Young God Divine Armaments

Chapter 27 – Taking a Breather

Chapter 27 – Taking a Breather

“I indeed lent you that pendant in case of something urgent happens and you need my help quickly but……”
“That right, because here I am practically overexerting my brain to think so I need your support now”
“Hoo? In this time where the kingdom unification declaration is going to happen soon a sudden telepathy came and says ‘I have done most of the work need to be done so I am now have too much spare time. So please take us out from the castle and of course do it secretly’. What kind of emergency this absurdity is?”

‘Think about how you use it for a bit’ is the message Renya wants to tells Gerard explicitly but Gerard reaction is:
“Of course it is emergency, who the h.e.l.l do you think I am?”

His reply is full of his usual arrogance.

“Aren’t you his highness the prince right? The one that is currently a big thorn for those n.o.bles who think of nothing but their own wealth and they hate you soo much that if they see you have a moment of carelessness they will reflexively try to kill you right? And what’s more you are a very important person that will dictates both kingdom future right? So what the h.e.l.l with this situation!? Don’t you have any self awareness!?“
“Of course I have. Because I am aware of who I am I can’t even relax if there are no capable bodyguard by my side. Be it inside the castle or outside the castle the situation is just the same you know“
“You really are something……! Well I don’t have the right to scold you as I easily taken you out from the castle anyway”

One afternoon, a few days before the big project that is engagement included with a declaration of two kingdom unification going to happen.

Because the aforementioned emergency call from Gerard, Renya help Gerard escapes the castle with haste. And Renya answering that emergency call from Gerard with an on parade of cheat level skill without holding back his usage on his divine power.

He use divine power to turn invisible, use barrier to shoo away anyone around the vicinity of Gerard, and even made illusion to make people won’t realize that Gerard has gone for a long time.

Renya bought Gerard to his lodging room. For such a famous people like the neighborhood kingdom prince to walk around the town will attract too much attention so Renya chooses his own place. Even the inn where Renya stays now is layered with many kinds of barrier for just in case.

Renya’s lodging room is a large room that that designed to have 6 people staying so even if all member of Renya party present added with Gerard and another guest the room still can fit them all with much to spare. Renya start to think that the prince purposely let him stay in this room so that Gerard can come here anytime without worry like this.

And then beside Gerard, there is one other guest that Gerard brings together with him.

“You really are an amazing person. Even if it was Gerard who ask for it, to be this frank and spontaneous when talking to a royalty like this is something no ordinary people could do you know?”
“I’ve told you about that right Angelica. This guy is not your usual average joe in many meaning”

Yeah. The one standing there in front of them is a girl with a blonde long hair which tip is curled to the inside, a live in the flesh her highness the princess! Wearing a luxurious dress which made her royalty aura exudes out even stronger, she stands beside Gerard with elegance. Yes, she is this country princess and also Gerard fiancée, Angelica Laciel Rugartis.

“Because we already gather like this why don’t we introduce each of our women?”
“That’s not a bad idea but…… I think you better rephrase what you said earlier. That girl who stands beside you seems to be concealing her anger with her smile which is very scary you know?”
“Let me rephrase it! Let’s introduce each other our own beloved women to deepen our friendship shall we?”

That prince is acting full of arrogance like usual but Renya don’t miss that one line of sweat drop in Gerard face.

Although it felt like he got leaded in doing it, they mutually introduce themselves.

Brenda and Elvira don’t really get disturbed by the other side status and position while Floria is in her own pace as usual. It was only Therese that became fl.u.s.tered because the royalty has increased by another one person. But then that royalty said:

“I also the same as Gerard, I don’t really like being all too formal so please think of me as a friend. Because such chance of getting to know girls that have the same age as me is quite rare so I want to get the fullest from it”

Because Angelica said that, Therese managed to calm down a little.

By the way this two royalty couple really is similar when hating formality.

They are now sitting together in a table while enjoying the snacks that they bought from the castle when Renya takes Gerard out. Elvira also shows her skill by serving them all with the tea she made. While enjoying delicious snacks and tea, they all are having a nice pleasant chat between them. Their meeting has completely becoming a friendly meet between friends.

But the sad thing is that the people attending the party consist of five girls and two guys. That unbalanced gender ratio is making the orientation of the talk and topic to slowly but surely weighted upon the girls side.

“I met Gerard two years ago. Just listen, I don’t know what this guy was thinking at that time but he slip himself inside the meeting that held annually between the two kingdom you know? The neighborhood kingdom 1st prince you know! It really made a big mess that time”
“What an active prince he is right? Did he really want to meet the princess that badly?”

Against Floria’s teasing toward him, Gerard give a proud answer for her.

“Yes that is right. At that time I heard a rumor about the neighborhood 1st princess who is a total babe. As a man, it made me want to ascertain that rumor with my own two eyes. With the help of a few soldier I slip inside the escort group to get into this kingdom”

Sirkaberia solder wears a closed helmet as one of their standard equipment. Gerard probably had his helmed always closed up all the way their trip that time.

The knights that help Gerard in that event must have through a lot at that time. Renya can’t help but to feel sympathy toward those people whose Renya doesn’t even know.

“And after that is a series of shocking event happening one after another. From that unexpected meeting he just suddenly said [In order for me to make you only mine, what should I do to make you willing to do so?]. Hearing such stupid remark like that at that time I also replied with half joking feeling something like this [Well then, how about to erase the war between the two kingdom by uniting them?]”
“I never expected the preparations takes almost two years to finish. According to my calculation, I should have done my preparation plan by one year but those b.a.s.t.a.r.d n.o.ble from my kingdom is really stubborn”
“Two years is already fast you know? Managing to purge all those war supporter faction from their root like that is already a fearsome feat in my opinion”

Doesn’t this guy said that he had neglected all kind of lesson related to kingdom management and such similar How can he be this efficient? Renya can only held that thought in his mind.

“In these two year I don’t know how many time he had making trip back and forth from Rugartis to Sirkaberia. And this guy even dares to order me to persuade the n.o.ble in this kingdom you know? I never thought that this guy is that much of a stupid”
“Hehe thanks for that praise, I was acting rash because I love you soo much! Please forgive me”
“I don’t praise you, you know! I’m definitely not praising you even one bit!”
“Well then does that mean that you don’t have any problem with my love toward you doesn’t it? My my such a cute one you are”
“U…gu…… N-No! you are wrong! It is still a……pro… u~~~!”

Their relationship has a hard to understand power relationship. It is hard to tell which one dominates which. But still it is indeed interesting to watch so Renya and his party keep watching the two arguing while nibbling their popcorn… ah there’s no popcorn in the other world.

The only thing available there is only the snacks that they took from the castle before. But as expected of the snacks that is purposely to be given to royalty, it really tastes delicious!.Renya don’t know the snack name but it remind him a lot with the cookies that came from his previous world.

“What to do Renya? That is a tsundere you know? THE ‘TSUNDERE’”
“Who could guess that the flag that Floria risen up would end up like this. And to think that I don’t have any relation to it”
“Floria, what is tsundere?”

Against Brenda question, Floria acts all high and mighty puffing her chest proudly like she has been expecting someone to ask her that. Because of that act, her bountiful chest jolted a lot that a sound effect of ‘boing’ can be heard from it. Renya that is happy with the sight steal a quick G.o.dlike glance without letting out any sound. He thinks that no one would realize… at least he himself thinks so.

“Tsundere you know, means that someone that usually goes p.r.i.c.kly ‘tsun’ will show up her complicated lovely side ‘dere’ to the person they likes. It is a word to point such complicated maiden!”
“It somehow sound weird but looking at the thing just now it is also sound fitting”

Brenda nods in consent towards Floria explanation, but somehow Gerard also reacts to Floria explanation by nodding continuously.

“I see. That explanation is definitely a perfect fit for Angelica. Now that really explains what happened yesterday”
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Shut it! Don’t say that! Geez Gerard, why did you say that!”
“What is wrong with bragging about how cute my girl is!?”
“This is not the right time for that! Thanks to your needless bragging the va.s.sal in the castle start to give me weird looks you know? Don’t you know how troubled I was!?”
“But that shows how much you are being loved by your va.s.sal right? But I won’t give up the position of being the one who love you the most!”
“I know that!”

The other people witnessing the sight in this place sharing the same common thought.

But then again, this by itself is showing how perfect this two matches each other. It was such a heartwarming sight but because if they continue further the talk before will only get stagnated so Renya and his party gently stop the two lover spat.

After a bit of persuading, Angelica finally calmed down and started to sip her tea. Her manner when she sips her tea is just as expected from a royalty that has gotten manner training since childhood. The lover spat before had kinda ruined her image by a lot but still she IS someone born from a high cla.s.s society.

Then the talk resumes. Renya and Gerard are having a heated up conversation about martial arts and such while the girl side having their own girls talk.

Again, Gerard and Angelica are basically doesn’t really like formality.

As a n.o.bility, and moreover as the next in line to the throne, acting all relaxed like that is a problem in a way but they indeed understand their responsibility as a royalty. And because of that, they really think that they should relax as much as they can when the condition let them to do so.

In a way, Angelica and Gerard are birds of a same feather.

Of course Angelica is also the same as Gerard who doesn’t think ill of polygamy but she is curious about how Renya can bring such pretty girls with him. In the first place Angelica haven’t saw Renya true ability up close so it getting even harder for her to think for the answer.

Even Gerard who always boasts ‘in this continent, the one who I can’t beat can be numbered by the fingers from one hand only’ gave a very high opinion to his strength.

“That guy is already on a different plane from normal human. Just looking at one of his sword simple slash is enough to give me shivers down my spine. Unparalleled, A match for thousand, even such grand t.i.tle seems to be not enough to describe his strength”

Because even Gerard say that much about him she got really curious of him but when she met Renya in person, her first opinion of him was that he had a common appearance.

His hair color and pupil color are something not usual in this continent but his face is neither bad looking nor handsome either. His body is also not the bulky muscular type that from one sight already shows one’s raw strength.

Well that is mostly not wrong if it was about Renya appearance. Gerard is definitely more handsome that Renya. Angelica doesn’t realize that by thinking things like that she shows how much she has fallen for him. If someone were to hear that and then point that thing to her, she will definitely turn all red and will desperately tries to deny while also consenting to that remark. Such complicated statement is all the more proving that she is a tsundere.

Continuing her a.n.a.lysis to Renya, she already knows that he is not a n.o.ble that hold a high peerage, and also not a merchant who owns great fortune.

He is not someone from a high n.o.bility position and also not someone blessed with great fortune but then why did these peerless beauties willing to follow him in his journey? Angelica really is confused by that fact. She in whatsoever way doesn’t mean to belittle Renya. It just that she curious about it and can’t help wanting to know.

From her own common sense, a wanderer bringing multiple girls around on a journey like this is unheard of.

“Then, how about you girls? What does Renya have that made you girls willing to follows him on his journey?”

From Angelica question, the girls show various kinds of reactions.

“E~r All of him?”
One gives an immediate reply.

“Looking at him made me worried, letting him go on his own made me even more worried. In the end I can’t help but to keep an eye on him like this”
One gives a discreet reply.

“I felt that he is the one destined for me since I had my eyes on him for the first time. And then after spending time with him I belief that my feeling that time is not a mistake”
One gives a reply while having stars in her eyes.

“He is strong and kind but doesn’t get arrogant because of it. I really like that side of him desu!”
And one gives an innocent reply.
Because this kind of topic is sensitive, let’s make the one giving out the opinion to be anonymous.

But all the opinions before shares a similarity where those opinions were said even after knowing all of Renya strength and weakness personally. Realizing this fact, Angelica thinks more highly of Renya.

It was neither position nor fortune. It was his way of life, or possibly his way of thinking that attracts them. Even after they know him personally they still adore him so that is the only reason Angelica can think.

Compared to the n.o.bles’ relationship that is mostly compelled to political marriage, marriage that solely seeks for position and fortune, Renya party’s relationship looks soo dazzling to Angelica. She even starts to feel jealous towards it.

Gerard and Angelica…
Disregarding one position and any other else and having a relationship where they can trust each other like them… she wonders how many people can experience such happiness.
Her gaze falls to the youth unintentionally.

“Angelica is a bit awkward when showing her affection. I feel a bit unsatisfied by that you know? I hope she learn to be a bit more honest like Floria”
“You just don’t know Floria man, she actually a little devil inside that from time to time led me by the nose by her devilish side you know? But I can’t deny that is also a cute part of her”
“She led you around like that because she loves you right? Doesn’t that what every man in the world live long wish? In my girl case she mostly abuse me or say things that is the reverse from her feeling such warped kind of affection you know? I have to see through each and every word she says because of that. Get yourself in my shoes for a bit”
“But because of that you get to know that she really loved you doesn’t it? So isn’t it fine?”
“But man, if something is hidden don’t you want to reveal that thing hidden? And if that thing is an unknown expression of my girl then I will be more obstinate to try digging it out! Isn’t that also one other nature as a man?”
“I agree! In my case then it would be Brenda. She usually keeps her cool so I unconsciously want to tease her a bit so I can look at her troubled expression”
“Hohou. Renya, it seems that you also have quite a nice hobby there. Actually I have collected books that are related to conquering that kind of preference. How about it? Interested in taking a peek?”
“When this case over…… please lend me!”

Angelica, seeing the two dumb guys quickly stands up while thinking ‘Okay… it’s okay for me to get mad right’. She then quietly stands beside Gerard who is engrossed with his talk with Renya. By the way Floria and the rest of the girls just go ignoring Renya. They had already get used to Renya saying things like that so they don’t feel the need to get angry.

“Didn’t I tell you to not tell other people that kind of embarra.s.sing story stupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid!!”

Well long story short, from interacting with this fool couple for a day, Renya and his party belief that there won’t be a case where the kingdom will get divided again in the future because of them fighting.


Author notes: When boys and girls gather like that, of course such kind of story will happen. And then Tsundere attribute has been stolen away by other character that is not the main heroine.

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