Yang God

Chapter 9

"How did your soul run out……"

Just when Hong Yi felt his state of mind won"t return to his body and his soul was about to fly away, he suddenly saw a fully white girl from head to toe run in and hug him, pushing herself onto his body.

Soon after, Hong Yi violently sat up after feeling himself. However, there wasn"t a little girl in white, just a small white fox. On the stone table laid a fruit pot with various snacks and a cup of steaming hot tea.

The small white fox"s blinking eyes faced him.

"Was it you that saved me just now?"

Hong Yi faced the snow white fox and asked.

"Ji, Ji."

The snow white fox nodded her head.

Hong Yi knows just a moment ago his state of mind escaped his body and couldn"t return, the danger level being to the extreme. Fortunately this little white fox with snow white skin from head to toe was the one who broke the sh.e.l.l of her soul and pushed his back in.

"No wonder the earth is a bitter sea and flesh bodies are treasured vessels, once the state of mind leaves the flesh body, it"s a naked body that jumped into the sea and is doomed"

Hong Yi finally knew the danger of the state of mind breaking out of sh.e.l.l.

"Ji Ji, Ji Ji, Ji Ji….." The small white fox cheerfully rotated around Hong Yi while using her paw to point to the snacks and tea on the floor.

"What is this?"

Hong Yi found the dried fruits inside the plate to be very strange. One was a type of fruit that was bigger than a bean and was wrapped in a layer of red film on the outside. The others were large pieces of fruit that were burnt, but after peeling off the sh.e.l.l, the insides were golden yellow and spread a sweet and aromatic smell that could cause people"s appet.i.tes to intensify.

Hong Yi never actually saw these two things and doesn"t know what they are.

The small white fox uttered "Ji, Ji" again, as if to answer Hong Yi"s question. But their two languages aren"t the same, so Hong Yi saw this as unfathomable.

The small white fox called out for a little bit longer and seemingly understood their interpretations are different, so she ran outside, brought back a long stick in her mouth and lit a fire on the floor. Not long after, Hong Yi"s surroundings were heavy with incense smoke.

"Ji ji, Ji ji."

The small white fox squated down on the ground and used her front paw to point at her head, while pointing at Hong Yi at the same time, wanting him to imitate her.

"You’re telling me to let my state of mind leave its sh.e.l.l again? Can we interact? But…" Hong Yi just a moment ago experienced the dangers of the state of mind leaving its sh.e.l.l, and is a little bit hesitant.

"Ji ji, Ji ji." The small white fox used her front paw again to point at the flaming incense on the ground, suggesting there is nothing to be afraid with incense.

"Okay." Hong Yi sat straight, closed his eyes, put the PaG.o.da Thinking Concept into use, and jumped.


He saw his own body again and his state of mind broke its sh.e.l.l.

"Did you practice before? How can your state of mind exit so fast?

Hong Yi heard a sound.

At the same time, he saw a 12 or 13 year old girl who appeared to be standing on the small white fox"s head. She was pure white from head to toe, with fluttering clothes. Her facial features looked like they were meticulously drawn and her refinement revealing her spirituality.

"I"m Hong Yi, what is your name?" Hong Yi saw around him the curls of smoke from the incense burning and felt like his body was soaking in a hot spring, it was nothing like the freezing cold from the first time his state of mind broke its sh.e.l.l.

"We purebred foxes all have the surname Tu Shan, I"m called Tu Shan Sang, just call me Xiao Sang. So you were called Hong Yi, then I"ll just call you Big Brother Xiao Yi from now on. "  Xiao Sang was full of innocent love, "My body still hasn"t learned how to speak human words, so I can only communicate with your soul. This is sandalwood, it can protect the soul and is not afraid of the soul being dispersed by the wind, the incense offered by temples is this kind."

"No wonder the G.o.ds all like incense burning….." Hong Yi laughed, "Big Brother Xiao Li….just a moment ago you called me Big Brother Xiao Li?"

The expression of a pleasant surprise flickered in Hong Yi"s eyes, he has never been addressed by such a close and sincere name. Although Xiao Sang was a fox, the state of mind out of its sh.e.l.l is no different than a cute little girl.

"You still haven"t told me why you exited this fast, just a moment ago weren"t you practicing the PaG.o.da Thinking Concept? It took me a full month of practicing for my state of mind to exit my body." Xiao Sang fiddled with her own head.

"This concept has nothing that can be considered strange, it"s the idea of taking a leap after climbing a high place. The ones who climb mountains to jump off cliffs, when they jump, they are already dead before they hit the ground; it’s the soul already leaving the body. Practicing these thinking concepts also fakes one jumping from high places, the state of mind will break out of its sh.e.l.l."

Hong Yi thought, "I just saw the Entering Immortal, Mortal Shedding, Night Walking

Day Walking, Matter Manipulating, Soul Revealing, Body Possessing, Spirit Possessing, Thunder Plundering, Yang G.o.d techniques recorded in the book. The meaning of the soul techniques behind this family"s practices are simple, but is hard for one to imagine. Thankfully, I"m a reader and can calm my heart; an average person"s mindset is too chaotic, so they can"t control their souls, and they shouldn"t discuss Mortal Shedding. If it is a big matter, these immortal technique practices are much easier than the military practices.

"Xiao Sang, what are these edible things? How come I"ve never seen it? Is it something foxes eat?" Hong Yi pointed to the two things on the floor.

"These are seeds brought from the Big Buddhist Temple and from overseas, the red kind are called Luo peanuts, also known as peanuts, the one that"s been roasted is aromatic and soft. It is called sweet yam. After the Big Buddhist Temple roasts the seeds, we bring a variety of seeds over and plant them ourselves inside of the mountain. These two seeds are easy to plant and gives off a high yield, they are also very delicious." Xiao Sang chuckled.

"Peanuts, sweet yam?" Hong Yi looked at it and reached out his hand to twirl it, but he only twirled thin air.  

"Ge ge, Ge ge, Big Brother Xiao Li, how come you"re this stupid, souls are invisible and can"t be picked up, unless one can reach the nonphysical realm. Only then can things be picked up. However, since Big Brother Xiao Li reached the point of practicing Mortal Shedding this quick, your nonphysical conversion should be quick too, since humans are the quickest learners among living creatures, much faster than foxes.  

"Xiao Fei, Xiao Shu, come quickly, Big Brother Xiao Li"s state of mind actually can break its sh.e.l.l  and talk to us." Xiao Sang suddenly shouted.

At this time, two more small white foxes entered through the door and saw that sandalwood was lit in the stone room. They both sent out Ji ji noises, and both their bodies curled up on the floor and didn"t move, at the same time, Hong Yi also saw two more small girls dressed in white from head to toe.

"Oh is this a good time to play. Everyday being inside the mountain bored us to death, unfortunately Big Sister Yuan Fei says that going outside isn"t allowed, humans will kill us."

"Last time Big Sister Yuan Fei also brought back a few scholars, she said they"re going to teach us how to read, talk and write, but once they saw us, they said no way.

"Really I can"t understand, what makes us foxes so scary, those people kill us and are scared of us, it"s really strange."

"Big Brother Xiao Li, are you called Big Brother Xiao Li? Having a person is very nice, we can all play together later on. I wanted to leave the mountain long ago to find people to play with."

These two small girls revolved around Hong Yi while chatting non stop, this made Hong Yi feel the cute side of these girls. They weren"t like the servant girl in the Martial Duke"s Manor, all of them, even the youngest one, were trying to sharpen their mind through studying.

"People in general all say foxes are deceitful, but the pragmatic deceitfulness of humans are 10000 times that of foxes." Hong Yi sighed.

"Oh yeah, what step of the training process are you at?"

"Xiao Sang and I just cultivated to Mortal Shedding. Xiao Shu is a bit better. She can travel long distances at night, but she still isn"t at that level during the day. Big Sister Yuan Fei said if we are unable to reach the nonphysical realm of the Darkness G.o.d, then we can"t use the needle and sword of flight. Therefore we can"t go out, or else the people outside of the mountain, especially those with exuberant blood, can easily harm us, since we can"t blend in." Xiao Fei shook her head.  

"Needle and sword of flight?" Hong Yi was puzzled.

"Yes, once one has cultivated to the matter manipulating realm, one can actualize a swords and needles to kill, one can also manipulate rocks to attack. Thus allowing one to protect themselves." Xiao Sang said.

"Then if you haven’t cultivated to the matter manipulating realm, what abilities can you all use to protect yourselves?" Hong Yi asked.

"As long as the spirit has not achieved the matter manipulating stage, we can only confuse others. But if we meet a person with a strong physique, has a staunch willpower, and is very knowledgable then it"ll be very difficult to confuse them. For knowledgeable people like you, brother Hong, we won"t be able to affect you at all. Last time a group of hunters entered the mountains, there were a few among them with a very strong physique, my soul saw them coming from the distance, their vigorous aura felt like a burning fire, we didn"t dare to get near. Thankfully, we hid ourselves, and didn"t get discovered.

Within the three girls, Xiao Shu is relatively mature. When talking, her words are the most organized and coherent.

"Huh? If the demon wants to confuse people, it must first stir chaos within their inner emotions, or cause their bodies to be in poor health, with weak vitality, " Hong Yi recalls from the Gra.s.s Halls" notes.

For a demon to confuse a person, the first requirement is to have the inner emotions in turmoil and suspicion, causing the spirit to become weak. The next step is to weaken the body and suppress the vitality. Demons can also exploit people who are about to die, and can see spirits and ghosts.

Hong Yi understands this reasoning very well.

"No wonder people say the demon"s path is never elegant. That"s why there are so many taboos." Hong Yi hearing these comments, once more gained a deeper comprehension into cultivating the spirit via the Immortal Path

"Cultivating the spirit via the Immortal Path has to many limitations. It"s difficult to master, and not to mention, the dangers are extreme. It"s no wonder it was unpopular. Instead, martial arts flourished."

So the first step to training the spirit is calming the heart, stabilizing the mind, and removing all distracting thoughts. Only then can you execute Mortal Shedding. These actions are not achievable by your average Joe.

Even if they can accomplish the actions, and perform Mortal Shedding, it"ll be like a person who doesn"t know how to swim jumping from the boat into the ocean, to immediately suffer the disaster of drowning.

Hong Yi reckoned that a lot of cultivators, when cultivating, will be extremely fearful after they break through.

And even if they do accomplish the breakthrough, they won"t have much confidence in protecting oneself, it has to be known that only after matter manipulation, can one have the ability to protect themselves, this is definitely from training in martial arts. Upon training the hands and feet for one or two months, one can easily take on and beat one or two people.

"It"s no wonder why the Dao Scripture"s records don"t have anything on praying by lighting bamboo and giving incense, holding malicious intent will only cause the cultivator to die.

Hong Yi fathomed a part of the Dao Scripture"s records on abusing power, it"s even purposefully placed malicious intent.

All the Dao Scripture ancient books under the heavens have been collected by the Da Qian Dynasty, the dynasty doesn"t want anyone practicing immortal cultivation techniques, which could cause the Da Qian Dynasty to fall.

"But if you think this way, the martial scripture should also have the same restrictions. But I believe that there should be two volumes of the Martial Scripture and the Dao Scripture, the Imperial Library should have one volume, while the one spread among common people is another volume. In addition, the Da Qian Dynasty Emperor is horrified that this is still unappropriate, therefore he issued the order."

Hong Yi doesn"t simply gaze over books when reading them, but rather a.n.a.lyzes the books for the author’s intent, and even attempts to experience the author’s life. One needs to understand completely the story"s timeline, examine the environment in which the author wrote the book, seeing what conditions the author was born into, and what makes up the inner feelings of the author. Only by doing this can one completely and thoroughly understand a book, by connecting the reader with the writer.

After thinking for a bit, Hong Yi now understands: although the Martial Scripture and Dao Scripture of the Da Qian Dynasty are broad and deep, but among this are also a lot of inappropriate regions, even the places that lure people to die.

"No wonder, the highest level of the Martial Scripture is the Martial Saint stage, the fact is there is no immortal!"

Figuring out the problem, Hong Yi"s heart became completely calm.

"Xiao Sang, Xiao Shu, Xiao Fei, you guys are of the purebred fox clan, did you all practice in accordance to the Martial Scripture?" Hong Yi asked suddenly.

"Yes, when you first start it"s like this, in fact there was an elder killed by the traps, later on Mister Bai came over once, he said that this Dao Scripture had a problem, and pointed it out to Elder Tu." Xiao Shu replied.

"Mister Bai? Who is this Mister Bai?"

This is the first time Hong Yi had ever heard of Mister Bai.

"Mister Bai is also known as Bai Zi Yue. He is very famous, and is one of the Heavenly Eight Demonic Immortals."

"What are the Heavenly Eight Demonic Immortals?" Hong Yi asked.

"Besides human beings, they are the eight most powerful. But I also don"t know, I just heard it occasionally when I eavesdropped on Mister Bai and Big Sister Yuan Fei talking last time." Xiao Shu shook her head once again.

"Oh, the incense has been burned, Big Brother Xiao Yi should return to the physical sh.e.l.l, otherwise it"ll be unbearable. Wait till your spirit is bigger, Big Brother Xiao Yi can still play with us then. Also in the future Big Brother Xiao Yi please go to the cities, to buy us a few gifts ok? I really want to go to the cities to buy things. "

The three fox"s spirits returned to their physical bodies.

Hong Yi opened his eyes and there was nothing before him. There were only three foxes looking at him, their eyes blinking. The three small girls chatting just a moment ago seemed a like a dream.

"Ji ji, ji ji."

The three foxes called out once again, held up the dried fruits from the stone table, and brought it before Hong Yi.

Hong Yi pinched open a peanut, and suddenly his mouth was full of crisp aroma. After peeling the sweet yam, his mouth was also full of sweet aroma. Never has he eaten anything this good.

After swallowing a drink of  steaming hot tea, Hong Yi saw the three small foxes jump around and thought of the time when each of them called themselves Big Brother Xiao Li"s girl when their states of mind broke its sh.e.l.l. His heart felt a surge of warmth.

This kind of warmth can"t be felt when one"s heart is filled with coldness and frost as sharp as a sword.

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