Yu Ren

Chapter 23

Publishedat 21st of September 2019 09:35:41 AMChapter 23

When he thinks of the various fees and charges listed in the bill, apart from the medical expenses, other expenses are really not that outrageous, and even the medical expenses are — to be fair, well worth the money . Miracle Doctor Xinyi is a hard to find doctor . His ‘proud disciple’ received only 452 yuan for three visits, which is actually very affordable .

Besides, Fang Hai’s medicine is really very effective, in two days the poison has almost been completely cured . His other lighter sword wounds have improved significantly . At least he can stand up and walk, this kind of good medicine couldn’t even be found in the palace .

Yang Heng didn’t really care about the hundreds of taels of silver, but he couldn’t help but tease the beautiful girl in front of him . No matter how bad the impression he got of her before, it’s really hard to reject and hate a woman sitting in front of him like a beautiful jade with vivid colors .

“Bai Ji says you are not in a good position now . You can choose to work for me and pay off your debts, or you can also leave the debts to be repaid later . ” Bai Fu Ling felt that she had been polite as much as possible, and she would not easily offend anyone she thought she should not be provoking .

That’s why she likes Beiguan City because there are so few people she can’t provoke, so few that it can be ignored, and she can offend anyone if she wants to .

“I don’t know what I can do to help this Miss?” Yang Heng was also curious about what kind of work Bai Fu Ling would let him do to repay his debts . He was not completely ignorant of the sufferings of the people . He also knew clearly that it would not be easy for ordinary people to earn more than 500 taels of silver .

Since he accidentally arrived at Bai Family Manor, there was no reason to return empty-handed . Lu Ying and the Bai Family are closely related . If he stays here, he can avoid the pursuit of the unknown forces and continue his official duties . So, why not?

However, at the thought of the rumored ‘close relationship’ between Lu Ying and the girl in front of him, Yang Heng couldn’t help but frown . The two were not siblings . Lu Ying was also a famous national hero …

Bai Fu Ling didn’t think what he meant was that he wanted to stay and work to pay off debts . He looked like he was the ‘dignified and privileged’ sort . What part of him looked like he was the type of man to labor for pay? Wouldn’t that be something else?


She squinted . “It depends on what you do,” In fact, around 500 silver yuan is not much for her, but she is not used to losing money, especially in her own territory! (please support translators by reading at Translateindo . com)

She glanced at Bai Shao and said, “Since you have decided to stay for the time being…  Bai Shao, go and tell Bai Ping Zi to arrange a place for him . ” Bai Shao understood that Miss Bai actually meant . It was to tell Bai Ping Zi to be careful of this person . With a bow, he went first .

Bai Fu Ling didn’t want to talk anymore with Yang Heng and motioned for Gan Lan who was accompanying Yang Heng to take the man away .

Yang Heng has not tried this kind of feeling of being able to come and go freely for a long time . In fact, apart from his father in the palace, even his big brother and his second brother who are in power wouldn’t openly treat him like this . Now, he wasn’t even taken seriously, by the daughter of a small businessman … Yang Heng is laughing inside . If he wants to hide his ident.i.ty and stay in Bai Family Manor; this kind of situation is bound to happen frequently in the future . It’s very likely that an ordinary steward in the manor would also shout at him, and which should be a brand-new experience .

Now he is just hoping to get in touch with Lie Dang as soon as possible and find out what’s going on outside .

In reality, the people who want to lay hands on him is none other than his big brother or his second brother . Over the years, he has been very low-key . Apart from a few people who he intended to get close to, most people’s impression of The Sixth Prince of Qi State is limited to his handsome appearance and elegant demeanor . He is a very popular romantic figure among high-ranking women in the capital . To put it bluntly, he is an embroidered pillow with n.o.ble blood .

 (绣花枕头 [xiù huā zhěn tóu] = a person who has a beautiful appearance but no knowledge . )

He asked himself if he had ever offended anyone which made the other party felt like it was worth accepting the serious crime of killing someone from the imperial family . That person would be put to death . The only reason for that person to be so concerned must be related to his job this time, and that if he died at this time; it would bring considerable benefit to the other party .

He did not doubt Lu Ying . When the imperial court sent an envoy to investigated his affairs, Lu Ying could not have known . But if the imperial envoy died on his territory, whoever did it would be great trouble for him . Unless Lu Ying really intended to rebel, there was no need to take such a risk . If that guy really wanted to take the risk, he doesn’t have to ask Yi Dao Lou to send out so many masters to a.s.sa.s.sinate him . When Beiguan City gates were closed, he can’t escape, he would already be doomed .

And as he watched Beiguan City these days, Lu Ying really didn’t seem to be a rebellious traitor . Beiguan City is not at all like a military town, more like a prosperous town near the capital, where businessmen from all walks of life gather . The Qi State people and the barbarians don’t have any tension between them at all . They do business in a lively way . (please support translators by reading at Translateindo . com)

Lu Ying, together with his town’s northern army, are very low-key, and there are no positive or negative rumors . In Beiguan City, it was the Bai Family’s reputation that was prominent . Everywhere, people can hear all kinds of rumors about the Bai Family . Among them, the most talked about is the Bai Family’s treasure, the most brilliant; Bai Fu Ling, the big lady of the city . She is famous for her beautiful appearance as well as her arrogant and luxurious style of conduct .

Lu Ying; on the other hand, was like an ordinary diligent general, silently drilling the army and spent more than half a year patrolling the border to wipe out the vagrant bandits and barbarian robbers nearby . He neither expanded his territory to the surrounding area nor engaged in personal worship in the army; that was turning the national army into a private army . Yang Heng did not see any hint of the intention of turning Beiguan City into a state within a state .

Yang Heng thought his behavior was very strange . It was not like a military general who had the intention to build a successful career . Lu Ying acted as if he was going to spend his whole life in Beiguan City .

Lu Ying is only in his twenties and already had such meritorious prestige . It’s time for him to make full use of his talents, why does he suddenly stop and refuse to go further?

Despite Lu Ying’s weirdness, only his two ‘good’ brothers could benefit from his death .  (please support translators by reading at Translateindo . com)

If by any chance something happened, Lu Ying would be the first one to be impacted . Even though Lu Ying had no relationship with his two brothers before, this time he would have had to choose one of them to stay alive .

His Eldest Brother was born from Mao Shi; she is the granddaughter of Grand Marshal Mao Mutong, who aided in laying the foundation of the monarchy as the first-generation G.o.d of War . Despite several generations of Emperor’s deliberate feoffment and promotion; the Mao family has been able to mobilize a very limited number of troops through several generations . Mao Mutong; father and son have too high of prestige in the army and are implicitly the leaders of the military generals in the court .

 (氏 [shi] = lit; Surname . Saying that the woman is from the Mao family/clan in the above paragraph .   They rarely use full names to call a woman, especially a married one . Usually saying their family name and adding ‘shi’ . ) 

His Second Brother was born from Empress Xia, who could suppress Mao Shi and become the Empress . Naturally, she wasn’t simple either . The Xia family had produced two cabinet graduates, three ministers, two first-place winning scholars, twelve scholar candidates, and numerous people . They were the most famous family since the founding of Qi State . From the first Emperor to today’s Emperor, the Xia family is the patriarch of the civil servants .

In recent years, with the frequent emergencies in the border areas, the country is using its troops, and the position of military generals are also rising . In order to keep the power of the central government, the Xia family began to attract some generals who had no deep relationship with the Mao family .

Lu Ying happened to have nothing to do with the Mao family or the Xia family . In a few years, he rose to fame . the Mao family and the Xia family all wanted to attract him, but he was neither friendly nor aloof to both sides .

This time if he, Yang Heng; a Prince, died on Lu Ying’s territory . No matter the Xia family or the Mao family, they may take advantage of this to gain some benefits . It’s really depressing to think of it . He is a Prince of a country, but in the eyes of those people, his position is probably not as good as that of a new n.o.ble military general . But Yang Heng was not discouraged about it . Instead, he was grateful that the less they looked at him, the better it was for him .  (please support translators by reading at Translateindo . com)

It is imperative for him to find out the plans of his two brothers so that he can make the best choice for himself . As he thought these things, Yang Heng walked back to the hospital with Gan Lan .

(translateindo . C0m did not give other site permission to copy this!)

When he returned to his room, Bai Ping Zi arrived . He looked at him with very strange eyes, shook his head and began to ask politely about his skills .

As soon as Bai Ping Zi opened his mouth, Yang Heng recognized that this was the man who said he had ‘the face of a monarch’ when he was in a coma . Yang Heng felt a stir in his heart . He resisted the impulse to question and repeated his previous life story .

He had a close little eunuch who was from Duanzhou . Since he entered Beiguan City, he had been imitating the local accent that the little eunuch had in his speech to conceal his ident.i.ty . He still did after waking up in the Bai Family Village .

This story has been hammered out many times by him . Peng Tie is a real person and these are real stories . But the real Peng Tie is actually a secret guard close to him . He is similar in age and few have seen him in person . Even if someone intends to check his ident.i.ty according to his words, they won’t find anything wrong for a while .

Bai Ping Zi listened to him and raised his eyebrows . “Are you sure you’re just a common Jianghu person?”

“I don’t know what Steward Bai means by that?” Yang Heng appropriately expressed some surprise and puzzlement .

Bai Ping Zi snorted softly: “I believe I am not mistaken . You are by no means an ordinary person . It doesn’t matter if you refuse to say it . As long as you don’t do anything bad to the Bai Family and our Miss, I won’t ask you about your personal affairs . ”

Yang Heng said calmly: “Don’t worry, Steward Bai, although I am not a n.o.ble gentleman, I won’t do anything to return kindness with ingrat.i.tude . ” He really doesn’t intend to do anything against the Bai Family . Considering taking their big miss back to the capital to marry shouldn’t be a bad thing …

“That is for the best! You have to rest here for a few days, and when the injury is healed, I will arrange for you to do something . You can walk around Bai Li Mountain at will, but the beasts on this mountain are not vegetarians, so don’t go to the back hill . The southern part of Heling Lake and the area of the cold spring where you have been before are occupied by women . There are not only predators but also deadly schemes inside . You must go in there . ” With that, Bai Ping Zi got up and left .

Why are there predatory animals in the place where the women live?  What on earth is this Bai Family village?

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