I need to tell you that I love you first."

"Oh, Alex." Tessa shook her head, the tears spilling freely again. "Are you sure?"

"I"ve never been surer of anything my entire life." He leaned in close so their foreheads were pressed together. "I love you. It"s not because of Charlotte either.

She just makes me love you more."

Unable to take anymore she threw herself at him, circling her arms around his neck. Her every dream was coming true. Only hours before she was ready to run because Alex had discovered her and now he"d confessed the one thing she"d wanted to hear from him more than anything else in the world.

He loved her. He wanted her to be his wife.

Alex wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her away from him so their gazes met. "I need to hear how you feel, Tessa. I need to hear you say the words."

She smiled though her lips trembled. "I love you, Alex. I"ve loved you for what felt like forever. That"s why it hurt so much, your rejection of me. I wanted to curl up into a ball and die that night."

He smoothed the still damp hair away from her face, his fingers drifting down her temple, across her cheek. "I"ll spend a lifetime trying to earn your forgiveness, working my hardest to drive that memory out of your thoughts forever."


"We"ll create new memories." He dragged his thumb across her lower lip and she sucked in a harsh breath. "The three of us together."

"The three of us." The baby still fussed and they both turned at the same moment to watch the little ba.s.sinet rock back and forth. "She"s hungry?"

"Yes, she"s always hungry." Tessa smiled and shook her head. "She"s too big for that thing. That"s why it"s rocking, you know."

"She"s strong like her mama." He kissed her cheek, shifted so his lips hovered above hers for a tantalizing moment before he finally claimed her mouth for his own.

She moaned softly, resting her hands on his chest, her fingers curling into the fine fabric of his shirt. She wanted him naked. She wanted to feel him skin on skin, his mouth and hands bringing her absolute pleasure.

The baby wailed and they broke apart from each other, the smile on Alex"s face irresistible. She"d never seem him look so happy before. "I should feed her."

"I"ll bring her to you."

"Alex." She rested her hand on his cheek and he stilled, his serious gaze meeting hers. "I love you."

His eyes warmed to a mellow blue and he pressed a soft, lingering kiss to her lips. "I love you too."

He"d never felt more content.

Watching with fascination the woman he loved breastfeed their baby. After stripping down to his boxer briefs and climbing into the bed, he"d made Tessa take off her sweater and pants as well, surprised to see she hadn"t worn a bra beneath. A rare and unusual occurrence, she"d warned him. Breastfeeding meant industrial-style bras to support her abundant chest.


Alex didn"t mind. Now that he had her back in his life, none of the little stuff mattered. She loved him. She agreed to be his wife.

He was a lucky son of a b.i.t.c.h.

Charlotte was a greedy little eater, sucking noisily at her mother"s breast. He sat next to Tessa in the bed, his arm circled around her shoulders, his other hand resting on top of his daughter"s head, stroking her downy soft hair. He stroked her pudgy cheek and she broke away from Tessa"s nipple, gazing up at him with he swore a flare of irritation in her smoky blue eyes.

"You"ve interrupted her," Tessa chastised, amus.e.m.e.nt lacing her voice. "She doesn"t like to be disturbed while she"s eating."

"Maybe I"m jealous," he murmured after Charlotte found her mother"s nipple and started to nurse again. "I haven"t had you all to myself in far too long."

Craning her head, Tessa kissed him. "She"s almost finished. This is normally her time to sleep for at least four to five hours straight."

"Mmm, sounds promising."

Finally, his daughter fell asleep at her mother"s breast, her rosebud lips parted and he swore she snored. Tessa gathered her into her arms and settled her carefully in the ba.s.sinet before heading back to the bed. Beautiful and uninhibited in her womanly body, clad only in simple black panties, he pulled her close the moment she climbed under the covers with him.

Her warmth, her vitality seeped into him, rejuvenating him, making him feel complete. They kissed, he wound his tongue around hers as he skimmed his hand all over her soft skin, his fingers sliding beneath her panties to grip her plump a.s.s. She squirmed against him, brushing her s.e.x against his straining c.o.c.k and he knew he wasn"t capable of a long, drawn out lovemaking session.

It was going to be quick, dirty and satisfying.


Flipping her onto her back, he kissed his way down her lush body, lingering on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, down her stomach, easing his fingers into her tight, hot wetness.

She writhed beneath him, arching her body into his hand, her head thrown back, already lost in her ecstasy as he brought her to climax.

It was easy, so easy between them. And beautiful-achingly beautiful. She touched him everywhere and he thought his skin might catch on fire, he was so hot. She gripped his c.o.c.k with sure fingers, stroking him, driving him higher and higher until finally he withdrew and grabbed the single condom he"d found in his travel bag earlier.

"I"m going too fast but I won"t last much longer," he muttered as he slipped the condom on and then positioned himself so he was poised at her entry. "I need you too much."

She smiled, the look of hazy satisfaction still in her eyes, all over her face.

"We have the rest of our lives together, Alex." With a groan he pushed inside her and stilled, savoring the wet velvety hot grip of her. She felt amazing. Being inside her was like...being home.

So incredibly corny but true, he couldn"t deny it. Didn"t want to deny it.

He was too much in love with her to worry about thinking like a sap.

Tessa felt too good. With only a few thrusts he was coming, spilling everything inside her. All the love, all the yearning, all the pent up emotions he"d kept locked up tight in his heart all these years. His release left him depleted, exhausted and he fell to his side beside her after he disposed of the condom, slipping his arm around her waist and hauling her close, her back to his front.

She stroked his arm and shifted against him, her backside rubbing against his groin and causing his c.o.c.k to stir halfheartedly. He groaned close to her ear.

"Give me a few minutes before we start that again." Tessa giggled. "I"m too tired."


"Hmm, I bet I could get you in the mood." He trailed his fingers across her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, felt her distended nipples and he chuckled.

"Too sleepy. We can do that later." She snuggled closer.

"Tessa?" She felt so amazing in his arms. He couldn"t get over the fact that he had her with him. That it wasn"t a dream.


"Do you know?" He paused and cleared his throat. "Do you know what night it was that we conceived Charlotte?"

"It was the night we, um, had s.e.x on your desk." She pressed her face against his arm, her voice filled with embarra.s.sment.

Realization dawned. He hadn"t used a condom, had taken her like some sort of uncontrollable savage overcome with l.u.s.t. "I"m an irresponsible a.s.s."

"I enjoyed it. The way you pushed me onto the desk..." A shiver moved through her.

He chuckled and she pinched his arm, causing him to yelp. "Why did you do that?"

"Never say you were irresponsible. That night brought us Charlotte." She sighed. "It was meant to be."

Perhaps it was. "Hopefully we"ll have another night that"s meant to be and bring Charlotte a little brother."

"Please. Let me recover from having this one first." They laughed together. "As soon as we can, I"d like to add my name to Charlotte"s birth certificate," he said once their laughter died.

"That won"t be necessary."

He stiffened. "Why not?"


She turned in his arms so she could face him. The room was dark but for a single light burning dimly in the bathroom and he could just make out her features. "You"re already listed as her father."

"I am?" His heart thumped wildly in his chest. He couldn"t believe it.

She nodded, her expression solemn. "Gina tried to talk me out of it but I couldn"t do it. You"re listed as her father and her name on the birth certificate is Charlotte Elizabeth Worth."

"That is a mouthful."

"I thought it made her sound like royalty." Tessa smiled. "She is royalty."

"She"s my little princess." He kissed her. "And you are my queen." And together they would rule the Worth empire and live happily ever after.


About the Author.

Karen Erickson has always loved the written word. From being one of the best readers in her kindergarten cla.s.s to penning romantic stories that never ended about her favorite band members (Duran Duran) in high school, she always wanted to write. It just took her a while to seriously pursue it.

With the birth of her third child came a realization it"s one thing to talk about writing a book, another thing entirely to actually do it. She"s been published since 2006.

Karen"s a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite with her husband, three children, one dog, and too many cats.

To learn more about Karen, visit her online: www.karenerickson.com Blog: karenerickson.blogspot.com Group Blog: www.s.m.u.tketeers.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/karenericksonwritesromance Twitter: www.twitter.com/karenerickson Look for these t.i.tles by Now Available: Spontaneous Jesse"s Girl Neon Chaos Fortune Fortune"s Deception Fortune"s Promise Fortune"s Chance Playing with Fire Forbidden Tangled Scandalous Notorious Fated Under My Umbrella Baby, Don"t Lose My Number Simple Twist of Fate Tahoe Nights My Favorite Mistake Print Anthologies Midsummer Night"s Steam: Hot Summer Nights Luck of the Draw Playing with Fire Tahoe Nights Coming Soon: Worth It Worth the Risk Worth the Challenge Sometimes you run in to love. Sometimes it runs into you.

Simple Twist of Fate 2011 Fated, Book 3 Love at first sight? It"s so not happening for Morgan. Never mind that her two best friends, who are both up to their eyeb.a.l.l.s in happily ever after, are playing matchmaker. She wants out of her worst blind date ever-and her "out" abruptly finds her when she"s knocked out cold walking into a door.

One look into the eyes of the beautiful woman with the gash on her head, and paramedic Evan Marshall is a goner. Professional ethics say hands off the patient. Once her st.i.tches are out, though, he can"t resist the impulse to ask her out. As their first date flares into a white-hot affair, he feels it in his bones-she"s the one.

Evan"s everything Morgan could ever want in a man, but things are happening way too fast. She made that mistake once before and, certain this relationship is careening down the same road to heartbreak, she slams on the brakes.

To her surprise, Evan lets her go. And by the time she realizes she just let her one chance at happily ever after slip away, it could be too late...

Product Warnings Fated love strikes again. Featuring toe-curling s.e.x, a sweet-talking man and a woman who can"t help but give in to her secret desires. Will true love reign supreme? Most definitely...

Warning: Fated love strikes again. Featuring toe-curling s.e.x, a sweet-talking man and a woman who can"t help but give in to her secret desires. Will true love reign supreme? Most definitely...

Enjoy the following excerpt for Simple Twist of Fate: Evan carefully wound the gauze around her head nice and tight to stem the flow of blood. It had slowed to a mere trickle by the time they got her into the back of the ambulance, but he wasn"t going to take any chances. It was a deep gash but nothing terribly serious. That door had caught her just right, and she"d need a few staples along the edge of her hairline.

He didn"t dare mention staples again, though. The first time had nearly sent her into a panic. And the last thing he wanted was a panicked patient.

She smiled at him when he finished wrapping her head, and a little zing zapped through him. Her shoulder-length dark brown hair was a haphazard mess, sticking out in odd waves because of the half-mummy look the gauze gave her. Bits of dried blood were still on the side of her face, and she watched him silently with big, dark velvety brown eyes.

Eyes he could drown in if he didn"t watch out.

Shaking his head, he went about his tasks with measured efficiency, putting away supplies then making sure she was comfortable. He"d been a paramedic for six years, and he was d.a.m.n good at his job. So good it tended to take over his life, but h.e.l.l, the overtime pay was worth it. He had enough time for a social life later. Right now, he had a job to do and plenty of money to make. He had big goals, wanting to save for a piece of land in the country and eventually build a house on it.

"Thank you for helping me," she said softly.

"Just doing my job." He shrugged, trying to pretend her appreciation didn"t mean anything beyond the usual.

"You"re very good at it." He met her gaze and lifted his brows. "Your job.

You have a very...calming nature."

"Until I mention the word staples." Her eyes widened, and he felt like a complete a.s.s. "See? I did it again. Sorry."

"It"s okay. It won"t hurt, right?"

Nah, the staples never hurt. It was the shot the patients got in the head to numb them before the staples that usually had them freaking out. But he wasn"t about to mention that. "You"ll be fine."

"Of course, I will." She smiled, but it didn"t quite reach her eyes. She looked worried more than anything, and he wanted to rea.s.sure her. Take her mind off what was going to happen next. They were still a few minutes from the hospital and traffic was kind of hectic, he could tell what with the c.r.a.ppy way his partner Wes was driving.

"So that guy you were with..."

She shook her head and winced. Her head was probably killing her. "My friend set me up with him."

"Does your friend hate you?"

She giggled. "No, she"s one of my best friends. She means well, but the outcome is rarely successful. She just wants to see me happy."

"Happy with a jerk?" It was none of his business. He was just making idle conversation to pa.s.s the time.

Yeah, right.

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