Worth It: Worth The Scandal

Chapter Fifteen.

"Good. I made a lot."

Tessa dropped her purse and went to the gorgeous hand carved cradle Simone had given her as a baby shower gift, smiling when a little fist suddenly shot into the air. Like her daughter knew she"d arrived home and was greeting her.

Peeking in the cradle, there lay Charlotte, little tufts of dark hair shooting straight from the top of her head, her eyes as blue as her father"s. Upon seeing her mother"s face she smiled and squealed with delight, kicking out her feet just before Tessa plucked her from her resting place.

"My baby," Tessa murmured against Charlotte"s fragrant neck as she nuzzled her. "My sweet, sweet baby, did you miss your mommy?" Charlotte cooed and turned her face into her mother"s. Tessa closed her eyes, savoring the delicious baby scent, the squirmy little warm bundle shifting her knees against Tessa"s chest. She was a vibrant, intelligent, curious baby and she was so proud to call herself Charlotte"s mommy.

She was going to make sure that Charlotte never felt like she lacked for a father. Knew that someday she would have to face her daughter"s questions why her father wasn"t around but for now, she could simply enjoy her. With no worries of Alex coming after her and trying to take what he would surely believe was rightfully his.

It didn"t help that her soft heart had allowed her to name the baby after Alex"s grandmother. She"d gone as far as to give her daughter the Worth name, which was foolish but it was a common surname. He"d never look for her and he certainly wouldn"t have a clue about the baby.

Alex would never, ever know. Not that he would care, not really. He"d tossed Tessa out like yesterday"s trash so why would he want their baby? And even if he did find out-which was highly unlikely-he"d only view Charlotte as 169.

an object to be obtained and added to his collection. He had no emotional stake in any of this. He was completely out of her life, and Tessa preferred it that way.

Even in the middle of the night, when she was so exhausted by Charlotte keeping her up and her silly thoughts were filled with memories of Alex. The two of them together, laughing and talking, the hunger in his eyes when they were in a crowded room and he thought no one else was looking. His beautiful body, the way he kissed her, touched her, made love to her...

"Hey." Gina wandered into the living room, a smile on her face when she spotted Tessa holding Charlotte. "How was your day?"

"It was good. Busy." So what if her nights were lonely and she missed New York and her old job and more than anything, Alex. She was a glutton for punishment, how her thoughts always returned to him but he was hard to forget when she had a daily reminder squirming in her arms.

Charlotte was a perfect blend of the two of them. Dark hair that tended to curl like Tessa"s and stormy dark blue eyes like her father, she looked more like a female version of Alex with every day that pa.s.sed.

Sometimes, she stared at her daughter for so long it hurt. Tears would fill her eyes at thinking of what she"d lost. At how terrible Alex had been to her that night. The hurt she"d seen in his eyes so briefly before becoming masked with that cold, calculating anger he was so good at portraying.

She"d never been the brunt of it before that evening. His iciness had cut her like a knife.

"Well, dinner"s ready if you are. I already fed her so she should be good," Gina said, indicating Charlotte.

Tessa squeezed her daughter close. "I"ll need to pump more milk for her after dinner, I suppose." She enjoyed breast feeding but sometimes disliked the pump. It made her feel like a baby feeding machine.


Which, she mused, she supposed she was.

They sat down to dinner at the small round table in the corner of the kitchen, watching the news from the TV in the connecting living room. It was their usual routine, Gina was the far better cook of the two of them and if Tessa wasn"t working the evening shift at the shop, they ate dinner together always.

Tessa didn"t know what she would"ve done if she didn"t have her sister.

They hadn"t been that close these last few years, the both of them too involved in their own lives and careers but when the going got tough, Tessa had known she could count on Gina. And Gina hadn"t let her down.

There was comfort in that, just as there was comfort in their routine. She"d always believed she would love spontaneity and thrilling excitement but really, she was just as boring as every other average person in the world. .

"...and the grand opening of the new Worth Luxury store on Bond Street is set for tomorrow. Part of an offshoot of Worth Luxury Goods, the store, called Worthwhile, is aimed at the younger set. With lower prices and more trendy items to appeal to those who follow the trends," the television announcer said.

"Owner and CEO Alexander Worth will be present at tomorrow"s opening after personally supervising the construction of the new location for the past six months."

Tessa"s fork clattered onto her plate, her mouth dropping open in shock. It was one thing to think of Alex. It was quite another to Google him on occasion and stare longingly at the most recent photos of him on her laptop in the middle of the night.

It was an entirely different and strange situation to be eating her dinner and hear his name mentioned on the news as his picture briefly flashed on the television.


"You have to be kidding me," Gina murmured, worry lacing her tone. "He"s going to be in London?"

Tessa picked up her fork, stunned he"d been in London for the past six months. It was as if he had some sort of sixth sense. Did he have any idea that she was here? Oh, she doubted it but still. It was just so strange. "London is a large city. There is no way I"ll run into him."

"Mon Amour is near Bond Street," Gina reminded her.

"It"s on the far end of Oxford, not even close to Bond." She tried her hardest to sound dismissive but fear crept along her skin and settled cold and slick in her belly. She pushed her plate away, her appet.i.te gone. "I didn"t even know they were building the new location so close to where I work," she murmured.

She didn"t explore the exclusive shopping streets of London because she really couldn"t afford it. It cost a lot of money to keep her baby clothed and diapered. She still had a gob of clothes from her time at Worth, all of them elegant and simple, perfect for how Simone wanted her to look at Mon Amour.

She didn"t have the time or the money to shop for herself.

"Well, like you said, London is a large city. There"s no possible way you"ll run into Alex Worth," Gina said. "You should finish your dinner."

"I"m not hungry." The thought of putting another bite of food in her mouth immediately made her stomach roil.

"Tessa," Gina chastised. "You should eat."

She"d gotten terribly skinny after what happened between her and Alex, much to her sister"s constant worry. It had become worse when she discovered she was pregnant and couldn"t keep a thing down due to morning sickness. Only during the last four months of her pregnancy had she gained weight. She still hadn"t shed the last of the baby weight and her body had somehow shifted. She had far more curves than the last time she saw Alex.


"I"ll be fine. Really." Tessa flashed her sister a smile. "I just-I think I"m going to relax on the couch for a bit. I"ll clean up the dinner dishes when you"re done."

"No, no, I"ll take care of it. You rest. You"ve had a bit of a shock." Indeed she had.


Chapter Fifteen.

Alex hadn"t felt this good since he didn"t know when. The reception toward the new and risky Worthwhile Luxury store had been overwhelmingly positive, even from the London news and fashion media, who were notorious for their picky taste and downright rude editorial. The s.p.a.cious store had been filled to the very brim with shoppers and they"d sold out of their predicted popular accessory items within minutes. The newly launched and exclusive women"s line also sold out.

It felt amazing, to create something completely new and visionary within the old and established Worth line and have it launch with instant success. Hunter was thrilled. He"d called him twice with congratulatory remarks. The London marketing team had literally high fived him near the end of the day and he"d offered to take everyone, including the hard working store crew, out to dinner as soon as the store closed which was within the next hour.

He was exhausted but it was the good kind. His brain had been so busy it was hard to focus on the negatives. On how much he missed Tessa. How much he still wanted her.

For whatever reason, she haunted his thoughts more so than usual.

Memories of their time in London together flashed through his mind, memories drenched in visions of Tessa naked, their bodies entwined, their mouths fused.

The breathy little sounds she made when he pounded deep inside her, the way her body shook with her o.r.g.a.s.m and how she"d call his name...

Shaking himself from useless thoughts, he wandered about the store, noting the items that needed to be replenished, unusually pleased at how empty the store displays were. He"d put in an order for more inventory earlier this morning, within hours of the grand opening. It had been clear that early on the day was going to end a rousing success. He"d wanted to be prepared and requested more inventory so the store wouldn"t stand empty for too many days and lose sales.

Outside the sunlight dimmed though the sidewalks were still crowded. The morning air had been crisp and cool and the sun shone all day after a brisk storm had blown through the city last night. Deciding he needed a bit of fresh air, he let the store manager know he was taking a quick walk and he stepped outside, inhaling deeply. The cold air felt good in his lungs. It didn"t even bother him that people ran into him, their shoulders colliding with his as they pa.s.sed by.

Everyone was in such a hurry. He was so full of relief, for once in his life he felt like taking a leisurely stroll.

It was completely unlike him.

He strode down Bond Street, admiring the other storefronts, paying attention to their window displays. This was by far one of the hippest shopping areas in all of London, drawing both residents and tourists alike. The original Worth Luxury location was on Regent Street and he"d checked in with them earlier in the day to check on sales.

Thanks to the grand opening, they"d had renewed interest and a surge in sales as well.

Wishing he"d worn a coat, he continued his walk, turning onto Oxford Street where the less expensive stores were. Their location was still prime, the window displays perhaps even more creative than the ones on Bond and he stopped at a 175.

window filled with a lavish display of lace and silk. Elegant and alluring, he studied the display. The lingerie was exquisite, looked expensive yet touchable.

The awning that covered the window was a broad and bold pink and black stripe, with the words Mon Amour streaked across the front in black script.

Instantly he recognized the stripe from the shopping bag Tessa had discarded in her room that night in Paris. The gorgeous lingerie she had purchased with him in mind.

Without thought he walked into the store, the quiet warmth of the interior engulfing him upon his entry. It was quiet within, cla.s.sical music played low in the background and the place smelled divine of sweet spices. A gla.s.s table was in the very front of the store, the top of it covered in piles of colorful lacy concoctions and the pang in his heart was suddenly so sharp it nearly stole his breath.

G.o.d, he missed her. What a d.a.m.n fool he was for letting her go.

"Do you need any help, monsieur?"

The sound of a heavily accented English feminine voice caused him to glance to his left. A woman stood before him, draped from head to toe in black, black framed gla.s.ses perched low on her nose.

"I"m fine," he rea.s.sured her, looking toward the front door. He should escape. He had no plans on purchasing lingerie-and for who? He had no one.

"Are you looking for something beautiful for your special lady?" He shook his head. "I have no special lady."

The woman gasped, resting her hand on her chest. "Surely you"re jesting. A handsome, successful man such as you has no special lady in his life?"

"I did. Once." Why was he confessing this to a stranger? "But we"re not together any longer."

"Ahh." She shook her head, made a tsking noise. "You miss her terribly." 176 "I do." Saying it out loud made his misery that much keener.

"Then why don"t you beg her forgiveness?"

He frowned. "How do you know I did something wrong?" She threw her head back and laughed. "Because you all eventually do something wrong. It just depends on the level of wrongness. Let me find someone to help you pick out an apology nightgown." His frown deepened. "A what?"

"Trust me." She waved a hand. "You bring her a gorgeous piece of lace worth plenty of money and she"ll forgive you of all your sins. Oh, Tessa. I have a gentleman who needs a.s.sistance, please."

He stiffened at the sound of the name Tessa, the hairs at the back of his neck standing on end. He would"ve bailed. Would"ve bolted straight out of there but upon hearing the name he planned on sticking around and at least seeing what was most likely a poor excuse for the woman he"d once loved.

Still loved, if he was being honest with himself.

"How can I help you?" asked an unmistakable voice from behind.

Alex closed his eyes, her familiar, intoxicating scent wrapping around him.

His skin tingled, his heart raced as shock flooded his veins.

It was her. She was in London selling lingerie she"d once bought for his pleasure? It made absolutely no sense.

It made perfect sense.

He turned, noted the shocked expression when she realized it was him, the quick flash of happiness in her gaze before it was replaced with panic. "h.e.l.lo, Tessa."

She gaped at him, backing up so quickly she ran into a rack, causing it to plow into one of the gla.s.s tables. The colliding furniture clanged loudly, and he winced. Wished he could reach out and help her but knew she wouldn"t let him.


She righted the display furniture, her movements shaky before she turned scared wide eyes upon him. "What are you doing here?"

"I really should be asking you that, shouldn"t I?" Her expression hardened and she turned on her heel, striding toward the back of the store with determined steps. "Go away." He chased after her, his gaze dropping to the plump curve of her bottom.

Had she gained weight? Not that he was protesting, she looked more beautiful than ever, but her curves seemed even more p.r.o.nounced, her body more- womanly.

"I want to talk to you," he said when she didn"t turn around.

"Well, I clearly do not want to talk to you. Please leave." She slipped behind the counter and rested her clasped hands on top of the gla.s.s counter, trying her hardest to be the picture of serenity. Cool, calm, aloof.

He knew because he was a professional of that particular false front. He knew where to look for the telltale signs of fracture. The lines around her pretty dark eyes, the creases in her forehead, and the tightness of her lips when she realized he"d been staring at them, thinking of all the things he could do with those pretty lush lips. All the things he had done.

"What are you doing in London?" He couldn"t believe she was here. Across a vast ocean and in another country, he"d think the possibility of running into her was practically nil.

"I could ask you the same question." Her sultry voice was quite possibly the best thing he"d heard in ages, despite the anger he noted in her tone.

He also noticed her deflection. She wasn"t about to give an inch. "For the grand opening of our new store."

She didn"t ask, didn"t so much as mention any sort of intimate detail about the store, which she"d known plenty about before he"d fired her.


"Congratulations. I wish you much success." The haughty tone, the disdainful tilt of her chin, she didn"t mean a word of it.

Alex couldn"t be deterred.

"Tessa." Reaching out, he touched her, placed his hand atop her forearm. His skin sizzled upon contact and she hissed, jerking her arm away from him before he could curl his fingers about her slender bones and keep her close. "I need to talk to you."

"There"s absolutely nothing more we could say to each other. You made your opinions more than clear. Now if you could please leave, I would greatly appreciate it."

"Always the polite one, aren"t you, kitten?" he murmured, unable to help himself, unable to stop the endearment from dropping from his lips.

She slapped the gla.s.s countertop with both hands so hard he wondered if the sharp edge left marks on her palms. "You have no right to call me that." The claws were out most definitely. G.o.d, it felt so good to be in her presence, to see her, drink her in. Her hair was longer than the last time he saw her, glossy and thick with waves. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were a sight to behold, their generous size emphasized by the clingy knit of her elegant pale pink sweater set and he wondered if she"d somehow gotten bigger.

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