Yama Rising

Chapter 891

Chapter 891

The entire conference hall fell completely silent, and all of the journalists were too stunned to even speak.

The Cathayan Underworld had made its move! This was the first plan that the Cathayan Underworld had initiated since its long-awaited return to the world stage, and it was clear that this was one of its trump cards. With that in mind, all of them were extremely eager to hear what Qin Changxin had to say next.

Qin Changxin was naturally also aware that this was one of their sharpest figurative swords.

He took a moment to sweep his gaze across the room before continuing, "The Zhu Rong plan stems from ancient Cathayan legends. During the next 20 years, the Cathayan Underworld is going to survey all of the major cities and build advanced underworld experimentation stations in the cities it deems to be suitable."

He turned around and swept a hand through the air, conjuring up a Yin energy screen within the room.

The screen depicted a circle that was split up into nine layers, and at its center was the universe. This was clearly a dynamic picture, and it wasn"t difficult for an Abyssal Prefect to record it, then display it using Yin energy. Furthermore, this image was very familiar to all of the underworld emissaries present.

It was the vastly renowned "Archimedes Yin Rune Wheel."

All of the current known Yin runes stemmed from that wheel, and each layer contained close to 100 Yin runes. These Yin runes combined and interacted with one another in different ways, forming the next layer of Yin runes, which could be individual runes or combinations of multiple runes. All of these runes and combinations of runes possessed different unique properties, and the universe at the very center represented the Yin runes that were still yet to be discovered. This was a piece of Yin rune educational material that was universal across all underworlds and had to be learned by all underworld emissaries.

During the past few thousand years, most of the combinations had already been tested. Some combinations existed, but didn"t serve any purpose, and these combinations were known as heavenly inspiration as no one knew what kind of inspiration they were going to provide to the world in the future.

Thus far, the only 132 Yin rune combinations had been proven to be extremely useful high-end rune combinations, and these Yin rune combinations were known as arks. Each and every ark Yin rune combination consisted of countless basic Yin runes, and they represented salvation and continuation.

Why is he showing us this?

All of the journalists were quite perplexed to see this, and right at this moment, a burst of golden light suddenly erupted from the ninth layer. Within a complex Yin rune combination, a profound Yin rune was suddenly beginning to glow brightly.

That"s the ninth level, the highest level!

All of the journalists looked on with antic.i.p.ation in their eyes. Even though they couldn"t identify what exactly was being shown to them, the fact that it stemmed from the ninth level indicated that this was definitely something extremely advanced!

The tension in the air had grown so strong that they were struggling to breathe.

After the first Yin rune lit up, it was quickly followed by a second Yin rune, then a third, then a fourth. One minute later, countless Yin runes had lit up on the ninth layer.

Their golden radiance was like the light of the sun, and finally, an extremely profound Yin rune appeared at the center of the universe.

It was like a cuneiform from several thousand years ago, and it consisted of countless Yin runes. It was clearly formed by hundreds of thousands, perhaps even over a million Yin runes, but it didn"t look disjointed in the slightest. Instead, it was extremely uniform and harmonious, and it was so resplendent that one simply couldn"t look away.

However, the journalists weren"t moved by this.

During the past several thousand years, there had been no lack of new heavenly inspiration Yin runes, but the majority of them were useless. In other words, the correct way to activate them still hadn"t been discovered by current Yin rune researchers.

Of course, there was no way that the Cathayan Underworld would go out of its way to bring out a useless Yin rune, but as for exactly what purpose it could serve, that was still yet to be announced.

Instead of offering a verbal explanation, Qin Changxin pointed a finger toward the Yin rune, injecting Yin energy into it. In the next instant, a loud boom rang out from the ma.s.sive Yin rune, and countless bursts of dark blue light surged over its surface like arcs of lightning, forcing all of the journalists in the entire hall to shield their eyes from the radiance.

Only after a full minute had pa.s.sed did they reopen their eyes, and Qin Changxin made an inviting hand gesture before pointing a finger at the pieces of image capture crystal in front of him.

What is he doing?

Thomas was a journalist from the new continent, and in all honesty, no one wanted to stay in the new content unless they absolutely had to. If it weren"t for the death G.o.ds below Mictlantecutli and Mictetikasiwa maintaining some semblance of order, the new continent would"ve already descended into a cesspool of slaughter and madness.

One city after another was vanishing into thin air, and this was happening in the underworld! Just the mere thought was enough to send chills running down one"s spine.

Thus, he did everything in his power to be granted this job that allowed him to leave the country, and if he got his way, he would remain out of the new continent for the next few centuries. Thus, he had to complete this job well, and he immediately cast an attentive gaze toward his image capture crystal.

There"s no difference... What is the meaning of this? He carefully inspected the image capture crystal with tightly furrowed brows, and just as he was about to give up, his expression suddenly stiffened.

The fist-sized ball of netherfire in his eyes slowly rose up to over a meter tall, burning like a pair of fiery pillars. His mouth gaped wide open as he pointed at the image capture crystal with a trembling finger, and only after making several failed attempts to speak did he finally manage to force out the words "it"s full..."

His mind had gone completely blank, and he was rooted to the spot like an inanimate statue. Three seconds later, he suddenly yelled, "It"s full!! My image capture crystal has been fully recharged with Yin energy!! I swear I didn"t do this myself!!"

His astonished voice immediately set the entire scene alight.

All of the journalists immediately cast their eyes toward their own image capture crystals, and their expressions slowly transitioned from skepticism to surprise, then from surprise to shock. Five seconds later, they raised their heads in unison to stare blankly at the smiling Qin Changxin. They were all pointing at him with trembling fingers, yet they couldn"t muster up even a single word between them.

This is a new energy resource, one that can replenish Yin energy!

All of the underworlds had been pursuing this for thousands of years! They had been forced to watch as the mortal realm went from an age of darkness to an era of light and technology, yet none of the underworlds had been able to invent a new energy resource. However, the thing that the entire world had been pursuing for thousands of years was now being presented right before their very eyes!

Was this the core of this so-called Zhu Rong plan?

Was it a plan that involved constructing energy systems in all of the nations that were allies to the Cathayan Underworld?!

This wasn"t just a counterattack from the Cathayan Underworld anymore, they were presenting the key to a new era!

This was such a significant revelation that even these vastly experienced international journalists were completely rooted to the spot. After a full minute of stunned silence, the entire hall erupted into a raucous frenzy once again.

"Mr. Qin, is this a new energy resource? Is this an energy resource that can be used in the underworld?"

"Is this electricity? Has the Cathayan Underworld invented electricity during the past century?!"

"Mr. Qin, is that Yin rune all that"s needed to distribute this energy resource?!"

"Does the Cathayan Underworld have plans to make this energy resource available to the entire world? What stage is the development process up to?"

"Can foreign underworlds partic.i.p.ate in this project through research and development agreements? Please answer me! Please, Mr. Qin!!"

The entire scene had completely erupted.

Only those who had seen the power of electricity in the mortal realm knew what a new energy resource entailed. It was like oxygen, and anyone who had control over it would be able to decide the fate of the world.

They finally understood why the Cathayan Underworld hadn"t done anything in the past few days, it was because they had absolute confidence and were a.s.sured of their victory!

Who wouldn"t be forced to bow down to the Cathayan Underworld in the face of such a ma.s.sive revelation?

Qin Changxin was being drowned under a sea of questions, and he was becoming extremely excited by the widespread attention that he was receiving, but he still made a gesture for everyone to quiet down.

He was like an orchestral conductor, and as soon as he made the hand gesture, the entire hall quickly fell silent again, but all of the journalists were still breathing heavily as they stared intently at him as if they were trying to bore holes into his body with their eyes.

"There is a rule in the Coalition of Underworlds which states that all scientific research results pertaining to projects that could change the entire world, such as this one, must be displayed to the entire world and made public after a patent is applied for. During the past few centuries, the Cathayan Underworld has benefited greatly from this rule. For example, there was the Argosian Underworld"s Yin energy guide, the Aegyptian Underworld"s Yin beast taming guide, and the Hindustani Underworld"s Yogachara. These are all teaching materials used across the entire world, and they were masterpieces that advanced entire eras. The Cathayan Underworld has always been an underworld that abides by the rules, and we"ll be sure to release the results of our research. Once the research and development process is complete, we"ll definitely release it to the public after securing a patent. However, now is not the time."

"When will that time come?" A voice suddenly rang out, and Thomas"s chest was heaving drastically.

Only after seeing the expressions of his colleagues, which were displaying sentiments such as "how bold of you", "how could you be so disrespectful to a representative of the Cathayan Underworld", and "I pray for your safety", did he realize exactly what he had just done.

This piece of news had shocked him to the core, and he had stood up without even realizing it.

"Wh, what I meant to say is, this is a piece of research that could impact the entire world, and I was just wondering if you would require the a.s.sistance of other top-tier research and development teams..."

"No, thank you," Qin Changxin replied in a cold voice. "Our Cathayan Underworld has the best research and development team, we don"t need a.s.sistance from any other underworlds. Also, if you dare to interrupt me again, you will never be granted the opportunity to feature in any of the Cathayan Underworld"s future press conferences."

Thomas gulped nervously before sitting back down with a fearful expression, and only then did Qin Changxin continue, "The time will be several hours from now."

An authoritative tone crept into his voice as he continued, "Once the Alkebulan Underworlds arrive, our Cathayan Underworld will sign a series of agreements with the Alkebulan Underworlds" Mythic Spirits, and at the same time, our Zhu Rong plan will be made public to everyone. That will be the end of my address, thank you to everyone for listening. Now then, are there any questions?"

Right as his voice trailed off, an underworld emissary beside him declared, "Each person will only have one question and only one minute to ask the question and have it answered. You may begin now."

Before he had even concluded his statements, all of the journalists present immediately threw their hands up into the sky. Qin Changxin nodded at the first journalist in the first row and said, "We"ll begin with you, then continue in sequential order. Those who don"t have any questions will be skipped."

How could anyone not have questions?!

The first journalist immediately rose to his feet, and his eyes were bloodshot as he said with a rapid cadence, "Mr. Qin, will the Zhu Rong plan involve distributing this new energy resource to all partic.i.p.ating nations? May I ask what conditions and prerequisites must be met for partic.i.p.ation?"

"The specific conditions have been decided by Yanluo Qin and his panel of advisors, but what I can tell is that the first and foremost condition is that we will only be accepting nations that have stuck by the Cathayan Underworld"s side through thick and thin and have never tried to stab the Cathayan Underworld in the back. As for whether nations partic.i.p.ating in the plan will gain access to the new energy resource, that is for certain."

Before the first journalist had even sat down, the second journalist was already on his feet, and he asked, "Mr. Qin, is the Cathayan Underworld releasing this news at a time like this because they"re concerned about their place in the four pillars? After all, according to the regulations of the Coalition of Underworlds, the four pillars are supposed to be leaders that exist to advance the entire world. However, the Cathayan Underworld has been cut off from the rest of the world for too long, and there are rumors stating that the Cathayan Underworld will be severely impeached during this conference.”

"What a load of nonsense!" Qin Changxin chuckled. "The four pillars are one big family, we are all powerful nations leading all of the underworlds to greater heights. There"s no way that the other three pillars would make such an unwise decision. As for our prolonged absence, I do apologize for that on the behalf of the Cathayan Underworld, but we will make up for it by providing groundbreaking technology to the entire world."

"Mr. Qin, what do you think of this conference for the re-signing of the treaty on the non-proliferation of forbidden arts?"

"Mr. Qin, may I ask... "

"Mr. Qin... "

"Mr. Qin..."


The conference hall had erupted into a raucous frenzy, and right at this moment, the hand fan that Izanami was holding was snapped in half.

"What did you just say?" For the very first time, she finally lost her composure.

Her legs almost gave out from under her, and she immediately grabbed onto the table beside her for support. A servant tried to lend her their support, only to be waved away by a frustrated swish of her long sleeve. She made her way directly over to the underworld emissary who was kneeling in front of her, then grabbed onto his chin before pulling him to his feet.

"Repeat what you just said."

"Yes..." The underworld emissary was trembling from fear as he gave her another recount of what had just taken place in the conference hall, and after hearing what he had to say, Izanami almost pa.s.sed out on the spot.

How is this possible?!

They had planned extremely extensively and thought that their trap had no holes. They had even considered what they were going to do if the Cathayan Underworld were to bring out the blueprint for second-generation forbidden arts, but never did they think that the Cathayan Underworld would be able to bring out the blueprint for a new energy resource instead!

A new era is about to arrive...

"Hurry..." She laid a hand over her own forehead as she spat through gritted teeth, "Contact the three pillars and ask them to get to Nara as quickly as possible!!"

This place was about to become an active volcano, and she couldn"t handle the pressure any longer.

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