Birds of a Feather

In order to reward the two that helped them, Renya and Floria were invited to ride on the cart. The cart is just as Renya think it was. It has a simple and normal look from the outside but as expected of a cart that is used by royalty, the ride is soo comfortable that comparing it to normal cart seems stupid. And it also doesn’t shake around too much.

“First, I’d like to thank you again. For giving us support when we are attacked, thank you”
“It’s not much, we are just coincidentally around that time”
“Hm. Oh and I don’t need you to humble yourself in front of me. Frankly saying, it tires me. Our age seems to be not that far off and it might be limited when the noisy guys aren’t around but I really appreciate it if you could act more formally to me”
“…… If his highness the prince demanded so then it can’t be helped…… Well then as your order, is this good enough Prince Gerard?”
“If you can I wish for that ‘prince’ to be removed too but well it can’t be helped. Sorry for demanding such things suddenly”

Smilling bitterly, Gerard broke down his sitting posture. His sitting position is now extremely impolite with all his limbs stretched out. As a royalty, he must have been trained a lot in manners but seems like that training is all for naught as Gerard now really much look alike off those a random boss of a teenager delinquent. But even so, this side of his has a unique charm about it also. As expected of a royalty is it?

“Dear me, rather than making a preparation for doing something new, doing ground work for it is even more troublesome. The nation management committee is though and thorough one big lump of trouble. How can I do things properly with them nagging at me all the time dammit”
“The next in line to be king saying things like that is a little bad I think”
“Hah! My father is a wise ruler but because of that don’t expect me to also become a wise one too. Knowing that there will be some hundred thousands of people that will depend on me when I become king frankly made me scared and made me want to run away from that position. I personally don’t care about the position of king in any way whatsoever”

His statement is a tricky one that it make Renya unable to determine whether he has the feeling of responsibility or not within him. Gerard starts laughing loudly while chatting with Renya and Floria. His escorts are again doing facepalm while heaving a sigh. It seems that he says this kind of line not just once or twice. Those guys sure have it though.

“I am aware that I’m not that resourceful as my father. I feel like I am more blessed in physical abilities and fighting related things but even my gift is nothing much when compared to this one guy in front of me”
“I’m sorry but can you please spare me from such kind of sensitive topic?”

Whether consenting to it or denying this kind of sensitive topic, with one wrong move it can made one head fly. That is what it meant to deal with a royalty. Well, Renya don’t really afraid of that though.

“Eh what is it? Eventhough with that kind of skill you still act humble like this? Let me tell you this alright, I won’t think twice when hiring someone high skilled like you. I, the prince, says so then most people in the kingdom will have the same opinion as me too so you should be more proud of yourself. Anyhow, our kingdom is really lacking in good human resources right now because I have been purging those incompetent fools without restrains”
“…… Nowadays in the city I heard a lot rumor about n.o.bles who got their house dismantled. Is there any relation to that?”
“Yeah, that was my doing. With the peace treaty conference happening, I can easily see seed of unrest movement within so I take the chance to erase those unrest seed from the source altogether. If they were obedient they might avoid such fate but alas, greed blinds them and enables me able to catch their tail”

From Gerard story, if the peace treaty conference concluded in a success then there will be a quite lasting peace in this continent. But peace seems to be a bad news for those corrupted n.o.ble who aim to get fortune from wars. There also government officials who aim for profits underhandedly using the cover of confusion during wartime. Prince Gerard personally steps up to the front and purges those who try to obstruct the peace treaty from happening and in the same time strengthen the peace supporting faction standing.

After the n.o.bles who manages the land got purged, that land will then included into the neighboring n.o.bles’s land that not get purged by the prince. With that move, the land that supposed to become a lawless land can continue being managed by the kingdom so the loss is not big. But, the n.o.bles who get a new land are equal to getting more jobs and responsibility in their platter. Those n.o.bles can only smiles bitterly toward this condition.

“Well, only until I found promising human resources then that situation can’t be helped right now. So how about it, Renya? Do you have interest in being this kingdom n.o.ble? From your achievement I can even make you instantly becomes a peerage who owns a land you know?”
“Unfortunately I feel attached to this free life I have now. I still don’t have any thought of attaching myself to any kingdom right now.”
“d.a.m.n, free life eh? Such an envious life you have there. I also want to live freely like you rather than tied down to my kingdom like this honestly”
“In the first place, doesn’t conferring a peerage to me who are totally a stranger to you is a bad move? Aren’t that kinda rash for someone who has a kingdom burdened in his back?”
“Stupid, don’t look down on me will you. As the heir of the throne, do you know how many people I have been in contact with? I’ve met many wolves in sheep clothing in this short life so I somehow can judge people better than most people. If I don’t have such sharp eye in judging people since the 1st time we meet, I’d probably have died 1000 times by now. And in regard to that, you have the qualification according to my eyes”

With that unexpected line from the prince, Renya can only hold his breath in awe. This prince, unexpectedly have it within him what it takes to stand above other people.

He might not be the kind of wise ruler as he said earlier but his eccentric way of thinking, bold action, and unconventional method would make people a.s.semble under him naturally because of his exhilarating personality.

“Well, let’s just think that to personally knows you is the best that I can get today. Back into business, shall I explain my request?”
“Yes please”
“Then I want to ask first, how much did you know about the neighborhood kingdom, the Rugartis Kingdom?”
“I haven’t been to that kingdom, and I also haven’t try to actively search any information about that kingdom so I don’t know much. The most that I know is just that Rugartis Kingdom and Sirkaberia Kingdom is now holding a peace treaty conference”

In response to Renya’s answer, Gerard nodded.

“In the first place Sirkaberia and Rugartis have about the same level of power as a kingdom. Thanks to the mountain range that splits the continent right in the middle, both kingdoms territory and topography is also almost the same. If I have to say the difference then Rugartis Kingdom has a more advanced technology related to metal industry like blacksmithing because they have rich mine while this kingdom has fertile land that made our agriculture industry grows abundantly”
“Then about the actual condition, if war is really to breaks out, which kingdom will win?”
“According to history, wars have erupted three times before. And all of them are war meant to reaching the dream of unifying this contingent into one kingdom that brought by the incompetent kings at that time. Those incompetent kings seem like a total fool because all three wars were ended up in a draw because both sides suffer quite a lot from it.  The result might probably be better if they managed to conquer some land but in the end all both kingdoms get from the war is only a major loss. Of course the can’t accept such end. And in fact, the king is always replaced after the war ends in all that three wars without exception. That was an unbelievable level of disgrace don’t you agree?”

That was such a high handed way of talking toward those who are probably Gerard own ancestor but such a crisp statement like that made Renya amazed by it instead. His statement was neither denies nor support war but if one going to do it, they better make amend to the people by doing everything that they can. Such way of thinking can only come from someone who truly feels responsible from forcing his subject to do that much sacrifice.

“And luckily, in this generation, the king of Rugartis is a king with moderate type. When I knew such fact, I think of this as a chance and give a proposal to them where I will take their princess as my wife and we together will rule this continent as a whole like that”
“Oioi, that notion really came out of nowhere. The people and n.o.ble from both kingdoms will definitely fall into a state of chaos if that were to happen for real”

Saying things are much easier than doing. Not just because the next heir to the throne from both kingdoms married it doesn’t mean that the kingdom will easily get united like that. The feeling of animosity from those previous wars should still have its root deep ingrained within the heart of the people of both kingdoms. Troubles that lie ahead are imminent.
Gerard seems to understand to what Renya thinks. But he reply to Renya’s worry with just shaking his head.

“There are countries in the next continent that shows suspicious activities, mysterious lunatic sect doing secret maneuvers in the dark, and also the monster getting even more ferocious nowadays. It was series of trouble after trouble. It was not a time for us fellow small kingdom to keep fighting each other like this. If we keep dragging on our old enmity then there will be no way left or us to survive in the future. And anyway, what I say before about marriage is not some sudden notion either”
“What do you mean by that?”
“What I’m saying is that this peace treaty conference is one of the groundwork to ensure my marriage success. With the peace treaty declared there will be no worries about any war erupted and give the people a peace of mind. And when both kingdoms people start to feel thankful for the peace treaty pact, both kingdoms heir of the throne will marry and then declare to the people that the kingdoms will be unified into one. That kind of scenario will takes lots of time and might not work well either but I believe that the people will definitely be happy if war were not to happen again”
“With the condition from the outside as the main reason, attempting to stabilize the nation power by doing a political marriage. What a bold move that is……”
“In fact even the peace treaty conference is already a big constrain for those foreign countries you know? This situation makes them unable to do anything rash and keep them on being spectators. Even that already helps a lot. If our kingdoms did united and become a new big kingdom, no matter how much preparation that they had carefully built, they will have no other choice but to flee back under the confusion. Doing information wars by using spies is easier than a full scale wars anyway”

Then they hear more stories from Gerard. It seems that he has been running back and forth inside the kingdom in order to maintain the kingdom public order and peace.
Eradication of war-supporting factions, controlling public opinion by controlling the information circulation, give people understanding about Rugartis kingdom so the people can accept them, and he even do numerous dodgy dealing if that means it will get him closer to his target. Gerard takes the initiative and does all of it by himself while taking the full brunt from it without any care.
How can he be driven to do that much by himself? Renya can only get amazed at this young prince heroic story.

“Well all of this began when I got charmed in first sight by Rugartis 1st princess anyway hahahaha”
“Wait prince, why did you have to say such line when I’m already all amazed with your heroic story!?”
“Oioi, I have already told you that I am not the wise king type right? Protecting the people is for the sake of the kingdom, and protecting the kingdom is the responsibility of the king. So I ask you from where I can draw the motivation power within myself to do all those troublesome things? It was from the wish that I want to give peace to the woman I loved. That’s why I can do all these things to prevent the two kingdoms from having war. Man should be able to do that much for his loved one, don’t you think? Anyway what kind of king that is that can’t give happiness to the one closest to him?”

Gerard declares his feeling grandly. His body seems to be too bright to look at directly from how firm his belief is.
The way Renya look at him changed into the way how he see a worthy opponent, no a worthy rival. He straightens his sitting posture and looks straight to Gerard.

“What a terrifying persuasive power in that speech…… so this is what it meant to be a king eh? Really, a big deal indeed”
“Seeing that you also have a woman on your side like this, if you were in my shoes then you must be able to do thing like me, no if it was you then you might be able to do even more absurd things easily. In my eyes, you are such a guy. Am I wrong?”
“I don’t deny it. I am also thinks that, if it is for the sake of a good woman, have to run dry all my best for her. In my opinion, it was our duty as a man”

They both glare at each other with a fearless smile hanging on their face. After satisfied glaring they let out a small laugh and do a strong bro-handshake.

Floria who saw that scene can only whisper inside her heart:
(Ah!...... I get it now! This two have similar personality…… so that’s why)

Both of them, if it meant for the sake of the women they loved, will do anything and everything that they can. Both have their own absurdity but they don’t just chase their own selfishness only. They still keep on chasing their own selfishness but they also strive hard in creating the very best conclusion. They can be said as birds of a same feather.

Floria who realizes this fact heaves a sigh together with the escorts soldiers outside. Renya and Gerard keep on talking to each other with such pa.s.sion that they don’t realize their surroundings.

His policy and ways might be a little to forceful but Renya can see it that Gerard foundation in doing all this thing is his belief to make a better kingdom.

Rather than working on the existed concept like a machine to make the kingdom grows better, a king with overflowing humanity-feeling like Gerard would definitely make the kingdom a fascinating one. Gerard speech made people have enough persuasion to make people who listen to him think so.

“It was really tiresome you know? When I saw an obviously suspicious bunch of n.o.bles and tries to purge them up all the way from their root, I got nagged because if I don’t act according to the procedure it will only lead to disorder. When I try to contact the moderate faction from the Rugartis side, I got nagged again because they think it was too rash of me for trying to contact the enemy…… If I don’t come directly to them how can I know how they feel about the peace treaty? Or even the kingdom unification?”
“Well that was logical you know. The neighboring kingdom prince suddenly visits to discuss this kind of thing. They won’t give their consent easily from the shock anyway”
“If I go there together with Angelica…… the name of the neighborhood kingdom 1st princess, they will definitely agree you know? That’s why I try doing that as soon as I can. With her charm, no matter who it was, they will all soon nod in agreement”

There is something wrong with your logic there prince, she was their princess after all and they can’t disobey her word. Renya wants to slap the prince with his word but he holds it back. Because he saw the escort soldier next to him having a ghastly expression in his face from holding all his emotion within that made his stomach churn uncontrollably. So Renya choose to make the escorts get free from this awkward situation quick by just keeping his silent and nod at the prince statement.

This prince is too wild without knowing his limits. Well at least he still has the feeling of responsibility and is indeed talented so he still has his own uses frankly speaking.

“Well then, the preface unexpectedly got too long winded so let’s get into the main topic. I have spend a lot time doing this but if we see it from the scale of this kingdom history then this is just a mere gentle reformation. I have destroyed their majority but of course there should be those who oppose my idea and still lurking around in the shadow of both kingdoms. You are aware of that right?”
“Well at least I understand that it is hard to perfectly exterminate all them pest”
“That’s right. So my next move is a big event to declare our engagement to the people and accompanied by it we will also declare the kingdoms unification. Do you think those pest will sit still and done nothing at such a big event?”
“Of course they won’t right? That kind of people will stubbornly try to maintain things that will be profitable to them so they will definitely moves. And because they now have a common enemy, you Prince Gerard, the opposite faction from both kingdoms might even temporarily united to try removing you from the stage”
“Kukuku, your insight is pretty good. For those guys, the moment before the declaration is their last chance so they will definitely bite the bait. I have been chipping their fighting strength by a lot so I should have a winning chance. But then again, there is nothing absolute in this world. Therefore, that is”

Gerard shows a sly smile while looking at Renya. Renya naturally understand what kind of job the prince is going to ask him so he kept his silence.

“With today event as the excuse, I will appoint you to be my temporary escort when I visit Rugartis in two weeks from now. I would like to ask you to ensure the hidden agenda behind my visit…… the declaration of kingdoms unification, to be successful without anyone being able to interfere with it. Can I count it on you and become my hidden ace for that event? For your reward, I am willing to give you as much as you want. But not as much as it will make the kingdom financial went bankrupt though”
“What is the exact number of that reward if I can ask?”
“All the private funds that was confiscated from the n.o.bles that got purged that can’t be returned back to the”

Gerard implicitly says that his reward will be dealt with extraordinary care. He doesn’t easily says money because it might make it seems like he will take people tax money to collect Renya’s pays and Gerard don’t like that kind of ways.

This work is related to the kingdom peace and stability in the future so using the kingdom budget to pay him is still justifiable but Gerard is aware that this job is mostly to fulfill his own selfishness so he don’t want to use the kingdom budget for it. To be honest, Gerard choice had made many enemies for him and even if he becomes a king after this, those anxiety elements won’t just go away like that. But his att.i.tude that tries to take everything within his reach and then protects them no matter what, openly showing his greed like this is favorable in Renya eyes.

He wants to get the woman he loves so he makes the kingdom stable. And he is at it, he also make the people life get stable too. Gerard approach makes Renya feels that he is worth believing rather than other people who just line up pretty words.

He had decided, but just in case, Renya make sure of one final thing.

“You only talk about hiring only me right? But I want to take my party to join in this job too do you mind?”
“Well, I don’t mind. But I can only pay you with what I just say earlier with no extra though”
“Don’t you get suspicious with what kind of people my party are? To easily consent like that”
“If that comes to happen then you will take full responsibility for that right? If you are someone who can’t see through a treacherous friend that is anyway”
“You really though and thorough a sly prince. If this job success then it will become a big win, but if it failed then you own self will met demise. What a big gamble this one job is dammit”
“It is easy to understand so isn’t that fine. It was rare for things in this world to be dividable into black and white”
“It sure is. Even so it was something that will influence this kingdom as a whole. Just to make sure I want to discuss this matter first with my party and then give you our reply after how about it?”
“Yeah, I don’t mind that. The guy next to you will come to your lodging place tomorrow at two. Please give your answer at that time”

After they decided their next plans, the cart suddenly stopped. When they realized it they have spend quite a long time chatting that the cart had already arrived at the capital.

Because if they are to be seen together with the prince by the soldier at the gate it would spell trouble for both of them, Renya and Floria get off from the cart a little bit further from the capital gate, and while there are no witness around parted ways. They wait for the cart to get out from their line of sight first before entering the town pretending that they came all the way here walking.

“You said you want to discuss that matter with us first but knowing you, you must already have decided on what to do right? Why bother doing something like this?”
“I guess so… Therese already graduated by that time, and going out to the neighbor kingdom is not a bad thing to do too”
“But if we think that we got caught in the conspiracy between two kingdoms, that flag before not only it was a false one it was also a unlucky one”

That truth can’t be denied by Renya. And if he were to intervene with the conflict between the two kingdoms, he can’t imagine how big his influence will stir the two kingdoms in the future. He suddenly has this kind of serious thinking inside his head.

But Renya is a G.o.d and with his privilege as a G.o.d he decides live the way he likes so he decides to not think too much about it. He will just simply give more favor to people that he likes. Even if it was not justifiable, who cares?

He the result from the things happened around him and also tries not to mind it excessively. If he doesn’t want his power to influence other then he would already choose to live reclusively like a retired person from long ago.

His own action would always give happiness to some and in the same time, will gives misfortune to others.

But that is, in the end, something that will happen as long as human lives. Renya should have already found his own answer for this.

He has been careful in handling his G.o.d power. So he can just let go of things that already can’t be helped.

 G.o.d is not that much of an almighty being. Because of him being one, he can make that kind of conclusion.

“His plan is interesting and playing the cupid for that bold prince is not that bad either”

For that bold and free prince who has the power to live the way he likes but still won’t let go off his responsibilities, Renya somehow feels a sense of similarity with him. For such guy, lending his own strength is not a bad talk at all.

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