
Chapter 31

昨天 by 風弄 Chapter 31

Yesterday by Feng Nong.

I thought that I have already become stronger, but, when I hear ShuTing say how lucky he is while embracing me, I finally realize: I"m still weak beyond compare, just a student of how to hurt others. In his arms, I cover his whole chest in tears, but I tell myself: ShengSheng, you can"t be softhearted. That"s right, the world is such a cruel place, how can I be the only softhearted one. Without a cold hard like iron heart, how can I stand together with YuJiang, shoulder to shoulder.

I look to the heavens wordlessly. That"s right, there will be a day, I want to stand shoulder to shoulder with YuJiang, no matter what I turn into, even if I become frightening to myself.

ShuTing drives me home. He stands beside the car, reluctantly watching me enter the house. My facial muscles are so tense from playing the part in his hot pursuit, I heave a huge sigh after closing the door. This is wrong, a twinge of regret flashes past.

Dad is standing by the window, looking outside with a black pipe in his mouth. He turns towards me. Under the gaze of my all-knowing dad, I"m suddenly afraid of being found out, only wanting to turn around and head to my room.

"ShengSheng, why are you still standing there? It"s time for dinner." Mom"s voice leisurely travels over. In order to catch the daily evening TV series, the family keeps a strict schedule set by mom. According to her, it"s so that neither family bonds nor TV are neglected.

This dinner, is particularly spiritless. Mom continuously puts food into our bowls, calm and composed. I don"t know if it"s because she doesn"t sense the awkward atmosphere, or she just doesn"t want to bring it up. At any rate, when the time comes, she puts down her chopsticks and walks over to the TV. Only dad and me remain at the dining table. Sure enough, dad asks:

"Is that the second child of the He family?" I stay silent, put down my chopsticks, and nod my head. A long sigh comes out from dad"s throat. My heart tightens suddenly, because even when I was imprisoned in Malaysia, I never heard dad heave such a long sigh. "Fine, go take a bath and go to bed a little earlier." Dad"s sigh seemed to take his vigor along with him, he puts down his bowl and chopsticks, and when he stands up, he looks aged. Looking at my dad, my heart feels as if it has been smashed by a thousand jin stone.

I know that he already realizes what I plan to do. I expected him to have a very big reaction. Reprimand or encourage, anything would do, as long as it"s not like this, walking away without a word. Looking at dad"s back, right at this moment, I suddenly feel the fear of abandonment.

"Pa!" I burst out. He stops but doesn"t turn around, only waiting for what I will say next. I look at his back silently, and grit my teeth: "I know I"m wrong, but I won"t change my decision." Dad is unmoved, as if he expected that was what I was going to say, silently leaving without even another sigh.

This night, there is no way I"m getting any sleep. I toss and turn, finally sitting up abruptly on the bed. My head in the smoke and clouds, I dial YuJiang"s number. It"s as if this person keeps watch by the phone even at the darkest time of night. The second he picks up the phone, he says without waiting for me to open my mouth:

"ShengSheng, I know it must be you." Not paying any attention to how he knows, I ask:

"YuJiang, do you regret it?"

"What do you think?"

"I don"t know, you tell me, from when you first started using me up to now, have you ever regretted it?"

"Why are you asking me this?" I suddenly feel like laughing, feel like cackling insanely. I clutch the receiver, I say resolutely and decisively:

"YuJiang, don"t doubt it, I"m just as ruthless as you." After hanging up the phone, I sit blankly beside the bed, right up to when the sun starts to rise from the east.

Back in company, the first thing I do, is call HongBing into the office.

"Lately, public safety is a little uncertain, I"m thinking of hiring bodyguards." At the least, the matter of YuJiang easily entering my room would not recur. HongBing also agrees:

"That"s right, having bodyguards at the side is the recent trend of the elites."

"I"ll let you do the choosing."

"Will do, boss."

The second thing, is to call one of my "uncles" in HongKong. He is dad"s good friend, definitely not a business person, but a well renown architect. A professional architect, must not only have vision and aesthetics, more importantly, he must have a deep understanding of the principles of building foundations. Otherwise, even if he designs awe-inspiring skysc.r.a.pers, what use is there if it can"t withstand one bout of a typhoon?

This Wu ChuYin uncle, is an authority on combining building design and safety. Therefore, when I"m on the phone, I"m a hundred percent respectful.

"Uncle Wu? How are you? I"m HuangSheng, do you still remember me? When I was small ...... " Before I finish my words, the middle aged man on the other side already starts to laugh heartily *ha ha*:

"O, I remember, I remember, you are Old Huang"s son!" It"s rare for a big city person to not be indifferent and unfamiliar. I immediately feel touched. After exchanging a round of conventional greetings: "ShengSheng, one doesn"t visit a temple without a reason, I know you have succeeded the family business, you must be very busy, is there something you need my help with?" He really is a considerate man.

"Although this may be something trivial for Uncle Wu, it is something very important to me." I also get to the point, saying earnestly: "Have you heard the matter concerning mainland China lifting the restrictions on foreign construction companies?"

"In fact, foreign construction companies setting up in mainland China is no longer a rare thing. But this time, the previous policy that restricts foreign companies from certain large-scale projects, such as for an entire airport has been removed and foreign companies can now join in to submit their tenders."

"Although it is so, those companies that want to submit their tenders for the large-scale projects must undoubtedly fight for recognition from the central authority. Only three parties will be chosen, every country in the world also wants to take part, it"s really like many monks, not enough gruel, that type of fierce compet.i.tion." Uncle Wu laughs into the phone:

"Huang enterprise also has interest in this matter?"

"Of course. but I also know our limitations, wanting to force our way in among fierce compet.i.tion, is not an easy matter. If we talk about China"s viewpoint, do you think they will give preferential treatment towards overseas chinese?"

"There are too many overseas chinese, how can China take care of each and every one of them. But the central authorities really look out for HongKong. It"s definite that one of the spots is reserved for a construction company from HongKong." This is exactly where the problem lies. I feign a random question:

"Uncle, in your view, which company do you think has the best chance in seizing this opportunity?"

"Do you still have to ask, one look at HongKong, of course there is only one company, Rong enterprise. Furthermore, the boss of Rong enterprise has a good relationship with the mainland, it"s hard to imagine they won"t get in."

"So you"re saying, I should call up the boss of Rong enterprise and congratulate him?"

"Exactly, ShengSheng, I forgot, you"re also good friends with Rong enterprise"s Rong YuJiang."

"I am, I am." I laugh softly, thanking him: "Uncle Wu, I"ve troubled you, when will you be coming over to France to have fun? My dad misses you a lot, saying that you"re a good match to have a master battle with him in Go." He lets out another long laugh.

After hanging up the phone, I stand up and stretch my body, cracking my joints and bones. Now that Rong enterprise has been accepted into the inner circle, attaining top level construction privileges in the mainland, he will only get even further away from me. Sitting down, I press the intercom b.u.t.ton on my desk.

"HongBing, please bring me the data for Rong enterprise"s large-scale projects over the years, as much detail as possible." There is a huge pile of doc.u.ments on my desk, but in my eyes, it is not daunting. I hastily go through a few of them before quickly putting down my pen and dialing ShuTing"s number.

"ShuTing, it"s me."

"ShengSheng?" ShuTing"s voice is excited, he asks: "We just saw each other last night, are you missing me?" Such a ridiculous question, I simply brush it off.

"ShuTing, your family business, have you really never taken part in it?"

"Even if I did, it was very limited, but I have already contacted my older sister, telling her that I intend to help her and work together. She is very happy." I ponder over that. ShuTing asks: "ShengSheng, do have a business problem that you need my help with? Just say it and I will do all I can."

"It seems that Rong enterprise had previous business dealings with He enterprise, would you be able to get the data for me?" I hesitate a little before adding: "ShuTing, I don"t want to cause idle gossip, if you really want to help me, don"t tell anyone who asked for this data." I can"t not take precautions, after all, there still is Rong YuTing moving around in the nucleus of He enterprise.

"Ok, I"ll help you find it. Also, I promise you, I won"t tell anyone." ShuTing adds: "Including my older sister."

"Thank you."

"You don"t have to be so formal with me." That one sentence, reminds me how contemptibly vicious I"m being at this moment. I wrap it up quickly, a little overwhelmed. I can"t help but think of those days when YuJiang was secretly listening to how I was exhausting all avenues for his sake, that type of feeling.

ZhouHeng again reports back his success from over there, settling the contract with the j.a.panese, and also bringing enormous profit for Huang enterprise. I call him to offer my congratulations.

"I wasn"t wrong, ZhouHeng, sure enough you were able to handle it by yourself."

"Mr. Huang, thank you for your support."

"Do you plan on coming back?"

"Come back?" ZhouHeng"s tone, sounds a little surprised: "But, everything over here ........ " Conveniently moving the commander right after achieving success, anyone would think that there is a personal grudge in play. I laugh while a.s.suring him:

"Don"t worry, it"s not that I want you to immediately give up your position in j.a.pan. But I"m planning to register a new company that is completely separate from Huang enterprise in Germany, specializing in the research of high-tech electronics, but I"m short of a person in charge."

"High-tech electronics?"

"That"s right, what do you think?" ZhouHeng thinks it over for a moment before saying sincerely:

"Mr. Huang, I don"t quite understand. A company that is completely unrelated to Huang enterprise, everything will have to be built from the ground up, including market research, public relations, and brand recognition."

"There is indeed some truth in that, the Buddha said, it can"t be said. I only want to know, ZhouHeng, if you have any interest?" ZhouHeng is really a rare breed, not conceited and not rash. He is silent for a moment before replying:

"I would like to accept the challenge."

"Then, next month on the 1st, leave j.a.pan and come here to meet with me." Just when I hang up the phone, HongBing"s voice comes through the intercom.

"Boss, the matter about the bodyguards, I"ve found two top notch security companies. Are you free now? I"ll bring in the files for you to choose."

"I"ll let you make the decision." HongBing laughs *hei hei* through the phone:

"This important matter of guarding your life, how can I simply choose one? But boss, you"re really a nice person, actually placing so much trust in me." I hear the incredulity in her words, and immediately change my decision:

"I"m not free right now, get the doc.u.ments ready, deliver them to me tomorrow with the other important doc.u.ments." I"m suddenly breaking out in a cold sweat. Not because of anything, but because of HongBing"s one sentence, letting me realize that my heart is completely unguarded. Looks like I still have a lot to learn. In addition to drawing up plans, I also have to be on guard against everyone. Even if they are as close as family, I still can"t trust them with everything.

I heave a huge sigh, if this is what it means to be a human being, then why does each and every person, all wish for reincarnation? Wouldn"t it be too tiring?

These few days, even though my mood is not too bad, but every night I"m unwilling to return home. Using an excuse of having to be at the office, I ask HongBing to reserve a room at a hotel close to the office, choosing to stay there instead.

ShuTing is a man of his word, the data of the previous collaboration between Rong enterprise and He enterprise, were quickly presented to me. HongBing had also collected the data of Rong enterprise, putting it on my desk. I pore of the data over a few days, trying to get a clear picture from the reported information, turning them over and over in my mind, suddenly a flash of understanding.

I immediately contact ShuTing again. This person, as expected, returned home to Malaysia to succeed his family business, as if truly wanting to go all out for me.

"ShuTing, it"s me."

"ShengSheng? I"m really happy to hear your voice."

"You"re at the office?"


"Is this a convenient time to talk?" ShuTing laughs saying:

"ShengSheng, you don"t have be so nervous, as if we"re engaged in some sort of espionage, truthfully, even if my older sister and others know that we .......... " Afraid that he would launch into a lengthy spiel, I hastily cut in:

"ShuTing, I just looked through the things you gave me."

"O? How is it? Is there enough detail?" I flip through the data in my hands, make my decision, and ask:

"The skysc.r.a.per built by Rong enterprise together with He enterprise, was investigated by a special unit of the local government, what was the reason for the investigation?"

"I heard that is was due to rumors from jealous parties, completely baseless."

"Who was the person in charge?"

"It must have been the interior investigative unit of the Malaysian government, I"m not too clear myself."

"I see, I"m very busy, I"m going to hang up." I"m deliberately cold, although I"m using him, I don"t want to increase the weight of my crime by being hypocritical.

"So fast?" He is very disappointed, like an upset child: "ShengSheng, why are you begrudging me even a simple greeting?"

"Goodbye, I"ll get in touch if there"s something." I hang up without hesitating. I really wish that he would suddenly understand my heartlessness, throw a huge fit, and never allow me to manipulate him again.

Mainland China is the most attractive market in the 21st century. Who wouldn"t want a share of the soup? It"s too bad that China is no longer easily taken advantage of, like it was a few years ago. Now in order to get in, we must win their acceptance. So many people are beating their heads against the wall to get one of those three places, to allow them to submit tenders for large-scale construction projects in the mainland. Rong enterprise, is of course one of the chosen, majestic and celebrated.

I don"t bother to go ingratiate myself with the officials, entering the brawl with others. I fly to a small island in Germany. This trip is so hurried, I don"t even bring HongBing with me. Krk island is a warm and friendly place. The people here all have satisfied smiling faces. Therefore, it has the qualities needed for a place where retired high-ranking officials from other countries come to spend their retirement. Buy a small place and reflect on life by the peaceful ocean.

I follow the address that I had investigated, finding a charming unique log cabin. The cabin has two tall trees that I"m unfamiliar with growing at its side, lush and green. I ring the doorbell. A middle-aged woman answers the door.

"Good afternoon, is Mr. DuYe at home?"

"You"re here to see Mr. DuYe?"

"Yes, I"m Mr. Huang, I spoke to Mr. DuYe on the phone. I came from France hoping to meet with Mr. DuYe." She goes in for a while, before coming back to open the door, smiling at me:

"Mr. DuYe would like you to come in." Once inside the house, beautiful are everywhere, strung together one by one, hanging from the ceiling. When the wind blows, they brush together *ding ding dang dang* endlessly. A relaxing feeling immediately enters the heart.

A middle-aged man sits at the center of the house. He puts down the newspaper in his hands, takes off his, and asks me:

"Mr. Huang? Please have a seat." I sit down. He says: "It"s been a long time since I"ve had guests from afar."

"I"m really sorry that I"ve troubled Mr. DuYe."

"Don"t say that. You"ve come a long way, what can I help you with?" I look at the carefree retiree in front of me. I open the carrying case at my side, revealing neat bundles of US dollars.

"With this?" I smile: "I"m really sorry Mr. DuYe, if my actions are a little shady. But I"m short of time. I hope to settle this matter quickly so that I can return to France to take care of other matters." He looks at me, showing no reaction. I add: "I guarantee you that this monetary gift will definitely not give you any legal problems. I hope that you won"t fault me for showing my respect for you in this manner."

"What do you want to know?" He asks suddenly. I smile while placing the bag next to him, getting straight to the point:

"When Mr. DuYe was a high-ranking official in Malaysia, were you in charge of a major construction liability case?"

"Which one are you referring to?"

"The one that caused an uproar, involving the collaboration between the prominent Rong enterprise and He enterprise, their joint-venture to construct the imposing skysc.r.a.per. There was an anonymous accusation of inferior materials used during construction and of completely failing to meet the construction safety factor."

"That"s right, the one in charge of the investigation was me." DuYe obviously remembers this issue very well: "The results were made public, the whole DiQiang skysc.r.a.per project was in accord with international standards, immediately dispelling all rumors." I smile slightly. Of course, he hasn"t revealed everything.

I look around the small courtyard, with a little pond that actually has quite a lot of fish. It"s a very peaceful and secluded s.p.a.ce. Many years later, when it"s time for me to retire, will I be able to find such a peaceful place to spend my later years? Of course, the prerequisite is, that I have DuYe"s shrewdness and cautiousness.

"The seafood here is very famous, how about you stay for dinner?"

"That"s all I wish for." I stay for dinner.

DuYe is an enthusiastic host. In addition to serving fresh seafood, he entertains me with many interesting anecdotes of life over here, but not a word about the DiQiang skysc.r.a.per.

After finishing the meal with relish, I take my leave. DuYe sends me to the door.

"Although the scenery here is boundless, taking some time to go elsewhere, travel a little, will benefit the mind and body." DuYe nods:

"Mr. Huang, we"ve just met and we"re already like old friends, you"re a smart person. Here is a little something from the past, of no use to me, only capable of bringing trouble, I"ll give it to you." He brings out a simply designed briefcase, and hands it to me, adding: "After giving you this, I will no longer have anything to do with my previous position." I receive it earnestly, hugging it to my chest.

I rush to the airport that night. Only after I"ve returned all the way back to France, do I open the briefcase that DuYe gave me. All the confidential files from the investigation done that year on the DiQiang skysc.r.a.per, spread out impressively in front of me. Trying to bring back to life something that has long been frozen away, is really not an easy thing. While I"m carefully examining the files, I"m also saying to myself: Look, turns out even Rong YuJiang is capable of negligence.

The following days, I run about like the wind, going back and forth endlessly between the mainland and HongKong. Not just meeting with the central authorities to certify our construction business but also developing new connections in all directions. China is economically the place to be in the future, how can I just let it go? Especially since I"ve vowed to overtake YuJiang.

The launch happens with wild beatings of gongs and drums, the compet.i.tion for the three spots are in full swing. Although the results have not been announced, everyone is well aware that the likely results are already in the hands of the people in power. Rong enterprise, thanks to the close connections between HongKong and the mainland, of course will be the first one in. I pick the most opportune moment to call YuJiang.

"Looks like I should congratulate you, YuJiang, for getting the right to submit tenders for large-scale projects in mainland China, from now on, you no longer have to be subject to the fetters of China"s protectionist policies."

"ShengSheng, your tone is full of discontent, don"t you think that you"re being ungracious?" I can"t stop myself from laughing softly:

"Ungracious? How am I ungracious? YuJiang, have you received what I sent you?"

"What did you send me? To go so far as to send it by post? I didn"t receive it."

"That"s right, the earliest FedEx delivery is at 9 am, it has just reached the lobby of Rong enterprise. It"s just that I"m too impatient to find out your reaction. Since it"s like this, I"ll wait for you to look at it before talking it over with me." Hanging up the phone, I sit on the chair, slowly twirling my pen. The coffee HongBing brought in is on the table, steaming hot, the fragrance filling the air. I don"t feel like drinking, waiting for my one splendid victory, before happily enjoying the delicious taste, wouldn"t that be even better. Sure enough, YuJiang calls back.

"ShengSheng, you"re really something." YuJiang praises me in admiration: "You managed to dig up such ancient history."

"What is there that can be buried forever? Even someone as shrewd as you, won"t be able to keep it buried until the seas run dry and the stones turn soft."

"So, what of it? What can you do with this data? Seven years ago, I wasn"t in charge of Rong enterprise, furthermore, from the findings of the Malaysian government, the DiQiang skysc.r.a.per is perfectly according to standards. These files have no legal value." Why then would I pester him with this matter.

"YuJiang, whether these files are true, you yourself should know. Indeed, they don"t have legal value, but if they were to appear in front of certain people, I"m afraid it will destroy your beautiful dream of advancing into China. The current situation, you know it better than me. How many envious people are hoping for Rong enterprise to slip up. Don"t tell me you really want me to get someone to go to Malaysia, and dig up the foundations of the DiQiang skysc.r.a.per, and expose the negligence of Rong enterprise, to measure how much shorter the actual length of those steel foundations are, before you"re willing to acknowledge it?"

"ShengSheng, you won"t do that."

"I won"t?" I sneer: "The matter with GuiDe, I already let it slide." He hesitates a while before asking:

"What is it that you want?" His question leaves me in a daze. He had already asked me many times before: What do you want to do? What is it that you want? What is it that you really want? Today, his tone is, for the first time, a serious tone.

"It"s quite simple, Huang enterprise will collaborate with Rong enterprise in name, and together strive to obtain the permit for construction in China." There is an immediate silence on the other side. I calmly wait for his reply. Finally, YuJiang starts to speak:

"ShengSheng, you"re too greedy, you clearly know how much resources I put into getting one of these spots. If I were to simply let Huang enterprise take away half of it, without spending a single cent, how will I explain it to the board of directors? Moreover, things are not so simple that it will be just as I say, the central authorities have confidence in Rong enterprise, it may not be so with Huang enterprise." I can"t say that I"m not affected by his serious tone. Furthermore, since I have already raised the threatening dagger, I have no other place to go. Moreover, I don"t have any intention of letting it go.

"Huang enterprise also needs an excellent opportunity to boost our expansion. As for China"s central authorities, you don"t need to fret, I have also run myself ragged, not any less than you have. They will be more than happy to see us join forces."

"If I don"t agree, you will take actions to disqualify Rong enterprise?"

"There is already no turning back, YuJiang, do you think I will let you off?" YuJiang is also a straightforward person, he weighed it over on the phone for a bit, before knowing what should be done, asking in a deep voice:

"When should we announce this?"

"As soon as possible."

"What are you going to do with all the files?"

"You don"t need to worry, after we join forces, Rong enterprise"s reputation will be linked with that of Huang enterprise, why would I bring trouble upon myself?"

"ShengSheng ........ " Hearing him call my name, my heart suddenly tightens.

"What is it?"

"With this joint-venture, we will soon see a lot of each other." I say icily:

"For business concerning the mainland, I will appoint someone to take the lead. You don"t have to feel uncomfortable since we won"t be seeing each frequently." Just like this, I seize what YuJiang had labored over, s.n.a.t.c.hing away one half of the gains from among the numerous compet.i.tors. The joy in my heart, although intense, cannot dispel a faint inexplicable sadness.

I hang up the phone and sit back, sighing. The coffee on the table has cooled down long ago. I bring it to my lips but only feel a chill in my heart, yet again, I don"t feel like drinking.

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