Wrong Girl

Chapter 2

"I didn"t know it then but something was always off in my life. Like something was missing from it. I never could tell what that really was honestly. But that didn"t stop me from being normal to others.."

Scarlett rides a bike down the street as she listens to music. She doesn"t notice a truck behind her coming at full speed.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY KID!" The trucker yells but it doesn"t help since Scarlett couldn"t hear him. "I SAID GET OUT OF THE WAY!" He honks again but this time he hits her bike causing her to swerves off the road and into the ditch. "DUMB a.s.s!" He yells as he drives away.

Scarlett rubs her head as she looks angrily at the truck. She grows angry. "f.u.c.k YOU!" She yells as her eyes turn red the truck explodes. She jumps and her eyes goes back to normal. "W-what?" She looks at the once in tacked truck to see nothing but smoke and fire. She quickly gets up and rides on her bike away from the scene before anyone sees her.

"I thought that the truck had exploded on its own at the time. I tried to convince myself of that but something was telling me that it wasn"t...So I tried my best to bury it inside me....deep inside.."

*The Next Day*

Scarlett sits in a room. The walls splatted with blood. Her name in blood across the walls.

Scarlett rocks back and forth. She covers her eyes. Repeating over and over "I"m a good person....I"m a good person.." Her voice cracks some. She was scared. Suddenly someone enters the room. She looks up.

The person is wearing all black. They had a hood over their face.

She stood. "Please...don"t hurt me..." She was terrified.

The person moved closer. "Oh Scarlett....I"m not going to hurt you..." They reached for her. "I"M GOING TO STOP YOU!" they jumped on her. Making her wake up in her room.

She breathed heavily. "Thank G.o.d it was only a dream." She put her face in her hands. She had been having these dreams since that little girl got hit by the car years ago and the truck driver. She blamed herself.

No one knew why. The police say the person that hit the little girl was a mother. She had her kids in the car with her at the time. So they don"t know why she did it. She didn"t even remember it happening. She said that all she remembered was driving and than waking up with her kids screaming and blood on her windshield. As for the truck driver..well he was drunk at the time so they said he must have drove off the road to cause his truck to exploded. Luckily he survived but was left with burns that covered his whole body.

Scarlett sits up. She rubs her eyes. "You"re okay Scarlett...." She signs. "Your okay..." She stands. An hour pasts before walking downstairs. She puts a smile on. She didn"t want people to think something was wrong. When she enters the room her brother sits at the table eating and texting. Of course he was. Probably talking to his girlfriend.

Scarlett rolls her eyes. She sits next to her brother. Her mother comes to the table putting more food on the table. Pancakes.

"So hun" the mother says "how was school yesterday?" She stares at Scarlett

Scarlett picks at her food. She remembers yesterday. How cruel everyone was. She swallows hard. "It was nice. People kept asking me to sleep over at their houses. I said no of course because I had so much homework." She smiles big.

Her mother smiles back. "That"s good sweetheart."

"Mom I got a new girlfriend!" Marcus says smiling and putting his phone down.

"Oh is she pretty?" The mother giggles as her son blushes.

"Yes of course!" He hides his face.

~Time Skip~

Scarlett walks to her locker. Pa.s.sing everyone.

As she opens her locker she remember a new boy comes today. She smiles big. As she does someone pulls her hair from behind. Making her fall on the ground.

She looks up. About to cry.

"That"s where you belong freak. On the ground kissing our feet!" The girl kicks Scarlett in the face. Making Scarlett hit her head on the ground. Everyone laughs.

"HEY!" Someone yells.

Scarlett sits up. Tears running down her face. She looks at where the voice came from and a boy runs at them. He stops. He had black short hair. His green eyes shined. He looked mad.

He turns to the girl. "Stop being mean! She did nothing wrong to you." The girl and everyone is stunned. So is Scarlett. He looks at her. She freezes.

He reaches his hand out to her. "You okay?"
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She stares at him. Who was he? Why is he helping me? She takes his hand.

He helps her up. "She hit you pretty bad. Lets go to the nurses office." He picks up her books and holds them while he walks with her to the nurses office.

Everyone stares at them. Scarlett stares at him as well. He talks and talks but Scarlett doesn"t listen. She just is so surprised someone stood up for her.

They arrive at the nurses office. He stays with her while she is looked at. After being done they walk out.

"Anyways names Austin. Sorry I didn"t say it before." He smiled. "What about your name?" He stares at her smiling.

"N-names Scarlett..." She manages to say.

"I like that name." He says smiling. "Well I let you be alone. I gotta get to cla.s.s" as he walks away Scarlett smiles.

This was it. She had a friend. All she wanted has came true. Finally. She smiled big.

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