Wrong Girl

Chapter 7

Scarlett jumps up from her bed sweating. "What the h.e.l.l?" Her heart beats fast. "Was...was that real?" She swallows hard as she looks down at her arms. Her eyes widen when she sees fresh cuts start to heal in front of her.

"It takes time.." Damon walked out of the shadows.

She sighs. "Why...why can"t I just go meet him now?" She gets off her bed and walks to her dresser. "I don"t see the point in all this!" She grows angry. "If my father really is the devil than why can"t I just-"

"You need to still learn" Damon sits on her bed. "You are still a level one demon. If you see your father now he will just send you off. Or if he really is in a bad mood than he"ll probably kill you."

She throws her brush at the wall. "It"s not fair!"

He goes to her. "I know. But it"s what has to be done."
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She sits on the chair in front of the mirror. "Why me?"

Damon bends down to her level. "Honestly, Scarlett....I don"t know. Your father sees something in you. And he wants to make sure you are fit when he takes over again."

She looks at the picture on her dresser. Her mother, her and her brother all smiling for it.

He looks at the picture too. "I know you miss her-"

"I do!" She bites her lip. "I will grow stronger! And I will kill the person that did this! I will show them no mercy when I do!"

He smiles. "That"s what I like to hear!" He stands. "Though I"m a little scared of how you changed.." He looks at her outfit.

She chuckles. "Oh Damon you worry too much." She too stands. "I"m still me. I"m just figuring out some teenager s.h.i.t. That"s all." She grabs her phone. "Austin"s here. Gotta go!" She runs to the door but stops. "Thank you.."

Damon looks at her. "For what?"

"For being there when I need someone.." She smiles at him before leaving.

He blushes a little but shakes his head. "No! She is Satan"s daughter!" He smacks his head.

*At the park*

Scarlett and Austin both sit at a bench on opposite sides.

"You know you look different." Austin studies her before taking a scoop of his ice cream. "Maybe it"s the hair?" He looks at her hair. "No.."

She laughs. "I"m still me dork." She takes a bite of her sandwich.

"You know you could have gotten ice cream?" He looks at her food.

She shakes her head. "Nah I"d rather have this than that nasty soup." She laughs at his half melted ice cream.

"Hey! It wasn"t like this when I first got it!" He pushes it to the side. "But seriously..." He grabs her hands. "What"s different?"

"Nothing okay?" She growls as she pulls her hands back.

He sighs. "Okay.." He stands while grabbing his ice cream. "Hey I"m going to go throw this away..." He slowly walks away.

"d.a.m.n.." She groans. "I shouldn"t be so mean.."

Austin throws his ice cream in the trash.

"Sorry I was mean to you." Scarlett comes up from behind him, throwing her sandwich away.

He smiles. "I understand. I was coming on too strong."

She laughs. "Really? I had no idea!"

Both turn while he puts his arm around her shoulders.

"So tell me. How"s it"s been living there with the wicked witch of the west?" He laughs.

She smiles. "You mean my aunt?"

"Yeah that one" He walks in front of her while facing her.

"Leaving with her is okay I guess. I mean she comes on way too strong." She looks at the people around.

"Well I didn"t get that kind of feeling when I first met her." He puts his hands in his pockets.

She sighs. "Well I"ve only been living with her for three months now so nothing really has changed. I mean now and again she"ll pa.s.s my room and make eye contacted with me and start yelling in gibberish."

He laughs. "What!?"

"Yeah I think she may think I"m evil or something." She laughs too. "I mean she also leaves ornaments outside of my door in the middle of night."

They start to go around a barn.

"G.o.d! And here I thought I had a crazy family!" He suddenly b.u.mps into someone. "Oh sorry.." He turns around to see three guys standing there.

One in the middle is tall with a cig in his mouth while the other two look much older and filthy.

Scarlett looks at them.

Austin goes beside her.

"Well look at the rack on her!" The man on the right says as he bites his lip.

"Hey!" Austin growls.

Scarlett shakes her head. "Don"t"

"I would love to-"

"Shut it..." The guy in the middle groans. "Just stop talking." He looks at Austin and Scarlett. "Hand over all your money and everything else that is worth something.."

"Or?" Scarlett stares at him.

"Or you could die?" He laughs.

Austin starts to get his money out. "Here.."

"What are you going?" She looks at him.

"I"m trying to save our lives." Austin hands them the money. "That"s all I have. She has nothing on her. Okay?"

The man counts the money. "Hmm.." He hands it to the guy on the left. "It"ll do." He gets close to them. "Don"t come back here again unless you want something bad to happen.." He blows smoke in their faces. "GO!" He screams.

Austin grabs Scarlett and runs away. When they are far away he stops.

"Why"d you do that?" She growls. "I...we could have taken them on!"

Austin frowns. "Scarlett they would have killed us.."

She kicks a rock. "d.a.m.n it!"

He sighs. "They had a gun.."

She freezes. "What?"

"I saw the left guy with one. And that wasn"t all." He swallows hard. "Another guy was hiding behind some bushes...waiting.."

Her eyes widen. She bites her lip hard.

He looks at her. "Hey..." He goes to her. "It"s okay.." He puts her in his arms.

Her lip starts to bleed.

"Scar?" Austin looks at her scared. "You..you okay?" He backs away as he watches her eyes turn black. "What the h.e.l.l?"

"Ahhh!" Scarlett starts to walk back towards the men.

"Wait!" Austin walks behind her. "Don"t do this!...s.h.i.t!"

As she turns the corner where they stood she moves her hand causing Austin"s foot to break.

Austin screams in pain as he falls.

"What the f.u.c.k?" One of the men say as he looks at her.

Scarlett stands there.

The middle man turns to look at her. "Guess she wanted to play" He grabs his junk and laughs.

The rest of the men laugh.

Scarlett starts to laugh but it was demonic.

All the men look at her strangely.

"What"s wrong with the b.i.t.c.h?" A man with brown hair asks as he looks at the others.

"She"s f.u.c.kin crazy!" The left one says scared.

"Ahh all of yas are p.u.s.s.ys!" The middle one walks towards her. "You know what they say about the crazy ones.." He brushes a hair away from her face. "They are animals in bed.." He leans toward her face. "Isn"t that right, princess?"

Scarlett smiles. "Yeah that"s right.." She kisses him.

"Oh!" One man looks at the other. "I knew she was a s.l.u.t!" He laughs.

Scarlett pulls away.

"Awe come on sweety.." He goes for more.

"You want s.l.u.ts huh?" She looks at all of them.

All the men nod.


She smiles. "I could help you with that.." She smiles big. "Wanna s.l.u.t huh?"

The men all smiles. "Show us your t.i.ts!"

She laughs. "Alright...I"ll show you s.l.u.ts.." She closes her eyes.

"Huh? What trick is this?" A man growls.

She starts to chant in another language.

"She"s a witch!"

"Shut it!" The middle man says as he turns to look at her. "She"s going to give us some of her treats.." He bites his lip.

Suddenly, she stops.

"Huh? Where"s the treats?"

She opens her eyes. But this time their white. "Here are your s.l.u.ts.."

Out of no where two woman naked woman appear. They start to jump on the men. Ripping them apart.

"What in the h.e.l.l?" A man screams as he runs away from the other men getting torn apart.

Scarlett grabs him. "Awe.." She smiles big. "What"s wrong little man? Does someone got your d.i.c.k?" She rips his p.e.n.i.s from his body in one flash.

He screams.

"Yesss! Let me hear your pain!" She smiles big as she listens to all the men screaming.


She suddenly freezes. Her eyes turn normal. She turns around. "Austin.."

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