
Chapter 3

昨天 by 風弄 Chapter 3

Yesterday by Feng Nong

The light outside the window had long ago become very bright. Sunlight in the summer is naturally dazzling. I stared at him, feeling a sudden chill, I couldn"t help but curse the Rong mansion A/C that was too strong.

"YuTing, why are you not at the office?" I asked him while standing at the washroom door. No matter what, Hong Kong is considered a law abiding society. Can"t be that there will crime in broad daylight? I felt a little uncertain since I may have come upon the one in a million chance. YuTing laughed grimly:

"It"s rare for big brother to leave you at home, how could I not take advantage of this good opportunity?" My plight just worsened considerably. I can only regret that the distance of the room door from the washroom is too far, couldn"t be crossed in a step.

"You speak as if it is difficult to see me, am I not staying in your house?"

"Too bad you keep hiding from me everyday. I really don"t understand why you have to oppose me in everything. I have not offended you in any way." YuTing slowly walked and stopped in front of me. "Have you had s.e.x with big brother? I don"t khow why he is dressed in sportswear today. I had already changed into a trim black suit. In the event of a fight, this alone would be a disadvantage, restricting my movements and causing exhaustion. "Does it feel good to play around with my brother in bed?" He asked this obscene question and even a.s.sumed a depraved manner. I smiled and answered:

"I have never heard a younger brother talk about his elder brother in this manner. And you were still chosen as one of the top 10 young gentlemen in the magazines." YuJiang is extremely respectful towards me. Until now he had never made such demands. But there is no need to tell YuTing this type of person. He raised his hand and touched my chin:

"I can also make you feel very good." I react as if bitten by a snake, raised my hands to block him and further shoved him with all my strength.

"You better be careful, this is your house." I yelled. Earnestly wished to attract the Rong family maids. YuTing cackled evilly.

"Our maids are most sensible. All along they have never intervened in their master"s private affairs. It"s no use even if you shout until you wear your throat out." I can"t help but silently curse the fact that the Rong family built their mansion midway up a mountain surrounded by trees. Even the connecting road is clearly a private road. YuTing took a step towards me and actually dared to wrench both of my hands behind me. I was really furious. Since birth I have never been subjected to such an insult. The question of chast.i.ty is a small matter, the matter of self-respect is huge. If it gets out that young master Sheng was forcibly taken, what self-respect could I possibly have to meet people.

"Rong YuTing, have you lost your mind?" I yelled, both arms held behind my back. Forced to move my head left and right to evade his hara.s.sing kisses.

"ShengSheng, you are really a worthy celebrity. Innately able to seduce people." He spoke gibberish that was not akin to praise, and extended his tongue inside with an impatient look. I ruthlessly bit down on him but he unexpectedly did not seem to mind one bit. He continued to use his bloodied tongue to stain my lips.

"Rong YuTing, have you lost your mind?" An abrupt holler reverberated through the entire middle of the mountain. However, the one that shouted wasn"t me, but someone else. Uncle Rong with his eye sockets almost split open stood astounded at the room door.

"Papa?" Rong YuTing jumped in fright, practically leaping away from my body. Thank heaven and earth! I silently released a huge sigh and hastily scrambled to watch a good show. Rong YuTing calmed down and asked guiltily:

"Wasn"t papa at the office? Why......" One violent palm struck his words away. I loudly cheered in my heart. I didn"t expect Uncle Rong"s hand strength to be still pretty good. Rong YuTing was. .h.i.t until he wasunable to move or speak, silently stroked his face, not daring to speak. Uncle Rong turned purplish green and was gasping *huhu* in anger. I hoped that he would immediately drive this unfilial son out of the Rong family and accordingly appoint YuJiang to inherit all the property.

"ShengSheng, you ..... are you alright?" Seems like Uncle Rong was also aware of my outside reputation and heard some stories. Although he considerately asked of my well-being, his expression carried faint doubts. I supposed he was pondering if YuTing had been seduced by the degenerate me. I solemnly a.s.sumed the maiden MengJiang crying at the Great Wall"s moving and tragic manner, but I did not cry, but said in a deep voice:

"Uncle Rong, please don"t bring up this matter any further. After all, my father still needs to appear in public. I will immediately pack my things and return to France." I turned around and opened the wardrobe. His son had just committed such an act, how would he dare to let me go home? Is he not afraid that I would throw myself at papa and complain tearfully? If such a disgraceful matter leaked out, the stock price would probably immediately suffer a huge fall. He immediately stopped me:

"ShengSheng, this matter I will definitely give you a resolution. Don"t pack your things and let"s have a friendly discussion." He turned around and gave Rong YuTing who was still standing nearby staring blankly, one tight slap, yelling:

"Still not getting the h.e.l.l out?" Rong YuTing gave me pointed look and rushed out. Haha, this type of matter how can it be explained? Can"t be that he still won"t let Rong YuTing take responsibility. But the few slaps he gave Rong YuTing did make me quite happy. It"s a pity that YuJiang is not here to see with his own eyes. The Rong family head consoled me with kind words for a long time. Uncle Rong also promised me numerous Rong enterprise privileges. He also made all sorts of explanations for Rong YuTing"s crude and rash manner. He also suggested that if this leaked out, it would effect the future of Rong and Huang enterprises. I finally nodded and agreed to keep this matter a secret and treat this as Rong YuTing"s foolish actions after being drunk and suffering a broken heart. This excuse after all fits with his son"s manly eagerness to excel when sober. Truthfully I never planned on leaving. YuJiang is still here. How could I toss him aside to deal with Rong YuTing, this hardened brute?

That night YuJiang returned. I treated this matter as a joke when I told him. His expression changed from shock and he said:

"YuTing actually did such a thing?" I disdainfully said:

"Why is it such a surprise? Don"t tell me that you are the only one who sees my charm? Hmph." He pulled me into a tight embrace.

"I must look after you carefully. I can"t let this happen to you again and must not let you stay inside the house by yourself." Preposterous, even I would absolutely not stay by myself in the house. Especially when YuJiang is not here. I still remembered clearly the hateful look Rong YuTing gave me before leaving. Have a score to settle must take revenge. I myself am that type of person. The following days, it was as if YuTing went missing. Decidedly not let me meet, hanging down his head during meetings. I didn"t know if he was ashamed or if he was still continuing to hide his evil intent. But I"ll deal with it as it comes, not afraid of whatever action he takes.

Of late, YuJiang had been soaking up the limelight. His dominant young master prestige also immediately rose quite a bit. Only Uncle Rong seemed not terribly happy. Showing an unfavorable expression to this suddenly ascendant eldest son. Actually this is not surprising. The formidable adopted son overtaking his own son in the company. How can he not start to worry bout the long-term future? Chinese people say, flesh and blood and close kin, blood is thicker than water. Not his biological son, is just not his biological son. It doesn"t matter if the adopted son is ten thousand times better than his own son. YuTing was dispirited for half a month before finally achieving something that made Uncle Rong happy. He succeeded in winning the previously mentioned big tender for the government contract. Truthfully YuJiang also made considerable contributions to that tender but he just couldn"t speak too much about it. For this reason, Uncle Rong greatly praised YuTing at the Rong company meeting, simply doing it on purpose to show YuJiang. YuJiang sat next to YuTing, and gave him a faint smile. His gaze was as if experiencing a spring breeze except that it did not bring a good reaction from YuTing. YuJiang, why are you so gentle and kind-hearted? Do you not know? They are all jackals and wolves. Commandeering your intelligence, bleeding your hard work, without any reward whatsoever. I felt very resentful for YuJiang. He is in the middle of an unfair compet.i.tion. The judge of the compet.i.tion ----- his father, only gets even more displeased with his outstanding performance.

At night I awoke to see YuJiang sitting by my bedside. Compared to being part of the upper echelons, seemingly already enjoying life to the limit, I actually felt that it would be better off for him to continue gently and tenderly sitting this way. I said:

"You don"t look too good. Is it that you"re too tired? There is no need to suffer such hardships for Rong enterprise. You would only suffer grief."

"Me, I"ve never suffered any grief. See, aren"t you very good to me?" I took my hands from the thin coverlet and held YuJiang"s hands. For a long time I still have not tried to maintain this type of pure yet profound relationship with one man. I almost felt a little moved.

"YuJiang, we are comrades in arms, right?"

"ShengSheng, don"t do too much because of me. I will not be able to bear it." I laughed:

"Dummy, I most like your naive manner. Such a place like Rong family, how is it that you were raised to be such a sincere and kind-hearted silently suffering individual?

"If I was not such a person, how could I have endured until now? Papa also would not have agreed to let me enter Rong enterprise to help out otherwise. Matters in life are interconnected and interdependent. Everyone has their own luck. Like YuTing, he is fortunate. Pity he failed to live up to expectations ......" YuJiang sighed faintly as if still showing pity for this younger brother that opposed him in all respects. I listened to these profound words and softly asked:

"What happened to YuTing?"

"YuTing messed with the company accounts and embezzled about two to three hundred million. I don"t have this amount of money to help him cover it up. Ai ... I don"t know what should be done. If news of this leaks out, I don"t dare to imagine what would happen to Rong enterprise stock."

"YuTing is really daring." I sat up and hugged the furrowed browed YuJiang who was still simple-mindedly worried for YuTing. "So be it. You reap what you sow. It"s of no use for you to worry." He nodded his head:

"Why are you sitting up? You just got a little better from your cold. Be careful not to get chilled. You clearly know the A/C in my house is very strong." He supported me back onto my back and tucked me in under the coverlet.

"YuJiang ......" Seeing him about to part, I suddenly couldn"t bear to part with him. So many days later, and he still hasn"t touched me. The occasional kisses really cause me to suffer from my burning l.u.s.t.

"What is it ShengSheng?" He bent over and kissed my lips. Throughout my life, I have never asked anyone to share my bed. Why am I willing to make an exception today? I grit my teeth:

"It"s nothing."

"Alright. Good night." YuJiang left after leaving several light kisses on my forehead. I saw him carefully examining the door lock, presumably to prevent YuTing from entering in the middle of the night to make trouble. After YuJiang left, I climbed up and took the phone in my hand.

"Papa, it"s me. Could you ask another director to come check on Rong enterprise"s accounts tomorrow? I know you are also a director but I don"t wish for Huang family to appear personally. Right ........... need to find a trusted person so that in the event of some problems it still can be secretly resolved. I know ........ Don"t worry .........." Putting down the phone, I lie back in bed satisfied. I know that YuJiang will definitely be very unhappy if he found out that I did this, it would probably result in a huge row. But I do this for him. It is truly for him.

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