A+A-Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Small and Complicated

Translated by Quadrum / MechanicTranslations

Lynn combined a kind of front round tip, which can be described as a multi-cell structure described by the term ‘streamlined’. This structure swims faster in the water and Lynn calls it the ‘transporter’, mainly a large number of fat cells. Return to the shieldworm’s location because it does not want to go back and wants to continue to eat some of the leafworms.

Lynn a.s.sembled ten transporters. Each transporter was composed of more than 100,000 cells. They had a small, long, long antennae to swim in the middle of their bodies. After the fat cells were packed in the hollow interior, they would Ice back.

Along with it, Lynn once again set it’s sights on a leafworm not far from the side.

These immovable foods are really great.

Lynn happily oscillated from the antennae of the Mother Ship, and when it was about to swim, it suddenly felt something was wrong and the feeling of some cells in the cortex had disappeared, but Lin did not feel pain.

It did not feel pain dead? It’s strange…

Lynn released the devourers from the Mother Ship to investigate where it felt they had disappeared. This situation was probably an attack. Lynn only knew that it should be close to the water outlet.

The carrier’s body is too large. It contains hundreds of millions of cells. The two eyeb.a.l.l.s on the front cannot fully observe the entire body. The hardening of the cortex also makes the body feel dull, although there are two specialized ones. The small tentacles used to sense the flow of water, but also like the eyes, can not take care of the whole body.

The devourer swims along the carrier’s skin behind the aircraft carrier and immediately sees the cause of the incident. The skin near the aircraft carrier’s water spout has a weird creature. The body of this thing looks like five rough flats. The combination of tentacles, which is attached to the carrier’s cortex, Lin can feel the part of the cortical cells that it is resting on.


The name did not come from Lin herself, but emerged in her thoughts. Lin felt quite suitable for this creature.

Is this starfish eating cortical cells? But why doesn’t Lynn feel hurt?

Perhaps this creature has a way to make the cells feel no pain, so as to achieve the purpose of ‘stealing’, but Lin can still feel that the cells are constantly disappearing, so it can be said that the plan of this creature has failed.

Lynn released a large number of devourers and allowed them to attack.

The ‘starfish’ is about ten times larger than a large devourer. Its surface is still soft and can move tentacles freely. This means that it has no hard sh.e.l.l and should be able to deal with it easily.

The devourers snapped on the five tentacles of the starfish and then withdrew vigorously, hoping to pull the starfish off the cortex.

The starfish is tightly affixed to the Mother Ship, no matter how hard the devourers can pull it down, and the cone cell combination in the mouth of the devourer could not scratch its skin.

The starfish’s skin looks soft and can move freely, but in fact the surface of the skin is very hard, it seems that the ‘flexibility’ feature is very powerful, and there are many spike-like small protrusions on the skin, which undoubtedly increased The devourer wants to bite it.

It’s really troublesome.

If it weren’t for Lynn’s hammer-like touch that wouldn’t reach this position, it would still be easy to knock it out.

However, Lynn is not only a devourer. The cone cells in the mouth of the original devourer are all monomeric and not combined so that

they can effectively crush other cells.

Since the round shield worms, Linda has increased the number of large devourers and is prepared to deal with other multi-celled creatures. Some phagophats have been specialized. Lynn has a.s.sembled a number of curved long patterns in their mouths. The sharpened hardened structure of the end, known as the ‘great teeth’, is much larger in the mouth of the devourer than the previous phagocytosis and is therefore not suitable for crunching the monomeric cells, but it is well suited to deal with such multicellular organisms.

Lynn let the ordinary devourer to let go, let the giant teeth devourers attack the starfish, the giant tooth devourers bite on the tentacles of the starfish, mouthful of giant canine piercing the tentacles of the starfish under the pressure of the muscles. In the middle, Lin then let the giant tooth devourers loose their mouths, and the starfish cells poured out of the wound.

Lynn let the devourers quickly pack the cells and then rushed to the starfish’s wounds, tearing the body’s exposed soft structure.

The starfish will not continue to hold on to the Mother Ship. His injured tentacles will be disconnected. Only the four-cornered will fall off from the Mother Ship‘s cortex and ride on a flow of water. Travel to the distance.

Cut off part of the body and escape? Don’t think too naive yet.

What is naive? Although the word is inexplicable, it does not affect Lin’s letting giant tooth devourers catch up with the starfish and completely tear it into pieces.

After the starfish left, Lynn also saw her own cortical area. The starfish’s original position was as if it had been bitten off, but it was a big chunk. How could he actually create this wound and make the other person feel no pain? It seems necessary to study this starfish well.

Although it was torn, key parts were preserved, so it was still possible to study. Lin found that there are a large number of small tentacles below the tentacles of the creature. The ends of these tentacles are semi-circular hollows. It seems that it is using this thing to stick to the skin of the Mother Ship. Up.

Is this a sucker? Seems to be able to produce a lot of power, so that a group of devourers can not pull it from the skin, there is research value.

The starfish has a hard sh.e.l.l under the skin and is a kind of non-cellular structure similar to the shield worm sh.e.l.l, but it is relatively soft.

But Lin is most concerned about the starfish’s mouth. It should be a hole in the center of the five tentacles. There are spurs around the hole. This is similar to the worm’s mouth, but most importantly, these bends. There was a small hole at the end of the thorn. Lynn pushed the cell into the hole and discovered that the hole was connected to a pocket like a pocket in the starfish body.

This pouch is made up of a yellow cell that secretes a liquid that, after contact with the cell, allows the cell to enter a strange state where they become inactive and lose any sense.

The starfish’s crooked teeth do not all have holes connected to the pouch, and some teeth have no holes above them. It is estimated that it is purely used to dig out the unconscious cells.

This is a very strong structure. Use a spike to poke the opponent’s skin and then inject the destructive fluid. Lynn had previously seen some cells have this ability, but how did it not think of doing a similar multicellular combination?

Although the acid injection was evolved by the cone-shaped cells, its injection port was not hard and it was not pointed. Therefore, Lin might not think of this ability.

However, Lin now understands that she can also make a similar combination.

In addition, the starfish body also has blood vessel structure, but Lynn did not find where the heart is, it may be bitten by the phagocytosis, the blood vessel itself and the internal cells have no ability to transmit water, and the starfish should have a heart.

But Lynn found a lot like the heart. They are made up of a bunch of unusual cells. The cells are long and have many tentacles on their bodies. These cells are grouped together to form a small oval. The shape of the object, and there are blood vessels that are connected to the body throughout the pipeline.

But these pipes do not send nutrients, there is nothing in them, and the central elliptical object does not perform any movement. What is this in the end?

‘Ganglion’? Lin’s thoughts popped up in her thoughts. Although she didn’t understand it yet, Lin had a feeling that it was a useless thing for it.

In addition, there are some strange combinations, such as a capsule containing a large number of round white cells, this capsule has a hollow antennae connected to the skin, as if for shooting these cells, there are some Mesh structure, a large number of small tentacles combined structure, the structure of the large hollow antennae is very complex.

Most of Lin’s structures do not know what they are doing. They did not expect the starfish to be so small, but they are more complex than the large leafworm. It is estimated that the shield worm is also a very complex creature, but unfortunately it was destroyed by the virus.

However, Lin did not care so much that she could beat them. That was the most important thing.

Lynn only learns useful knowledge. Those who do not understand do not care about it. It’s all right to eat it.

When Lin was studying the starfish, the ‘transporters’ had already transported the fat cells to the position of the shield worm and now began the resurrection work.

Lynn believes that it will not be long before it can once again evolve to the top of existence.

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