Young God Divine Armaments

Chapter 43 – 4th Pa.s.sage of the Legend: Fierce Duel with The Thunder G.o.d (2nd part)

Chapter 43 – 4th Pa.s.sage of the Legend: Fierce Duel with The Thunder G.o.d (2nd part)

He got me good.
It is Renya’s honest feeling toward his situation now.
With his bout with Alberg, reality slaps him hard in the face and tells him that he is indeed still a greenhorn when facing another similar existence to himself.
Especially his opponent right now has the worst compatibility with his fighting style and it gives him a huge disadvantages. To face such a G.o.d in his first duel against similar existence, he really wants to screams a complain ‘just what is this impossible-unbalanced-s.h.i.tty-game!?’
Renya’s fighting style emphasize on the use of his peerless divine armaments as his main firepower. If Renya can be considered as a heavy-cla.s.s cannon, then Alberg is like a heavy machinegun who can keep on shooting forever even though it has trouble with accuracy.
Each has the power to kill with one hit. So of course, the side that can shoot more has the advantages in battle.
If that’s the case then why Renya doesn’t at least dual wield guns to increase his own fire rate? The answer to that is because Renya is still unable to do so yet.
With him wielding Tathlum is already considered as ‘using’ a divine armament so he can’t deploy another divine armament at the same time.
He has two hands so he can image of using both hands to attack but reality isn’t as simple as his imagination. For Renya, ‘using’ a divine armament is a conduct which exert his divine power. Renya is still unable to control his divine power perfectly to ‘use’ different divine armaments consecutively, much less simultaneously.

“Ha…… Haa……!”
“What happen to you War G.o.d! Don’t tell me you can even handle this much”
“That is off…… course! Besides, you don’t seem to have that much to spare either!”
“Hah! That kind of peashooter won’t hurt me no matter how much it hit!”
“Even if you say so…… isn’t your aim getting sloppier!”

Renya does nothing else besides returning fire earnestly with Tathlum. He flies about swiftly inside the unordered lightning strike shower. His light bullet would sometimes flies freely without any obstruction and hit Alberg squarely.
But at the same time, Renya also got hit multiple times by the tremendous shockwave created by the lightning that he evaded and got blown off by it, or worse, got grazed by the lightning. The damage gradually piles up and made even the high regeneration rate that is one of the strong forte of the war G.o.d body unable to keep up with it.
In a glance, they seem to be evenly matched.
But actually, Renya fatigue acc.u.mulation is far higher than Alberg.
It was because of the great difference in the quant.i.ty of divine power, which is the very source of power for any divinity, between them.
Renya is the war G.o.d who has peerless instant firepower that rival or even surpa.s.s any old timer G.o.d. In a quick battle, he won’t fall inferior to them in the slightest. But if it was a battle of endurance, then the result is just like what happen now.
No matter how efficient he uses his divine power, he still can’t catch up to the average natural born divinities in regard of the quant.i.ty of divine power that he can reserve. Because of that, he is gradually cornered into deadlock situation.

(…… Having my own weakness exposed like this so I can make it the pointer for my next training program is good and all… but then again……)

Through his calm a.n.a.lysis as a war G.o.d, he knows that if things continue on like this, he will be the one who face defeat.
When his opponent seems unhurt like this, it will be too reckless to rush in and do an all in gamble. But the good side is that this thunder G.o.d, for better or worse, is the type that prefers a melee battle. And the damage that he can deal with has a potential to be more lethal than just a few bullet strike.
If this continues then he will just gradually uses up his divine power and finally bend his knee in defeat in the end because of the difference in divine power quant.i.ty. Rather than losing like that, he…

(…… I should…… be able to do it……!)

Will choose battle tactic that will give him the most winning chance!
For a moment, there is some spectacle that is reflected inside his eyes.
It was the spectacle of various expressions that appears in the face of Floria and the other girls as they watch attentively to Renya battle from the other side of the barrier.
Floria who gives him a straightforward gaze which doesn’t doubt in the least for his victory.
Brenda who gnashes her teeth in vexation but still won’t avert her gaze from the battle.
Elvira who watch attentively for his endeavour with a serious expression.
Therese who withstand the shivering of her small body with eagerness.
The four of them absolutely believe that Renya will come out as the victor.

(If I don’t stand up now……much less a G.o.d, before that, I don’t even qualified as a man!)

Well then, I have resolute myself.
This ‘authority’ of mine which haven’t had any chance to be used with ---- The time has come to unleash its full power!
So I won’t bring shame to my own name.
And even more,  for the sake of the girls who believes in me.

“Hrgn!? Your aura is getting stronger…… even in this situation you still haven’t give up?”

He is indeed a somewhat pitiful G.o.d. But it seems like he is not so pitiful in the face of conflict. Alberg stops his barrage of attacks after sharp-sightedly detects a change in the flow of divine power in Renya’s body.

“Aa that’s right. I realized just how inexperienced I am. That’s why ---- I won’t ever give up until I exhaust every last strength that I have!”
“That’s the spirit! Then show it to me! If it was just another half-a.s.sed effort then let it be pulverized under my fist’s might!”

Alberg exclaim loudly. Even with just that, his fierce pressure powered up by many times that even the G.o.d’s realm start to tremble because of it.
Lightning falls continuously from heaven like it was getting sucked to Alberg’s right fist which gradually turn that fist into a dazzling electric fist. The view of sparks of lightning danced while giving out a crackling sound in Alberg’s right fist is already enough to chill the heart of his opponent with fear. No mortal would dare to think of what will happen if that electric fist hit.
Facing against that, Renya closes his eyes to dive inside his own world and pour his divine power inside.
He did that to awaken the numerous divine armaments that sleep inside.
And from that numerous number of divine armaments, he connects a few of them ‘simultaneously’.
This was a realm that is impossible for a mortal to reach. It was his own mental state that takes shape as his authority when he ascends as a divinity.
The origin of that authority is ---- to recreate the last hit that made him victorious when fighting the predecessor war G.o.d not as a ‘human’ but to unleash it once again with the power of the divinity as a ‘G.o.d’.
This young newcomer G.o.d who still hasn’t had his own myth, at this time, at this place, with the way he naturally is, clearly declares.

“The profound ways of the divine armament user is yet to reach perfection ---- yet I as the master am the invincible undefeated war G.o.d!”

Renya is a G.o.d who still hasn’t had his own worshiper.
That’s why the words that he spins on are not a ritual prayer that is sung to G.o.d wishing for miracles, those are pledge that is meant to revise his own awareness.
He is no longer a G.o.d who is similar to a human neither a human who is similar to a G.o.d.
At that moment, he awakens as a true genuine War G.o.d!

“I bring forth the principle that has been etched within my body to seize victory ---- Divine Arts”

Promptly, Renya rush forward to Alberg in a speed that seems as fast as light.
He rushes straight up front without hesitation. Fear, worry, he tramples down all those negative feeling that can obstruct his path toward victory and charges forward.
Against that, Alberg finished preparing his stance to accept Renya’s offense.
With his right fist clad with the lightning that has been strengthened to the limit by his divine power, he believes that his fist is the strongest. He doesn’t even slightly doubt himself as he took a stance of a champion.

But it was because of his champion mentality ---- that he was utterly shocked by the view unfolding in front of him.
First, a wall of fierce crimson flame that completely filled his field of vision charges in grandiosely. Alberg tries to offset that wall of flame by shooting it with divine power from his spare left hand.
But like have been waiting for Alberg to take action, at the same time, glint of spears manifest and gliding towards him. Simultaneous thrown spear explodes from all four directions trying to skewer Alberg who is standing at the center.
And that’s not all. There is strong gale, no, a tornado that blows fiercely around Alberg, pressing him down and sealing his movement. Actually, the description of pressing down and sealing Alberg movement sounds harmless. But it was actually a raging tornado that consists of many wind blades that will make a cut anything that touch it. But Alberg is simply too strong so he was able to resist this blender typhoon that it was only seems to only seal his movement. If any weak being touches this tornado they will surely become a minced meat in just seconds by the fierce tornado.
Facing against this cataclysm level attack power, Alberg only hit the ground hard with his lightning charged fist to scatter it. He managed to scatter the divine power around him, disperses the wind, and broke the spear with that one punch. Yet the glow in his right fist doesn’t get weaker. In fact it glows even brighter like waiting it prey to come with joyous feeling.

But before Alberg finishes his preparation to receive the next attack wave, the next attack now comes from below. The ground shook wildly and from there numerous sharp edged stretch out piercing anything that standing on top of it like an earth dragon jaw that is about to chomp up its unaware prey and successfully swallows Alberg in a whole. Not stopping at that, the next attack, an intense thunder strike, which might be just Renya being vengeful, hit the closed up dragon jaw from above.
Attacking a thunder G.o.d with a lightning had successfully enraged Alberg. The enraged Alberg then do a big swing roundhouse kick to destroy the sharp edges that is protruding from the ground and he was about to catch the incoming lighting with his left hand but at that time, he finally realized that he had been played through by Renya tricks as his limbs got entangled by black rope like object. Alberg who got his limbs entangled by the black rope can feel that the black rope gradually seeps away his divine power while also gradually strengthen its constriction power.

“GUNUNU…… Just this much…… petty trick are not enough to HOLD ME DOOOOOWN!”

He tries to maintain his ace card which is his lightning clad right fist so it can be ready to be used anytime. And while he does that, he uses his all of his other unused strength to free himself from the black rope, and with the most exact timing managed to deflect the lightning strike with his left fist.
He did succeed in deflecting the lightning but he can feel that his left fist is getting numb from it. He was shocked to know that he got hurt from lightning attack even though he himself is the G.o.d who governs over thunder.
Each and every attacks are lethal attack from a divinity that are packed full with divine power. The time lag and simultaneous attack from this combination attack is indeed fearsome. While Alberg indeed shocked by such brilliant attack, he is also reflexively feel glad that he managed to endure all those six waves of attacks.
But that moment of joy which not even last one second, that short moment where it is even difficult to be called an opening. Renya’s dagger comes swooping.

In the battlefield s.p.a.ce that is now filled to the brim with chaotic divine power pulses.
In the battlefield that is filled with small dust particle from the just happened ma.s.s destruction that covers up his line of sight.
In this brief moment where he momentarily forgets about Renya’s existence and is about to return his attention back to his opponent.
All of it was actually a trap laid by Renya.
All of those showy big moves, all those expert level performance, are just a set-up for this one single attack.
And Alberg only realized this fact after he feels again a sensation that he hadn’t felt in who knows how decades long that suddenly stimulated his senses. It was the feeling of pain.

“---- I’ll be gladly to take this one point, Thunder G.o.d”

A shining divine blade draws a straight line arch of light that cuts the thunder G.o.d body diagonally.
This is exactly what Renya’s authority actually is.
It was not by using divine armaments individually like he usually does but using multiple divine armaments simultaneously by efficiently using his divine power in maximum output to suppress his opponent then deliver a sure hit sure kill attack using a divinity slaying divine sword in the utmost output he can to finish the battle. That is the essence of his secret divine arts.
That skill was taken shape from the image of the G.o.d who has many hands and wields many weapons in each of his hands that is quite famous in his previous live.
When Renya managed to surpa.s.s his predecessor, he breaks his own limit and managed to use multiple divine armaments consecutively. This karma was the reference for his authority as he ascends into becoming a G.o.d.

This divine arts name is [6 G.o.d’s arms which hides the 7th edge]

That authority is the culmination that formed after challenging the high and mighty previous war G.o.d as a weak human numerous times which successfully bring him to the point of ascending into divinity.

(Eros: I’m tempted to add picture of Saitama OPM in cool pose here)

“DA~HAHAHAHA! Splendid! I admit defeat! To think that I was defeated with such brute force move like that, never in my wildest dream!”

The party returns to the altar after the battle comes to an end.
Renya is terribly fatigued from the battle that he is having a hard time to keep on standing. Yet, the loser side, Alberg, is still full with vigor as always. Renya can only sulk in front of this unreasonable gap of power as a divinity between them.

“Well, that can’t be helped. After all, a G.o.d’s power mainly depended on the number of years they existed”

And he got Floria comforting him instead. By the way, Renya has completely exhausted his power so he can’t even stand up by himself so he lean on Floria to help him sit straight. And the said Renya is now shamelessly lean his face inside Floria’s rich valley. He who usually tries to ask the girls so that he can lean on them like this finally got his wish fulfilled in such situation. He won’t even complaint if someone throws stone at him now.
The group is now sitting on the ground so they can have a relaxed talk but everyone won’t miss Brenda lovable appeal to Renya as she nonchalantly guides Renya’s right hand on top of her thigh.

“Excellent! You really don’t have any evil intent, and you have also shown your prowess as a G.o.d too. I approve of you being the master of that ship. Do what you like with it”

Renya was worried whether Alberg will demand another unreasonable things to them after the just finished trial but he just do as he promised before and approve Renya ownership of the ship. Renya secretly stroke down his chest feeling relieved from it.

“But then again…… Alberg, did you specially wakes up from you long slumber just only to do this?”
“Mu? Witch, that was a misunderstanding in your part. In the first place, my sleep was linked together with the ship’s”
“What? Don’t tell me…… That guy Irikutta also includes such terms in your promise to him?”
“That’s right. Because he said that the other G.o.d might be aiming for the ship so he has to be extra sure for the ship safety”

Hearing that, as expected even Martina is at loss for words.
She didn’t expect Irikutta could be this tenacious in his preparation so that his creation could be left intact in this world.

“But then again, what will you do if your opponent were normal humans?”
“Of course I will fight them! Well, with many handicaps on my side of course. The number one way to know the temperament of someone else is definitely by exchanging blows with them!”

As expected of a muscle head. Martina swallows that words down and change it with a heavy sigh instead. For Renya, this happenings is hard to be categorized in a peaceful way but, the case regarding a sudden awakening of an ancient G.o.d was solved quickly so he feel glad whatsoever.

“Well then, War G.o.d. I must give you a present for being able to wins against me, mustn’t I?”

A golden colored divine power particle suddenly manifest around Renya’s body and his whole body starts to absorb those particles in.
Promptly after, thumping noises that is different from his heartbeat noises starts beating inside Renya’s body. And with that, Renya felt that a new authority had been etched inside his soul.

“Of course naturally I can’t give you my foundation authority which governs over lightning but isn’t the authority that I gave to you just now is something that you need right?”
“Indeed it is……I really thank you for this gift”
“Umu! Well then I have fulfilled my promise to my friend! With this, I’m gonna excuse myself”

Hearing that phrases from Alberg, Renya who puzzled at what he meant to with his word, decided to ask.

“Umm, excuse me…… aren’t you going back to your slumber?”
“Mu? I have been asleep for a long time. It rather boring if I going back to sleep again straight after. And anyway I want to see the world situation after the few decades I have slept in. Ah and please be rea.s.sure Witch. According to the ancient oath, I already have no privilege to meddle with the world affairs ever again. I will only look around for the view from sky high like how a thunder G.o.d supposed to be”

Honestly, everyone that present here wishes for him to obediently get back to his slumber but this G.o.d isn’t the one who gonna hear other people"s opinion so they just kept their silence.

“I won’t meddle too deep with your affair but…… are you truly just going to look around?”
“HAHAHAHA! Worry not! Well then this time excuse me for real!”

After saying that, the noisy thunder G.o.d suddenly disappears from the temple without any sound.
His divine presence quietly disappears too with him, and with that another G.o.d had left this continent just like that.
 Well, not that will matters much to the humans who are living at present times.

“……Martina-san, Why did I have this bad feeling about him… or is it just me worrying too much……?”
“Probably that premonition has a large chance to hit home. And at that time ---- I’m sorry but I have to ask you to deal with it”
“Eh~~~…… But I rather not get involved with him ever again”
“Don’t worry, I also have the same feeling as you regarding this. But then again I have my own limits as a mortal here which restrict me from traveling around easily. If it was you then you can effortlessly fly straight to him when trouble do comes. See? You can even skip to another continent while I tried to raise my old hip from the chair”
“No that’s not good, please do your job as the witch seriously. That’s your job right?”
“Don’t say such stupid things. Babysitting a G.o.d is not an actual job for a witch you know? And you know what?......”

In the end, until they made a conclusion where throwing responsibility at each other just a futile thing to do, Renya and Martina argue using their meaningless self-made theories about whether the other side should take this responsibility for quite a while.
In the end it took them 30 minutes to return back to Renya’s lodging in the capital Rugartia.

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