100% Love From The Boss

Chapter 69 Discriminate between Love and Hate

Chapter 69 Discriminate between Love and Hate

Ling Tianyi let Xia Xiaoluo sat in the bed. He walked straight toFang Ruichen, clenching his fist with a sound of dislocation of bones.

Fang Ruichen was very strong and he looked taller than Ling Tianyi.Fang Ruichen thought that Ling Tianyi would talk to him about the truthor quarrel with him. However, Ling Tianyi hit Fang Ruichen unexpectedlywith a sudden punch, and the first punch stunned him. Being punched andkicked, Fang Ruichen, who was already injured, could not get up from theground.

“Boy, don’t talk so crazily. Who do you think you are? How dare youask Xiaoluo to buy a cola for you?” Ling Tianyi stepped on FangRuichen’s shoulder and talked down to him in an aggressive manner.

In front of Ling Tianyi, Fang Ruichen dared to shout at Xia Xiaoluo,what would it be like in private? That was why his Xiaoluo hated thisFang Ruichen so much. Today he will teach this arrogant boy a lesson.This was to help Xiao Luo vent her spite upon him and made Xiao Luohappy.

Xia Xiaoluo was shocked by the sudden action of Ling Tianyi. Aftershe reacted, she got out of bed in a hurry, held Ling Tianyi’s hand andsaid, “He is also my cla.s.smate. What if you beat him like this today andhe goes to school to retaliate on me? Let him go.”

“Fang Ruichen, do you dare to retaliate?” Ling Tianyi askeddisdainfully. It’s no big deal that he could hire a private bodyguardfor the little girl. In fact, during the coma period of Xia Xiaoluo, hehas already thought about it.

“Ling Tianyi, I will not let you go!” Although Fang Ruichen was trampled under Ling Tianyi’s feet, he did not show weakness.

“Ah!” Ling Tianyi increased the strength on his feet.

“Do you admit defeat?” Ling Tianyi asked scornfully.

“I won’t admit defeat!” Fang Ruichen gritted his teeth with an unyielding att.i.tude.

Although Xia Xiaoluo hated Fang Ruichen, she did not want Ling Tianyito kill him. “Let him go. For a nuisance, it is not worthwhile to makeyourself angry!”

“Xia Xiaoluo, I am not a nuisance, you are a nuisance! You believe itor not, I would let you be the headline of the school BBS. I will leteveryone know and talk about you so that you would feel ashamed.”Although Fang Ruichen was beaten and he was trampled under Ling Tianyi’sfeet, he was stubborn and reluctant to admit defeats.

When Xia Xiaoluo heard the headline of the BBS, her expression wasimmediately stiff. Ling Tianyi thought that it was Fang Ruichen whothreatened and teased Xia Xiaoluo in the incident by mistake. So hedirectly picked Fang Ruichen up. “It seems that if I don’t beat you up,you won’t know who you are. Go!”

Ling Tianyi did not want Xia Xiaoluo to see too many violent scenes,so he dragged Fang Ruichen directly into the men’s bathroom. Less thanten minutes later, Ling Tianyi went out. But Fang Ruichen climbed outwith bruises on his face and his mouth was bleeding.

“He…” Xia Xiaoluo pointed to Fang Ruichen who was embarra.s.sed, without knowing what to do.

“Don’t worry, because of the cooperation between his father and me, Iwill not kill him. All his injuries are not serious, I will not bearhis life on my back.” Ling Tianyi took Xia Xiaoluo back to the ward.

“Then I will let the guy transfer to another hospital, and letDwichen’s College dismiss him.” Ling Tianyi said. He would help XiaXiaoluo keep away from Fang Ruichen

“His father is a shareholder of the school.” Xia Xiaoluo blurted out.

“I am the largest shareholder of the school.” Ling Tianyi saidproudly. With his power, he wanted to drive away the son of the secondlargest shareholder of the school. Although it was a little difficult,it was possible.

“Forget it, forgive where you may! You have beaten him, and he waspunished.” Although Xia Xiaoluo hated Fang Ruichen, she would not drivehim away because of this.

“Well, it’s up to you! And how do you want to deal with Xia Jingruand Tao Wenying? Xia Jingru and her mother fled to Macau, and TaoWenying is still in the school. I can decide their destiny, to live orto die. Now I want to ask for your opinion.” Ling Tianyi asked. Today hedidn’t actually deal with the business in the company, he was forcingYao Sheng to investigate the whole thing. Now he knew the truth.

“I don’t know, I certainly hope to teach them some lessons, but Idon’t want to let them die. To kill and beat them were too terrible, sodon’t do that.” When Xia Xiaoluo thought of these two evil women, shefelt sad again.

Ling Tianyi sighed as he saw Xia Xiaoluo’s soft nature. “You littlegirl is so soft-hearted. When Xia Jingru cheated you to go to the barlast time, I wanted to teach her a lesson. But because of your kindness,I let her go, now she almost kills you, you still don’t want to punishher. I really don’t know how to think of you?”

“Darling, don’t kill them or beat them. Just teach them a lesson andask them not to bully me at school in the future.” Xia Xiaoluo leaned inLing Tianyi’s arms, picked his tie with her hands and acted like aspoiled child.

“My G.o.d, do you still think they can make friends with you?” LingTianyi was almost mad, did this little girl want to let the evil peoplego? He was ready to fight and avenge her.

In order to teach Xia Jingru a lesson, he persuaded JC and saved XiaJingru from jail. However, he felt that his revenge plan could not beimplemented because of the little girl’s kindness.

“Darling, you aren’t going to drive them out of school, are you? I wish they won’t bully me.”

“Xia Jingru, Tao Wenying, and Fang Ruichen who you have alreadybeaten are all my cla.s.smates after all. I don’t want to become enemieswith them. Fang Ruichen, you have already beaten him. As for Xia Jingruand Tao Wenying, just teach them a lesson. Although I am very angry withthem and I still feel angry when I think of them, I don’t want you todo illegal things for me.”

After all, Xia Xiaoluo was not a cruel person. Although she had swornthat once she came out from the dark and cold well, she must rip XiaJingru into pieces, but eventually, when the opportunity came, she stillcouldn’t do it.

Ling Tianyi sighed. He didn’t know whether the little girl was stupidor kind. But he felt that maybe just because of the character of thislittle girl, he would think she was very cute and he would always beconcerned about her unconsciously.

“Now that you say so, big punishment will be canceled, but a smallpenalty is necessary.” Ling Tianyi said. It is not so easy to forgivesomeone who dared to hurt his woman in public.

“Darling, you will punish those people who bully me, will you thankthose people who help me?” Xia Xiaoluo did not want to talk about heavytopics such as revenge and punishment, so she simply started a newtopic.

“Do you mean Luo Xixi?” Ling Tianyi asked.

“Darling, how do you know everything?” Xia Xiaoluo found it a little incredible.

“Of course, if I don’t have this ability, how can I be your husband?Don’t worry, I won’t forget the person you want to thank.” Ling Tianyiwas proud. He also investigated Luo Xixi and found nothing wrong withher. However, he did not object to Xia Xiaoluo making friends with afemale otaku, at least his little wife would not follow bad examples.

“My husband is powerful!” Xia Xiaoluo shouted the slogans.

“Luo Xixi is a female otaku and a computer master. It was she whodealt with the things on the BBS for you. And she also lent you arecording pen.” Ling Tianyi knew the glorious deeds of Luo Xixi.

“She also lent me one hundred yuan, a pair of sungla.s.ses and a hat.Everything she had was very expensive, but unfortunately, I couldn’tgive her sungla.s.ses and hats back. AH!” Xia Xiaoluo added.

“Don’t worry, Luo Xixi’s father is in A City recently. He wants tocooperate with me to develop a resort. Originally, Huasheng Group hasthe strength to develop this project alone, but because Luo Xixi helpedyou, I have already asked my staff to sign a contract with Luo Xixi’sfather. Now that we have money to earn, let’s cooperate with Luo’sGroup. It is also a way to repay your cla.s.smates for you. If Luo’s Groupowns this project, I am afraid that Luo Xixi’s pocket money will beincreased. It’s easy for her to buy something expensive.”

“Moreover, before you go to see Luo Xixi, I will accompany you to goshopping in the mall. You can buy whatever you like. Just choose thefamous brand and the most expensive one, and you can give it to LuoXixi.”

Ling Tianyi was very generous and he would certainly benefit those who have helped the little girl.

“Darling, that… um… I want…”

“Why are you hesitating? Do you have anything to say? Say what youwant to say. I spoiled you these two days. I really don’t know what youare afraid of?”

“Darling, when we go shopping in the mall, could you buy me anothermobile phone? I really want to play games. Oh no, I also hope to keep intouch with you at any time.” After Xia Xiaoluo finished, she looked atLing Tianyi with her eyes full of expectation.

“No!” Ling Tianyi said deliberately. He wanted to tease his little girl.

“Why?” Xia Xiaoluo pouted her mouth and she felt a little unhappy.

“Because I have already bought you one, why do you need so manyphones, you are only a student.” Ling Tianyi finished his words and thentook several large bags to Xia Xiaoluo. He just paid attention toteaching Fang Ruichen a lesson and forgot to show Xia Xiaoluo her gifts.

“Look, it is exactly the same as before. I am afraid that you are sostupid and you can’t play other mobile phones.” Ling Tianyi gave XiaXiaoluo a delicate iPhone.

“It’s really the same as before! Well, some of my games in the iOSsystem cannot share game items with those in the Android system, so Ican continue to play.” Xia Xiaoluo said and then powered on the phoneand started to download games.

“I know you like this phone!” Ling Tianyi watched Xia Xiaoluo playingher mobile phone. At first, he was very happy, but gradually he feltthat the little girl had a mobile phone and forgot her husband.

“Darling, what game are you playing?” Ling Tianyi tried to attractthe attention of Xia Xiaoluo, but Xia Xiaoluo didn’t hear it andcontinued to play games.

Ling Tianyi shook his head. Fortunately, he prepared a magic weaponthat was more attractive than the mobile phone. Now it was time to takeit out.

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