When I return to the storage shed, Yui is trying to move her body with a frantic expression.


“Rest in bed.”

“Ku, un.”

“I’ll help you.”


I pick up Yui’s body and lean her against the wall next to the bed.


“N, thanks.”

“Good. There’s no need to thank me every time.”



Rollo licks Yui’s arm in concern.


“I guess I’ll check this house. The owner was like that. There should be something valuable here. Besides, maybe there is another recovery potion to cure Yui’s body?”

“That’s right. If you find some bring them to me, I can distinguish between medicines.”



I go into the next room after covering such a Yui in a blanket.



The room Zoru and Theta talked in is a room fusing magic and pseudo-science.

There is a big bookshelf set up in the bottom left corner in an “L” shape, and on a nearby shelf is a big ceramic pot, things like medicinal plants and minerals like magic stones are on display.

There are a lot of ceramic potion bottles lined up on the oak desk, a powdered aluminum-like substance is spread around where an azure mortar and pestle are placed.

Ceramic bottles similar to round bottomed flasks are lined up around and connected to a black triangle shaped apparatus with cracks in it.


There is a bed in the middle of a rectangular magic formation.


There is the apparatus and equipment used for some kind of procedure or ceremony, there is also something like a black hearth made of metal.

However, they do not feel like they are used for blacksmithing.

A magic formation that has lost its light is written nearby on the floor.


There is a study desk in the right corner, place with it is a high quality chair that looks comfortable.

A small treasure chest is also underneath.


-Treasure chest.


I stoop down and open the lid of the treasure chest.

It is not locked. It immediately opens with a *paka*


Inside is one of Zoru’s black robes, several silver and gold coins, multiple rings, white chainmail, and black boots.

Packed into the right corner of the box are a bunch of bundled papers written with magic characters.


All of the articles seem to contain Mana.


This is treasure. I will inspect all of these later, I close the treasure chest.

When I stand up, a book with a leather cover comes into view.

In addition, there is a high quality quill pen with a metal handle engraved with antique designs in a ceramic case. There is also an ink plate.


This book, nothing is written on the surface of the leather, but Pin. Maybe this is a diary?


I sit down in the high-cla.s.s chair, then open the book and turn a page…





○ Month ○ Day



Theta has fallen ill.

I will buy one of the purple flowers Theta likes tomorrow.

I only study by myself.

I will spend time with my wife in the future.



○ Month ○ Day



My wife has surrendered to her disease; her stamina is gradually declining.

Her face lit up and looked so happy when she saw the purple flower.

She needs to be cured soon…


It has been several days, but she hasn’t improved at all.

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