Ze Tian Ji

Chapter 185 – Family Dinner

Chapter 185 – Family Dinner

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

The Divine General of the East"s estate was very quiet. The only sound was that of light footsteps and the shuffling of clothes, both inside and outside the hall. There was not even the sound of coughing. This was presumably what was meant by "family style".

The stones paving the path and the trees in the courtyard were also the same: rough, long, and straight. While the trees were generously s.p.a.ced, they had very few green leaves on their branches. They stood silent, solemn, bleak, and apathetic.

Chen Changsheng sat by the table, examining the finely aged porcelain tableware arrayed before him, not knowing to say. From the moment he had entered the estate, he had not said a single meaningful word.

Xu Shiji and his wife were seated at the host"s seats while he sat in the seat reserved for guests. Nanny Hua waited upon them at the side, carrying a reserved air, while the one serving the food was actually that extremely proud maid, Shuang"er.

The dining hall contained only these five people, but there were quite a large number of attendants outside the hall. Several butlers and maids stared at their surroundings with cold expressions while serving girls carrying trays shuttled in and out of the building, the hems of their pomegranate-red dresses easily brushing past the high threshold of the dining hall.

The trays the serving girls carried held cups of green tangerine water, both cold and hot moist towels, ivory chopsticks, and the mahogany holders carved into small crouching tigers that held them. Compared to these things, the trays holding food made up a much smaller number.

Tonight"s dinner at the Divine General of the East"s estate was rather simple. There was braised pork, fish caught fresh from the river and steamed with onions, and bean sprouts boiled in soup. The food was delicious, but also extremely plain. There was none of the rare sea fish often found in the estates of the powerful whenever they served guests, much less broth made from stewing the bone marrow of monsters. Even the number of courses was rather small.

This family dinner was truly an ordinary family dinner.

Chen Changsheng had a rough understanding of why the Xu Estate had adopted such a posture, but he could only silently keep his head down and eat. He also noticed that the Xu Estate"s dinner table not only lacked rare birds, it didn"t even have ordinary chicken, and amongst the ten-some seasonings and sauces, he did not see the common duck gizzard sauce.

He curiosity was somewhat piqued, but he did not ask.

After all the courses were served, Madam Xu began chatting with him. Just like this family dinner, their conversation discussed the most ordinary of topics, not once touching upon that past obstinacy.

The meal tastelessly reached its conclusion, the Divine General of the East"s estate remaining quiet throughout.

Madam Xu glanced at Xu Shiji, took up the wine pot, and filled Chen Changsheng"s cup.

This was Chen Changsheng"s second cup of wine tonight.

He expressed his thanks.

Xu Shiji raised his cup, glanced at him, then emptied his cup.

Chen Changsheng also drank down his cup.

Madam Xu poured wine.

Xu Shiji drank again.

Chen Changsheng accompanied him.

Madam Xu poured again.

Xu Shiji held the wine cup and expressionlessly said to him, "I confess that from start to finish, I never felt any kindness towards you."

Chen Changsheng said nothing.

Xu Shiji apathetically continued, "But anyone must also admit that I also held no malice towards you, or else you simply wouldn"t be able to live in the capital until now, to sit across from me."

Chen Changsheng still said nothing. He stood up, took an envelope from his bosom, and placed it on the table.

This envelope was rather thick, and it was clearly new. Although its contents were not clear, everyone knew that the item inside was a.s.suredly old.

Madam Xu"s expression suddenly changed, Nanny Hua appeared slightly apprehensive, and even Shuang"er"s eyes seemed to light up.

"You…what is your intention?"

Xu Shiji narrowed his eyes at him, his complexion gradually chilling. The hand holding the wine cup slowly dropped down. Although it fell slowly, when the cup touched the table, it gave off a heavy thud.

"I have no other intention except completing this task. I should have finished this task one year ago, but because of a few misunderstandings, I haven"t been able to succeed…"

Chen Changsheng gazed at Madam Xu, Nanny Hua, and Shuang"er, and earnestly said, "I wasn"t lying back then. I entered the capital to end the engagement, but none of you ever believed me."

When they heard these words and looked again at the heavy envelope on the table, Madam Xu"s complexion suddenly turned even nastier, Nanny Hua"s face appeared even more distressed, while Shuang"er appeared to be terribly shocked.

"A misunderstanding?" Xu Shiji stared into Chen Changsheng"s eyes, his face like a sheet of ice. "For an entire year, the capital was filled with storms and the entire continent was in confusion, and you are saying that it was all because of a misunderstanding?"

Chen Changsheng did not answer this question, instead turning to Madam Xu. He first bowed before saying, "Madam, you once said a few words to me. It was not my purpose to devote this entire year to specifically refute Madam"s words. I only feel that since Madam will probably no longer believe that I am just a young Daoist that wants to cling to the Divine General"s estate to change his life, perhaps we can bring this matter to a close."

The dining hall was silent. Reflecting the light of the lanterns, the green tangerine water appeared just like strong alcohol, just like how the gentle rustle of the wind outside the hall seemed particularly tense in this silent atmosphere.

After some time, Xu Shiji looked upon Chen Changsheng with slight scorn as he said, "All these things that you have done, to the extent of not even fearing to plunge your head into waves that you did not even have the right to touch, were due to some words of my wife, were for the sake of that pathetic and laughable self-esteem?"

Chen Changsheng took a while to carefully ponder these words. After confirming that there had not been anything wrong about what he had done, he replied, "Self-esteem truly was the reason, but I don"t believe it"s laughable, much less pathetic."

Xu Shiji slowly stood up, placing his hands behind him and leaning his st.u.r.dy body slightly forward. Seemingly imbued with a ma.s.sive pressure, he stared into Chen Changsheng"s eyes, enunciating each word. "Taking the Grand Examination"s first rank of the first banner and entering His Holiness"s eyes, you feel…that in this way you can prove that you are more outstanding than Qiushan Jun? To elegantly withdraw with the att.i.tude of a victor?"

Chen Changsheng was somewhat startled, thinking to himself that he had never once thought this way. He wanted to explain, but realized that he didn"t know how to explain such a private matter. Just as he was thinking, Xu Shiji rose and left the table. After a few moments, he returned with a scroll which he threw in front of Chen Changsheng.

"See for yourself."

Xu Shiji impa.s.sively said, "This is no longer a secret. By tomorrow, the entire continent will know why Qiushan Jun did not partic.i.p.ate in the Grand Examination."

Nanny Hua and Shuang"er had already noiselessly withdrawn.

Chen Changsheng thought this over, then picked up the scroll from the table and opened it. As he read, his expression slowly became more complex. He understood why Xu Shiji had spoken this way.

This year"s Grand Examination was the most exciting one in the past ten years and was undoubtedly a great year. If one had to speak of regrets, it was only that Qiushan Jun and Xu Yourong did not appear.

The gifts and potential of Qiushan Jun and Xu Yourong naturally meant that they could be directly granted the right to enter the Mausoleum of Books without going through the Grand Examination, but the people had still wanted to see them in the Grand Examination.

Many people believed that Qiushan Jun would partic.i.p.ate in this year"s Grand Examination and the reason that he did not appear was perhaps that Xu Yourong was not partic.i.p.ating, but it was far more likely to be her engagement to Chen Changsheng.

Now, after reading this just-prepared scroll, Chen Changsheng finally knew the true reason Qiushan Jun did not partic.i.p.ate in the Grand Examination. As he silently pondered this knowledge, he realized that he could not help but express his admiration.

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