Thrive, _v. n._ RG. 11. ON. rifaz. Dan. trives

Thrivemon, _sb._ == a thrifty man. Pol. S. 159

Thriven, _adj._ == virtuous, good. Wright"s L. P. pp. 23, 26; "thriven and thro." Body and Soul, 87; "thryven in thro." Wright"s L. P. p. 26, and see p. 39

Thro, _adj._ == bold, good. See under Thriven. AS. rea

Throat, _sb._ Body and Soul, 148. AS. rote

Throatbolle, _sb._ == windpipe. Rel. S. v. 173. AS. rotbolla

Throe, _sb._ [thrawe]. Alys. 606. AS. reag

Throghe, _sb._ == pit, sepulchre. Ps. lxvii. 7; lx.x.xvii. 5. AS. ruh

Throne, _sb._ 2343 B.; [trone]. Wright"s L. P. pp. 26, 47

Throng, _sb._ Alys. 3639. AS. ringan

Through, _prep._ == on account of. [thurf]. 21 B.; [thurs]. O. and N. 821; [thurch]. O. and N. 1396

---- == by means of. [thurth]. O. and N. 1426

---- == throughout (of time). [thur?]. O. and N. 447

---- == throughout (of place). [oru]. RG. 373

---- == throughout. [oru]. RG. 367

Throughgo, _v. n._ Ps. c. 2; pret. "thurghyhode." Ps. civ. 18

Throughout, _prep._ [oru out]. RG. 416

---- _adv._ == entirely. O. and N. 877, 878; [thurfout]. 262 B.

Throw, _sb._ == a s.p.a.ce of time. RG. 261; hence "a turn." O. and N. 260.

AS. rag

Throw, _v. a._ Rel. S. i. 37; pret. "threw." K. Horn, 1108; part.

"ithrow." F. and P. 14

---- == throw from a horse. Alys. 2226; pret. "threowe." Alys. 2791

---- _v. n._ == fall from a horse. Alys. 2224

Throwing, _sb._ == unhorsing a knight. Alys. 1614

Thrughe, == a pit. See Throghe

Thrush, _sb._ [thruisse], c.o.k. 94

Thrust, _v. a._ == push out. HD. 1152

Thrustle, _sb._ == throstle, or thrush. Wright"s L. P. p. 26

Thulke, == this. RG. 373, 549; == that. RG. 412. From AS. ylc, i. e.

yllic, the like. It is not used in AS. for the dem. p.r.o.n., but occurs in La?amon in this sense

Thuman, _sb._ == yeoman. RG. 470

Thund, _adv._ == yonder. Fragm. in Warton, H. E. P. vol. i. p. 21

Thunder, _sb._ RG. 378

---- _v. n._ Ps. xvii. 14

Thundering, _sb._ RG. 414

Thursday. RG. 419, 532

Thurte, _adv._ == athwart, across, astride. HD. 10. AS. weor

Thus, _adv._ RG. 443

Thuster, _sb._ == darkness. O. and N. 198. AS. stru

Thusterness, _sb._ == darkness. O. and N. 369; [thisterness]. HD. 2191

Thuvele, _sb._ == twigs, underwood. O. and N. 278. AS. ufe

Thy, _adj._ RG. 238; [thire]. O. and N. 429

Tide, _sb._ == time. 37 . AS. tid

---- _v. n._ == happen. RG. 418. 1813 B.; [itid]. O. and N. 1254; 3 s.

pres. "tid." RG. 134

Tideful, _adj._ == opportune. Ps. x.x.xi. 6

Tiding, _sb._ == news. RG. 383, 441

Tie, _v. a._ part. "iteid." 521

Tiger, _sb._ Alys. 5227

Tike, _sb._ == dog. Pol. S. 238. ON. tik

Till, _v. n._ == reach, extend. RG. 8, 151. Fr. Sci. 246. From ON. til == to; cf. AS. "till," an end, object

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