
Chapter 25

昨天 by 風弄 Chapter 25

Yesterday by Feng Nong.

ZhouHeng has transferred far away, to deal with the j.a.panese. I"m putting his talent to use, also putting his ambitions to use, and at the same time, we no longer have to face each other day and night, reminding ourselves of our unbearable past. It"s nothing short of perfect.

The new secretary, Zhang HongBing, is a pretty attractive young woman. I look at her dainty and delicate appearance and can"t imagine how she would be able to handle the work by herself. I can"t help but think of Jie-r by YuJiang"s side.

"HongBing, comparing Huang enterprise to Rong enterprise, there is at least one respect where we are superior."

"O? What is Mr.President referring to?"

"The president"s secretary."

HongBing"s delicate lips widen into a smile, revealing two lovely dimples, quickly showing a sweet young girl"s expression. It slowly disappears and she says especially reservedly:

"Mr. President likes to joke too much. Huang enterprise"s superiority can"t only be just one." I"m impressed. Charming yet not seductive, never one to casually take advantage, never one to be improper. "That"s right. Chen YouFa from the detective agency sent a fax, wanting to set up an appointment." Chen YouFa? I smile lightly: "Did he find something?"

"I didn"t ask him to elaborate over the phone. Do you want me to fix a time with him for the next meeting?"

I suspect, even if he did find something, it must be just a vague hint, nothing more. The formidable private detectives frequently seen on TV, exposing the truth to the whole world in a matter of days, is just fake. The evil acts in society, which criminal would intentionally leave incriminating evidence right where someone would find it? Therefore, I definitely don"t have high hopes of this costly detective. Maybe, if one were to look a little deeper, all that I hope for, is for him to have a little proof that, once and for all, show that the packet of white powder in Malaysia is not connected to YuJiang. How pitiful, right? Rationally, I"m totally convinced that YuJiang is heartless, but emotionally, I can"t accept it no matter what it is. Could it be that everyone also has a split soul? Therefore, I"m definitely not in a hurry to hear the results. One more day of suspense, is one more day of fervent hope towards YuJiang.

If that detective comes to my office, and says seriously: "Mr. Huang, I have already found enough evidence to prove that the one that framed you is the president of Rong enterprise, Rong YuJiang." How would I reply? What if he adds one more sentence: "We already have sufficient human testimony and material evidence, do you want to go ahead and bring him to court?" What would I do then? Useless presumptions.

"Mr. President?" HongBing is still in front of me, waiting for my response. I come to my senses abruptly. Every time I think of things involving YuJiang, it"s hard for me to stop my mind from wandering. I sigh inwardly.

"Make it tomorrow afternoon. After the meeting, 3 o"clock, half and hour." I flip through the calendar on my desk, trying to gloss over my split second oddity. Actually I didn"t have to cover it up, HongBing only wanted an answer. She quickly jots it down and leaves to carry on with her own work. Things are very hectic, I have no time to speculate further what the detective may have discovered. I refocus my attention on the files on top of my desk.

Work is really dry and dull. Everyday I go through a pile of files, carefully contemplating over and over again before signing each name. I can"t help but recall those days when without a glance, I would just raise my pen and sign. Never satisfied. Indignant when without power, complain of tediousness when with power.

When I got home in the evening, once in the door I hear the sound of mahjong in the hall. The one sitting at the table is actually my dad. Making one set with the three aunties that frequently come over.

"Where"s mom?" I wonder. The old man rubs a tile:

"Bai2ban3, in the kitchen."

"In the kitchen?" My voice coincides with one of the aunty"s elated exclamation

"Peng4!" Colliding together, the old man just doesn"t hear me. I walk towards the kitchen, an aromatic smell wafts over.

"So fragrant!" I exclaim laughingly, seeing mom busy in the kitchen. I lean beside the door, my heart suddenly overflowing with happiness. Mom turns around, wiping her hands on a clean towel, and walks over to give me a hug.

"You"re back?"

"Ma, how come you"re in such a good mood, actually cooking in the kitchen? Practically scaring me out of my wits."

"What"s so bad about coming into the kitchen? Washing my hands and making soup for my husband and child also brings happiness." Mom"s unmatched elegance gets better with age, turns out age also has such charm. I laugh foolishly.

Mom"s cooking skills is really pretty good. That evening"s four dishes and one soup have an exquisite taste. Me and my dad swept all the dishes clean. Mom asks:

"How"s the taste?"


"Good!" Worthy of being called father and son, answering in unison. Mom beams effortlessly when she hears this.

The soap opera starts at 7:30, this is mom"s "must see TV". Mom immediately gets up and walks towards the TV. I ask in a small voice:

"What is the occasion? If it is your wedding anniversary or something else, do I have to give a present?" Dad cranes his head over and says in a small voice:

"Today your dad went to battle, and helped your mom win one round of mahjong. We had already agreed that if I lost, I would cook, if I won, she would cook." I understood:

"Looks like it"s a lost bet."

"Hehe, I asked the other 3 mahjong players to lose to me intentionally, so that I could have a good meal." The old man suddenly smiles slyly. Looks like this is what happened. I also follow along laughing secretly. Mom lost and cooked a meal but she is actually very happy. As long as she doesn"t find out the old man"s trick. Married for so many years, playing little tricks can also be counted as nurturing affection. But then, when is it not considered deception?

My mood suddenly becomes heavy. I think of YuJiang. If I was forever kept completely in the dark, would I be just like mom, enjoying perfect bliss? Different situations cannot be lumped together, love cannot be compared with reason. Of course I can"t fault dad, and say that he"s wrong. But towards YuJiang, how can I not fault him? I sigh suddenly, putting down my chopsticks.

"ShengSheng, what"s the matter? You"re all gloomy." My heart is thinking of too many things, particularly deceived or not deceived, aware or not aware, blessed or not blessed ............ One complete mess. I can only chose to say something that can be said.

"Concerning the matter in Malaysia, it"s probable that I will know the outcome tomorrow." The old man also puts down his chopsticks:

"Are you worried?" No one knows a son better than his father, it"s no wonder he is my dad. I nod and smile bitterly:

"Looks like your son still has not made any progress, worrying over minor matters."

"That was a big blow in your life, we can"t treat it as a minor matter." I raise my head and look at my dad. Dad says: "In the olden days, people like to barter. The exchanging of things between you and YuJiang, you have already given something to him, so you"ve already lost the game. If he honors the principle of equal exchange, he should give you what"s yours, of course that would be the best outcome." I ask:

"What if he doesn"t give it me?"

"What do you say?" I grit my teeth, with an ominous glint in my eyes:

"Then I will take it by force. Take what"s mine, not allowing him to not pay the price." The old man stretches out his hand and pats me gently on the shoulder. Once, twice, patting away my murderous look.

"Even if you were to s.n.a.t.c.h it back, the original principle of an equal exchange would be lost, what use is that?" I"m disappointed:

"So, should I s.n.a.t.c.h it or not?"

"Silly child, how can you be so sure that YuJiang won"t give you what"s yours? Just like expensive things, once you"ve paid, and the movements of the shop a.s.sistant are a little slow in handing over the merchandise, are you going to lash out?

"Ai .......... " I sigh. That"s right. I can"t be sure. If I could be certain, just like solving a mathematical problem, calculating out what YuJiang feels for me, wouldn"t that be good?

The following afternoon, I meet Chen YouFa. Just like me, he is an ethnic Chinese. At the time when I first chose the detective, ZhouHeng was still acting as my a.s.sistant, but this is definitely not from ZhouHeng"s recommendation. In fact, ZhouHeng cleverly of his own accord, avoided anything that has to do with the investigation. When I first brought this up to ZhouHeng, he said:

"When investigating things, ultimately the less people involved, the better." After that he never brought up the topic again. This meeting with ZhouHeng to ask about selecting an investigator, was done with selfish motives, I actually wanted to feel him out. I can"t not admit that if YuJiang was behind all this, then the person that hid the drugs, may be the person right in front of me, ZhouHeng. So, I myself selected this detective. A little like an emperor doing as he pleases, randomly choosing among his concubines which one he would visit.

"Please sit." I signaled slightly to Chen YouFa, pressing the intercom b.u.t.ton on the desk: "HongBing, please bring us two cups of coffee."

"Mr. Huang, regarding the matter that you wanted us to investigate, we have some positive outcome." I smile at Chen YouFa. Positive outcome, such a modest term. If he doesn"t have definite results, why would he ask to see me? An impressively thick folder is presented to me. A sudden feeling of nervousness rises in my heart. I raise my head and glance at Chen YouFa, he is composed and at ease, seeming every bit waiting for me to uncover the truth myself.

I begin to pray in my heart. As long as it"s not YuJiang, nothing else matters. I only wish that it isn"t him! I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and open the folder.

The first thing I see is a photo. It"s taken at an airport. But it"s not the HongKong airport, also not the Malaysian airport, and also not the French airport where I changed planes that day. In the middle of the airport, two people are exchanging an intimate kiss. We don"t know if it"s a kiss upon meeting or a kiss before parting. In any case, it"s a kiss full of bliss, even if it"s before a sendoff, it probably won"t be long before they saw each other again.

My breaths become a little uneven. My heartbeats start to quicken. But I don"t reveal any of that to Chen YouFa sitting in front of me. He only sits there smiling lightly, letting me appreciate the fruits of his labor.

These two people, there is one, that I recognize ..............

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