The Wavering Maiden’s Heart

There is an old witch living in the corner of the capital Beriand.

That is the rumor that floats around an old housing building that placed far away from the residential district.

That building has its outside walls tangled with ivy plants and the yard overgrown with weeds. There is also no sighting of people coming and going from inside that dilapidated house. Such building naturally creates such baseless rumor easily.

But the fact is, there is someone living in that house.

The inside of that dilapidated house is buried until the brim with uncountable number of books. There is an old table with a crystal ball placed on top of it. Many piece of papers containing the enumeration of magical runes also placed on that table.

In such a room which make you immediately recall a witch room, two people who are not seem to be appropriate for the surrounding mood are talking to each other.

The first one is the magician from Renya’s party, Brenda Meyer.

And the other one is a young girl. Clad in black dress that doesn’t have any showy parts but are made from a high quality fabric. That black dress coupled with the young girl calm and composed manner made a perfect match altogether.

“Trying to disturb the peace conference of the two kingdoms and doing an unknown ritual is it? With only this information that you bring I still can’t say it for 100% but…… as I suspect the one that I searching for seems to be lying low in Ordough sect”

The lady that sits cross legged on the chair had mixed expression between hope and disappointment at the same time.

Sensing that mood from the lady, Brenda who just reported to her about all the thing that she just went through since the golem case in detail unable to say anything back and fell silent.

“Brenda, please report to me in detail about anything if you happen to obtain any information regarding that Ordough sect. Of course I’m not forcing you to do so. Just do it if you have some spare time and it will be enough”
“Yes teacher. But, is that alright with just that? If teacher order me to hunt Ordough sect then I will do so with all my pleasure”
“No you don’t need to go that far, even if I’m staying here all the time doesn’t mean I didn’t do anything on my own. That information that I request of from you is in the end just one of the means. And above all that, I can’t just shackle such excellence student like you with my petty problem. Time flies in a blink of an eye, you should enjoy the present time more”
“…… As you wish, teacher”

Brenda bows her head deeply after receiving the rumored witch, the lady that teaches her magic, words.

The witch that sits in front of her, Brenda’s teacher Martina Serfin, smiles calmly like the holy mother when hearing Brenda’s answer. But that smile suddenly turned into a bewitching smile.

“But really, you who limit your social life and don’t actively make friends even in the magician guild to suddenly join a party like this, I’m really surprised you know? And on top of it, that party is not an all girl party too with one guy included in it. I heard that they are just a wanderer but they are a capable bunch that made many achievements here and there in just a short moment of time. They don’t just put an end to two case caused up by the Ordough sect, they can even defeat the monster that made a battle oriented troubled for long with ease, and not stopping at that they even running around actively to help replenishing materials and stock for the merchant and craftsman guild. That guy claim himself as a guy who don’t picky with jobs but he simply is just the widest jack of all trades that I have ever seen”
“A-…… that is…… what can I say…”
“Hmm? Why are you hesitating? Does that guy demand something that can’t be said when you ask him to cooperate in investigating the sect? Like your body perhaps?”
“Well of course seducing a guy with carnal desires is something too much for you who are still a virgin. But let me say this: if you have interest in him then why don’t you just sleep with him? Since ancient times the union of man and women is a deed which unifies two different factors into one, it is a famous way to make oneself get stronger easily you know? And you should have known the technique to supplements own magic power while doing s.e.xual activity right?”
“I… I do know about that… but…!”
“But at the same time, if you just drown yourself in the pleasure then there will be no meaning in it. If you perform the proper procedure and method, then that s.e.xual activity will be a quick way for you to increase your quality as a magician. The stronger the partner is the better the effects. When you receive the life energy from a man inside you, you can use that to arouse the attributes that is sleeping inside of you or maybe even alter it into a new form. You won’t get too much stronger quickly like a succubus is which are the expert in this field but if you want to get stronger, there is no disadvantage in knowing you know?”

There is also a kind of kamasutra too in this world where it teaches about the technique in s.e.xual activity to achieve harmony between the male and female.
And Brenda who knows that in theory only, listen to what Martina says attentively with her face flushed red. She is still such a pure girl inside.

“Anyway, that is not the kind of relationship I have with Renya! I only support him as one of his party member because even though he claims himself as a wanderer, he was still unfamiliar with traveling! He is such an unreliable-clumsy guy that I don’t have any other choice but to support him that is!”
“Well if you say it like that then let’s just make it that way. But a human heart is easily swayed. Your heart might unexpectedly easy to be swayed too perhaps. Ku ku ku ku”

To her teacher that laugh in a provocative way, Brenda could only held her displeasure and don’t even try retort back at her. This teacher is just too skillful with words that there is no hope in winning her in arguments.

“Well if you get interested then give me a call. I will teach you one or two surefire ritual magic in no time”
“There’s no need!”
“What an unthankful student to waste her teacher help like this. Your already have a great body as a woman, to not using it effectively is a waste you know?”
“U-u-using it?! Teacher, please use more appropriate words when talking!”
“My my, what is wrong with my education to raise such a late-bloomer student like this…”
“It was because teacher is too wild and uncontrollable that I became like this!”

Brenda who answers Martina with strict face only makes her smile wryly.

Brenda strict personality is also one of her charm but her personality is too hard. Martina worries that she will never found her spring this way.

“Well if you are going to leave the continent don’t forget to come back home first before you go. I will get you a telecommunication magic item ready the next time you come back home”
“I understand, well then I will take my leave for now”

Brenda bows to Martina and leaves the room hastily.

While looking at her pupil’s back, Martina says to herself.

“……Maybe I should have taught her more about man woman relationship if she is going to become like this…..”

To the back of her pupil that shows her bewilderment with her own feeling, Martina asks to herself whether her teaching method is already good or may still need more improvement.


“…… It’s not like I never had a thought about such thing before”

While leaving the residential district with a quick pace, Brenda whispers to herself such word when walking alone on the road that leads to the shopping district.

And the thing that she meant here is of course none other than where her relationship with Renya will go after this.

Even if she keeps the things related to Renya being a G.o.d a secret, it was still enough to make her teacher surprised. And she does realize that reason. When she looks back at her life so far let alone man, she always being a lone wolf all the time. Such lone wolf is now joining a party and that party has a G.o.d as the leader to boot.

But despite the fact that she was a lone wolf all the time, she doesn’t really have that bad impression of a relationship between a man and a woman.

Brenda herself thought that she had made her relationship with Renya clear from the first time but, when she was teased by her teacher just a while ago, she can’t deny Martina words with strong affirmation. She is simply surprised by that fact.

(And I don’t think that…… I’m not attracted to him either)

There is a slight difficulty with his unique personality but that is still pa.s.sable for her. His habit of frolicking around too much might comes from how too powerful he is that he can deal with most problem easily. Thinking that way, his personality is still inside the acceptable scope.

His prowess is also the real deal, or rather, Brenda can’t even think of any other being that can rival him in combat.

What Brenda feels lacking from Renya is only political power. But seeing as he is just a supreme powerful being, if he wishes for it, he can easily be the king of one or two grand kingdom or even maybe rule this whole world.

When she lists it like this, he is definitely the kind of guy that she wants to be her lifetime partner. But..

(His objective that mainly related to woman is a bit repulsive…… right? but……)

For Renya, this world is another world for him where he can enjoy living as a ‘normal’ human so in order to get the best of it, he choose a life as a wanderer. That was the thing that Renya says before to Brenda when they having their first contact and Brenda have now truly belief that it is really the truth. But just in this short time she joined Renya’s party, Renya already attracts more female member to the party which made Brenda feel a bit disturbed by it. It was like Renya motives changed to became pure harem gathering.

And to make it clear, Brenda also doesn’t have any bad opinion about polygamy.

Men of great strength and men with high political power to have several wives is a normal thing in this world. And by how great Renya true power is, for him to realize a harem of his own is not a problem. Renya himself doesn’t have any ambition to make himself famous or have a high political power but he can still make a harem far away from where human lives quietly and no one will even criticize him for that.

But even after thinking that it was alright with her logic and reasoning, Brenda still feel this depressing feeling growing inside her head imagining all the other female member of the party get all snuggly and flirty with Renya.

(Is this what people called being jealous? Or maybe another kind of ‘wanting to monopolize’ feeling beside that?)

For Brenda who never been this much attracted to a man before, even if she has the knowledge for it, she can’t comprehend what her feeling true shape is and that is the cause of her irritable mood now.

Even if let say this feeling is jealousy, then that will raise even more question in her head.

Is it just the feeling of wanting only myself to stand beside him?
Is it because she is somewhat out of the loop that he is now building, the harem, and feeling discontent because of it?

Because she can’t find the right conclusion for it, her feeling end up in a deadlock and started to get strayed off.

Just when she is about to threw out all her irritation on the person questioned, a voice calls her from behind.

“Ah? Isn’t it Brenda? Did you get back home?”
“…….. What business do you have with me Henry”

Hearing that greeting, Brenda stop walking and turned to look the one who greet her and reply it without hiding her annoyed expression. She can just pretend she didn’t hear it and just walk away but because she plans to stay in the capital for a while, doing that would only bring her more trouble in the future so she have no other choice but to reply back.

Henry Barkwauss
For Brenda, he just someone who enter the magician guild in the same time as her.

He has a long blonde hair that is tied up in the back that somehow made Brenda uncomfortable. Not only his hairdo, even his looks and conduct, all of them is an annoyance to Brenda.

Barkwauss is a family that is famous for being magicians for generations. The current head of the house is also the royal palace magician and he also bestowed a peerage of viscount to honor his service. They don’t have a land for themselves so they made their house in the high-cla.s.s residential district and are quite famous in the capital.

Henry himself if compared to the current Barkwauss head doesn’t really have that much outstanding talents and he also very much lacking the effort to polish himself. He had some hard feeling against Brenda who came from a common family but can easily surpa.s.s his rank in the magician guild so from then on, he kept persisted on following around her.

In this world, the guilds that manage important things like the magician guild can’t be easily influenced by such connection power like status or pedigree. Because of that, even in the face of the heir of a famous family, Brenda keeps talking to him with a harsh tone.

“If you’ve returned then why don’t you show yourself in the guild? Been looking for you, you know?”
“I have cleared my greeting and report to guild master a few days ago. Seems like miss each other then”

The truth is, Brenda did aimed entering the guild when Henry is not around thanks to the help of the girl that works in the reception. But Henry who don’t know a thing about it, even though shrink back a little from Brenda harsh tone, keep persisting on her.

“Well then it must be fate that we met now, it’s been a while since the last time we met so why don’t we enjoy a cup of tea together somewhere?”
“I don’t understand what fate you are talking about here and I too don’t understand why we must go have a tea together so I decline that offer”
“Oh you jest, you and I are friends right?”
“Just a co worker, and even if I said co worker the jobs we done together are counted with two hand’s finger. So it might also be safe to presume you as just an acquaintance”
“You are really harsh just like always. Ah that’s right have you heard? The guild allows me to raise my rank up by one after pa.s.sing a test a few days ago”
“Is that so? Then congratulations. I too, got my rank up after getting my activity recognized after reporting it a few days ago”

An again Henry got silenced. A magician position in the magician guild is determined by ranking which is also a proof of one true ability as a magician. The higher the rank is, the more powerful that person is as a magician. And in truth, in this last few years Brenda ranking is always higher than his.

The stairs that Henry climbs up with desperation was steadily climbed up by Brenda.

It might be because of rival thing or maybe pride that makes Henry follows her around as Brenda try to guess his reason but in truth, the true reason is even more twisted.

Because he can’t compete with Brenda in terms of being magician, he is plotting to coax her by sweet words then take her in into his family by marrying her so he could make Brenda submit to him. Such motive really shows Henry’s spoiled side from being born in a famous family. And Brenda who is his target always halts all his advances towards her that makes Henry even more desperate in following Brenda. Such vicious cycle repeated all the time in a few years making their current relationship like this.

Because of her teacher words, Brenda is currently having a headache with a problem that she usually ignores and just at that time she still had to deal with this pesky guy also... Brenda sighted deeply. Thinking that this day must be an unlucky day for her.

Henry who keeps persisting on following her trying to coax her became too much annoying that Brenda was about to ignores him and leave like that when suddenly

“Oh, Brenda, what are you doing in this kind of place?”

Renya comes to her waving his hand lightly.

In Brenda situation now, Renya was like a G.o.d sent help in her eyes.
Well he IS a G.o.d without a doubt.

© 2024