6-1 G.o.d EATER

Isagi stood in front of Caliburnas inside the chapel with the n.o.bles as their spectators. Caliburnas"s magical power was huge that he practically could feel it through his skin. Nevertheless, that wasn"t a problem….

Isagi already determined that he will defeat him once and for all.

Caliburnas drew and swung his sword, releasing an invisible sword wave toward Isagi, who quickly throw a piece of paper in response to that. Suddenly, the paper were torn into two leaving Isagi uncharted.

It seems that Isagi were able to render Caliburnas" attack powerless with just a piece of paper.

Caliburnas raised his voice in admiration.


"It"s the third time I see that technique. Of course I"ll be able to realize the trick behind it"

Isagi with two swords hanging on his hips, with another shortsword on his back, took a stack of card from his pocket.

It"s a stack of game card.

"... Do you think you"ll be able to deflect my next attack, with just that thing?"

"Why don"t you try and see what happens."

Caliburnas once again swung his sword. Isagi threw one of his cards following the trajectory of that attack.

With just one piece of card, the shock wave was blocked. Though the card was cut into two, but Isagi were left unschated.

A gust of wind blow between them as they exchanged blows against each other.

"Unleashing your fighting spirit as a shockwave. Though it only able to move straight line. It"ll unleash a slashing attack whenever it touches something. Quite tricky attack you have there, bro"

"You"re quite sharp"

As Caliburnas became entranced with Isagi, Amalia used that chance to slip out from his hand.

He didn"t even bat an eye when her bride ran toward her father. All of his attention was focused toward the swordsman that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"You"re covering your face, but you"re human race, right? To think that there"s still someone as strong as you hiding somewhere in this world"

After confirming Amalia reached a safe distance. Isagi heaves a sigh.

He suddenly jumped, draws his sword, and flew toward Caliburnas.


"Eh" -Caliburnus

"Shut up" -Isagi

With a sword in his hand, Isagi use all of his power to thrust his sword into Caliburnus" neck. However, the sensation that came back from his sword felt like he is trying to cut through a block of steel.


One after another, Isagi punched the sword that"s already fixed into Caliburnus" neck with his fist. Caliburnus was backed into the capel wall that"s started to make a crack, and finally, after spurt of blood came out from Caliburnus" neck, the wall was destroyed.

"You, You"re the one who hurt Bardz, Rimino, Dyutyu, Amalia! You"re the reason for their suffering!"

Isagi elevate Caliburnus" body and pushed him through room until they"d reached the next wall. Once again, he used his fist to punch the sword into Caliburnus" neck that resulted in the wall behind him being destroyed. They repeated the process until they"d created a tunnel while leaving a smoke of dust on their path.

They"d arrived in a wide room after breaking through so many walls. And it was the throne room.

The people that were inside that room rolled their eyes in surprise when they saw the sudden appearance of the two people. Isagi then created fire on his palm and shot it into the room.

"Those who value their life, scram! Go away!"

Everyone scatters like a rabbit, making the room that was lively with there"s no people in that room from the beginning. With this, he wouldn"t accidentally hurt someone in the middle of the battle.

Isagi pull out his sword from Caliburnus" neck, and with his feet he kicks Caliburnas" body until blown a few meters ahead. Caliburnus" body tumbled on the top of the red carpet.

Isagi started to construct a magic formula while looking down at Caliburnus" appearance that becomes dirty with blood and rubble, trying to connect his attack.

The blade of Isagi"s sword already chipped, probably it caused by the pressures emitted from Caliburnus" body which is contained the G.o.d Disease. That man"s body even able to deflect Isagi sword. That meant, a small caliber magic wouldn"t be any effective.

He had to maximize his firepower"s output. It"s as simple as that.

Now, all he had to do is to remember. That technique Shirbenia used the day they attacked the Demon Lord Castle. The magic that she"d used to burn those adventurers into ashes.

Isagi start to construct his code, repeats, and then twine it. Compressing his magic into one point, with the image of a nuclear. Of course, he didn"t forget to lay out a barrier to minimize the undesired victims.

Now, all of the preparation had been done.

Nevertheless, Caliburnus didn"t move even an inch from his position for some reason. However, if that meant that he"s looking down on Isagi, then Isagi would be more than glad to show him what he got. The limit of human"s power.

"Ancient Flare!"

Calibunus" body ignited in an instant, the fire shone bright like a sun that shone inside that room. Since there"s some gap left on Isagi"s barrier, some fire able to escape the barrier and run amok the throne room like a prominence.

Despite all of that, Caliburnus suddenly stood up while his body is still engulfed in fire, act like he was unschated. His eyes were bloodshot.

"Interesting.You"re really interesting. It"s been a long time since I had such a formidable enemy. This really made my heart race"

Caliburnus laughed innocently like a little kid as he slowly crawls up from the depths of h.e.l.l.

Even when his body was clad in fire, he didn"t stop his advance toward Isagi. Looking at how his clothes didn"t catches fire meant that he used some kind of magic item as his equipment. Nevertheless, the blood that trickled down from his body meant that Isagi"s attack had some effect on his body.

There"s no sign of Caliburnus using Revival Stone. He also didn"t equip Claiomh Solace on his waist; the only weapon that was on his hand is the sword that he s.n.a.t.c.hed from the guard not too long ago.

"Alright, let"s do it. I"m happy that I can fight with a human race as strong as you. Recently, there is no one who will spar with me, I"m lonely, you know"

"... Shut up"

Isagi readied his sword, and then twist his body he sprung toward Caliburnas. This is the main principle of Evil Sword Style. There would be no way Caliburnas able to parry the ever changing, rotating trajectory of this attack.

Caliburnas tried to protect his vital point, neck. Isagi then changed his aim, flicking his wrist and aimed toward his torso. Though, Caliburnas able to react and changed his position, too. What a fearsome reflect... but it"s useless.

The sword that Caliburnus use to protect his body was blown away by the centrifugal force of Isagi"s sword. Seeing his sword got blown away until it pierces the wall, surprised Calibunas very much.

"No way"

Again, Isagi twist his body and slashed Caliburnas body, then neck. Blood spurt out from the place where he attack..

However, that didn"t stop Isagi"s a.s.sault. His sword style is a sword style that was created specifically to penetrate through the armour and magical items that Demon Race usually wear in the war. He"s confidence that no person would be able to cope with this style"s speed and power the first time they meet with this style.

Isagi landed on the ground, and using the momentum of his previous attack, he swiped his leg forward trying to topple Caliburnus over, now that his stance is broken. However, despite his body got turned upside down, his gaze still focused on Isagi.

"Great, you"re really amazing. This really gets me excited"

Caliburnus twisted his body, trying to regain his stance. However, before his feet even able to touch the ground, Isagi thrust his right hand holding the sword with all of his might.

A dull voice like a hammer hitting a metal resounded inside the room, only the tip of the sword that was able to penetrate through Caliburnas" body.

"Fufufu, it"s useless. I am very strong, you know. If this is what all you got, then..."

Caliburnas grabbed that sword with one hand, but Isagi quickly jumped backward before he got pulled in.

"I won"t listen to any of your d.a.m.n word!!"

As he shouted, Isagi unleashed all of Fighting Spirit reside in his body. His body then started to engulfed in some golden aura.

Unleash--- >

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