The Knowledgeable 3rd Rate Flag Constructor “Things unexpectedly going smoothly” “Yeah… while most of the standard rule flag got broken” “And I thought I could at last depend a bit on my G.o.d power… what a letdown” While exchanging such carefree things, the both of them now are enjoying their meal. Those two manages to reach quite a large town while the sun still high. They walk around on the crowded area looking for an inn with acceptable quality to stay. Of course they already prepare money to pay lodging. Not by making counterfeit money by using G.o.d power, they only nonchalantly make minerals and herbs that are matched with the land around then sells them to the blacksmith or general goods store that needs them. And while on it, they efficiently gather information too. The result are firstly, the continent they descent into is named Eribeiris. The unique feature of Eribeiris continent is that there is a precipitous mountain range that splits the continent into two right at the center. And there are only two kingdoms here which use that mountain range as their border. The two agrees to leave the neighborhood kingdom for now and collect more information about this kingdom where they are now which named Sirkaberia Kingdom. And as bonus, they got to know that this town is called Minseia. Well now, those two are stranger here. Getting in to the city might be difficult. Getting themselves ready for troubles that might come they walk to the city gate. Just to get minor check and they can come in to the city without problem. What a letdown. Each big town atleast has a device to check whether someone really a human or not. Those two of course manages to pa.s.s the check. They DO look like and act like a human. And on top of that, that device doesn’t catch any information that could be used to point that they are actually G.o.d. After that check, they receive a small card made of silver as their ident.i.ty card to be used as long as they stay in this city. When they leave, that card will be melt and will be used to make new card for another newcomer. Renya was amazed by such eco-friendly system. He does take notice at the weirdest thing. The Town public order are good, people behavior are welcoming, they manages to finish their business swiftly. After finishing all business, they took a room to stay at an inn, then goes to inn 1st floor to have some meal. That’s sums up all that happen before they take a meal.  “And no one nitpick about where we came from, most people just believe it when we say we are traveler” “Well that’s because there’s a lot other people like us here. Even that smithy uncle seems used handling people like us” “I thought they are too lax at first, but seeing every gateway filled with wanted poster made rethink my opinion. And the atmosphere there is not that welcoming either” Actually the guards are mostly strict about human or monster in disguise check. Using the aforementioned device, the guard will check whether the visitors are harmless human or a threatening monster in disguise. That kind of checking has spread all over the world. Renya think that the people in this fantasy world are not that naïve with their protection. “And I though with this many travelers coming will make this place filled with quarrel or such… but no… it was totally peaceful here” “The town itself was built orderly with each different zones separated. It was soo pretty” “There also horse cart heading to the capital in fixed term” “This city really feels like the gateway into the kingdom right?” And then they stop talking to enjoy their meal. The foods have a modest feel in them but the taste is not that bad. There are fish meuniere that is garnished by sauté, a familiar salad made by lining up vegetables, a soup that feels a lot like minestrone, and bread that doesn’t have that many differences from the one he eat in j.a.pan. He deducts that this bread used the same high quality wheat flour that can be found in j.a.pan too. “Eh? That’s weird… when will my brilliant second life flag party start?” “Even if you win against a war G.o.d, your ability to construct a flag is nil eh Renya?” “Don’t give me that ‘oh so pitiful’ look Floria…… and anyway a 1st cla.s.s flag constructor won’t always calls for good flag you know?” “Is that so? If I should count between the merit and demerit I think there is more merit taken” “For romance flag constructor case, with one wrong step, he will definitely meet h.e.l.l. In my honest opinion” Renya with word full of jealousy toward those soo called riajuu* doesn’t realize that he would also became like those romance flag constructor with only one wrong step. Even G.o.d doesn’t know the answer for that. Floria also wants to point it out for Renya that he, even thought still the lowest seat in G.o.d ranking, is already out of human frame in term of things he can do. But warning him at such late hour about G.o.d and human and so on seems too troublesome for her. In the first place, Renya just graduated from being human so she decides to take things slowly. “Well… getting welcomed like this is a good fortune in a way. Let’s make this city our home base for the time being while we work on our foothold here in fantasy world” The new G.o.d is overly positive it seems. “Sounds good to me. Even just a glimpse, it seems that this city facility have quite a wide range of services. There are transportation means to the capital too. Not to forget there are quite a lot merchant using this city as transit point” “That cart that goes to capital eh? Well it seems safe because we follow a caravan and we can get to see another transit town too. But the price seems to be a bit expensive” “I think it’s fair you know? Traveling in a large group does have a lot of merit” “Hmm I see your point. Well anyway there are a lot of people coming and going here. Collecting information from outside might be easier. And also lastly about job…” “Well I don’t really fuss too much about it. Becoming a shop clerk is also nice for once” In reality even this inn that thriving in business has a recruitment poster pasted on their front. And by the way, these two can understand this world language and writings because by using their G.o.d power, they can convert it into one that they can understand. It was the other way around when they talk to other people. In truth, when Renya filled the form on the gateway, he filled it using j.a.panese as he only familiar with it but the guards still can read it without problem. Communication is important! And double that for other culture! That is one of Renya’s mottos. “Unexpectedly, I’m surprised that there also bounty hunting here. They even have such tools what is it… ‘magic item’ to help dealing with it” Those people with bounty on their head are already on a level too difficult to be captured alive so they made a magic item to help proving the bounty. It was a magic paper. By placing this paper on a person face, it will automatically ‘print’ dead people face to become a proof for the bounty. Those paper can be bought from the local government office. That paper is a bit nasty because it will only print a person face if they are already dead. This paper that won’t be off any use when catching live bounty seems to calls for controversy at first. Well that’s not that hard to imagine by how this paper might do well if they are added to a horror story. But in the end it was easier to bring paper rather than the bounty corpse so it get used normally now. Looking at it like this, unexpectedly there are a lot of ways for outsider like them to get work. Such system is kinda similar to receiving a quest in an adventure guild. Renya can only sigh by the similarity. “Actually… I really yearn to become an adventure from an adventurer guild, then steadily having rank up things like that…” Rank A or maybe Rank S. It sounds so sweet in the ear and it’s hard to just give up on it. “Yeah yeah my condolence. But you know? That kind of t.i.tle is like a set with your name doesn’t it? If you want reaction like ‘what!? He already got himself into rank A in such a short time?!’ kind of reaction, isn’t it the same like getting yourself known with good reputation around here?” “…… Well now that you said like that it might be true. But please don’t calmly do a.n.a.lysis on it I kinda feel ashamed” Renya, who are still an apprentice on his fantasy world common sense level, tries to avert the topic before he got ashamed more. They have finished their meal and now are enjoying a cup of tea after meal. The taste is very similar to j.a.pan’s roasted green tea. He was surprised by how much the culture intertwined. Enjoying their tea, Renya opens up a sheet of paper. It was the latest job information that he got from the government office. “If there are people who recruit people privately, there also people who ask government help for recruiting people eh?” “And the job content has a really wide variety” “The rewards are not only in cash but there also places that give goods as rewards” “There are a lot that we can choose eh? And I was at first afraid that we can’t make a living as a traveler” “Well there are monster and beast here. Extermination job won’t disappear that easily by how frequent they intimidates populated area” There really are simple monster subjugation job available. The rewards are somewhat high because of the risk involved is counted too. Requester also varied from just a villager, government officer, merchant, and even from union guild. This kind of application request ordering in fact is a universal system that is also available at other places too. Using this method Renya can make himself well known by finishing many request. But in the same time, it can also bring troubles if he careless at it. Seeing Renya knit his eyebrow worrying, Floria who understand him carelessly says: “Well if there are troubles come we can just push it aside by raw power. Just by the two of us never mind a town or a kingdom, we can even blow up a continent if we feel like it” “Using brute force like that is the last option. There are many other ways, though they are not all really that peaceful either, to solve a problem right?” “Being firm with oneself is also important you know?” “What I mean is that don’t give up too soon” Well irregular being like those two is like throwing a stone into a pond, creating ripples of trouble to their surroundings. They can’t avoid such troubles but atleast they should level they head better so they can choose the best way to solve it. Those are Renya’s ideal actually. Because if he’s not, those action might creates a new religion frenzy uproar. A way that strayed off the normal path will instantly bring him as a new reigning absolute existence. And once again, he doesn’t want to be treated like a G.o.d. “Well for the time being, let’s just act as jack of all trades and do lots of request shall we?” “In the end you’d stick to the safe line eh?” “What’s bad about being safe?” In the end they choose to start their 1st step steadfastly because that’s the only way Renya approve of -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Flag : slank for playing eroges which used for progress relationship with the heroines. * riajuu : people that is successful both in career and love. Usually those with lover already considered one. * I don’t really understand the part about fish meuniere and minestrone soup. It was written in katakana so I just put suitable translation there. 

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