The Dragon Princess’ Unexpected Romance Situation

Well then,  Renya’s party who decided to wait for Therese until she graduates start to split the party to do job by each member to maximize efficiency. It also includes their plan to do from hereafter.

They still haven’t decides where to go after Therese graduates but the matter that they would need as much funds as possible for their journey still won’t change. They all had the same opinion in that matter so Renya’s party extends their job finding activity.

They don’t stop only at the government office to search job. The warrior guild that is thanks to their achievement in Minseia and the magician guild that is thanks to Brenda for recommending them, start to give them job too. Not only that they also actively ask around if there anything that they can do or search any place that lacks manpower so they can chip in to help. They vigorously go around working.

One might think it was something uncommon to do but it was in fact a common thing to do for wanderer like Renya.

Inside that so called wanderer there are quite a lot who have real skill. Those people don’t commonly get called as (Adventurer) in this world and their fame only depend on themselves for there are no (Adventurer Guild) who backs them up. But because ‘wanderer’ is such a big mob like that, getting famous for their competency and skill will make them stand out be it in a good meaning or in a bad one.

And because Renya had a peculiar features that are rare in this area, people can easily recognize him and almost everyone in the capital knows about him. And it didn’t even take a long time for that.

It was another world anyway, black haired and black iris are really rare. Even Elvira who is a black dragon has flaxen colored hair. Because of his peculiar features, not standing out is impossible. And to add to that, his capabilities had been tested as real deal from his achievement of settling the raid case that was done by the Ordough sect without even taking a day.

Information regarding Ordough sect activities in terrorizing people might give a sense of insecurity to the population but the guild and royalty don’t have the power to block the information about it. Of course, the information which Renya defeat them and save the hostage at the exact same day included within it.

Because Renya’s party capabilities has been proven as a real deal, job with high difficulties keep on coming to them. Of course, the higher the difficulty is, the higher the pay.

In regard to that, the jobs for subjugating atrocious monster from the warrior guild are especially profitable. How could they not with a party consisting of two G.o.ds, one dragon, and one talented magician? Such party could beat any atrocious monster like flipping their own palm.
But then again, such kind of job is not always available. In the first place city won’t be built in a place teeming with atrocious monster anyway.

So today’s job for Renya is to help the alchemist guild in sorting their raw materials warehouse. In short, it just an odd job. But today there is something unusual happen.

“Elvira, have you check the herbs inside that box?”
“Yes, umm…… no problem here. The number of herbs inside is just as it was written in the catalogue”
“Then next please check the number of monster nails. I’m gonna do the one for plantation”
“As you wish Renya-sama”

Both of them skillfully checked whether the material stored in the inventory matched with what has written in the catalogue.
Yes, the two of them together.

This job was supposed to be done by Renya alone. But because today Elvira doesn’t manages to get any job, she offers her help to Renya while also says that she doesn’t need to get paid for it. Renya immediately give his consent. For the reason why Renya accept Elvira’s offer is just because this kind of job will definitely get easier to do if Elvira is a.s.sisting him.

If it was Brenda who is an incarnation of neat and tidiness, she can do it all alone by herself seeing that it was her forte and Renya doesn’t feel working at all if it was her who helps him. On the other hand, Floria is kinda careless and she is not suitable to this kind of meticulous job.

Then what about Elvira who is a dragon? It might be unexpectedly but she has a knack at this kind of routine. There are no useless movements when she is working and she support Renya to the extent that even Renya can’t reach. Her appearance now is truly resembles one of those skilled secretary.

When asked why she could do so much like this some time before, she replies calmly with her gentle smile like this:
“It was because we usually lives our everyday life similar like a human. Nowadays dragon tribe people who live their life while keeping up their dragon appearance are rare”
And that’s it.

The hidden dragon village where Elvira lives is also doesn’t have much difference from a normal human village. Be it in the building and in the community formation. They also rarely turn into their dragon form except only when it was greatly in need.

The reason for that is, it was shameful but, is because of food problem. Even if it was said a few tribes man, they number reach 2 digits and just imagine a herd numbered of 2 digit dragons gathered together. Even if they eat conversely they will still harm the ecosystem around them greatly.

Because it will be harder to live in dragon form, eventhough their hidden village located in isolated area where no normal human can reach, living imitating the humans becomes a common sense to the dragon tribes as Elvira keep on telling her story. This kind of skill is also something she managed to learn from ‘imitating’ the human’s everyday life with her long lifespan.

Thanks to her help, the work that supposed to be finished at noon finished earlier than expected.

But then again, Elvira’s true worth doesn’t stop at just only that.

Renya next job is to clean a vacant house and again, Elvira helped him big time.

She releases her dragon aura that she usually held down and shot that menacing aura into every corner of the room. In that instant, mice that have been investing that house all of them simultaneously runs away from fear. And after that she starts cleaning with a movement that even will put high cla.s.s maid into shame. Even Renya only moves around according to Elvira’s command in the process.

Renya feel thankful for Elvira that he even tries to force Elvira to receive half of his payment from those two jobs. Even though Elvira politely declines it, Renya can’t feel satisfied until he can somehow repay Elvira.

After they have a lunch break, they continue doing more odd jobs until all the jobs that Renya had taken today finished.

And of course, all the jobs are done faster than how he scheduled beforehand by a few hours.

“You are truly a lifesaver today Elvira”
“You are welcome Renya-sama. To be off use to Renya-sama is also my happiness”

After Renya gets his payment, they went back to the inn where they stayed. But because they finished early, they still have a lot of time at hand so they go back home by taking a detour to have a walk together.

Although they didn’t say it out loud but in each of their hearts, both of them think of this ‘little walk’ as having a simple date.

Renya thinks that the atmosphere between them is quite good so he decides to ask some questions that have been on his mind for a while.

“Hey Elvira, I kinda curious by why did you have to marry with someone that is stronger than you. Can you explain it to me?”
”Eh? Renya-sama seems to have misunderstands something…… I never said that my spouse needs to be stronger than I am. But it was indeed because I was too strong that I can’t find any though”

Renya was on the impression that Elvira only looks for someone stronger than her so with her replies just now, he got a bit confused.

Well rather than confused thinking about it by himself, he asks her to explain it.

“The dragon tribe is sensitive to the power level in a relationship. And a marriage life where a husband can’t disobey his wife is not the kind of marriage life that most male dragon wishes for unexpectedly.  Also, the facts that we are a race that have a long life span worsen that tendency”
“Eventhought if they can live a long live accompanied with a wife that will always look forever young, they don’t know how to be thankful eh?”
“Well, the downside is just that once we become a pair, we can only be separated by death only. Not like humans who can separate one-sidedly just by leaving a divorce letter”
“So divorce letter also exist in this world eh……”

Renya is kinda amazed that divorce letter also exists in this world. No matter what different world that is, there are some common things those worlds shared. Renya can only accept that as the mystery of the universe that he doesn’t need to pursue further and ask Elvira to continue her story.

“I, who am also the daughter of the tribe chief, is exalted as the princess of the tribe. But within the dragon tribe, the princess doesn’t have that kind of high power like the one off a human princess had. The tribe chief is just considered as someone who organize the tribe and because of that, a chief can’t live the way they likes without care. So even from my t.i.tle, I have already become someone who isn’t particularly popular as wives candidate inside the dragon tribe”
“The dragon tribe really is free and unrestricted eh?”
“Well, we are a being that stand on top of other beings in this world except for the G.o.ds so our tribe is indeed quite haughty. And the tendency of hating being restrained is deeply rooted in our race. Because of that, there are some dragons that just went wild and destroy human village just to get subjugated in the end. No matter what we do, individual like that always appear”
“That’s more like you reap what you sow right? But that is kinda sad somewhat”
“The action of those who are strong indeed will gather respect from others. But at the same time, fear is also acc.u.mulated side by side. That kind of thing can also happen between human of course but in our race case, even if we show up our dragon form, it already give tremendous amount of fear to any who see it so it was especially difficult to control”

Elvira keeps on talking with a gentle tone but Renya can detects the shadow covered behind her words.
Renya can detects those kinds of sublime change in her but he doesn’t know what he should do to a.s.sure Elvira. He curses his own inexperience for not being able to do anything in situation like this but luckily, Elvira continues again with her story.

“That is why I am also, while not forgetting to keep a limit on it, thinking of living in the way I like. And in order to be able to do that, first I have to be stronger than all of my groom candidates, win a fight against all of them, then get out from my village in order to find my marriage partner. Of course I make sure that I don’t give too much bad stimulus to the humans. But well, my older brother still follows me around as to keep an eye on me though”
As Elvira said while smiled bitterly.

Renya who have been listening to Elvira story so far and expecting some kind of sad story almost stumbled on the spot for this unexpected turn of even.

Free and unrestricted unexpectedly also applies to the girl who stands before him.

In the end, does that mean that birds of the same feather always flock together?

“And above all else, I don’t find any gentlemen in my village who are in my preference and made me think that I want to get spanked by him. That can be said to be the most important reason maybe”
“Waittaminute… did you just said something dangerous back there?”
“Huhuhu, Renya-sama have such sharp ears indeed. As expected of the man that I have my eyes for”
“If I don’t hear wrong then……”
“Yes, I am, in fact, have a longing of being treated s.a.d.i.s.tically by a gentlemen……”

Elvira says those lines slowly in whisper with an expression full of ecstasy in her face.
Renya who got bewildered by it tried to forcefully calm his heart. It might still be a misunderstanding for that ‘treated s.a.d.i.s.tically’ part. Restless, he tries to confirm what Elvira meant by it.

“Err…… let me confirm one thing… that treated s.a.d.i.s.tically is like for instance physical pain?”
“You don’t say, I don’t have any preference of being happy from getting hurt physically. It was simply that I just love being abused verbally”
(Otto, still questionable----! Is this ‘out’?...... No, if thinking of it just as a role playing then still just barely ‘safe’!?)

Renya doesn’t have any interest in this sort of thing that known as SM in his own previous world so he thoroughly investigates this matter seriously.

With this new information, he might have to change his way to treat Elvira accordingly but he also curious about her preference first so Renya try asking it.

He understands that he shouldn’t turn blind eye to this conversation if he wants to understand Elvira better. So with that reason, he asks.

“I don’t think that my partner who abuse me have to be stronger than me to make me feel satisfied. It just that when I ask them to do so, everyone without exception runs away that’s all. Being held down by a weaker partner and getting verbally abused by the same time is also seems interesting if you ask me”
“Ah excuse me guardsman~! Come here please~!”
“Ahuhu if things really went into that, then I can just pretend to be attacked by Renya-sama in this place you know?”
“Oh my G.o.d……! Eventhough she someone who enjoys being abused (verbally) I forgot that she is a carnivore that stands at the top of this world food chain……!”

Of course the last part is just a joke between the two of them but thanks to this conversation, Renya can somewhat understand what Elvira wants.

In short, Elvira is the type that men tend to avoid to when she truly exposed her true feeling. Well for those who are weaker than Elvira might still answer a few of her demand but to verbally abuse their partner who are stronger than themselves is really scary. If done half-heartedly, any ordinary men would flee right away from unable to fight off that fear.

(And in the worst case, they won’t be able to do things that they should do… especially their lower half that is)

If he continues his imagination then it would become too obscene so he just stops thinking about it.

And when he thought that she must have some grand reason for looking a stronger partner, to end up hearing this kind of truth that if simply said, it was just a discrepancy between a man and a woman. In a lot of meaning that is. Realizing that, Renya can only heaves a deep sigh. Seeing Renya sighs like that, Elvira, with worried look on her face looks up to him and asks.

“E-excuse me Renya-sama…… you must be get disillusioned by my unique trait…… right? B-but, I don’t have enough confidence to keep on holding this kind of shameful secret and keep on staying by your side Renya-sama. S-so I thought this might be a good chance to tell you that…”
“Ah, my bad. My sigh just now means that I at last get myself calmed down or well, more like feel relieved maybe……? I relieved that your reason is not as bad as I had imagined. That kind of meaning”
“I-is that so……”
“Don’t worry! The man that you have hopes to for becoming your future partner is someone who doesn’t think badly of such kind of role-playing. I kinda interested in how Elvira, who seems to be a graceful lady usually, will react when abused with many kind of words”
“E, e, eh?”
“Eh? Did I say anything wrong?”

Since that intimate night with Floria, Renya starts to build up confidence in handling women and become somewhat able to treat girls while keep his composure straight. That composed manner reversely make Elvira feel strange. Because she also know that her preference is not just a bit weird but how could Renya seems like doesn’t care that much about it?

“N-no, I am also aware that my preference is not something a lady should have so…”
“Don’t tell me you want me to talk down on you here in front of public eyes? Sorry… as expected I still can’t do that far yet…”
“W-w-wrong! No! That’s not it! I also won’t go that far…… maybe…”
“That ‘maybe’ in the end is a little bit scary. But it’s alright you know? Just because you had unique preference like that doesn’t mean that I will avoid you or something like that. And also… you know, I am also still an amateur at treating a woman so it might be me that have to feel sorry for not being able to make you satisfied”
“N-no… I am also not familiar with that kind of thing and still am a vir… cough cough. I just have high expectation of Renya-sama in the close future. Renya-sama also have other women beside myself right? I expect such kind of person to not feel satisfied by things that normal men would be because I would be troubled if you do. I want you to keep aiming for even more higher than that that is.”
“With the flow of our conversation, that ‘even more higher place’ that you aim has this lewd impression on them you know?”
“I don’t mean only in that orientation only you know?...... Mu…… Renya-sama unexpectedly likes to tease people too isn’t it?”
“But you like it don’t you?”
“U,uu…… T-that is indeed not mistaken but……”

Seeing Elvira’s expression, Renya somehow understand that this kind of soft teasing is already included in that Elvira’s ‘weird preferences’. He secretly makes a memo in his heart about it.

The truth is, eventhough Renya did think that role-playing that includes verbal abuse is definitely a high leveled one, instead of shrinking back or getting grossed out by it, he just got even more fired up by it like a kid that gets a new toy.

Elvira whose face is flushed red from embarra.s.sment, takes a half step back so they don’t walk side by side then lightly pinched Renya’s sleeve and keep on walking forward like that. Seeing this unknown side of her make Renya tension soar up that he almost forgot to stop.

“Well in short, don’t hold back too much that is”
“I am also a former human, I can’t help that my thought and way of thinking isn’t that much different from that of a human. I still think of your preferences as weird indeed but I won’t go and dump those who have already been beside me one-sidedly you know? So let’s not hold back too much against each other okay?”

The thing that reflected on the other side of those deep black pupils, no one knows what Elvira saw there.
But to that words and smile that doesn’t have a single speck of lies in them she responses.

“…… Yes. I might still be inexperienced but I’ll be in your care, Renya-sama”

That response from her was filled with the feeling of happiness that overflows from within her heart.

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