Bidelve, _v. a._ == bury. Rel. Ant. i. 116

Bidone, _part._ == "bidun in grave." Body and Soul, 97

Bier, _sb._ 128 B.

Bieren, _sb._ == a man. Ps. cxxvi. 5; cx.x.xix. 2. AS. beorn

Biflette, _v. n._ == flow past. K. Horn, 1457

Bifluen, _v. a._ == flee from. M. Ode, 77

Big, _v. a._ == build. Ps. xxvii. 5. AS. byggen. ON. byggja

Bigabbed, _part._ == deceived. Lit. "talked over." RG. 458. AS. gabban

Bigate, _sb._ == booty. Alys. 2138

Biggand, _sb._ == a builder. Ps. cxvii. 22

Biglide, _v. n._ Wright"s L. P. p. 87

Bigrede, _v. a._ == lament. Alys. 5175. AS. graedan.

---- == call to. O. and N. 279

Bihaite, _v. a._ == behold? O. and N. 1320. AS. behawian. Or, possibly, == observe, regard. AS. hedan. Germ, behuten. See Gloss. Rem. on La?. iii.


Bihalves, _adv._ == aside. St Kath. 13

Bihede, _v. a._ == regard. O. and N. 635

Bihemmen, _v. a._ == cover, cloak. O. and N. 672

Bihepe, _part._ == heaped up. O. and N. 360

Bihete, _v. a._ == promise, pret. "bihet." RG. 381. "byheyghte." Alys.


Bihoting, _sb._ == promise. Alys. 4000

Bike, _sb._ == ca.s.sia. Ps. xliv. 9. Literally "pitch." ON. bik

Bilace, _part._ == beset. Alys. 3357

Bilaue. See Bileve

Bilaucte. See Bilou

Bilede, _v. a._ == lead about. Pol. S. 155. O. and N. 68

Bilegge, _v. a._ == a.s.sert, allege. O. and N. 672

Bileve, _v. a._ == leave. RG. 421

---- _v. n._ == remain. RG. 372, 374. [bilaue]. Alys. 3541

Biliked, _part._ == rendered likely or probable. O. and N. 840

Bilime, _v. a._ == to mutilate. RG. 471, 560

Bilimp, _v. n._ == happen. M. Ode, st. 59 AS. belimpan

Bill, _sb._ (of a bird). O. and N. 79

---- == hatchet. Pol. S. 151

Bilou, _pret._ == laughed at. RG. 328. [bylaucte]. K. Horn, 681. [by lowe], RG. 299. [by low?]. RG. 64

Bimong, _prep._ == among. Wright"s L. P. p. 35

Bind, _v. a._ Wright"s L. P. p. 45. part. "ibounde." RG. 487

Binder, _sb._ HD. 2050

Binding, _sb._ == chain. Ps. cxxiv. 5

Bink, _sb._ See Bench

Bipahte, _pret._ == deceived. Rel. S. v. 128. AS. be-paecan

Birade, _v. a._ == counsel. Alys. 3732

Birch, _sb._ == the tree. Alys. 5242

Bird, _sb._ RG. 177

Birde, _sb._ == lady. HD. 2760. A metathesis of "bride"

Birst, == bruised. Body and Soul, 86. AS. berstan.

Birth, _sb._ == nation. Ps. lxxviii. 10

Birthman, _sb._ == man of good birth. HD. 2101

Birthtime, _sb._ [burtyme]. RG. 9, 443

Birue, _v. a._ == rue, repent. Fragm. Sci. 325

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