Your National Parks

Chapter 24

Niagara FallsInternationalStupendous waterfall; might wellPark betweenbecome an international park.

Canada, andNew York nearBuffaloMount ShastaNorthernHighest peak in northernCaliforniaCalifornia; alpine flowers;lava deposits; scenery.

Mount HoodNorthernVolcanic peak; icefields andOregon, nearforests.

Columbia RiverRooseveltArizonaEnormous dam; vast reservoirs; Projectdesert areas; cactus park;historic ground.

Canon de Ch.e.l.lyArizonaTowering monolithic rocks; highvertical colored canons; cliffdwellings.

Sierra MadreNear LosSierra Madre mountains; rare plantAngeles,life; commands unusual scenes.





----------+----------+---------+--------+-------------------------------- _Name__Location__When_Area_Description_created_(acres)_----------+----------+---------+--------+--------------------------------Devil"sWyomingSept. 24,1152Remarkable natural rock tower, Tower1906of volcanic origin, 1200 feetin height.

MontezumaArizonaDec. 8,160Prehistoric cliff dwelling ruin Castle1906of unusual size, situated in aniche in face of a verticalcliff; of scenic andethnological interest.

El MorroNewDec. 8,160Enormous sandstone rock erodedMexico1906in form of a castle, uponwhich inscriptions have beenplaced by early Spanishexplorers; contains cliffdweller ruins; of greathistoric, scenic, andethnological interest.

ChacoNewMar. 11,20,629Contains numerous cliff dweller CanonMexico1907ruins, including communalhouses in good conditionand but little excavated.

Muir WoodsCaliforniaJan. 9,295Contains one of the most noted1908redwood groves in California;was donated by Hon. WilliamKent, Member of Congress;located seven miles from SanFrancisco.

PinnaclesCaliforniaJan. 16,2080Contains many spirelike rock1908formations, 600 to 1000 feethigh, which are visible formany miles; also numerouscaves and other formations.

TumacacoriArizonaSept. 15,10Contains ruins of Franciscan1908mission dating from sixteenthcentury, until recent yearsin fair preservation, but nowrapidly disintegrating.

MukuntuweapUtahJuly 3115,840Contains magnificent gorge,1909depth from 800 to 2000 feet,with precipitouswalls and manywaterfalls. Of great beautyand scenic interest.

ShoshoneWyomingSept. 21,210Cavern of considerable extent, Cavern1909located near Cody.

NaturalUtahSept. 25,2740Contains three natural bridges, Bridges1909among largest examples oftheir kind. Largest bridge is222 feet high, 65 feet thickat top of arch; arch is 28feet wide; span 261 feet;height of span 157 feet. Othertwo are only slightly smaller.

GranNewNov. 1,160One of the most important of QuiviraMexico1909earliest Spanish mission ruinsin the Southwest. Monumentalso contains Pueblo ruins.

SitkaAlaskaMar. 23,57Park of great natural beauty1910and historic interest as sceneof ma.s.sacre of Russians byIndians. Contains 16 totempoles of best nativeworkmanship.

RainbowUtahMay 30,160Unique natural bridge of great Bridge1910scientific interest andsymmetry. Height 309 feetabove water; span is 278 feet,in shape of rainbow.

LewisMontanaMay 16,160Immense limestone cavern of and1911great scientific interest, Clarkmagnificently decorated with Cavernstalact.i.te formations. Cavernnow closed to public becauseof depredations by vandals.

ColoradoColoradoMay 24,13,883Contains many lofty monoliths1911and is wonderful example oferosion; of great scenicbeauty and interest.

PetrifiedArizonaJuly 31,25,625Contains abundance of petrified Forest1911coniferous trees, one of whichforms a small natural bridge.

Is of great scientificinterest.

NavajoArizonaMar. 14,360Contains numerous pueblo or1912cliff dweller ruins, in goodpreservation.

PapagoArizonaJan. 31,2050Contains splendid collection Saguaro1914of characteristic desert floraand numerous pictographs.

Interesting rock formations.

DinosaurUtahOct. 4,80Contains deposits of fossil1915remains of prehistoric animallife of great scientificinterest.

Sieur deMountJuly 8,AboutBeautiful island scenery, MontsDesert19165000mountains, lakes, meadows,Island,numerous varieties of birdsMaineand plants. Historicala.s.sociations.

CapulinNortheast1916681Magnificent specimen of aCornervolcanic cinder cone, 8000Newfeet high; crater 1500 feetMexicoin diameter, cone-shaped;numerous "blister cones."


----------+----------+---------+--------+----------------------------- _Name__Location__When_Area_Description_created_(acres)_----------+----------+---------+--------+-----------------------------Gila CliffNewNov. 16,160Contains numerous cliff DwellingsMexico1907dweller ruins of muchinterest and in goodpreservation.

TontoArizonaDec. 19,640Contains numerous cliff1907dweller ruins of muchinterest and in goodpreservation.

GrandArizonaJan. 11,806,400Contains the most wonderful Canon1908portion of the Grand Canonof the Colorado.

Jewel CaveSouthFeb. 7,1280Contains a limestone cavernDakota1908of much beauty andconsiderable extent, limitsof which are as yet unknown.

WheelerColoradoDec. 7,300Of much interest from1908geological standpoint asexample of eccentric erosionand extinct volcanic action.

Of much scenic beauty.

OregonOregonJuly 12,480Extensive caves in limestone Caves1909formation of much beauty.

Magnitude not entirelyascertained.

DevilCaliforniaJuly 6,800Spectacular ma.s.s of hexagonal Postpile1911basaltic columns, like animmense pile of posts. Saidto rank with famous Giant"sCauseway, in Ireland.

MountWashingtonApr. 17,299,370Contains many objects of Olympus1912great and unusual scientificinterest, including manyglaciers. Is summer rangeand breeding-ground ofOlympic elk.

WalnutArizonaNov. 30,960Contains cliff dwellings of Canon1915much scientific and popularinterest.

BandelierNewFeb. 11,18,000Contains vast numbers ofMexico1916cliff dweller ruins, withartificial caves, stonesculpture and other relicsof prehistoric life.


-------------+-----------+-----+--------+----------------------------- Big HoleBattle-FieldMontanaCabrilloCalifornia-------------+-----------+-----+--------+-----------------------------

[1] "Lincoln National Park or Reservation" in Kentucky, Abraham Lincoln"s birthplace, was established in 1916 and is administered by the War Department. It might well become a regular National Park.



(Number, 11; total area, 7945 square miles)

----------+----------+---------+--------+-----------------------------_Date of_Area in_Distinctive _Name of_Location_creation_squarecharacteristics_ park_miles_----------+----------+---------+--------+-----------------------------RockyAlberta18861800Scenic park; Banff Hot MountainsSprings; Hoodoos; Lake ParkLouise; Victoria and LefroyGlaciers; Lakes in theClouds; Mount Temple, 11,626feet; Valley of the TenPeaks; Mt. a.s.siniboine,11,860 feet; Bow RiverValley.

YohoBritish1886560Yoho Valley; Lakes O"Hara and ParkColumbiaMacArthur; Takakkaw Falls;Twin Lakes; Emerald Lake;Natural Bridge; PresidentRange and Glacier;Kickinghorse River,Ottertail Range and Valley;Fossil Beds.

GlacierBritish1886468Mount Sir Donald and highest ParkColumbiapeaks of the Selkirks; greatIllecillewaet and AsulkanGlaciers; Nakimu marblecaves; Marion Lake, RogersPa.s.s.

RevelstokeBritish191495Mount Revelstoke; ParkColumbiaClach-na-coodin Range andIce-Field; Automobile Roadbuilding to summit of MountRevelstoke; Lake Eva.

JasperAlberta19074400Athabasca River and Valley; ParkYellowhead Pa.s.s; the oldestroute across the Rockies;historic a.s.sociations;Maligne Lake and Canon;Fiddle Creek Canon;Punchbowl Falls; MountRobson, 13,036 feet, andhighest peaks of theCanadian Rockies; MietteHot Springs.

WatertonAlberta1895423Waterton Lakes; Cameron LakesFalls, Bertha and Beaver ParkLakes; beautiful WilsonRange; exceptional fishing;great game preserve.

St.Ontario1905140Among the Thousand Islands Lawrenceacresof the St. Lawrence; Islandsespecially for summer Parkcampers.

Fort HoweNew191319Historic park; old fort; ParkBrunswickacresmemorials of United EmpireLoyalists, French regime,Lady Latour.

BuffaloAlberta1907162Animal park; home of the ParkCanadian government buffaloherd, numbering over 2000head.

Elk IslandAlberta189916Animal park; established for Parkthe protection of the elk,moose, deer; also herd ofbuffalo.

MapleSaskatchewan191419Animal park; established for Creekthe preservation of the Antelopeantelope.




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