Note: Updates are slow because I"m inundated with work currently ;w;


Chapter 4

Players engaged in cursing out YueJian ChunHe const.i.tuted the majority of those in Longmen Tavern.

Since the topic of tonight"s show was not present, with his now arch-nemesis Bei Yuan sitting calculatively on the side, his rivals-in-love vying for her affections degraded him severely as some sort of sc.u.m male.

Although Ji Xiao Li"s words rang to the silence of the tavern, there were players who endorsed his views and snorted disdainfully at those unbashfully scolding YueJian ChunHe.

But there were also players whose expressions contorted ugly and flew into a fit of rage.

【Current】Huashan Most Handsome: YueJian ChunHe isn"t even here, what are you kissing up for, he won"t even know it. A lap dog who only knows how to kiss a.s.s will never have a future!

Ji Xiao Li: "……"

You are your mom"s lap dop!

Your father I, will never in this lifetime kiss up to YueJian ChunHe, never!

Ji Xiao Li was angered half to death, and wished nothing more than to deliver this ugly Huashan Most Handsome a slap to the face.

However, he was not a fool.

Although Ji Xiao Li was a rmb-player and his cultivation was quite good, he could only really be considered top tier within those of his level.

Having a cultivation of 8000 at only level 60 made Ji Xiao Li quite renowned in his circle.

But if he were to be compared with higher leveled players…..

Well, it has to be said that regardless of a player"s statute and whether they are a rmb-player or not, at level 138, even if they have never squandered a cent of real money in game, they will at least have acc.u.mulated a cultivation of 8000.  

This Huashan Most Handsome was precisely leveled 138, and happened to have a cultivation of 9000.

Ji Xiao Li with his stick thin arms and bony thighs is not yet his opponent.

It was obvious that Huashan Most Handsome had opened up Ji Xiao Li"s player profile to take a look, for it was only because he saw the other was a newcomer that he was willing to let this issue slide.

However, Ji Xiao Li"s anger was almost about to rupture like a boiling pot.

The few players who regarded Huashan Most Handsome as their leader simply sneered at Ji Xiao Li before resuming their talk on how to YueJian ChunHe. The 5000RMB Bei Yuan offered in reward was truly enticing. If it were 500RMB, then they might"ve taken the time to evaluate their strengths [or lack there-ofs], but 5000RMB was equivalent to the monthly income of an average white collar worker – making them delirious with excitement.

Seeing them simultaneously mock YueJian ChunHe while also consulting how to kill him, Ji Xiao Li"s patience wore thin. He was angry because he despised those who talked behind others" backs the most, not that it had anything to do with YueJian ChunHe!

Even if the one they were mocking weren"t YueJian ChunHe, he would still sound a voice of defense.

【Current】Teacher Orders a Salute: Unsheath your sword, let us 1V1!

【Current】Huashan Most Handsome: lap dog, right now my mood is terrible so gtfo. Dont force this father place a bounty on u.

【Current】Teacher Orders a Salute: You"re the lap dog, your family is full of lap dogs!!!

【Current】Clear Heart Scatters Greed: so arrogant at only lvl 60, I"m dying.

【Current】Huashan Most Handsome: hehehe this newcomer must not be aware Longmen Tavern is the sole kill-free-zone (1)  in Western Liang?

At the fall of the voice, one could only see "Huashan Most Handsome" suddenly whip out his sword, the color of his name changing from green to red, startling Ji Xiao Li and forcing him on the defensive.

Unfortunately the cultivation disparity of 1000 meant Ji Xiao Li could only resist for a few seconds before being soundly defeated at the hands of Huashan Most Handsome.

【Current】Huashan Most Handsome: ……No way, I didn"t think your skills will be this s.h.i.t. I"ve just started and yet you"re already dead? Noob.

Ji Xiao Li: "……"

His anger was about to erupt forth!!!

Despite feeling a strong sense of indignation, Ji Xiao Li knew he truly sucked.

This account of his had been set up for only three days. Ji Xiao Li, occupied solely with leveling and buying equipment, was totally unfamiliar with the nuances of Huashan PK operation. Even when playing dungeons, he had no specific strategies to go about it. His style was to play linearly. If he unlocked a dungeon, then he"ll go play it.

To be perfectly honest, if Huashan Most Handsome truly wanted to win, he could"ve won easily, yet it still wouldn"t have proceeded so smoothly had Ji Xiao Li not sucked to this extent.

Ji Xiao Li slowly regained his calm. He equipped his newly forged gold armor and lied bleakley on the floor. The mobile screen in Ji Xiao Li"s hands faded into a monochrome still and at this point, he has two options. The first was to resurrect at the saving point, which will cause his equipment to lose a few durability points and leave this place, and the second was to resurrect in the current location. The second option will prevent his equipment stats from eroding but requires an additional expense of 10 RMB.

Ji Xiao Li, in a battle-frenzied state, extensively pondered over his options and finally conjured a plan.

Huashan Most Handsome was currently the sole player in Longmen Tavern to have a kill casualty credited to his name. In《King Errant Road》, players can choose themselves to enter slaughter mode. 15 minutes into the session, the mode can be turned off. Everytime you kill a player, your sin value will increase. Once the sin value reaches a certain critical point, an official NPC will go and capture the "red" player for imprisonment.

This plan was extremely risky, but Ji Xiao Li took one look at the other"s unbridled appearance and gritted his teeth: "I"m not afraid!"

But before all else, Ji Xiao Li had to first send his disciple a private message.

【Teacher Orders a Salute: Disciple, ima kick you out of the party first, otherwise if they notice we are a team, they might target you too. Leave Longmen Tavern, pvp is prohibited in other parts of Western Liang so go find a random place to hide, I"ll come find u after the matter"s been settled.】

And as said, Ji Xiao Li kicked Milk Tea Small Crisp from the party.

At the same time, he suddenly remembered there was still something he needed to warn the other about. That something being: she absolutely cannot allow her status as his disciple to be exposed.

However before he even had the chance to open his mouth, he saw the originally blank slate atop Milk Tea Small Crisp"s head suddenly appeared the status plate — "Disciple of Teacher Orders a Salute."

Ji Xiao Li: "……"

His heart suddenly felt unwell and seemed to be wailing a grievous "pit-tat pit-tat". (2)

The white-robed emei was standing unperturbed beside the tea table.

Because she"d been afk for too long, her avatar automatically started performing the "wave" action.


Milk Tea Small Tea had long been afk. From start to finish, she was never paying any attention to the argument between Ji Xiao Li and Huashan Most Handsome.

Ji Xiao Li suddenly felt a wintry breeze from the depths of the ocean waft over his trembling soul.

Taking advantage of Huashan Most Handsome"s inattention, he quickly drowned the life pill and resurrected right there on the spot. In a flash, he exerted the skill "powder of goose" (3) and closed in on the other with a downward slash to the critical points.

Huashan Most Handsome, who suddenly lost a quarter of his HP, exclaimed with great fury and alarm:【the noob launched a sneak attck!】

Subsequently, he unsheathed his blade and pointed it towards Ji Xiao Li.

However, Ji Xiao Li made neither moves to resist nor evade, on the contrary, charged directly into the crowd. He purposely picked out a group of newcomers sitting on the floor forging equipment to hide amongst, so if Huashan Most Handsome wanted to kill him, he"d have to get past everyone else first.

A blood curdling screech rang out.

On the Current channel, the system"s notice,  "A most sinful crime, Huashan Most Handsome just beheaded x.x.x" pinged consecutively across like a meteor shower.

Players under the level of 60 are protected by the game such that they can neither be killed by another player nor lose durability points. However, Huashan Most Handsome who killed so many people will see his sin value rise, and the aura of red coating his avatar beginning to surge forth. Still, he was unrestrained by all these and continued killing.

【Current】Huashan Most Handsome: Your father I, will hack you cheap b.i.t.c.h to death!!!

Ji Xiao Li: "……"

Are you f**king playing with me?!

Ji Xiao Li did not expect that even after killing so many innocent players, Huashan Most Handsome"s sin value has yet to cross the boundary for the NPC"s punishment to activate.

Huashan Most Handsome knew for sure that he"d have to sit in prison for a long time after this, so throwing all caution into the wind, he charged directly towards Ji Xiao Li with the intention of hacking the other to death.

Suffering the repeated attacks, Ji Xiao Li had only half his HP remaining.

Without a doubt, if this next slash hits him, he would die.

It was at this moment a familiar raspy voice rang the across the channel like wind.

This voice was known to every Huashan Player. The unparalleled top of all swordsmen combined.

Snow Tempest of a Thousand Mountains. (4)

Huashan Most Handsome hadn"t even dealt the critical blow to Ji Xiao Li when his body suddenly quavered and collapsed. His death position looked extremely comical, like a dissected frog with his hand still grasping his sword, lying askewly on the ground.

A huashan swordsman with a cultivation of 9000 died just like that with one "Snow Tempest of a Thousand Mountains," his remaining 5W HP wiped completely.

Ji Xiao Li stiffly turned to face the entrance.

The wooden door of Longmen Tavern was blasted apart by the fierce and ardent tempest. A ginormous crack streaked from one end of the wooden framework to the other.

A Huashan swordsman in white appeared soon after; grasping a sword in hand, the slightest movement of his wrist ensuing a clang of metals.

He was ephemerally cold like the first snow of spring, picture white robes inlaid with steel-plates accompanied by a long sword lacquered with jadeite gems.

There were more than a few dozen huashan swordsmen in Longmen Tavern, yet not one of them held a candlelight to him.

Actually, it was impossible for anyone to even begin to resemble him.

This apparel of YueJian ChunHe"s provided no apparent attributes but was worth more than 30,000RMB. It was an item from last month"s raffle event which YueJian ChunHe won. In the entire server, there were no more than two pieces available; YueJian ChunHe held one and the other belonged to a famous emei from the other district.

One Snow Tempest of a Thousand Mountains, and the sinful Huashan whose acc.u.mulated evil surmounted all the way to the high heavens was struck dead. 

Everyone had yet to recover when they saw the article above YueJian ChunHe"s head abruptly changed from green to red.


The long sword unsheathed.

【Your premature death has arrived, YueJian ChunHe is starting his slaughter!!!】



Kill-free-zone: The meaning of the phrase is basically a place where killing is allowed. Somehow, I feel like the term "kill-free-zone" registers the opposite… If anyone has a better suggestion, please share in the comments!Pit-tat pit-tat: the original phrase was 瓦凉瓦凉 [wa liang wa liang]. Northeastern slang.  平沙落雁. Forrealz I had no clue how to translate this. Snow Tempest of a Thousand Mountains: 千山吹雪。

I"m not sure if this is made clear in my translation, but every time a player chooses to enter slaughter mode, the name plate above their head turns from green to red. The more they kill, and the more sin points they garner, the redder their aura becomes.


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