Zui Wu Dao

Chapter 45     Came at them

Chapter 45     Came at them

“This is Shen Tui Men’s headquarter.” Dong Fang Xin pointed straight at a building.

Xuan Luo looked ahead and deeply murmured, “Shen Tui Men really knows how to pick their location.”

This mountain G.o.d temple is located very close to Qian Deng Zhen. Perhaps Shen Tui Men is quite superst.i.tious, therefore they chose this location as a foundation to their influential power. However, this mountain G.o.d temple looks very worn down. If a random person glances at it, he/she would probably a.s.sume it is an abandoned temple. Little do they know that it’s a place where Shen Tui Men commits crime.

But compared to other places, this piece of land is very good. In fact, the construction of this building relies on the mountain; as if it is embedded in the mountain. Hence, it is very difficult to attack and easy to protect.

Subconsciously, Xuan Luo’s eyes grew hard. This is the first time he has experienced something like this.

“Don’t underestimate this worn out looking temple, this is just a leading sign. Based on our findings, the residence should be inside. It is definitely not smaller than a small palace.” As Dong Fang Xin explained, her loathing expression completely appeared on her face.

Xuan Luo don’t have many people with him. It was only the four from Dong Fang Xin’s group and himself.

But that doesn’t matter because more people doesn’t necessarily mean success.

Xuan Luo and the group carefully proceeded forward, but realized that there weren’t a single person guarding from the outside. It just looked like a worn abandoned temple.

Xuan Luo is on his highest alert as he looked around his surroundings. His mind is spinning very fast. If they were to fail their mission, how would they escape?

As they entered the mountain G.o.d temple, there was nothing special about it. Everywhere was covered in thick dust, and it didn’t seem like a place where people actually stayed.

Xuan Luo crinkled his brows and asked hesitantly, “This is really Shen Tui Men?”

Xuan Luo’s question also caused Dong Fang Xin to frown. Her voice no longer sounded as sure, “That’s what our researchers have told us. Perhaps there is a secret entrance?”

“Yes. From what I know, this temple is just a sign. That’s how Shen Tui Men can hide from people’s sight!” Cai Qin finally spoke up.

Cai Qin started to pace back and forth in the temple. She was carefully looking around and started tapping on the walls and ground.

Suddenly, Xuan Luo felt the ground tremble.

*Ground shaking sounds*

The dust from the ground flew up, and revealed a hidden tunnel.

“This tunnel will probably lead us to the headquarters.” Cai Qin stated.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s hurry!” As w.a.n.g Yuan watched, the blood running through his veins have already been accelerated by this situation. “As one approaches, I shall kill one. Two approaches, I shall kill two. No hesitation! We will rush down and overtake Shang Hua!”

w.a.n.g Yuan sounded extremely aggressive in his speech. He also stated the most important goal for them. However, they’re unsure if there are hidden traps within the tunnel.

Hearing w.a.n.g Yuan’s aggressive tone, Dong Fang Xin’s eyes showed a smear of anxiety. She didn’t move, but remained standing in front of the tunnel with a troublesome expression.

“Let’s go. If there are traps, they would all have to go through it as well. So it should just be a simple tunnel.” Xuan Luo voiced out.

Actually, Xuan Luo has his own thoughts. If there really was a trap in the tunnel, then there would be many people gathering around the temple* Since Shen Tui Men chose the mountain G.o.d temple as their base, they would definitely not leave it unused. If there is no one in the temple, all of them must be at the headquarters.

Don’t forget. Shang Hua recently captured Dong Fang Yu. Would he really not expect people from Cha Lin to save her?? Of course not.**

Xuan Luo enters the tunnel, but deep down, he is unsure.


After some time later, Xuan Luo exited the tunnel and was totally toppled by the sight in front of him. Outside of the tunnel was a huge building. There was a big open s.p.a.ce and residential areas. It was much more extravagant compared to the buildings he has seen from the outside. The view was definitely extraordinary. Plus, this was within a mountain!

“Wow, Shen Tui Men really knows how to pick their location.” Dong Fang Xin couldn’t help but praise.

“Be careful. I can already see their people.” Xuan Luo fixedly stares ahead and could see that there was a group of people that were split into smaller teams patrolling along.

“Humpt! Those dogs! You guys better hurry and wash your neck! I’m coming to get you!!” w.a.n.g Yuan’s behaviour is truly causing Xuan Luo’s heart to pound. Xuan Luo is sweating. Is w.a.n.g Yuan always like this? But then again, since they are here to cause damage and save Dong Fang Yu, there isn’t a need to be polite or whatnot.

Hearing w.a.n.g Yuan’s shouting, Dong Fang Xin was frustrated, “w.a.n.g Yuan. What the h.e.l.l are you doing? Do you really want to hit the gra.s.s to wake the snake?”

But words spoken is like pouring water out. There is no turning back. Currently, the best solution is to directly attack head on. They need to get to the main guy.

“Everyone, stay alert! We have enemies!” Out of nowhere, someone hollered. Then, about a hundred Shen Tui Men people appeared before their eyes. However, Shang Hua is still nowhere to be seen.

“Humpt! I’m gonna flatten you all!” w.a.n.g Yuan lifted his blade and stated, “My blade has been thirsty for far too long!”

“Let’s go. They have created so much evil. They deserve to die!” Dong Fang Xin rushes to the crowd with her double sword; she was constantly changing her style (movement).

Obviously, Xuan Luo wasn’t just watching…

People screaming in pain, sounds of weapons clashing could all be heard everywhere.

Within a short period of time, all five of them were covered in fresh blood.

However, the blood did not belong to them. It was the blood of Shen Tui Men’s people. On the ground were many who were injured or dead. There were only a few of them left.

“Go….hurry…hurry and find the Clan master…” Seeing how strong and deadly Xuan Luo and the group were, a disciple from Shen Tui Men instructed another disciple.


“Clan master…we have a disaster…Clan master!!!….Cha…the people from Cha Lin are here…..” The voice trembled with fear, but it was clearly heard.


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