6. ---- _contagiosus._ ---- contagious.
---- _equinus et caninus._ ---- among horses and dogs.
7. _Peripneumonia superficialis._ Superficial peripneumony.
8. _Pertussis._ Chin-cough.
9. _Variola discreta._ Small-pox distinct.
---- _confluens._ ---- confluent.
---- _inoculata._ ---- inoculated.
10. _Rubeola irritata._ Measles irritated.
---- _inirritata._ ---- inirritated.
11. _Scarlatina mitis._ Scarlet fever mild.
---- _maligna._ ---- malignant.
12. _Miliaria sudatoria._ Miliary fever sudatory.
---- _irritata._ ---- irritated.
---- _inirritata._ ---- inirritated.
13. _Pestis._ Plague.
---- _vaccina._ ---- of horned cattle.
14. _Pemphigus._ Bladdery fever.
15. _Varicella._ Chicken-pox.
16. _Urticaria._ Nettle rash.
17. _Aptha sensitiva._ Thrush sensitive.
---- _irritata._ ---- irritated.
---- _inirritata._ ---- inirritated.
18. _Dysenteria._ b.l.o.o.d.y flux.
19. _Gastritis superficialis._ Superficial inflam. of the stomach.
20. _Enteritis superficialis._ ---- of the bowels.
_With the Production of new Vessels by internal Membranes or Glands, without Fever._
1. _Ophthalmia superficialis._ Ophthalmy superficial.
---- _lymphatica._ ---- lymphatic.
---- _equina._ ---- of horses.
2. _Pterigion._ Eye-wing.
3. _Tarsitis palpebrarum._ Red eyelids.
4. _Hordeolum._ Stye.
5. _Paronychia superficialis._ Whitlow.
6. _Gutta rosea hepatica._ Pimpled face hepatic.
---- _stomatica._ ---- stomatic.
---- _hereditaria._ ---- hereditary.
7. _Odont.i.tis._ Inflamed tooth.
8. _Ot.i.tis._ ---- ear.
9. _Fistula lacrymalis._ Fistula lacrymalis.
10. _Fistula in ano._ Fistula in ano.
11. _Fistula urethrae._ Fistula urethrae.
12. _Hepat.i.tis chronica._ Chronical hepat.i.tis.
13. _Scrophula suppurans._ Suppurating scrophula.
14. _s...o...b..tus suppurans._ Suppurating scurvy.
15. _Schirrus suppurans._ Suppurating schirrus.
16. _Carcinoma._ Cancer.
17. _Arthrocele._ Swelling of the joints.
18. _Arthropuosis._ Suppuration of the joints.
19. _Caries ossium._ Caries of the bones.
_With the Production of new Vessels by external Membranes or Glands, without Fever._
1. _Gonorrhoea venerea._ Clap.
2. _Syphilis._ Venereal disease.
3. _Lepra._ Leprosy.
4. _Elephantiasis._ Elephantiasis.
5. _Framboesia._ Framboesia.
6. _Psora._ Itch.
7. _Psora ebriorum._ Itch of drunkards.
8. _Herpes._ Herpes.
9. _Zona ignea._ Shingles.
10. _Annulus repens._ Ring-worm.
11. _Tinea capitis._ Scald-head.
12. _Crusta lactea._ Milk-crust.
13. _Trichoma._ Plica polonica.
_With Fever consequent to the Production of new Vessels or Fluids._
1. _Febris sensitiva._ Sensitive fever.
2. ---- _a pure clauso._ Fever from concealed matter.
3. ---- _a vomica._ ---- from vomica.
4. ---- _ab empyemate._ ---- from empyema.
5. ---- _mesenterica._ ---- mesenteric.
6. ---- _a pure aerato._ ---- from aerated matter.
7. ---- _a phthisi._ ---- from consumption.
8. ---- _scrophulosa._ ---- scrophulous.
9. ---- _ischiadica._ ---- from ischias.
10. ---- _arthropuodica._ ---- from joint-evil.
11. ---- _a pure contagioso._ ---- from contagious matter.
12. ---- _variolosa secundaria._ ---- secondary of small-pox.
13. ---- _carcinomatosa._ ---- cancarous.
14. ---- _venerea._ ---- venereal.
15. ---- _a sanie contagiosa._ ---- from contagious sanies.
16. ---- _puerpera._ ---- puerperal.
17. ---- _a sphacelo._ ---- from sphacelus.