Note: An update take took unexpectedly longer than planned … Cover image from Sha Po Lang, a BL novel by Priest. You should all check it out! It"s translated up to chapter 52 as of now ?


Chapter 6

The topic of YueJian ChunHe initiating a kill spree in Longmen Tavern caused the world chat to erupt into unfettered chaos.

Those killed by him lambasted his shamelessness, a murderer of innocents they decried; those who knew the truth of the matter sang a different tune: cowards who bashed people behind their backs but fled as soon as confronted – they accused.

Amidst the chatters, someone raised a question.

【World】Mung Bean Smoothie: wait a second, am I the only one wondering where exactly Protect our Meatbun retrieved those screencaps? – the ones showing people mocking YueJian ChunHe. He wasn"t at the crime scene initially, was he?

This question soon became one of 《Knight Errant Road"s》unresolved mysteries.

A long time later – when this news reached the ears of Protect our Meat Bun, ——

——— he was equally dumbfounded.

【Wait, how did I get them again…

ah, it was ChunHe who sent them to me, a whole collection of receipts!  Everything people bashed and scolded him of, he knew.

Ey, why didn"t he just release them himself then……f.u.c.k, that"s right, why didn"t he release them himself? …. This scheming boy!】

  ——Whenever I see someone bashing me, I would secretly note it down in my book. Once night falls, I will then retaliate one by one.

Shortly after the Longmen Tavern incident, a system announcement appeared on every player"s front pages.

  【System】The number one Emei "Bei Yuan" has rescinded her membership in the guild "Emperor Pavilion."  Jianghu spans far and wide, where may one find a place for oneself?

The world was once more at an uproar.

Everytime a member of one of the top 10 factions leaves, the system will issue a notification to make it easier for the other factions to, as one may put it, "seize and plunder talent." This time, the melodramatic love story appeared to have finally come to an end.

Although YueJian ChunHe purposely distanced himself from the affair, the matter of Bei Yuan suddenly joining "Emperor Pavillion"s" enemy faction was viewed by everyone undoubtedly as an antagonistic move on her part to make her att.i.tude clear for all to see.

However, the truth was — she was kicked out of the faction, she did not willingly leave.

"Protect our Meatbun" was the leader of Emperor Pavillion, his reason for kicking her out was plain and simple.

In the world channel, a riot was taking place. The fact that the love story between the Huashan-dashixiong and Emei had taken a turn for the worse was all that people could focus on. Ji Xiao Li at this time was bringing his disciple to complete the daily dungeon. The pair found with the additional exp boost provided by their teacher-disciple relationship, their levels were increasingly at a rapid pace.  

Ji Xiao Li saw that Beiyuan was kicked out of the faction and said emotionally:【Asking the world for what purpose does feelings and pa.s.sion serve, but isn"t it for protecting one"s beloved in life or death! Disciple, back then you were afk, so you were unaware, but that Bei Yuan still wanted to help the sc.u.m male fight back! She even offered to heal him! Truly, h.e.l.l hath no fury like a woman scorned!】

Milk Tea Small Crisp picked up the fallen equipment:【Aye.】

Oblivious to his disciple"s utter lack of interest in this piece of bagua, Ji Xiao Li continued to speak: 【There are more people scolding YueJian ChunHe than Bei Yuan in the world channel.】

Baffled, Milk Tea Small Crisp questioned:【Is there a problem.】

In the end, a person who willingly initiated a rampage killing dozens or players, or someone who was pitifully kicked out from a faction; who was more deserving of criticism?

Ji Xiao Li:【Don"t you find that woman hypocritical? It is a bit strange.】

Without letting his disciple speak, Ji Xiao Li thought for a moment and said:【Ah, disciple, since you are an Emei, then I shan"t talk bad about your shijie.】

His disciple was a female, females being partial towards females is normal, Ji Xiao Li was very aware of this point.

Afterwards, Milk Tea Small Crisp stayed silent for a long time.

Ji Xiao Li pondered: he hadn"t said anything too excessive, had he? Could it be that the hearts of girls were just this hard to guess?

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: Don"t you hate YueJian ChunHe a lot?】

【Teacher Orders a Salute: ah……yes. But what does that have to do with me disliking Bei Yuan? Ah ah ah, disciple, quick, heal me!!!】

Milk Tea Small Crisp quickly sent a health boost to the blue-robed swordsman, rescuing him from the brink of death.

Afterwards, Milk Tea Small Crisp did not speak again, rescinding to heal her teacher on the side. After completing the dungeon, the two proceeded to pick up the dropped rewards.

These types of rewards….Ji Xiao Li could not help but look down on them. In fact, even Milk Tea Small Tea did not put them in her eyes. Although the female Emei was merely Ji Xiao Li"s disciple, her level was only slightly lower than his, disparity caused only by her joining late.

In regards to the equipment, Ji Xiao Li was now level 78, cultivation: 9100.

On a similar note, Milk Tea Small Crisp had leveled up to 71, cultivation: 9050.

If the current Ji Xiao Li is to spar with Huashan Most Handsome, he was confident he"ll at least be able to stand his ground. Milk Tea Small Crisp"s healing prowess has also undertook an awestrucking increase in power. This was practically like a flat-chested loli suddenly maturing into an cup wet nurse.

*if this sounds weird, remember milk is internet slang for healers.

Having completed the necessary daily missions, Ji Xiao Li pondered for a bit before turning to his disciple and asking:【Should I recruit a few shi-di, shi-mei for you? With only the two of us, our combined rewards can only be sold for a couple silvers.】

[师弟 (shidi) – junior male apprentice (of same teacher)]

[师妹 (shimei) – junior female apprentice (of same teacher)]

Milk Tea Small Crisp who was in midst of picking up the dropped rewards halted her hand slightly, yet did not speak.

Then Ji Xiao Li himself rejected the proposal,【forget it, forget it. Taking care of you alone is tiring enough, this teacher really doesn"t have the capability to taking care of a second child.】

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: ……】

When you speak, you have to speak clearly! Exactly who is taking care of whom?

That night, when Ji Xiao Li went online, his disciple sent him her location coordinates.

Ji Xiao Li got on his horse and made his way over.

【Teacher Orders a Salute: yi, disciple, what did you come to our sect"s headquarters for?】

[咦 (yi) – expression of surprise]

Outside Xiliang, a beautiful Emei was standing quietly beside an abandoned wooden house, a white muslim pulled over her head as if she had been waiting for Ji Xiao Li for a long time.

Ji Xiao Li lowered himself to the ground, only to see Milk Tea Small Crisp bent her waist and fish out three small golden firecrackers from a wrapped parcel by her feet. She placed the firecrackers one by one on the ground, aligning them vertically before pressing the "deploy" b.u.t.ton.

Ji Xiao Li hadn"t even managed to properly react when suddenly – "bang" – went the fireworks.

Golden streams of light blossomed instantly, soaring to the zenith of the darkening sky, before dispersing with a loud rumble. Omnipresent rays of gold fell ebulliently like a meteor shower. A total of three firecrackers flew up, cracking on the skies above, manifesting into a golden drizzle on their way down.

The blue-robed swordsman watched blankly, as if electrified by the romantic scene.

Pa.s.sing players who happened to chance by this scene paused to glance at the fireworks, chatting animatedly amongst themselves: 【who"s trying to pick up girls in this desolate countryside, even releasing fireworks.】

【and it"s even the cheapest fireworks.】

The swordsman lifted his head to watch the sky, remaining quiet for a long period of time.

  【Milk Tea Small Crisp: I sold my equipment in the market for 300 silver and bought three fireworks.  This way, those equipment at least had some use.】

The dropped equipment from the dungeons were too low-grade for Ji Xiao Li and Milk Tea Small Crisp to wear in the first place, making them rather obsolete of purpose. However, they can exchange it for fireworks. The fireworks sold in the markets were categorized into four different types. The cheapest one was sold for 4 yuan merely, and was the only type that can be bought with in-game currency, 100 silvers for one.

In the quaint field of cherry blossoms, standing under the starlit sky, the blue-robed swordsman and white-robed Emei seemed to have reached a wordless agreement; an inexplicable air of harmony surrounding them.

Neither of them spoke, and it seemed that they were still reflecting on the 12-yuan worth of fireworks when suddenly…

【Teacher Orders a Salute: disciple, what you said has reason. From now on, we should come here everyday to release fireworks and celebrate. However, these cheap fireworks are really too wretched to watch, too unpresentable. We should release more.】Saying this, Ji Xiao Li pulled out a bunch of firecrackers from the bundle, chaotically releasing them all.

【Milk Tea Small Crisp:……】

So the reason you were so quiet before was because you were buying fireworks in the market?!

【Teacher Orders a Salute: Which one should we first release? This one that is worth 68 yuan? Ah, no, that"s too cheap, let"s do this one that"s worth 128 rmb. Suitable for us pair of stupid but rich teacher and disciple.】

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: ……】

The romantic atmosphere was completely swept away.

You"re the only who"s stupid and rich, your whole sect is filled with stupid and rich!

Ji Xiao Li elately released the fireworks. On this night, the players pa.s.sing by the cherry blossom forest only saw a stupid fool setting off fireworks all night. From ones costing 128rmb to those worth 68rmb, even those worth 4 yuan each were not spared.

Everyone spat out an muddy line:【fool!】

But they also angrily said:【Nevertheless, it"s one rich fool!】

After Ji Xiao Li finished setting off all the fireworks, he turned his head only to be greeted with the sight of his disciple saddling a white steed, seemingly ready to go. He asked: 【where are you going disciple?】

【To do a single-person mission.】

【aye. Remember to return tomorrow at this exact location to release fireworks.】

My teacher really is a foolish rich b.a.s.t.a.r.d!

Because this teacher was really too mentally-handicapped, Milk Tea Small Crisp ignored him for several days. He did not want to partic.i.p.ate in this foolish "release-firework-everyday" activity. Fortunately, after a few days, Ji Xiao Li lost interest and no longer asked his disciple to meet him at the sect base.

Soon, however, Milk Tea Small Crisp found out that he could no longer find his fool of a teacher.

It was not that Ji Xiao Li stopped going online, on the contrary, he went on everyday, but would relentlessly avoid Milk Tea Small Crisp every time.

The moment the two finishes a mission, Ji Xiao Li would mysteriously pull out the excuse "teacher has something to do" and vanish from Milk Tea Small Crisp"s sight of view.

As of now, their stats stand at:

Ji Xiao Li: level 112, cultivation 1W2.

Milk Tea Small Crisp: level 108, cultivation 1W3.

Yes, the disciple had long surpa.s.sed the teacher.

In spite of this, when scrutinized holistically, it has to be said that both of their levels were still too low; for Ji Xiao Li is still unable to enter the Huashan ranking leaderboard, and while Milk Tea Small Tea managed to debut at rank 99 on the Emei ranking board, she was the only player on the list who was below the level of 130.

On this day, Ji Xiao Li was once again gloomily rubbing the reins of his horse as he prepared to leave, Milk Tea Small Crisp following his departure with her eyes.

A good while later, the female Emei seemed to have come to a realization.

She summoned open the jingji leaderboard, entered the "level 90-119" ranking section, and scrolled past the first ten familiar names. When she reached rank 18…..  

  Milk Tea Small Crisp: "……"

  『Rank 18-Teacher Orders a Salute-level 112-Huashan-12013』

A level 112 can rank 18 on the top 119 jingji leaderboard, this seemed quite impressive. Yet in actuality? This wasn"t much of a feat. On this top 119 ranking board, the player with the second highest cultivation was only a Wudang with a cultivation of 10348. His fool of a teacher actually leaded this Wudang with a thousand more points in cultivation but was still surpa.s.sed by no less than 17 other people!

[武当 (wudang) —— Martial Artist]

Milk Tea Small Crisp was unresponsive for a long time, until finally, he sent a PM.

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: Are you at the arena?】

【Teacher Orders a Salute: f.u.c.k, disciple how did you find out! I…….I was just randomly strolling around!】

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: the world martial arts tournament, I will be overseeing your operation.】

【Teacher Orders a Salute: ah?】

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: ……】

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: 7 PM, the World Martial Arts Tournament, at most five people per team, two teams PK. I"ll team with you and see how you operate. I"ll be waiting for you at w.a.n.g Feng.*】

*The Forgetful Mountain

10 minutes later, Ji Xiao Li arrived at w.a.n.g Feng. Milk Tea Small Crisp added him to her party, and no more than a few minutes later, the two entered the arena side-by-side.

Ji Xiao Li was extremely nervous.

Milk Tea Small Crisp did not know this but Ji Xiao Li was extremely afraid of PKing with other players, he had only ever done PVE.

PVE:Person vs Environment.

  ——Never competed in PK before, and would only do small dungeon missions such as killing weak monster BOSSes.

This time, in order to improve his own operation,  Ji Xiao Li mustered up courage to partic.i.p.ate in the arena, only to be abused by his opponents again and again. He climbed to the 18th place by relying on his astonishingly high cultivation alone.

However, the World Martial Arts Tournament made him even more nervous.

Five people suddenly appeared on the other side and Ji Xiao Li became frightened and said:【f.u.c.k, we are just two people, but they have five on the other team!】

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: I told you before, the most you can have is five people per team.】

【Teacher Orders a Salute: What should we do!!!】

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: We are on the same level, we can 2V5.】

Ji Xiao Li: "……"

Disciple, do you know your teacher"s level?! At most, your teacher will only be beaten five times in a row!!!

As a teacher, Ji Xiao Li was determined not to disappoint his disciple. At the very least, he should prevent his disciple from dying in front of him. Swallowing, Ji Xiao Li straightened his body and with bright eyes, readied himself for battle. The moment the countdown struck zero, both teams moved.

Ji Xiao Li did it.

Although he died in record breaking speed, he managed to take out two of the opposition, an Emei and a Wudang.

The enemy team still has left a Huashan, Shaolin, and Emei.

On the snow-frosted w.a.n.g Feng, the Huashan and Shaolin, resembling two strongmen, fiercely charged at the delicate little Emei, with their group healer also ruthlessly providing milk to her teammates. Lifting her Bai Lian, she trusted the blade maliciously towards Milk Tea Small Crisp.

Milk Tea Small Crisp only gracefully leapt back one step and healed herself, then carelessly waving her sword about, she managed to pierce a critical area, killing the other Emei.

The Huashan and Wudang had not yet responded but Milk Tea Small Crisp, like a little demon, had managed to leapt over to them.

The Huashan rushed to fight back with his blade, yet the Emei"s Bailian was unfortunately more powerful than his long sword. When he swung down, Milk Tea Small Crisp lost half of her HP. But when her Bailian struck, it drained the Huashan completely of health.

The Huashan gave a blood-curdling screech and collapsed to the ground, dead.  

Now, only the Shaolin remained.

The Shaolin Buddhist dared not be careless, he summoned a golden orb around himself, a shield that made him impervious to sword or spear.

Milk Tea Small Crisp charged at him, but not only did his HP not decrease, the orb around him refracted the damage incurred. In a blink of an eye, Milk Tea Small Crisp"s HP halved again, depleted almost entirely.

It is time!

The Shaolin Buddhist suddenly retracted the protective orb and picked up his scepter. The Emei soared to the air and twirled a strange dance. Her HP suddenly increased at a rate visible to the naked eye, and then smashing her Bai Lian sword down, the bald donkey* was killed in one strike.

[秃驴 (tu lu) —— derogatory for buddhist monk.]

【System】Victory goes to Milk Tea Small Crisp and Teacher Orders a Salute.

Ji Xiao Li standing off to the side was dumbstruck, completely speechless. Although he couldn"t decipher how Milk Tea Small Crisp had done it, he was certain of one thing and that was his disciple had just single-handedly defeated three players with not a silk of HP displaced.

Milk Tea Small Crisp: 【I think I know what your problem is.】

Ji Xiao Li:【ah, what problem?】

Milk Tea Small Crisp was about to speak, but then saw on the world channel someone had just released a statement.

【World】Won"t Be A Monk In My Next Life: mya, just now at the World Martial Arts Tournament, we, a Huashan, Shaolin, and Emei, three people combined,  were completely obliterated by some Emei regiment! I almost thought she was cheating, but then I took a look at her equipment….game ID "Milk Tea Small Crisp," guys, go look at the shoes she"s wearing. You"ll definitely be shocked!


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