_in the Cotton MS._]

[Footnote 17: "Lancastre" _in the Cotton MS._]


Id"m maior[18] usq" Stepha.n.u.s Cornhull. A^{o}. xiij^{o}.

f"m ap"lor" Petri Rob^{t}. Rokesley.

et Pauli.

[Footnote 18: "Gregorie Rokesley p" p"te anni" _in the Cotton MS._]

[Sidenote: The fraunchise of London is sesed into the kynges hond.]

[Sidenote: Edward the kynges sone was born.]

This yere upon seynt Petyr day and Poule the fraunchise of London was sesed into the kynges hand; forasmoche as Gregory Rokesby maire yelde up the seal at Berkynge chirche, and toke it to Rauf a.s.shewy; and thanne was Rauf Sandwych mad wardeyn of the citee. And in this yere the kyng of Fraunce wente into Aragon with a gret powere. Also in this yere Edward the kynges son was borne.[19] And the kyng dwelled in Walys tyl ayens Cristema.s.se, and he held his Cristema.s.se at Bristoll.

[Footnote 19: "at Carnarvon" _in the Cotton MS._]

Rauf Sandwyche, custos, drap". Walt" Blount. A^{o}. xiiij^{mo}.

Joh"es Wade.

[Sidenote: Additamenta Glouc".]

This yere kyng Philipp of Fraunce com out of Aragon, where he loste the most part of his oost, and deyde: and Philipp his sone was crowned kyng in the feste of the Epithanie. And in this yere deyde kyng Petyr of Aragon. Also in this yere, in the feste of the Nativite of oure lady, S^{r}. Edmond Mortymer receyved the ordre of knyghthod of kyng Edward at Wynchestre. Also, this seid S^{r}. Edmond wedded Margarete the doughter of Sire William de Fowles,[20] cosyn to the quene, at London. And in this yere were mad at London, the statutes whiche ben seid additamenta Glouc".

[Footnote 20: "Fenles" _in the Cotton MS._]

John Breton, wardeyn. Thomas Cros. A^{o}. xv^{o}.

Will" Hauteyne.

[Sidenote: Alle the Jewes of Ingelond were put to a gret tribute.]

[Sidenote: To hym was rendred certeyn lond.]

[Sidenote: Grete haylstones.]

In this yere, alle the Jewes of Engelond were put to a gret tribute, to be payed to the kyng. Also this yere the kyng pa.s.sed the see into Fraunce, aboughte the Invencion of the Holy Cross; and of the kyng of Fraunce he was worthyly resceyved, and so yorned a certeyn time with the kyng of Fraunce at Parys, whiche yald up certeyn londes of Gascoigne to the kyng Edward, whiche long tyme hadde wrongfully be withholden out of his handes. Also in this yere, in the March of Walys fel the grettest hailstones that evere were seyn in that countre, whiche dede grete harme to beestes and to houses and to corn.


Rauf Sandwych, custos. Will" Hereford. A^{o}. xvj^{o}.

Thomas Staunes.

This yere seynt Thomas of Hereford was translatyd. Also, aboughte Pentecost, Rys ap Geredith began partie ayeyns the kynges pees, and werred in the kynges londes.

Id"m custos. Will"m Beteyne. A^{o}. xvij^{mo}.

John Caunterbury.

[Sidenote: A q"re whete at xvj _d._]

This yere was so gret plente of whete that men solden a quarter of whete for xvj^{d}. And in this yere was a pa.s.syng hoot sommer, and specially in hervest.

Id"m custos. Fulco de S"c"o Ed"o. A^{o}. xviij^{o}.

Salamon Langford.

This yere kyng Edward cam out of Gascoigne into Engelond upon oure lady day, the a.s.sumpcion. And in this yere S^{r}. Thomas Weylond justice, Adam of Skretton, and alle moost alle other justices were convicte of false domes yevynge, and grevously punysched; some of lesyng and forfaityng of alle there goodes, and some be redempcion of moche money.


Id"m custos. Thomas Romayn. A^{o}. xix^{o}.

Will"m Leyre.

[Sidenote: Alle the Jewes were exiled out of Engelond.]

[Sidenote: The v^{th} of ther moveable goodes.]

[Sidenote: Obiit regina Elianora.]

[Sidenote: The staple of wolles was ordeyned at Sandwych.]

In this yere alle the Jewes were exiled out of Engelond, to voyde the reaume of Engelond be Alhawen tyme, upon peyne of lesynge of there heedes or eny of them mighte be founden withinne the reaume; and for to have this graunted of the kyng don and performed, the co"es of the reaume grauntyd for to yeve the kyng the V parte of there moveable goodes. This same yere Gilbert the erle of Gloucestre wedded dame Johanne the kynges doughter. And in this yere forthwith the dukes sone of Braban wedded dame Margrete the kynges other doughter. And in this yere, on seynt Andrew even, deyde quene Elianore kyng Edward wyf. Also in this yere aroos a grete stryf betwen the V Portus and Flaundres.

Also this yere the kyng ordeyned the newe feyre and market at Sandewych, where alle the wolles of Engelond schal be brought, and there sold.

Id"m custos. Rauf Blount. Anno xx^{mo}.

Hamond Box.

In this yere Acres was wonne of the Sarasynes the xv day of Maii, and utterly destroid, and alle tho that dwelden withinne that myghte be founden were sclayn. Natheles manye escapid awey be schippes. Also quene Elianore the kynges modyr deyde. And in this yere the kyng prisoned his sone for mayntenaunce of diverses traitoures.


Id"m custos. Herry Bele. Anno xxj^{mo}.

Ely Russel, drap".

[Sidenote: mors.]

[Sidenote: mors.]

[Sidenote: mors.]

In this yere the kyng of Scotlond come to the kynges parlement to London. Also that type iij men token away too prisoners fro Baskle seriaunt of London; wherfore the ryghte handes of the same iij men weren smyten of at the Standard in Chepe. Also in this yere, iiij nonas April, deyde pope Nicholas. Also in this yere deyde S^{r}.

Robert Burnell bysshop of Bathe, and thanne chaunceler of Engelond.

Also in this yere frere John Pecche erchebysshop of Caunterbury deyde.

And in this same yere anon after Whitsonday, the justices of eyr saten at Hereford. And in this yere anon after the feste of seynt Michel, they saten at Schrowesbury.

Id"m custos.[21] Robert Rokesley the younger. A^{o}. xxij^{do}.

Martyn Ambresbury.

[Footnote 21: "Raffe Sandwich custos pro p"te anni" _in the Cotton MS._]

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