Clod, Clot, _sb._ (of earth). Rel. S. v. 73; [clut]. O. and N. 1165

Clog, _sb._ == a sort of female ornament. Pol. S. 154

Cloister, _sb._ 2089 B

Close, _v. a._ == enclose. HD. 1310

---- == shut. RG. 566

Close, _sb._ RG. 7

Cloth, _sb._ RG. 7, 389 (523 ). == clothing. c.o.k. 29

"Clothes," pl. == garments. RG. 566. HD. 586

Clothe, _v. a._ RG. 557

Clothing, _sb._ == garment. Ps. ci. 27

Cloud, _sb._ HD. 207. 1415 B.

Clout, _sb._ Alys. 4459

Clowe, _sb._ == clew, small ball. O. and N. 178. AS. cliwe

Club, _sb._ HD. 1927

Clude, _sb._ == rock, hill. O. and N. 999. AS. clud

Clupe, _sb._ See Clipie

Clutch, _sb._ == claw. Body and Soul, 183

---- _v. n._ Rel. Ant. ii. p 211

Coal, _sb._ Ps. xvii. 9

Coalblack, _adj._ O. and N. 75

Coat, _sb._ HD. 1141

Cocle, _sb._ == war. Ps. cxliii. 1. See c.o.c.k. _vb._

c.o.c.k, _sb._ (animal). 1090 B.

c.o.c.k, _sb._ == c.o.c.kboat? HD. 873

c.o.c.k, _v. n._ == cut? Pol. S. 153; or contend? Cf. Cocle, ubi sup. AS.

cocor, a sword

Cod, _sb._ == codpiece, or s.c.r.o.t.u.m? O. and N. 1122

Coffer, _sb._ 1925 B.

Cog, _sb._ ? O. and N. 86

Coinoun, _sb._ == robber. Alys. 1718. [konioun]. Ib. 7748

c.o.kedrill, _sb._ See Crocodile

Cold, _adj._ RG. 1. Wright"s L. P. p. 24

---- == cruel. RG. 131

Cold, _sb._ HD. 416

Colfer, _sb._ == dove. RG. 190. AS. culfre

Collar, _sb._ == neck. RG. 223

Collation, _sb._ == feast. c.o.k. 143

Colle, _sb._ == collar. Pol. S. 157

Colmie, _adj._ for "collie." == black, coaly. K. Horn, 1114

Colour, _sb._ == hue. RG. 24

---- == pretext. RG. 313

Colt, _sb._ Alys. 684. AS. colt

Columbine, _sb._ (the flower). Wright"s L. P. p. 26. The "aquilegia vulgaris" of botanists

Comb, _sb._ [kambe]. == honeycomb. Ps. xviii. 11

Come, _v. n._ pret. "come." RG. 367. part. "" Ritson"s AS. iv. 1

---- == become, suit. Leg. of St Cuthbert cited in Warton, H. E. P. vol.

i. p. 14, n.

Come, _sb._ == coming. Creed of St Athan. 79

Comely, _adj._ Alys. 6055

Comet, _sb._ RG. 416, 548

Comfort, _v. a._ RG. 139

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