Your Wish

Chapter 12

Because today he is going to get a power, John, can"t help but be excited. Imagine you who doesn"t have power, or even money in your previous life achieving something incredible.
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He can"t help but start imagining himself standing atop a mountain with a sword in hand being worship by others.

Without further ado, he call his mom to go to church.

"Mom, let"s go to the church now. I want to have a power!"

"Hahaha, Look how excited you are, you still have not eaten breakfast and you already wanna go to church, go and clean yourself first. Don"t forget to make yourself look presentable, okay."

He lowered his head and scratch his head shyly and answered.

"Yes mom, don"t worry"


After 30 minutes he finish preparing to go outside.

With his mom they walk for just 10 minutes to arrive at the church. In every town the church is always near the residential part of town for the citizen.

Looking at the church that always have a magical attraction that you can"t help but be put into daze and stare at it, John sigh at the majesty of this world.

With full of vigor he take his step into the Holy Church as a start of his amazing journey.

[To Be Continued]

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