First things first, happy birthday, Yukino! I"m glad I made it on time, both j.a.pan and North America timewise. Admittedly, I"m not too happy about a few parts (translation-wise) in this chapter, so I"ll go back and fix it later. It"s most the info dump parts like the sauna stuff, though.

Now for the chapter, it feels like I"m reading a guy"s diary bragging about his new girlfriend. But anyway, beware of extreme dosages of dere from both Hachiman and Yukino.

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Random Thoughts Aside from the insane amount of dere coming from both Hachiman and Yukino in this chapter, one thing I appreciate is the change in Hachiman"s narration, especially in regards to Yukino. Definitely a lot more intimate, and gushy, for the lack of a better word, compared to before. I also like that he"s a lot more attentive to her needs than before. Oh, forget it, why are these two dorks so d.a.m.n cute? Their interactions are deliciously natural. I"m honestly not sure where to rank all of the scenes, but I think my favorite one is the very final part at the end after the sauna. It feels oddly similar to the part when they"re walking back to the inn after getting ramen with Hiratsuksensei in volume 7, but that might just be me. It"s an interesting contrast, to say the least. Plus, it"s cute as h.e.l.l.
My second best scene is definitely the stroll on the beach. Who doesn"t like a romantic stroll on the beach? That, and their conversation was fun. The cafe scene"s definitely a really close second, especially if you imagine them in the pictures of the cafe below. They"re openly flirting. Everyone"s actually giving them s.p.a.ce throughout the chapter. I really hope they give this chapter a full episode. I"m going to go back to these chapters and edit some more later, probably. Trivia Inage Seaside Park

The park Hachiman and Yukino visit is called Inage Seaside Park. A picture from Google Map below.

There"s also a colorful visual of the campus itself, which you can get the PDF of . One thing I wanted to point in this map was the supposed path Hachiman and Yukino travel just go give a better idea of what the setting looks like. This is what I think their path was, but I could be wrong. Watari wasn"t too descriptive enough, so I don"t know how that part where the beach gets cut off works. I"m a.s.suming they did walk across the bridge to get to the other side.

Brioche Dore"e

This is the that they visit. Below are some pictures courtesy of this .

Note the sofa seats, and realize that the two were flirting on this sofa and watching the sunset sitting next to each other.

Surf Ocean Terrace Restaurant

The venue for the prom.

You can check the for more pictures, but I"ll post a couple here. Here"s two pictures of the second floor that has two layouts, I think.


Wedding Chapel. Amusingly enough, if Watari ends up writing about them getting married, I can imagine this place being used.

MrMax, Yukemori Yokocho, Community Center

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