Young God Divine Armaments

Chapter 50 – Don’t Even Deserve My Pa.s.sage of Legend

Chapter 50 – Don’t Even Deserve My Pa.s.sage of Legend

 Translator: Erothur
Editor: Deus Ex Machina

Eros notes: Hmm, I’ve been translating 石柱 as ‘stone pillar’ but it seems better to be translated as ‘stone monument’ as it is more proper to be used as the seal center rather than a ‘stone pillar’. The chapter before will be corrected later.


Deep inside the village, there was an altar on a clearing surrounded by the mountains. In the center of the shrine is a stone monument from which a deadly miasma that can kill even a dragon who carelessly approached, is br.i.m.m.i.n.g out endlessly.

The miasma seemed to be getting more distorted and crooked over and over again like it was showing the twisted nature of the evil dragon.
The ominous jet black miasma was sealed inside a barrier yet it was still coiling around the stone monument as it seemed to expand and cover the whole village.
A few dragon shamans were holding up the barrier so that the miasma won’t be released from the barrier and bring disaster to them. They were working together to support the barrier and everyone was desperately trying to hold on the barrier with their own lives at stakes, but they can’t hold out for much longer. Even from a glance, Renya can tell that they were ignoring their own fatigue and keep on pushing their limit to hold the barrier. Their limits were nearing.

Yet despite the desperate situation the dragons faced, Renya walked leisurely towards the stone monument.
He walked forward with an imposing aura behind and his steps were firm. His face doesn’t show the face of a challenger ---- it was the face of subjugator instead.
One of the dragon shamans finally realized Renya and his party’s appearance and in a panic, tried to warn them not to advance further.

“H-Halt! I don’t know who you are but it is dangerous…”
“Ah don’t worry, we will be alright. We already heard the situation. Floria, what do you think?”
“No problemo~~ I can hold out this barrier by myself, yes sir!”
“Is that so? Then I’m sorry but today you will work backstage. You don’t mind right? I will get back as soon as I can so hold the fort okay?”
“Hoi hoi~, well then up we go~!”

Floria paced towards the barrier then she held her hand up lightly overhead and released her divine powers just big enough to swallow the whole barrier and put it under her control. The situation around the barrier a second ago was like a fierce fighting between the barrier and miasma where sparks of fire would ignite on many spot on the barrier’s surface. Yet, when Floria undertook the task and re-cast the barrier herself, the momentum is fully tilted towards the barrier in an instant.
The dragon shamans suddenly felt that the pressure they received from holding up the barrier was gone and they fell limply on their b.u.t.ts absentmindedly from where they stood just a second ago. The weaker ones who was already exhausted beyond their limits just fell unconscious on the spot.
The female dragon shaman who tried to warn Renya and his party just a moment ago was bewildered by what happened in a moment before her eyes so she couldn’t help asking him.

“E-excuse me…… But what are you guys actually……?”
“I’m sorry but I have no time to explain that. Just ask Ard’hel-san who will come after shortly. Well then, everyone, let’s go!”  [Editor Notes: f.u.c.king s.h.i.t Renya you motherf.u.c.ker. Answering just ‘I Am A G.o.d!’ would have made your life easier instead of saying that s.h.i.t.]
“““Yes””” Brenda and the other girls replied solemnly to Renya’s call. Renya then leisurely walked forward and entered the barrier.

Because they have entered the area polluted with the miasma, he had steeled himself for any harmful effects that the miasma might bring them especially the girls but the air inside the barrier isn’t that much different from the air outside. Even Elvira whom he thought would get the most negative influence from the miasma wasn’t even affected in the least. Renya simply felt that things had gone too much anticlimactic.

“Renya-sama’s status as a G.o.d seems to have risen And  Floria-san seems to be influenced by that power too.”
“I know the reason but, I think that Floria’s case is another matter unrelated to it. I bet she’s just somehow managed to forcefully overpower the miasma with her own strength without even needing any influence from my power”

In Renya’s mind, he could even imagine Floria saying something like ‘for this kind of squeaky part? Do it with a whoosh! Then for the other part give it a wheeze!’ when holding down the miasma from outside. He just can’t drive away that imagination from his mind. But then again, if Floria heard this, then  he have a bad premonition where she would definitely get mad and protest that she won’t say anything roughly like that.
While they approach the altar enshrining the stone monument, they talked about their battle plan only for a little but they mainly only talked leisurely among themselves.
Reaching the stone monument, Renya saw a guy sitting on the ground leaning his back into the stone monument stretching his legs lazily. His eyes are tightly locked onto Renya and his party.
He had a messy and unkempt light brown hair. He also had a pair of bad looking eyes. With his eyes and hair combined, that guy really looked like an ill-mannered hoodlum. He is just too different from Elvira and if someone said that the guy is not a dragon, Renya might even believe it. Did he really came from the same clan as Elvira?

“What? Who the fxxk are you people…… Wait, Oi Oi! Isn’t that Elvira coming for me? Heh heh”

He does not only look like a hoodlum, he also speaks like one. Renya’s impression of the guy dropped even lower in his mind, he could see the qualities of a small fry more clearly. Well, his a.s.sessment for the guy is already low to begin with.

“Fiord, I already thought of you as imprudent, but now you have fallen so low as to desecrate the evil dragon seal. Just what are you thinking doing such a dangerous thing?”
“Duh~ do you even need to ask? I’m gonna steal this shxxty evil dragon power and using that, I will forcefully make you mine!”

Even his way of thinking is that of a hoodlum. When things get too standardized like this then even Renya and his party are made speechless. Mistaking their silence as fear, Fiord is getting even more excited with his speech

“It will be soon…… I will then raze this annoying village to the ground! And then I will have you, who had humiliated me so much in the past, cry loudly while I ravish you, HAHAHA! Just get yourself ready fobuWARGH!?”

Fiord continues boasting his plan with triumphal att.i.tude but before he finished saying the last part, a high speed light bullet flew towards him, hitting him on the cheek, then exploding with the power of a slap. Moreover with a bit time lag, the bullets. .h.i.t him alternatively from the left and right sides of the cheeks knocking him to the opposite direction each time making it look like he was getting hit by a series of slaps.
And the shooter was surprisingly not Renya. The shooters were actually Therese and Brenda. Renya had decided from the start to ignore the guy completely. The two girls were willing to hear what he has to say first but if they judge that it was just a waste of time then they will immediately attack just as how Renya told them in the fighting plan.

“I don’t have time to hear your small fry speech about borrowing other’s power to fulfill your desire. Let me tell you, if it meant making my women happy then I will not spare any effort and it is my principle is to solve bothersome things right away”
“The fxxk are you saying……?”

Fiord then tried to intimidate Renya who clearly looked down on him but is ineffective. Most of the normal human would definitely trembles in fear under a dragon’s glaring but, Renya is not a normal human. He is a G.o.d. After all, he is just a small fry who only used his power from birth to oppress other weaker beings so Renya can’t even feel afraid.

“There are still other important problems to deal with so let’s get this done fast. Brenda, Therese, with your power now, you should be able to beat this small fry dragon without breaking a sweat. Go get him!”
“Of course. Even if you don’t say anything I will still hit him with my full power”
“I don’t like this kind of crude people desu!”

Therese who does not needing to charge anymore attacked immediately, and shot out a barrage of light bullet rain in rapid succession. Fiord who had been lying lazily in the floor is unable to react to the barrage of attacks and became like a sandbag getting pulverized.
Therese then managed to hit Fiord from a very precise angle and she successfully blew him off the air. After that, Therese kept shooting Fiord from a lower angle to keep him dancing up in the air like a broken puppet without letting him fall to the ground. Therese had successfully done the juggling trick shot to him.

“Ouch, wa, stop, y, you, fxxker!”

He can only speak incongruous words from being juggled like a ball, fully under the control of Therese’s light bullet and the shock from each hit made him unable to continue his speaking. Everyone witnessing the scene couldn’t help but to admire Therese’s high skill in using her gun. Maybe from her concentration to not drop the ball, her gaze unknowingly started to turn cold and sharp unlike that of her usual cute angelic expression. Renya felt that this side of Therese looks dependable but at the same time, scary as well. Well, so as not to let others feel his confusion, he just continued replying to the juggling ball instead with a negligent tone.

“Who’s gonna wait for you? In the first place I don’t have any intention to have a chat with a guy like you who knows that his enemies are coming yet still lazily sat around laughing carelessly. When you can defeat your enemy, do it immediately. That is the ironclad rule of war”

Remaining steady still like a mountain, Renya crossed his arms and gave Fiord a mocking gaze.
In his back, Brenda finally finished constructing her magic rune formula.
[Freezing], [Blizzard], [Condense], [Crush], [Extreme Winter]
It was a composite magic of 5 nodes of runes.
From the many magic that Brenda can cast, this combination is among her most high leveled ones, the high ranked ice magic.
And that magic’s name is the [Freezing Coffin].
It is a magic that not only freezes the outer parts of the target but instead, freezes the target deep down to their bone like exposing them to the chilling wind from the extreme winter and it will freeze them until the target’s body got smashed to pieces. That magic is one of the greatest and the most brutal anti creature ice magic.
Fiord’s body was covered by a coffin made of white snow and ice and is getting frozen over.

“Wha, why, you lowly, human, magic, I’m!”

Fiord’s question is reasonable. No matter how many rank 5 mages tried to attack a dragon with their high leveled magic simultaneously, it would still be very hard to injure the dragon. You can say that it was their species special characteristic, the dragons are naturally, to an extent, able to resist most of attacks they receive from any living being that is ranked lower than them. The dragons by default have a high level of endurance from birth.
But that natural defense isn’t working against Brenda’s magic and the [Freezing Coffin] managed to exhibit its full power when hitting Fiord’s body. And now, Fiord’s body that already got frozen still continued dancing strangely in the air. Each time the light bullet hit him, bit by bit, his flesh smashed and turned into bits of white grain similar to snowflakes scatter into nothing.

The answer to why Brenda could penetrate a dragon’s natural defense is because…… she already did ‘it’ with Renya.
Just like how Floria got influenced by Renya’s power, Brenda also had changed somehow after she experienced her first with him. It was only a bit but Brenda’s body had reformed into a body that can now channel, receive, and contain Renya’s divine power.
Because of that reformation, even if the effect is just minute, Brenda’s body has become closer to that of a G.o.d’s. And this is the result of that. She is now able to ignore a dragon’s natural defense because she is no longer a being that is lower ranked than a dragon. Divine power really is through and through, the origin of miracle that caused abnormal phenomenon in this kind of fantasy world.
Fiord’s limbs was already blown off and the frost magic slowly encroach his body gradually as well. He already got frozen to the point where he can barely move his lips. If Therese were to stop her shooting barrage now, he will definitely die. It was just like a gla.s.s sculpture it fell from a high place, the result is something that everyone can imagine including Fiord. He can only wait for the inevitable to come.

“F, Fxxk this all……”
“The appetizer should act like how an appetizer does and warm the place for the main event, right? You are just a clown that tries to rise by depending on other’s power while troubling many other in the process. This kind of end is actually too good for you. You better be thankful to me”

Hearing Renya’s words, Therese silently stopped her barrage.
CRANK! A loud sound of a gla.s.s breaking echoed loudly in the area of the stone monument. And at the same moment, Fiord had met his end.
The power that was yet to be achieved by him through sacrificing other people, the power that he misunderstood as his own yet still hadn’t the chance to use, had brought this small fry dragon to his end. And the way he met his end where not even a single part of his body left behind was truly pitiable. Well, he reaped what he sown.

“Humph! Who gonna let a hoodlum like you have your way with Elvira? Don’t you dare to even dream it!”

Renya seemed to be really mad from what Fiord said before that he even spat out insults at him unintentionally when his insult target is already no longer of this world. Renya quickly realized that it was not good to do that in battle so he shook his head then turned his gaze onto the stone monument.

“Until when did you want to keep acting as a spectator? Get out quickly! If not, then I will blow you along with your seal you know ---- Niezgund!”

Renya’s words are akin to a signal that made the miasma that had started to calm down a while ago to start bursting forth again and unlike before when the miasma just tried to spread out as far as possible, it is now gathered in front of the stone monument instead. And from that acc.u.mulation of miasma, a shape started to form gradually.
The miasma started to take the shape of an unknown figure made of black gas as its flesh in the beginning but it gradually took a clearer shape that can easily be recognized as a [dragon]. When the dragon figure started to get clearer, a dull heavy sound started to reverberate.

“If you want to hide then why don’t you just possess that r.e.t.a.r.d’s body?”

The speed which the miasma gathered went even faster. Brenda and Therese were also readying themselves for their next battle. But then suddenly, the dragon’s neck moved a bit and turned its gaze towards Elvira.

“…… Don’t tell me”

That evil dragon suddenly struct Elvira with his black gas claw like he is some great predator finding a first rate prey. But its claw attack is successfully parried by a swing from the halberd that Elvira wields. That halberd shines from being envelopes by Elvira’s own dragonic strength but that is already enough to repel the evil dragon’s attack which contained the power of same race killer, the [Dragon Slayer].

“You are nothing but just a disgraceful same race killer dragon so please don’t try touching me so casually. I am now already the War G.o.d, Renya-sama’s possession. If you even dare to touch me again with that dirty paws of yours then I will burn you to cinders with my dragon breath”

This time, it was not an attack from the figure that was made up from the black gas but it was the miasma that rushed forward instead and wrapped up Elvira completely.
That miasma would make a dragon’s skin rot and the flesh spoiled. It was the the manifestation of the malicious will that desired the demise of the dragons. The malicious will of the evil dragon resurrected in the present time turned back to a gas that doesn’t have any shape and attacks forward.
It seems that the evil dragon thought that if it is a gas with no shape then it cannot be defended or deflected in any way but that way of thinking is a little too imprudent in this situation.
Because right now, there is a sword that was boosted to the max with divine power.
And the one who wields that sword can even slay a G.o.d with a single swing.
A violent torrent of divine power burst up. And with just from the shockwave it made, the miasma that surrounded Elvira under the command of the evil dragon dissipated in a blink of an eye.

“Elvira, are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m alright. Renya-sama is protecting me”
“But of course. Then again that dragon slaying miasma really is a troublesome thing. Just in case, we have to be extra careful. I don’t want to lose you just because of this boring trouble. Anyway, leave the rest to me”
“…… Yes, I understand. Renya-sama, I pray for your victory”
“Hearing Elvira send me out with such cheer is enough to make me invincible. I definitely won’t lose”

Renya smiled gently towards Elvira and stood in front of her to shield her.

“Geez…… An out of date dragon actually have the guts to become conceited. Hey you, listen closely to what I’m going to say”

Renya extend his hand and hugged Elvira’s waist then tug her closer to him. After drawing Elvira close to him, he says brazenly:

“Elvira is already mine! Don’t you dare touching her with your rotten paw”
“Who gonna let you do both? You have truly made me mad. I will make you regret and think that it was better being sealed instead after I am done with you!”

The one who had ascend to become a G.o.d and the one who failed to become a G.o.d is now confronting each other.

Author Notes:

The chapter story is just how the t.i.tle describe.
Therese’s juggling shot is coming from a person who is familiar with the night street where the catchphrases would be [how about you lick on some mud!] and a nice guy who drop a dance at the player laughter and the girl who loves thick make up and owns a withered land.
Therese action would become like those in that game eventually (Therese: WHAT?)

Eros Notes: Anyone know? I think it was Wild Arms but not sure...

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