Ze Tian Ji

Chapter 148 – The Cliff"s Edge

Chapter 148 – The Cliff"s Edge

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

The second round of matches for the Grand Examination had already reached its latter half. Of the two matches between the Mount Li Sword Sect and the Orthodox Academy, the Orthodox Academy had forfeited one and lost the other. It could be said that the Mount Li Sword Sect had recovered all the dignity it had lost in the Ivy Festival and that the Orthodox Academy had been pushed to the edge of a cliff.

Although the matches were not team battles and the Grand Examination would only rank examinees based on their personal grades, none of these young examinees were born by emerging from cracks in rocks. Whether it was in the eyes of the world or in their own perception, their grades represented the glory of their schools or sects.

The third person from the Orthodox Academy to fight was Chen Changsheng. Since Princess Luoluo, who was publicly acknowledged to be the strongest member of the Orthodox Academy, had the misfortune of having Tianhai Shengxue, who was already in Ethereal Opening, as her opponent, the vast majority of people felt that there was no chance of her winning. Thus, whether or not the Orthodox Academy was completely annihilated in the second round relied entirely on Chen Changsheng"s ability to win.

Although he had defeated that Yellow Mountain Valley disciple in the first round, there was still no one optimistic about his chances. Everyone knew that he was the weakest of the four students of the Orthodox Academy. Now that even Tang Thirty-Six had lost, how could he possibly avoid defeat? A miracle? If such things were to happen too often, they would cease to be miracles and become suspicious.

The second reason no one was optimistic about Chen Changsheng"s chances was that there was something suspicious about the drawing of lots for the second round in this year"s Grand Examination.

Everyone knew that someone had rigged the drawing.

Chen Changsheng"s opponent in this round was Huo Guang of Scholartree Manor.

In every aspect, this was the best choice, but not Chen Changsheng"s best choice. Instead, it was the best choice of those people that wanted Chen Changsheng to lose.

From the Divine Empress to the common people, from the White Emperor in the distant land of the demi-humans to the storytellers of the capital, everyone on the Central Continent was watching the capital"s Grand Examination. With the Ivy Festival and the announcement to the world of Xu Yourong"s engagement, and then with the archbishop"s declaration that Chen Changsheng would take first rank of the first banner, countless eyes were focused on Chen Changsheng.

In this sort of situation, those people who wanted to suppress the Orthodox Academy and Chen Changsheng had to act with more care, at least making it so that their actions were not immediately obvious. If they had made Chen Changsheng draw Gou Hanshi as his opponent in the second round, anyone would think that something was fishy. Perhaps the Bureau of Ecclesiastic Education might flip the table, but the castanets on the tables of the capital"s storytellers would a.s.suredly clack many times.

Scholartree Manor"s Huo Guang was the best opponent.

This young scholar had spent his entire time in Scholartree Manor, quietly studying, never leaving the school to gain experience. As a result, he was never ranked on the Proclamation of Azure Sky, and those who were not aware of the real situation would think him very weak.

In reality, there were no weaklings in Scholartree Manor, and Huo Guang was even one of the scholars that Scholartree Manor was focused on raising, intending to have him astonish the world on the stage that was the Grand Examination. Just how could Chen Changsheng possibly contend against him?

The mood at the forest"s edge was rather gloomy.

Tang Thirty-Six leaned on the white poplar and watched Chen Changsheng leave. He suddenly said, "If you can"t win, just withdraw! Keep out of trouble!"

Earlier, he had said that Chen Changsheng could not lose because he knew that Chen Changsheng had some reason that required him to take first rank of the first banner in the Grand Examination. This being the case, he naturally couldn"t lose. However, now he thought about how even if Chen Changsheng were to inexplicably win against the scholar from Scholartree Manor, he was still no match for the likes of Tianhai Shengxue and Gou Hanshi, so he took back his words.

In his view, Chen Changsheng was still very young and still had many years ahead. With his talent and knowledge, who knew how much progress he could make? If he couldn"t get the first rank of the first banner even if he put his life on the line, what need was there to bet his life? Why couldn"t he put his eyes on the future and leave things for later? Why did he have to treat himself so callously?

Chen Changsheng waved his hand but didn"t turn around. After all, he couldn"t explain that though he was very young, he didn"t have many more years to waste.

He bowed to the Li Palace priest and ascended the stone steps.

In the first round, his right shoe had been destroyed. He was currently wearing a new pair of shoes.

These shoes had been brought by Guardian Li from her chambers. They were very new and comfortable, just the right size. Luoluo had probably taken his measurements in secret.

Wearing these shoes, he felt a great confidence when he stepped on the ground.

At the forest"s edge, Xuanyuan Po asked Tang Thirty-Six, "Do you want to rest a little?"

Tang Thirty-Six looked to the stone steps at the distant Chen Changsheng. After a few moments, he said, "No need; just give me a few crystals."

Just like the Elder of Heavenly Secrets had said in his evaluation for the Proclamation of Azure Sky, Tang Thirty-Six had been greatly affected by Chen Changsheng. For instance, just now, upon seeing Chen Changsheng"s figure, he very quickly shed his somber demeanor and prepared to meditate to regain true essence. This was because there might be tie-breaking matches, and he needed to at least get onto one of the three banners, or else he would feel himself a bit shorter in front of Chen Changsheng.

This had nothing to do with cultivation level or grades, only with will.

The Hall of Washing Away Dust opened, and Chen Changsheng and the scholar called Huo Guang walked in.

Separated by ten-some zhang, the two quietly looked at each other across the sandy ground.

Upon careful examination, one might be able to see a few bloodstains beneath the sand at their feet, probably left behind by the examinees from the previous match.

"I"ve heard of you before." Huo Guang broke the silence. "Before I came to the capital."

This scholar of Scholartree Manor was eighteen or nineteen years old. He had a cold expression and seemed carved from the same block as his schoolmates. In truth, their appearances were quite dissimilar, but the reason that they gave off this sort of feeling was that the young scholars of Scholartree Manor all gave off this indescribable aura.

Chen Changsheng did not reply, as he felt that there was no need.

"I knew that I would meet you in the Grand Examination." Huo Guang calmly looked at him. "Before I came to the capital."

Only now did Chen Changsheng realize that today"s suppression of the Orthodox Academy in today"s Grand Examination was not merely the work of people within the Great Zhou Dynasty, not merely the effort of a few people within the Orthodoxy. It even involved people from the distant south.

He still did not speak, only calmly adjusted his breathing and moved his true essence.

"In order to resist the invasion of the demons, the human world must unite. No one can stop this torrential momentum. Anyone who attempts in vain to do so will be washed away into the filthy sewer of history, and you…have affected the progress of the confluence of the north and south. Thus, you will not take first rank of the first banner in the Grand Examination, and you will not marry Xu Yourong."

Huo Guang expressionlessly declared.

Chen Changsheng finally understood what that indescribable aura was.

It was just like the feeling he got from the words of that rustic student from the last night of the Ivy Festival.

In this world, there had always been some people, some intellectuals, that believed in very strange principles.

To create a heart for the world, to establish a fate for the people, to pursue the lost teachings of the sages, to obtain peace for all ages, they would ask you to die1. 

"I bear righteousness and justice on my iron shoulders, so after you die, let me take care of your family, let me take care of this world2."

Chen Changsheng shook his head. If it were just the first part, it would be worthy of respect, but with the second part, it became no good.

He did not like this sort of aura.

It was even more unpleasant than the b.l.o.o.d.y aura exuded by Xu Shiji.

"Relax, I will not use words to disgrace you. That is both meaningless and uninteresting."

Huo Guang said to him with a cold expression on his face, but for an instant, the tips of his eyebrows had risen.

Perhaps at that moment, he was recalling those bitterly sarcastic words of Tang Thirty-Six when they had been quarreling over the path in the Dallying Forest during the martial test.

"I will very simply defeat you."

He looked at Chen Changsheng with contempt. "Take out your sword and accept your defeat."

Chen Changsheng remained silent, not responding to these words nor taking out his sword.

Thus, he made all these things that Huo Guang had done seem quite ridiculous, like attacking a wall with a sword or reciting a long poem to the starry sky.

The sand quietly rested on the ground.

Huo Guang"s complexion seemed rather chilly as he said, "If you do not unsheathe your sword, you will have no other opportunity to unsheathe it today."

As he spoke, a clear and powerful Qi emerged from his body.

Chen Changsheng calmly watched him, then slowly raised his right hand and brought it close to the hilt of his dagger. He would only need to stretch out his fingers to grab it.

Ultimately, he did not grab the hilt.

He drew back his hand, his five fingers closing into a fist.

"Very good."

Huo Guang saw his movements and felt like he had been greatly humiliated. HIs eyebrows slowly rose and he took a deep breath.

A stream of extremely pure true essence seeped out of his body, pa.s.sed through his brown robes, and created a gust in the Hall of Washing Away Dust.

This gust curled about Huo Guang"s body like a barrier.

He had a greatsword on his back, but he did not wield it. Just like Chen Changsheng, he clenched his hands into a fist and then punched.


In an instant, a hole appeared in the wind barrier as a fist clad in a light green l.u.s.ter formed from true essence surged out. In an instant, this fist crossed ten-some zhang and reached Chen Changsheng. Even more shocking was that another fist intent was formed within the wind barrier and was also sent punching towards Chen Changsheng!

Several dozen fist intents made from true essence, almost like real fists, a.s.sailed him from all sides in a storm of punches!

The mirror of light ten-some zhang in radius within the Hall of Shining Words clearly transmitted the battle in the Hall of Washing Away Dust to the crowd.

From the moment Chen Changsheng and Huo Guang walked into the Hall of Washing Away Dust, the hall had been abnormally quiet.

The archbishop no longer continued to sleep. He calmly watched Chen Changsheng in the mirror, but it was impossible to tell from his expression whether he was as confident as before.

Several dozen green glows suddenly shone in the mirror of light.

Although they were only watching and not actually present, the crowd still felt like they could sense the power within those glows.

Xue Xingchuan slightly leaned his body forward and voiced his amazement. "Army Shattering Fist?"

To these important characters within the Hall of Shining Words, the scholar Huo Guang from Scholartree Manor was just at the Meditation Realm, so the techniques he used would naturally be unable to shock them. But when they thought of how Huo Guang was able to cultivate the difficult-to-learn Army Shattering Fist to this level at his age, they couldn"t help but be a little surprised.

The one about to confront these several dozen Army Shattering Fists was Chen Changsheng.

Many people within the Hall of Shining Words silently announced Chen Changsheng"s elimination in their hearts.

The archbishop slightly narrowed his eyes, his turbid gaze sharpening once more.

Mo Yu appeared indifferent, but the knuckles of her hand resting on the armrest of the chair had somewhat paled.

Prince Chen Liu glanced at her, doubt in his eyes.


1. Other than the last part, this is a saying from the Neo-Confucian philosopher Zhang Zai↩

2. The part about "iron shoulders" is the first line of a two-line poem written by Yang Jisheng, often regarded as a martyr for Confucian values.↩

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