Pilkoc, _sb._ == the p.e.n.i.s. Rel. Ant. ii. 211

Pill, _v. a._ == rob. Pol. S. 150. Fr. piller

Pillar, _sb._ Alys. 6242. Fr. pilier. Lat. pila

Pillory, _sb._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176

Piment, _sb._ == a kind of wine. HD. 1728. Alys. 4178. See the recipe for making it in Halliwell, _s. v._

Pin, _sb._ == pinnacle. c.o.k. 57

---- == pin (in the modern sense). Alys. 6146

Pinch, _v. n._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176

Pine, _sb._ == pain. RG 326

---- _v. a._ == make to pine. Ps. x.x.xvi. 28. part. "ypyned." RG. 449

Pink, _v. n._ == p.r.i.c.k or stab. Pol. S. 156. AS. pyngan

Pinnuc, _sb._ == hedge-sparrow. O. and N. 1128. See Wright"s Vocabularies, p. 177, where "lirifa" is translated "pynok"

Pinse, _v. a._ == pinch, torture, part. "ipinsed." Fall and P. 89. Dut.

pinssen. Fr. pincer

Pipe, _sb._ == musical instrument. Alys. 7769. AS. pip

---- _v. n._ Alys. 1012. Pol. S. 216

Pirate, _sb._ == a kind of ship. Alys. 6182

Pircle, _v. n._ == s...o...b..r at the mouth. Rel. Ant. ii. 211

Pirope, _sb._ == a precious stone. Alys. 5682. Gr. p???p??

p.i.s.s, _v. n._ Rel. Ant. ii. 211

Pit, _sb._ RG. 409, 540; [pett]. Alys. 5764

Pitch, _sb._ RG. 410; [peys]. Alys. 1620; [pays]. Alys. 1630

---- _v. a._ == smear with pitch. HD. 707. part. "ipiched" 94

Pitch, _v. a._ == fix. pret. "pight." RG. 51, 29. part. "ypi?t." RG. 48

Piteous, _adj._ RG. 491, 548

Piteously, _adv._ RG. 449, 508

Pitfall, _sb._ Pol. S. 193

Pith, _sb._ [pid]. Body and Soul, 38. AS. pia

Pity, _sb._ == pitiful state. Alys. 7269. RG. 532, 537

Place, _sb._ RG. 6, 14, 397

Plaice, _sb._ == the fish. HD. 896

Plaid, Plait, _sb._ == pleading. O. and N. 1735, 5

Plain, _sb._ RG. 7

Plain, _v. n._ == complain. RG. 533

Plaining, _sb._ RG. 473

Plaint, _sb._ Alys. 7488. HD. 2961

Planet, _sb._ RG. 112

Plant, _v. a._ Ps. lxxix. 10

Plaster, _sb._ == remedy, "plaster of penance." Wright"s L. P. p. 89

Plate, _adj._ == flat. Alys. 2001. Fr. plat. Germ. platt

Plate, _sb._ == a piece of silver. Rel. Ant. i. 144. Span. plata

Plattinde, _part._ == journeying. See Plette and Strike

Play, _sb._ RG. 272; [ple]. RG. 266; [plawe]. RG. 291. AS. plega

---- _v. n._ [plawe]. Wright"s L. P. p. 45; pret. "pleide." RG. 507

---- _v. a._--"to play hands" == clap hands. Ps. xcvii. 8

Playing, _sb._ Wright"s L. P. p. 88

Plea, _sb._ RG 471, 473

Plead, _v. n._ Pol. S. 159

Pleading, _sb._ RG. 471, 473

Plenar, _adj._ == full. 1537 B.

Plenarly, _adv._ 1538 B.

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