

"Am I interrupting anything?" Rhett looked at Tessa, who got up from the chair, her head bent so she couldn"t make eye contact.

"No, nothing important." Alex went to his brother and embraced him, sadness running through him when he sensed how reluctant Rhett was by the show of affection. "How are you?"

"I"m going to take my lunch break now," Tessa murmured, her soft, sweet voice drawing Alex"s attention.

She was already halfway to the door, her back to him, spine straight, shoulders stiff. He"d upset her with his unintentional rejection, but he couldn"t turn away Rhett. He needed to talk to him, make sure everything was okay.

"We"ll talk later, Tessa?"

Pausing, she glanced over her shoulder, her big brown eyes wide and full of sadness. He would make it up to her, he knew he would. "Of course, Mister Worth." With a nod, she fled the office.

"What was going on there?" Rhett asked the moment she was out of earshot.

"None of your concern." Alex waved a negligent hand. "Care to go to lunch?"

"That"s why I swung by. I need to talk to you." Rhett"s solemn voice and even more solemn face spoke volumes.

"Then we"ll talk. Let me get my jacket." Alex went to his desk and grabbed his jacket he"d slung over the back of his chair, slipping it on. "Do you want anything in particular?"


"I don"t care. You pick." Rhett watched him, his eyes, so similar to Alex"s, keeping track of his every move. "Don"t just blow me off, Alex. Why were you kissing your secretary?"

"I was not kissing her." Jesus, Rhett had seen that? They"d have to be more careful.

But she was so hard to resist.

"You were. Don"t treat me like a dumba.s.s." Rhett sounded furious. "Hunter thinks I"m a stupid s.h.i.t. Don"t tell me you feel the same way." There was more going on here than Alex could even begin to know. Going to lunch would be a start in finding out. "I don"t think you"re stupid, Rhett. I"ve never said that. It"s just that what"s happening with Tessa-it"s private." Rhett smiled. "I get private. Well, she"s hot. I"ll give you that." Christ. He was as bad as Hunter. He hated how they spoke of Tessa as nothing but a piece of a.s.s. She was so much more than that.

So much more.

Not that he wanted to admit that to them. Or to anyone else.


Chapter Twelve.

Tessa was being foolish. She knew this. Yet it didn"t stop her heart from hurting, her emotions spiraling out of control. She couldn"t handle this. Couldn"t handle being Alex"s a.s.sistant, couldn"t handle seeing him and not being able to touch him. Not being able to talk to him and kiss him and slip her hand in his.

It drove her crazy.

She"d known the moment they spotted Rhett that their lunch plans were cancelled. He needed to see his brother. He"d finally confessed that Rhett had run into some legal trouble while they"d been gone. She"d figured out long ago he had a soft spot for his youngest brother and his behavior toward Rhett only confirmed her suspicions.

Though the words he"d said to his younger brother wounded, had cut her to her very core.

No, nothing important.

Just thinking about those three una.s.suming words made her head hurt.

Working furiously through the rest of the afternoon had taken her mind off her troubles somewhat. He"d hardly looked at her upon his return from his two hour lunch. Hunter had been with him, the both of them talking over each other and she huddled behind her computer, not wanting to be noticed.

She was pitiful.

It was past five thirty and her plan to wait him out seemed hopelessly futile.

He was still on the phone, his jacket long ago shed, his shirtsleeves rolled up to his forearms and his gla.s.ses on as he stared at the monitor of his laptop. He didn"t appear ready to leave anytime soon.

Fighting off her silly tears, she gathered her purse and slipped her coat off the back of her chair. She wasn"t going to bother telling him she was leaving. He probably didn"t even notice.

Perhaps he didn"t even care.

She was halfway to the elevator when she heard footsteps coming toward her, felt his fingers curl around her arm, halting her progress. "Tessa." He didn"t even sound winded which for whatever reason, infuriated her. "Why didn"t you tell me you were leaving?"

"You were busy." She shrugged, trying to wrestle out of his grip but he tightened his fingers around the crook of her elbow. "I didn"t want to disturb you."

"That never stopped you before." His voice was soft and beguiling. She glanced up, her knees weakening when she caught sight of the familiar heat flickering in his gaze. When he wore his gla.s.ses it secretly drove her wild, he looked so s.e.xy.

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