
Chapter 8

昨天 by 風弄 Chapter 8

Yesterday by Feng Nong.

Since it is a battle, naturally one would throw in everything to battle it out. Old man is at the office defending the base camp, while I go move from side to side at a dance party. Tonight"s party is at a splendid villa. Even though it is not a big party, there are a lot of partic.i.p.ants. Upper cla.s.s parties usually don"t depend on other things, but just rely on the influence of the host. If the influence of the host is not sufficient, even if the walls were covered in gold, silver, pearls and jewels, these elegant princes would not deign to attend. I picked out a new set of formal attire and intentionally wore a single ruby earring on one ear. I am well aware of the influence of today"s host, NiLuo. NiLuo"s power and influence is not limited to France, but also extends to the distant Hong Kong, exerting some subtle effects. It is very hard to tempt this person, but we had experienced one night of pa.s.sion together. Hopefully he still remembers my name. This intention is in my heart, but with the scar on my head, I still actually dare to think of tempting others.

The venue was packed with the splendid jewels of society, all dazzling to the eye. Sumptuous interior decorations and beautiful women all elegantly dressed, is something I am accustomed to. Suddenly there was a stab of pain from the scar on my forehead, as if it was reminding me of its existence. I immediately felt pitiful, HuangSheng, what capital do you still have now? Who among those gathered here is not an elite prince, masterfully playing around? One wave from NiLuo and anyone would respond, what need is there for you to cause your own humiliation? Before, seducing others was usually for the sake of my own desires. Not caring one way or another. Once in hand, I may forge some connections for the sake of the family but that was just frosting on the cake. Today I actually plucked up enough courage to come here because I want to battle with YuJiang, causing me to be so keyed up. Only now do I realize how much I"ve been trying to forget my scar, how much inferiority I actually feel. The way society treats people, I have seen my share of mortifying scenes. I definitely do not wish for myself to play the leading role. While I was hesitating, someone spoke up beside me:

"ShengSheng, why are you standing outside the door? When did you become my doorman, and how come I don"t know anything about it?" I turned around. Looks like it"s NiLuo. His face was glowing, smiling and waving the gla.s.s of red wine in his hand. Seeing that he is in such a good mood, my anxiety was greatly reduced. "What happened to your face?" He suddenly frowned when he looked closely at my face, stretching out his hand to touch my scar.

"Of course it is because I violated the law and committed crimes, trying but failing to steal chickens. Let"s not talk about it, since I"m already disfigured, I"m doomed to be an ugly man from now on." I smiled. Because the hand that was touching my scar was still continuously stroking it gently. This significance, of course I understand. NiLuo said:

"It"s really not ugly. Instead it adds a little charm." No matter the sincerity of those words, I felt a little better listening to them. I gratefully smiled and looked at him seductively.

"How about we look for a place to discuss this charm?" He happily agreed and pulled me inside. I was by NiLuo"s side throughout the whole party. The woman that was his original dancing partner sent me ten thousand cutting looks but I pretended not to notice. For the sake of preparing the foundation for revenge, I also reverted to my former ways, not sparing any effort in greeting people. In those greetings, there were a few jokes, reconstructing my image to that of a corrupted prince. Luckily not only did these people not avoid me, they even thought that a little imperfection suited me better, one after another coming over to greet me. At the end of the party, my confidence had recovered considerably. I smoothly accepted the host"s invitation to join him in his big luxurious bed.

"You are very charming tonight." I said:

"Thank you."

"You"re already in my bed and yet you"re so reserved?" He started to tease me. His fingers stroked my scar and this was followed by kisses. Looks like everything is going smoothly but unfortunately I start to recall the most unwanted thoughts of the time when I received this wound. I fought to control myself. He still hasn"t entered me, and I have already become so stiff, almost like a mummy. "What"s the matter?" NiLuo asked me while parting my legs. I wanted to find a humorous reply, since I had already taken great pains in preparing for this night, and I have yet to achieve what I came here for. But my throat was hoa.r.s.e. Seeing that I was not going to reply, NiLuo faintly smiled and lowered his head and started to prepare me. He had just put the lubricant at my entrance when I jerked as if from a snakebite, almost falling off the bed. "Are you alright?" I forced a smile. My face must be as white as snow:

"NiLuo, my condition today is a little off, could we take this up another time?" NiLuo answered:

"Look at the condition I"m in. Don"t tell me you"re intentionally punishing me? ShengSheng, how did I offend you? Come tell me." That"s right, how can one refuse after getting in bed? NiLuo would lose face if this were to get out. It would be lucky if he didn"t retaliate, let alone help me out. "But speaking of this, you are very tense." I grit my teeth and let myself calm down. NiLuo"s smiling face returned and he gently kissed me and continued to raise my leg. All my terrified feelings started to howl like a whirlwind. I only wish that this bed would change into an abyss and swallow me down, so that I would never have to do these things from now on. NiLuo used his finger to gently stroke the place where I was injured before. I trembled and stretched taut. "ShengSheng, you"re acting like I"m going to rape you." He said such but his hands did not stop, slowly inserting himself little by little. Unspeakable pain. I felt like I was being operated on without anesthesia. But I also know where he will insert his blade. I felt like I was going to pa.s.s out but I forced myself to remain conscious. Endure, I have to endure! In order to battle with YuJiang, I can"t not have this advantage. That year, for the sake of YuJiang, I had already gone to bed with several people. During that time, he could appease all my sufferings with his gentle smile. I told myself, in the business world, behind the dazzling exterior, who has not done all sorts of sleazy unprincipled actions? One can only rise in society after having suffered the hardest of hardships. I grit my teeth. NiLuo started off very gently, looking at my suffering expression, slowly rubbing in and out. Gradually he started to move more pa.s.sionately. Not only did he start to speed up but his actions also became more p.r.o.nounced. I said trembling with fear:

"A little slower ....... it"s very painful ........ " I was actually at the point where I could no longer endure, the pain was indescribable. Maybe that provoked his l.u.s.t, for he no longer propped up my body on the bed but instead pinned me down by my shoulders and started to go all out. This type of rhythm gave me a strange violent feel. As if it was the day of my tragic situation. YuTing and those few people, taking turns at torturing my body. Not only holding me down, but restraining me. Not only groping me but also grabbing me. Dying to do bodily harm to me while I was still alive. Once again, my ears started to buzz. Just when NiLuo was going all out, right at the point of release, I used all my strength to push him away. At desperate times, one"s physical strength is quite considerable. NiLuo from my one push, fell right off the bed. Turns out I cannot bear the hardest of hardships. I won"t be rising above all others. He simply had no reaction, looking at me in shock. Of course, he must not have had someone kick him off the bed in his lifetime. If I don"t leave now, then when? I know that if I wait for him to recover, my personal safety would not be guaranteed. I hastily grabbed my clothes and ran away rolling and crawling, and escaped from where NiLuo was. Luckily he chose to hold this party at his new villa. If it was at his main house, it wouldn"t be as easy to escape.

Reaching home with my body in a terrible condition, I couldn"t attend to the servant that opened the door for me in the middle of the night, and just hurried into my room. After soaking myself in hot water for a good while, I managed to force myself to calm down. Now I can"t help but laugh at myself and then think about the retaliation that would subsequently come from NiLuo. d.a.m.ned YuJiang! After another night of turmoil, I went downstairs the next day, my face all dark with despair. I run into dad that still had not left for work.

"Pa, NiLuo, that presides over GuiDe bank ....... "

"What happened?" Dad opened up the newspaper in his hand and looked for the finance pages. I"m really a little too embarra.s.sed to bring it up. Although my family have long known about my outrageous actions outside the house, but we"re still considered a traditional chinese family, to discuss this type of matter with dad .......... Yet, I can"t not say it. The stock market is like a battlefield, if Huang enterprise were to suddenly receive an attack from GuiDe unprepared, there would be losses.

"I kicked NiLuo off the bed last night." I plucked up my nerve and casually said it. The newspaper was immediately crumpled into a ball. Dad raised his head and looked at me. I know what he is thinking. Playing these games, why did it turn into such a dangerous extent? I lowered my head: "Pa, we were not playing. We really had a falling out. You have to be careful."

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