Yang God

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The bow snapped three times. The arrows tear down air, like meteor, hit the targets 200 gaits away right at the center.

At the same time, the steel arrows penetrated the target, and came out at the other side. The archer just clearly displayed great strength and accurate eye sight.

“Sister Xuejiao, you just used a bow of 60 kilos of strength and shot three arrows in a row. In the Book of Martial Arts, that is called tiger strength. A lot of officers in the military can’t do that. It seems like your martial arts have achieved the stage of epithelium and bones. However, you are a girl after all, practicing archery, riding, combat and cudgels just isn’t appropriate, not cla.s.sy.”

In the ring of five hundred gaits radius, a girl about twenty years of age, wearing a full pure white sportswear and a red bandana, casually draws the bow, discharges three arrows in a row and returns to original position, calm and confident.

She isn’t wearing much, but she does not seem cold on this freezing day standing on the field that has been hardened by the rigor freeze.

This girl is Hong Xuejiao, daughter of the second house in the manor of the marquis.

Standing next to her is a beautifully dressed dandy young guy. He is slender build like a crane, eyes bright like stars.

“We the Great Qian Dynasty established the nation with brute military force and won the cauldron for this land under heaven. It’s been six decades after the founding of our nation, literary tradition has been popular among commoners, martial arts on the other hand, has not. Nonetheless our emperor his majesty still values very highly of martial arts, deeming it the foundation of our great nation. Why else will the royal family organize big hunting events every spring and autumn. Those are not just for fun. He is trying to remind these kings, princes and officers of values of martial arts and military affairs.”

Hong Xuejiao pulls the bow again into a full moon.

“However first cla.s.s quality this “white ox bow” might be, this is no comparison to marquis’ “bow of the fallen stars”.”

“For sure. I never intent to compare mine with father’s. Dad’s “bow of the fallen stars” is made of special steel, its bowstring, made from the tendon of giant python, undergone tens of years of processing. Only the saints of martial arts are able to pull it to the fullest. I am sure not many people have reached that stage. There is really nothing to be jealous of.”

The well-dressed young man smiled and said: “But of course you know, right now in our Great Qian literary tradition is at its peak, litterateurs take control of the court, even with the physical conquers of the Marquis of Wu Wen, he was reprimanded severely by previous prime minister Li Yan, which sort of really irritated him and provoked him into literature, abandoned his track in the military and took the imperial examination. That is how he gets to be at such high status in the court right now. Otherwise, he would have to stay home and just be a regular rich person enjoying day to day life like my father.” The young man can mention the marquis’ past in the manor without any hesitation. He is of very high status himself.

This well-dressed dandy is the first son of the manor of “Duke of Li Guo (meaning organizing the country)”, Jing Yu Xing.

In the Great Qian, duke, marquis, count, are the ranks of n.o.bility. Duke is ahead of marquis. However, ranks of aristocracy are ranks of aristocracy, ranks in the court house are ranks in the court house. Since the Marquis of Wu Wen scored third in the imperial examination, and afterward has deep roots in the court, he has much hi
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gher political influence than the duke.

“You cannot say that! Your family is already at the highest of aristocracy, any higher and he would have to be a prince without the royal family name. If he partic.i.p.ates in the court with such high status, I am afraid our emperor won’t be too pleased.” Hong Xuejiao chuckles.

“Ok we have really crossed the line.” Hearing that, Jing Yu Xing aren’t feeling so jolly now. He looks around carefully, as if he is afraid someone might be listening.

“Right, that is enough for the day.” Hong Xuejiao smiled and replied. “But then again, you said that it was inappropriate for me, a lady to practice martial arts, riding and archery, don’t you remember what happened to those poor girls sixty years ago when the Great Qian entered the Jade Capital? Those daughters and wives of officers and aristocrats, no matter how eminent they used to be, were raped, killed, sold to brothels, or captured in the military and became an involuntary army prost.i.tutes. They did not even have the strength to escape. We are the heavenly empire now, but we also have enemies to the east, the Yun Meng Empire (prototyped from the Mogul Empire), enemies to the west, Huo Luo Dynasty (prototyped from the West Xia regime in the history), enemies to the south, the hundreds of island nations, and finally Yuan Tu dynasty (prototyped from Russia?) to the north. Twenty years ago the cavalries of Yun Meng Empire reached the gate of our capital. They were defeated eventually but it was close. As for those litterateurs officers, the emperor is just using them to appease the country. Li Yan had such huge power that no one could compete in the court. Till the day he died he was not awarded any t.i.tle of n.o.bility. None of his offspring was capable enough to inherit his political influence.”

“Ok, you said you were gonna stop talk but here you are, still talking. Sure sure you Hong Xuejiao is the heroin, just as capable as us dudes.” Jing Yu Xing says, “But I come here today to give you a present.”

“What present?” Hong Xuejiao asks.

Jing Yu Xing claps his hands. From afar a mid-aged man walks toward them. His arms reach below his knees, his gaits are really firm and st.u.r.dy, his eyes look dim but you cannot miss the occasional sharpness in his eyes.

The mid-aged man arrives, puts down the package he is carrying, and Jing Yu Xing picks up a book from it.

On the cover it writes “Hu (tigar) Mo (devils) Lian (cultivate) Gu (bones) Quan (free hand boxing)”.

“Nice!” Hong Xuejiao is pleasantly surprised. “The secret book from Dachan Temple in the Middle Province. Twenty years ago Dachan Temple was destroyed by the emperor, a myriads of martial arts guidance flew to the society. Those are all top secret guidance books of martial arts.”

“Yep, this is the one. Enjoy.” Jing Yu Xing smiles and says.

“This is THE most descriptive book for the exercise of bones. Two hundred and six methods in total, covers exactly every one of our bones. None of other books cover that many.”

Hong Xuejiao is well learnt in this subject herself. She realized the value of this book very quickly. She was even more pleased.

Tens of thousands of Liangs of gold cannot rival the value of this book.

“I found this secret copy in the House of Mount Pines and Cranes when I was visiting the royal library with prince Cheng. I copied it myself with no one noticing. Top secret, do not let anyone know.” Jing Yu Xing puts his hands behind his back, like he is ready to comment on something, “Dachan Temple of the Middle Province, the sacred place for martial arts, the origin of Zen Buddhism. Unfortunately they decided to collude with the remaining force of the last dynasty and sought rebellion. Destroyed by our army. So unfortunate. All the beautiful temples, monks, gone. Nothing is left there now. I heard that even the marquis partic.i.p.ated in that battle as well didn’t he? I heard it was brutal, quite a few generals died, Fang (sort of means magic here) Xian (immortals) Dao (sect) and Zheng (orthodox) Yi (one, origin) Dao partic.i.p.ated as well. A lot their disciples died.

Hong Xuejiao rummages through the pages. She is so excited that she was barely listening. “The methods on this book can strength every piece of bone and make them as hard as iron. Truly one of the best under heaven.”

“There are myriads of different sects of martial arts, but it all comes down to these following stages. Flesh, tendons, membranes, bones, internal organs, bone marrows, and blood. One stage after another. There is no rushing it. You will gradually change every piece of you, and reborn into saints of martial arts. Miss Hong, you have demonstrated your foundation in flesh tendons and membranes. I figured this book is just right for you to use. I heard the Marquis of Wu Wen is one of the saints of martial arts. He abandoned military affairs for twenty years already but his physical strength has never suffered. How admirable.” The mid-aged man says.

“Uncle Yun.” Jing Yu Xing raises his hand, stopping the mid-aged man.

The man smiled and backed off, without saying any more word.

“This man seems to be very powerful. When did the manor of Duke of Li Guo get such an ace.”

“Miss…” Just when Hong Xuejiao is wondering, the servant girl Ning arrives in a hurry.

“That is fantastic calligraphy!” Hong Xuejiao takes a first look at the writing on her hand.

“Great calligraphy. The cursives are like running snakes and pythons. Good poem as well. “the heart wants what it wants, out of our control”, true that. Hold the inner ape and we can calm our nerve; lockup the mental horse and we can establish our vitality. If our heart can be completely controlled by ourselves, we would be true immortals and G.o.ds. The poem sends out nimbus; the calligraphy is even more spirited, like you can see their audacious bones and its power transcending through the pages. Who write these?”

Jing Yu Xing looks at the line of characters on the paper and couldn’t help but make some comment.

“That is one of my brothers. Not from a good mother though. Mrs. Zhao doesn’t like him. Last year he won the provincial candidate in the imperial examination.” Hong Xuejiao pa.s.ses the poetry to Jing Yu Xing and continues to look at the guidance to exercising bones, Hu Mo Lian Gu Quan.

“Ning, take ten silver crackers out of my own private account and give them to Hong Yi. He is preparing for the imperial examination. His humble allowance is not likely to be enough.”

“Miss, why do you want to give him money. If Mrs. Zhao hears that somehow, it might not be so appropriate.” Ning pouts, and appears unwilling.

“Fine, just go quietly.” Hong Xuejiao waves her hand and let Ning go.

“Fine.” Ning agrees, turns her back and is about to leave.

“Wait wait.”

“Mr. Jing, how can I help you?” Ning sees it was Jing Yu Xing talking, she immediately puts on her respectful and submissive face.

“Uncle Yun, would you please rush back to my place and bring a hundred pieces of my xuan paper by the House of Pines and Bamboos, and that square of magenta ink slab, pure fox hair brush, and musky ink stick.” Jing Yu Xing orders.

“I am on it.” This uncle Yun does not hesitate at all to carry out his instructions. Once he confirmed, he quickly runs out of the ring, gets on a charcoal colored gallant horse and leaves like a storm.

              For only about a meal of time, uncle Yun is back, with all the appliances.

              “Deliver all of these to him, as my gift, your brother. What’s his name by the way?”

              “His name is Hong Yi.” Hong Xuejiao looks at Jing Yu Xing and suddenly bursts out some laughter. “I heard the junior duke was always kind, generate and considerate to men of talents. I should be so lucky to witness that today. These few alliances are all very expensive stuff. Those can worth the entire life saving of some middle income family.”

              “That really isn’t a big deal. You are giving me too much credit for I deserve.” Jing Yu Xing replied politely.

              At the northwestern corner of the manor, Hong Yi is still reading books, when Ning and some other servant girls enter his room with the appliances and leaves them at the table. “Hong Yi you get lucky today. Just then master was with junior Duke of Li Guo. Duke junior really appreciated your poem, and ordered these appliances to be delivered to you. All really luxury stuff. Oh, also, master asked me to give you these ten silver crackers.”

              Hong Yi looks at the appliances and says: “No gains without pains. I could not take that when I haven’t done anything for Duke junior. Also bring the ten silver crackers with you as well. If we are actually calculating the monetary value of my penmanship, it deserves at least a hundred silver crackers. Just don’t bother.”

              Ning is irritated again. She immediately packs up all the things and leaves. “Having no sense of grat.i.tude and appreciation for favors.” She mumbles as she leaves.

              “Does he actually consider himself the son of the marquis?”

              “Just another scholar. I am sure Mrs. Zhao will deal with him when he is older.”

              Hong Yi of course hears everything. He sneers at the inside, breathes a long breath: “This manor is getting harder and harder to stay. I must get out. Whatever, I guess I will just put up with these women until the examination. How about going to the Temple of Fall Moon at the west hill. I can watch out for my mother’s grave as well.”

              At the ring.

              “No gains without pains? Xuejiao your brother has guts.” Jing Yu Xing sees that Hong Yi rejected his gifts, but he doesn’t really care, and suddenly shifts the topic, “It is going to be cold in a few days. There might be blizzard coming. The first son of prince Cheng, and princess of Yongchun, just us few in the gangs will be going to the west hill to hunt fox. I heard that the west hill had sort of a demon problem. A white fox demon sneaked into the city and crossed the royal garden and startled Royal Concubine Yuan. They called the royal guards but nothing was found again. Even warlocks at Fang Xian Dao did not really help with the situation.”

              “Hunting fox? Count me in!” Hong Xuejiao happily accepts the invitation.

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