100% Love From The Boss

Chapter 70 Husband? Or IPad?

Chapter 70 Husband? Or IPad?

Ling Tianyi tookout an iPad and played the game deliberately. The volume of the gamewas also turned up to the maximum by him, in order to attract hislittle wife.

Xia Xiaoluo was immediately attracted. When she sawthe big toy in Ling Tianyi’s hands, she wanted to play it and leanedher small head to Ling Tianyi. Xia Xiaoluo’s behavior made Ling Tianyivery proud. Without saying anything, he continued to play his game.

“Darling,it is suitable to play games, may I have a try?” Xia Xiaoluo asked.She saw her cla.s.smates playing before, but she didn’t have a chance.Now she really wanted to have a try.

The iPad brought by LingTianyi was originally for Xia Xiaoluo. Because she liked to play gamesand it was boring in the ward, so she could use it to kill time. Butbecause Xia Xiaoluo just got the mobile phone and ignored the existenceof Ling Tianyi. Therefore, Ling Tianyi now wanted to tease his littlewife.

Ling Tianyi deliberately ignored Xia Xiaoluo and pretendedto be fascinated by playing games. Xia Xiaoluo has been watching for awhile until Ling Tianyi finished the game. She gently pushed LingTianyi’s shoulder and begged him in a slightly spoiled voice, “Darling,let me play the game. Okay?”

“No, this is my special gameartifact. You will break it if I give it to you.” Ling Tianyi saiddeliberately. He thought that there was no way if she wanted to get itonly by speaking, unless with some rewards.

“Don’t be so stingy! Iwon’t break it for playing a game, just let me play for a while. OK?”Xia Xiaoluo shook Ling Tianyi’s arms and then tried to get the iPad.

LingTianyi liked the childish look of his little wife. He raised the iPadhigh, Xia Xiaoluo directly stood on the bed and Ling Tianyi immediatelystood up on the bed, too.

“Darling, you can’t get it!” LingTianyi’s face was full of smiles. He thought it was interesting to playa joke with the little girl.

Xia Xiaoluo looked at the iPadgreedily, but she could not get it. Xia Xiaoluo jumped suddenly, butLing Tianyi cleverly avoided. But Xia Xiaoluo lost her balance, nearlyfalling off the bed. Ling Tianyi picked her up immediately and held herin his arms.

Xia Xiaoluo put her arms around Ling Tianyi’sstrong waist with her head leaning on his chest. “Darling, let me playthe iPad for a while. I have never played it before, I promise I won’tbreak it.”

After Xia Xiaoluo finished, she peeked at the doorwith gla.s.s windows, making sure that no one was outside at the moment.So she gently stood on tiptoe, kissed his chin with a little beard, andthen held his rolling throat knot, “Darling, I beg you.”

LingTianyi was so teased by Xia Xiaoluo that he could hardly controlhimself. If Xia Xiaoluo was not injured, he could even make love withher in this ward.

“Do you love me?” Ling Tianyi asked suddenly.

“Well!” Xia Xiaoluo nodded in Ling Tianyi’s arms.

“Don’tsay ‘Well’, say love me!” Ling Tianyi suddenly wanted to hear suchsweet words. Although Xia Xiaoluo couldn’t say it in broad daylight, theiPad’s attraction was too big. She was still whispering in LingTianyi’s ears, “Darling, I love you. If you let me play the iPad, I willlove you more.”

“Do you love your husband, or love the iPad in your husband’s hands?” Ling Tianyi asked with some dissatisfaction.

“Nohusband, no iPad. Of course, my husband is more important, and I lovemy husband best.” Xia Xiaoluo grabbed Ling Tianyi’s arms and shookthem. She acted like a spoiled child.

Ling Tianyi was satisfied.He took Xia Xiaoluo directly into the bed and placed the iPad in frontof her. “You can play it, but you can’t forget your husband when youplay games.”

“Darling, you are so kind. Even if I have seniledementia, I will not forget you.” Xia Xiaoluo raised her head andkissed Ling Tianyi’s lips. She gave him a quick kiss, but Ling Tianyidid not let her go. He opened her teeth and plundered between her gumswith his flexible tongue to enjoy her fragrance.

“I am still a patient! Stop!” Xia Xiaoluo pushed Ling Tianyi away.

“Then you owe me, and you should pay me back when you get better!” Ling Tianyi was helpless.

Ling Tianyi let Xia Xiaoluo go and rubbed his face with his hands to sober himself up.

“Enjoyit. I am going to take a shower!” Ling Tianyi finished and then rushedinto the bathroom. Fortunately, the supporting facilities in thisluxurious ward were perfect, so he could take a cold shower. Otherwise,he didn’t know how to suppress his strong s.e.xual desire!

XiaXiaoluo took the iPad and started playing the game immediately. Thiswas much more exciting than playing games on her mobile phone.

LingTianyi came out after taking a cold shower. Because he had no clothesto change, he only wrapped a white bath towel around his waist. Therewas water on his body, on his strong chest and his hair.

LingTianyi sat beside Xia Xiaoluo and smelled Xia Xiaoluo’s smell,“Darling, you don’t seem to take a shower these days. Let me serve youand help you take a shower!”

Xia Xiaoluo was stunned because LingTianyi was right. It seemed that when she was sent to the hospitalfrom the first day, she was simply treated and dressed in a hospitalgown. As for the two days in ICU, she has not taken a shower.Fortunately, there was an air conditioner in the hospital. She did notsweat, otherwise, she must smell bad.

“Yeah, I really want totake a shower.” Xia Xiaoluo also wanted to take a good shower, but whenshe saw Ling Tianyi staring at her, she changed her mind and said, “Iwill take a shower tomorrow! I am a little tired today.”

“I willserve you, you will not be tired.” Then regardless of Xia Xiaoluo’sagreement or disagreement, he took her out of bed and went straight tothe super luxurious bathroom.

“I can do it by myself, you can goout and have a rest!” Xia Xiaoluo wanted to drive Ling Tianyi away, butLing Tianyi was not obedient to her!

“It’s right and proper for ahusband to help his wife with a shower. I am strong, I am not tired atall and I don’t need to have a rest.”

Ling Tianyi looked at theinjuries on his little wife’s white skin, and he felt a littledistressed, “Darling, these injuries must be very painful, right?”

“It’sokay now, I will get better soon.” Xia Xiaoluo picked up a towel andheld it in front of her. She was still so embarra.s.sed to be naked infront of her husband during the daytime.

“Or, you can go outfirst! I can do it by myself. You will feel uncomfortable when you seemy black and blue body.” Xia Xiaoluo still wanted to drive Ling Tianyiaway.

Ling Tianyi stroked Xia Xiaoluo’s hair and shook his head,“You have so many injuries and they can’t get wet. You’d better notsoak in the bathtub. Let’s move the sprinkler toward an area wherethere is no injury. Don’t worry, I will be very careful.”

XiaXiaoluo had several major injuries on her body and they could never getwet. As for the other bruises, they were countless. Her whole body wascovered with injuries, Ling Tianyi took pity on her. He helped herwash carefully for fear that the injuries will be infected by thewater.

After Ling Tianyi carefully took a shower for Xia Xiaoluo, he wrapped her with a white bath towel just like him.

LingTianyi was very satisfied with their lovers’ bath towels. He liftedXia Xiaoluo in his arms, facing the huge mirror in the bathroom.“Darling, we have husband-wife looks.”

“We don’t look alike atall!” Xia Xiaoluo pouted her mouth. She thought she was much morebeautiful than Ling Tianyi. Although she had to admit that Ling Tianyiwas a handsome man, she still preferred her little face as anarcissist.

“Why don’t we look alike? Our bath towels are very similar!” Ling Tianyi showed his white teeth with a smile.

“Uh!” Xia Xiaoluo was speechless. How could the old man say such childish words?

Ling Tianyi took Xia Xiaoluo back to the bed and gently put her down.

“Darling, I missed you very much. What should I do?” Ling Tianyi tore off his bath towel.

Xia Xiaoluo covered her eyes with her hands immediately. “Stop! I’m a patient!”

“Knock, knock, knock!” Someone was knocking at the door.

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