Young God Divine Armaments

Chapter 68 – The Days Blessed with Happiness and the Lurking Shadow

Chapter 68 – The Days Blessed with Happiness and the Lurking Shadow


Because of certain ‘reasons’ Renya and his party are renting two rooms at the inn.

For what the actual reason is, let’s just say that it is more convenient for Renya and his party this way.

“…… Why did you sleep here Brenda?”

This talented magician girl sleeps soundly while hugging his left arm. Her cute sleeping face fascinates him making him fall into a dilemma: should he rouse her awake to ask or not. When Renya is still troubled with that question, the girl’s eye suddenly trembles for a while before slowly opening.

“Good morning, it is a nice morning isn’t it?”

“…… That kind of thing really not suited for you so you should stop acting like that you know?…… Good morning”

Hearing her blunt impression like that give a small damage in his heart as he can even hear a small cracking sound coming from it. He is aware that such act doesn’t suit him but Renya still hopes that Brenda would give a sweeter response than that.

“Well then leaving that aside, why did I found you sleeping beside me when I wake up today? …… Can you tell me the reason for it, Brenda?”

“……… That is”

“I’m a bit…… can’t hold myself”

“I-it’s not like that…… it just that, I kinda feeling like sleeping together with you so……”

“I-is that bad!? Be-because…… I thought that…… If we don’t do ‘it’…… then I am not allowed to……”

“…… Is that true?”

In order to do well in [making love] with each other, preparing a long enough time for it is a must.

“If you can’t hold it out any longer don’t hesitate ok? But then again, you might not be the only one”

“Isn’t that right? And then finally I could reach that happy dream of being sandwiched from both sides…”

“Uwah… Heaven and h.e.l.l!?”

“Oh by the way Brenda, what’s happen to my room lock?”

“O~I, security~!”

“What you said is very much true dammit!”

Brenda who keeps on acting spoiled to Renya even when the party has their breakfast together made the girls excluding Rebecca to give her a teasing warm smile when they saw her unexpected behavior. With the girls watching over them, the breakfast quickly finished, then after that, the party goes out to town together.

The next season is quickly approaching so the girls wished to get some new set of clothes to wear at that time. Renya acknowledges their wish (or rather he can’t disagree with them) so the party will go shopping today. Renya would only look for something fitting to wear under his jacket but the girls won’t just simply go with that.

The inside of the shop is quite s.p.a.cious, well cleaned, and filled with colorful and gorgeous clothes everywhere they see.

“…… Err, that is…… just the usual one is fine”

“Even so, Floria-san, Rebecca basically has a quiet personality so how about having one that is less showy?”

“…… Oneechans*, like I said……” (*Elder sisters)

While she is fretting by herself on what she should do, her gaze falls to her best friend’s expression that is like knowing the problem she is facing right now and a tinge of hope grows in her heart... but reality is cruel.

“Oh my oh my, Brenda, Elvira, don’t you hear that? Therese seems to be saying something weird just now?”

“Fortunately, the two is at a similar height, so why don’t we choose clothes with the premise of them wearing it together? Ah, today is such a happy day indeed”

“Th-a-t-‘s-w-h-y I said [finding a clothes that fit with the premise of Therese and Rebecca wearing the clothes together] before aren’t I?”

The two pitiable little girls already don’t have any other way to escape. Looking at how serious the three is, Therese can only turn her gaze at Rebecca to tell her to give up.

“…… I actually…… don’t really mind….. becoming like that…… but……”

“……… Yeah………”

Rebecca can be said to be the type who prefers function above all else so she simply only wants some practical ones so she had been saying from the start that they don’t need to spend too much money just to buy some clothes but Floria ,with a scary countenance, denies it by saying ‘You are born as a woman so I reject that kind of opinion! It is a woman’s destiny to beautifully dress up!’ so she just can’t even argue back.

She is happy but is also troubled.

If one would describe Rebecca’s feeling right now that sentences is just perfect.

Renya on the other side, while feeling a bit taken aback by the girls’ fervor, he is also looking around for clothes that would suit each girl in his party when an old person that looks like the owner of the place suddenly shows up.

Although Renya can’t be called a regular customer from the number of visit he had, he had visited quite a few times while on date so he become quite familiar with the shop owner. So anyway, because his companions made quite a fuss, he intended to ask for the shop owner’s forgiveness if they cause any inconvenience.

“Don’t mind it don’t mind it, the clothes here are things for the customer to see and then wear in the end after all. How can I complain when seeing your companion making happy face like this?”

“Ho Ho Ho, it is not a matter for such an able men like you who have multiple woman following after to lower your head to this old man with. Moreover, if my place’s tailors heard about how these beautiful ladies making a fuss about their creation, they will definitely be filled with the feeling of happiness instead of anger”

The two men continue their conversation after that. Well, after making such a fuss, the girls will definitely buy something so he won’t feel that guilty toward the old man. But still, even when the old man doesn’t come to offer him questionable product, his opponent are still a merchant! And even more, an old experienced veteran at that. He can’t just come here to nonchalantly gossip around. Renya doesn’t dare to lower his guard against him.

But after conversing for a while with him, Renya find out that the old manager really did come only to gossip around.

No matter what world that is, the aged seems to be the same. They all loved to chat.

While thinking such things, their conversation continues with many nonchalant topics one after another. But when a certain topic suddenly pops up, Renya can’t help but frown.

“No…… All that I heard of is about them having slight dispute with Ezemeria (their neighboring mercenary kingdom) and that’s it”

This means that the skirmish at the border had develops further and turned into a pure aggression war!

Faskurn is this continent number one commerce based kingdom. With just that fact alone, they surely hold most of the logistic supplies in the continent. And for such a country to enter the state of war…… that is not some problem he could ignore as long as he and his party continue staying in this continent.

“Let me hear it then”

“…… From a Suminiastar merchant who just come back after doing business there I recall”

“…… I haven’t seen any of them in these few weeks, not even heard any gossip about them. And let me tell you this additionally, even the merchant that usually frequent my shop a lot has stop coming for quite a while too”

“Don’t mind it don’t mind it, you are our honored regular customer after all, just this amount of gossip talk isn’t that expensive at all. After all, your party is the one which had become quite famous around here for becoming one of the top in terms of earning just in this little time you’ve stayed. And it would be a big loss for us if such a top quality party to be dragged up in the conflict between kingdoms because of lacking information”

“Ho Ho Ho, I am a merchant at base after all so I beg your pardon”

“Thank you very much for the business”

Ending his talk there, the old merchant then says his goodbye and going back to his office. But he suddenly stopped like he is remembering something then turns back to face Renya again and says:

“What is it?”
“…… That the king of Faskurn has turn into a demon lord. This gossip has also been flowing out from Faskurn nowadays”

Eros: Dun Dun Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuuuuuun~~~~

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